The Bachelor Weekend Deal Pt. 02

A gay story: The Bachelor Weekend Deal Pt. 02 It had been nearly dawn when we finally parted ways to our own rooms in the beachhouse, and I fell face first on my bed after unbuckling and tossing aside that damn harness. The skin under my arms tingled as the pressure released, and the relief … Read more

Boys Holiday Takes a Turn Pt. 03

A gay story: Boys Holiday Takes a Turn Pt. 03 As is usually the case with boys holidays, the flight home was a lot less eventful than the flight out. Most of us were sat separately next to strangers, which wasn’t an issue because all of us planned on sleeping or watching films. I chose … Read more

The Traveler on Grindr

A gay story: The Traveler on Grindr This is a completely fictional story. The Traveler on Grindr Ch 1: Arrive Two Hours Early If you name you child Flower, you can’t really have high hopes you are setting her up for great achievements. You’re basically telling her from day one to float about and see … Read more