An Unexpected Submissive


A gay story: An Unexpected Submissive This story contains a consensual sexual relationship between two adult men that consists of a slow build romance, and BDSM (including bondage, dominance and submission, whips, and various sexual encounters). Not all chapters will be sexually focused, but many will. If you are uncomfortable with any of these elements, please pass on this story rather than placing yourself in an uncomfortable situation and/or rating it unfairly. Thank you!

Chapter 1: The Contract

I turned slightly, taking one last look in the mirror before heading down the stairs. I rarely put much thought into my appearance these days, which shouldn’t be mistaken for lack of care. I simply knew what I had to offer. My wardrobe consisted of precisely two types of attire, leather bondage gear and the casual t-shirts and athletic pants I wore when I wasn’t in my leathers. As the owner of a popular BDSM club, nearly all of my time was accounted for, and I rarely found the occasion or need to wear anything else. While I wasn’t someone that would likely be described as shockingly handsome, I was attractive enough. At precisely six feet tall with a muscular, athletic build that I cultivated primarily with diet as I had little time to work out, I was comfortable in, or out of, nearly any attire. My skin was pale and my glossy, straight black hair hung just below my shoulders. I often tied it up haphazardly by the end of the day, but for a lunch meeting it was still loose. It had been several years since I’d taken the type of meeting that was on my schedule this afternoon, and I’d had to rummage through the back of my closet to find the pair of tight black jeans and casual V-neck cashmere shirt. I wasn’t thrilled with the slight darkness that pooled just beneath my pale green eyes, but it had been a later than normal night at the club, and I’d only managed to climb into bed around six this morning.

I was astounded by the physique of the man that I found settled in one of the plush wingback chairs in my office. I’d been doing this for nearly twenty years now, and I’d seen every gender and body type imaginable engaging in, in truth, more activities than I’d care to have seen. While I tried my best not to stereotype, it was still certainly unexpected for a man that looked like he’d stepped off the cover of a men’s health magazine to come in asking to train as my submissive. He was perhaps 6’1 and 230 lbs., composed of nothing but pure muscle. While he was in his late twenties or early thirties, his skin was smooth, clear, and lightly tanned. He was neatly dressed in slim fit grey chinos and a dark burgundy long sleeve tee shirt that served to highlight his broad shoulders, firm chest, and wavy blond hair. Though his hair was relatively short, it looked as though he’d just come in from a day at the beach and given up trying to tame it. The contrast between its wildness and his neatly put together clothing and posture was stunning. His most extraordinary feature however was his eyes; a blue so pale they were almost silver.

He’d shaken my hand firmly as I’d entered the room, and politely accepted my offer of tea. He sat silently as I carefully prepared it, watching him from the corner of my eye. He looked inquisitively around the room, seeming a bit nervous, but trying his best to keep his composure. I liked him. I’ve had plenty of partners in my life; always taking subs by short-term training contract only. I’d spent no more than six months with any one of them while avoiding any personal, emotional, or sexual relationships outside of that dynamic. After so many years of sexual and emotional training, I was stunned by the way my body was responding to the idea of training him.

I handed him a cup and settled into the opposite chair with a gentle smile. “So, how is it that you come to me today?”

He smiled nervously. God he was handsome. I honestly couldn’t remember the last man I’d encountered that could have held their own against him in the looks department despite the fact I spent most of my time around attractive and nearly undressed people. Having owned the club for a decade now, I’ve become largely immune to the effects of naked and attractive men unless I’m of the mind allow myself to be affected.

“In truth, I don’t know that I have an answer for you that is as clear as it should be.”

I liked that answer and smiled, encouraging him to continue.

“I’ve spent a lot of time in relationships that haven’t worked, both in and out of the bedroom. People see me, and they assume I’m this big tough guy and in truth that’s just not what I enjoy. The most recent relationship I was in, the guy was into a lot of kink, I just didn’t know it at first. Even though we didn’t really connect on a personal level and the relationship only lasted a couple of months, the idea of being his sub was intriguing to me. We only toyed around with it a bit, but when we broke up, I spent a lot of time reexamining what I really want for myself. I mean when you first realize you might be into BDSM it’s a little shocking.” He smiled broadly as he continued “but it just sort of seems to fit what I’ve always been looking for.”

He had calmed down and he sipped his tea slowly before continuing. “I’ve spent more than a year tentatively going to clubs and researching online, things like that. While I really do feel that the definition of submissive appeals to me, I don’t want to just hope to meet someone that says they know what they’re doing only to have them screw up the whole experience for me. I’d like to know what I want and what I expect before I go trying to find the right person to partner with, so I decided I should look for a trainer. I’ve been to your club a bunch over the past few months and a few people have mentioned that you’re between subs right now, that while it’s been a few years you occasionally take trainees, and that I might be your type.”

He blushed slightly and looked down into his tea for a moment as he mentioned that I might find him attractive. Fucking adorable. I had never hoped for someone to agree to contract with me so much during a first meeting.

I finished my tea, set down my cup, and smiled kindly. “All of those things are indeed true. I do take trainees on occasion, I am between contracts and the moment, and…” I looked him up and down slowly and deliberately, “you are most certainly my type. Additionally, that was one of the most complete and thought-out answers I’ve ever heard to that question.”

He smiled brilliantly. It was truly blinding.

“That said,” I continued seriously, “most people that find themselves in that seat don’t always know what they’re asking for, so I’d like to start out by explaining a few things.”

His eyes grew serious, and he leaned slightly forward as he nodded.

“First, kink is something that is unique to each person. While there are some generally accepted definitions for various types of play, everyone decides what does and does not work specifically for them. Within the BDSM community, there is a difference between dominance and submission and sadism and masochism although there is often an overlap. S&M incorporates an element of pain. Typically, it is connected to sexual gratification, though not always. Personally, I consider myself to be a minor to moderate sadist. I enjoy exposing my partner to some bondage, some level of pain, often utilizing whips and spanking, and slightly uncomfortable penetration.”

He blushed, but his gaze held mine. He was genuinely perfect.

“That said, I only enjoy inflicting pain when it is combined with pleasure and I don’t enjoy activities that might cause bruising, draw blood, or would simply cause pain for the sake of pain. My ideal sub is certainly somewhat masochistic, but not to the point they require pain to enjoy themselves as that’s certainly not primarily what I offer or enjoy. If you prefer to engage in play with no pain at all, or higher levels of pain than I am comfortable offering, I am likely not the dominant for you.”

He simply nodded and waited for me to continue.

“Dominance and submission is often a part of the relationship for sadomasochistic pairs, but many dom/sub partnerships don’t bring pain into their dynamic. At its core, dominance and submission is about power, connection, intimacy, and freedom. Engaging with someone else in an intimate way with a clearly defined power dynamic can be an incredibly liberating experience for both partners. While it often includes a strong sexual element, that’s not the case for every pair. It is however, a large component of my contract and I do expect my subs to engage in any number of sexual acts. All of which should be enjoyed by both parties. After all, if you’re a sub in training, the goal is to use the contracted time to safely learn what you do and do not enjoy, and you have to experience something to make that decision.

There is often more to these sexual relationships than most people consider. For most, a sexual act is something they think about on a purely physical level. In a dom/sub relationship, often multiple levels are explored. For example, if we think about penetration,” I stood and closed the few steps between our chairs slowly, “There are many ways I can penetrate you, but I image you’re only considering two or three.”

He looked nervous but nodded as I continued, “You’re probably thinking about your mouth and your ass.”

I moved closer, resting my hands on the arms of the chair and holding his gaze as I moved my eyes mere inches from his. “But I can penetrate your mind with my words.” I paused to let it sink in, gratified when a shiver ran through him. “And your soul with my eyes.” I held my place until he shivered once more before I smiled softly and moved back to my chair. “Ultimately, this experience is about learning to connect, and to let go.”

“S&M can also mean there is a Slave / Master dynamic at play. While this is quite popular within the lifestyle, I’ve found it’s not for me. I prefer to have a submissive that still has a mind and preferences of their own to the extent that’s allowed within our power dynamic. A slave is too passive for me.”

He continued to nod professionally and listen intently as I laid out precisely what I offered when I contracted with a sub, wrapping up the conversation perhaps fifteen minutes later.

“In truth, I’d like to finish here and ask you to think for a few days about what it is you truly want and whether you feel you’d be a good fit for me before we discuss much else. If you do decide you’d like to proceed, the first step will be for you to read through my standard contract. It’s long and extremely detailed for both of our protections. We’d then meet and go through said contract line by line to make any adjustments or omissions we feel are appropriate and see if we can hammer out an agreement that works for us both. Do you have any questions for me at this time?”

He thought for a long moment before shaking his head. “I don’t think so. This has been very detailed and informative and either way, I appreciate your taking the time to speak with me and explain precisely what you offer.”

I sighed internally as I stood to shake his hand and escort him to the door. Pity he seemed unsure. He was the most attractive thing I’d seen in years.

Three days passed before he requested a contract be messengered to him, and I appreciated the fact that he’d taken the time to truly consider what he was getting into before making the decision to proceed. Four days after the contract had been sent, I sat at the dining table waiting for him to arrive. I slipped another piece of melon into my mouth and glanced up as the door opened.

“You should know that if you contract with me, I don’t tolerate tardiness.”

He cringed softly as he settled into the opposite chair and placed his napkin on his lap.

“Understood.” He said simply as he placed the folder he’d been carrying on the table to the side of his plate.

I nodded and speared another melon “I wasn’t sure what you liked yet, so I hope lunch is acceptable.”

His smile was a bit tense. “I’m sure it will be.”

“Do you have any food allergies?”

“Mollusks.” He said simply as he pushed his melon around slightly.

I picked up my pen and made a notation on the pad that rest beside my plate and raised an eyebrow in his direction. “Shellfish?”

He shook his head. “No, just mollusks.”

“Any other allergies? Medications, latex, anything like that?”

He laughed softly. “You planning to murder me?”

I couldn’t help but laugh a bit at his response. “I ask because I’ll refrain from contact with any allergens during our time together.”

His smile was truly gorgeous. I’d forgotten just how strongly he affected me. “That’s thoughtful of you.”

I smiled in return and continued. “Some allergies are quite severe, so it wouldn’t do for me to accidentally be a source of contact. Any other dietary restrictions? Vegetarian, no fish, anything you simply don’t care for?”


I raised an eyebrow in his direction, and he laughed. “I don’t know why.”

I chuckled as I made a note. “We all have things like that I think.”

It was his turn to raise an eyebrow. “You?”


He laughed once more. “Seriously?”

I offered his answer in return. “I don’t know why.”

He grinned as I continued. “I like tomatoes, salsa, pasta sauce. But ketchup creeps me out.”

He laughed as he finally relaxed a bit.

I pointed to the folder he’d set on the table. “Contract?”

He simply nodded as he finished his melon.

I opened the folder and was pleasantly surprised to find the first page contained both highlighted sections and margin notations. Someone who did their homework. I liked that.

“I typically like my subs to live in my home. It’s large enough that you’d have your own bedroom, bathroom, and office space, but I’ve found it’s simply easier than having to coordinate schedules and drive time given that we both have jobs to attend to. If you have an odd work schedule or eight dogs or something that makes that request unreasonable it is certainly open to negotiation.”

He nodded. “That’s written in the contract, and I have no obligations that would prevent me from agreeing to that arrangement as long as I do have a quiet office space of my own from which to work during the day.”

I couldn’t help but grin yet again. “Perfect”

My assistant Jake came in and removed our plates, replacing them with chicken, potatoes, and green beans as I continued. “Some dominants are quite controlling over what their subs eat and wear and do at all times. I tend to find that too restrictive for both of us and have no general requirements from you regarding such items. That said, I do request that you take meals with me whenever possible. If you have specific items that you prefer, preferred mealtimes, etc. please make a list of requests and we’ll work together to accommodate as many as possible within reason.”

He nodded seriously as he cut a small piece of chicken. “Sounds fair.”

He had proper table manners even at this informal meal between the two of us. He utilized his knife instead of the side of his fork to cut as many do these days. He also placed the food into his mouth with his fork upside down, something typically only taught to children of upper-class families. I found myself wondering what his family and childhood had been like that a man like this found himself sitting across from me negotiating a contract to become my sexual submissive.

“During our time together, we will use a stoplight safety system. This is the most important way we will communicate.” I lowered my utensils to let my gaze hold his as I continued so that he would understand the seriousness and importance of this section. “Everyone has their own unique boundaries, and it’s important that we respect one another at all times. Safe words can be used in any scenario, not just during sexual acts. From time to time, I will verbally check in with you. If you are comfortable and enjoying yourself then you will use the phrase green to indicate that. Understood?”

He smiled softly. “Green.”

I grinned and nodded as I continued. “Good. Yellow is a warning. You may offer it in response to my inquiries or at any time of your own volition. It means you are uncomfortable yet accepting of whatever is occurring, but that you may be nearing a boundary and we need to proceed cautiously.”

He’d stopped eating as well and he nodded once in understanding.

“Red is stop. Not in a moment, not when whatever is occurring ends. Instantly. A boundary has been reached or crossed and we need to stop and back up. Again. This can be in sexual situations, social situations, or emotional situations.”

Our eyes held firm as he nodded once more. His wore a combination of nervousness, understanding, and acceptance.

“These safe words are not one sided. While I will rarely use them, there are occasions I have felt the need in the past. While our power dynamic places me in the position of simply telling you to stop if I wish, I feel it’s important that our respect for one another goes both directions and if I use red to express a hard boundary, I ‘d like you to recognize and understand that my stopping wasn’t an arbitrary command.”

He looked surprised. “Have you had to do that before?”

I smiled kindly and sipped my water. “On several occasions. We all have things we’re simply uncomfortable with.”

He nodded thoughtfully as I went on. “We will also use the safe word “white” to indicate the need to step away from our sub/dom dynamic is requested or required. While it doesn’t happen often, there may be instances that arise in which it is important that we have a fully engaged and transparent conversation the way we are now as complete equals with no power dynamic in play. For example, I once had a sub who lost their romantic partner during our contract period, and it was necessary on and off for a few months for us to interact as friends and supportive companions rather than as sub and dom. Additionally, it can be very helpful if at any point contract terms need to be renegotiated for some reason, which does happen on occasion.”

His smile was soft and kind. “The level of thought you put into this is impressive.”

I was shocked at the way I was drawn to him. I put my emotional response aside and continued professionally. “Ultimately this experience should be a positive one for each of us. While there will exist a large sexual component, at its root, this is about personal growth. It’s about taking the time to experience new things, to accept new things, to figure out what you like, and to decide where your personal boundaries are both physically and emotionally. And, it’s about learning to apply what is learned about oneself to all aspects of life. What do you want from personal relationships, from professional relationships, from your relationship with yourself? And what can you do to make sure your life and actions align with those desires. Without openness, transparency, and trust between us, that can’t happen.”

He leaned back and laughed softly, a sound that slid along my spine like gentle fingertips, eliciting a shive I hoped he hadn’t noticed. “I feel like I’m hiring a sexy life coach rather than a dominant.”

I smiled kindly. “I’ve learned something important about myself from each of my subs. Each person we bring intimately into our lives shapes us, and I love that.”

Our gaze held a long time before I broke it and went back to eating “Questions about safe words or anything we’ve covered thus far?”

He shook his head briefly.

We continued that way for nearly an hour as we slowly ate and ran through specific sexual acts, romantic acts, emotional limits, and thoughts about preferred aftercare. He vetoed very few items, stating that with the safe words in place he was open to trying most things on my list with an open mind as he always had a way to stop if he chose at any point. I was more than pleased at both his openness and the way he logically considered his decisions.

Our meal had been finished for quite some time before we’d finalized the details of the contract. As we turned to the last page, I smiled softly at him. “One more item.”

I made my way to the door, opened it briefly and instructed Jake to bring dessert in shortly before moving to stand beside the chair I had occupied for the better part of two hours and pulling my shirt over my head.

He appeared taken aback as I draped it neatly over the back of my chair and unbuckled my belt. His voice was tight as if he fought to keep it under control as he spoke. “What exactly is happening?”

I smiled as I pulled down my pants and briefs. “There is a significant sexual element to this relationship. If you find me unattractive, its unlikely to be a good experience for you.”

I stepped to the side of the table, moving a bit closer to him and spreading my arms out to my sides. “It’s more than fair that you make this decision based on all of the facts before signing the next six months of your life over to me”.

He sat frozen.

“Please.” I encouraged. “You’re welcome to touch. To examine. Anything that you feel would be helpful or important to your decision.”

He stood slowly, his silver eyes pale and transparent. I felt myself hardening and didn’t attempt to pull myself under control. He stepped close and trailed his fingertips along my stomach tenderly. I shivered at his touch as gooseflesh rose. God I wanted him. I was astonished at the intensity of the lust that rushed through me.

He stepped closer still. His lips brushed mine and I whimpered quietly.

He wore a strange smile as he backed away slowly and looked me up and down deliberately.

“Should I offer you the same opportunity?” His eyebrow raised suggestively.

I shivered and smiled. “Not necessary. I think it’s quite clear that I find you more than attractive.” I glanced down at my hardened state with a grin.

“Besides. I’m professional enough that as long as I don’t find you repellant, I can do my job well and you’d never know the difference.”

His grin widened. “Well. It’s good to know that I’m not repellant.”

I let my eyes flash seriously into his for a moment. “You are the most attractive man I’ve met in I don’t know how long. I fear a part of me is accepting this contract for selfish reasons.” I smirked, “One guess which part.”

He stepped close and took my jaw in his hand, his lips crushing mine.

I moaned and allowed him to possess me for only a moment before I pulled away. “I never enter a contract with someone I’ve been intimate with. While I’d happily bend over this table for you right now,” He blushed and his eyes registered shock at my comment. “I’m afraid that would prevent us from contracting together.”

He stepped back and settled into his chair with a smile. “I certainly don’t want that.”

I took a deep breath to steady myself as I reached for my pants, pulling them up just as Jake brought desert and set it on the table in front of us. I ignored his presence and finished dressing before settling back at the table. Alexander raised an eyebrow in question.

“He’s been with me for nearly a decade. He’s walked in on far worse many times. Is there any particular start date you have in mind? I’ll arrange for movers to bring any personal items you’d like of course; you’ll just need to be there to direct them.”

“I could move in next weekend if that’s acceptable.”

I smiled and nodded as I picked up my pen. The contract was littered with circled items, crossed out words, and notations, but it was finished. “Shall we?”

He blushed and grinned as I signed my name with a flourish before passing him the pen.

His signature was strong, clean, and simple. Just like him.


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