A gay story: Between the Bars Pt. 03 Chapter 11
The motion-sensor lights on the house had flicked on when I drove up and headed down the driveway to the big barn in back. Daniel looked puzzled when I jumped out and threw open the big double doors, but then he caught on and climbed into the driver’s seat and pulled in. I closed the doors behind us, locking the Passport in the barn and motioned Daniel to the house. The ice pelted us and thick black clouds choked the sky. He shivered in the wind with the rain running over his shaved head and down his neck, clutching his bag, following me up the old-fashioned cement sidewalk past the old hand-pump for the well, and my grandma’s flowerbeds that were now empty and full of brown weeds, to the back porch where I used to play. The two-story farmhouse was old, but solid. It had weathered storms a lot worse than this one.
I unlocked the back door and let him into the dark house. He rubbed his arms and looked around in dismay at the cold, gloomy kitchen.
“Hang on a minute. I gotta go flip the breakers.”
Without meaning to, I brushed a kiss over his cheek before I headed back outside to lift the doors into the root cellar. I pushed the buttons on the old-timey glass circuit breakers, the familiar smell of must and the dirt floor pungent in my nostrils. Why did I kiss him? That was so stupid. My stomach lurched when I thought about what he must be thinking right now.
Okay. Knock it off. I took a deep breath and grabbed a jar of golden home-canned peaches from the shelves against the wall. They were from last summer, but they would still be fine. They’d be good with whatever canned food we could scrounge from the cabinets, probably jars of tamales or corned beef hash.
The sleet was coming down even harder when I ran back up the wooden stairs and slid the bar back in place over the doors when they slammed shut. Small, hard pellets of snow mixed with the frozen raindrops. I eyed the glaze of ice forming over the bare-limbed trees. This was going to be a bad one. We were lucky to get here when we did, before the roads got too treacherous. Nobody could’ve followed us all the way here.
I repeated that firmly to myself and shut down on that line of thinking. Safe here. A breather, time to think. The screen door clattered shut behind me and I shivered in the kitchen, shaking the icy rain from my hair. Daniel was on the other side of the room, kneeling in front of the old iron stove. He’d found the shovel and ash bucket and was clearing out the stove’s belly, scooping out the ash to start a fire. Kindling and old newspaper were in a basket next to the stove, just like they’d been for as long as I could remember. With the lights on, things looked a lot more cheerful, totally normal and reassuring.
“It’s a good stove,” Daniel said as I set the peaches on the counter and got out the jar of instant coffee above the sink.
“Yeah. It really keeps the room warm.” I smiled faintly at the two rockers on either side of the stove. I could almost see my grandparents sitting there rocking. They’d like Daniel. “Well, we have electricity for now, but if the ice keeps building on the power lines it could go down. We don’t have any gas, though; we keep it shut off when nobody’s here so that means no stove and no furnace. The water heater’s electric so when the tank has time to heat, we’ll have enough hot water for a bath.” I put water into two mugs and popped them in the microwave. “There’s plenty of wood on the side porch and a fireplace in the living room, so even if the power does go off, we’ll be fine. Can you take care of lighting that fire?” I asked his back.
“I think so.” He was tearing the newspaper in strips in the proper way, so I was satisfied he knew what he was doing.
“Okay. I’ll go get us some warm clothes.”
My old room upstairs was freezing. I stayed only long enough to get enough long johns, flannel shirts and wool socks for both of us out of the closet and dresser. Yep, definitely sleeping downstairs. My grandparents’ room was close enough to the fireplace that we wouldn’t freeze. I planned on making sure we both stayed very, very warm tonight even if we had to use body heat.
Back in the kitchen, he had a small fire going in the stove. “Where did you say the wood was?” he asked. He looked so sexy sitting back on his heels, a smudge of soot across his chin. The kindling blazed, but I knew he still had to be chilled to the bone, especially with all his hair gone. I’d never been attracted to bald men, but he made the shaved look sexy, all sleek and feral.
“Side porch, right out that door. Put these on first, before you freeze,” I ordered, dumping the clothes at his side.
No argument from him. Gratefully, he stripped and reached for the long underwear. His bare chest prickled from the cold, the nipples standing out in hard nubs. His lean belly flexed as he raised his arms to pull the shirt over his head and I was mesmerized by the silky line of hair under his navel that disappeared into the waistband of the khakis he’d borrowed from me, now crumpled and smudged. The long underwear shirt fell into place covering his hips, and then he shed the pants, stepping out of them when the fell to his ankles. When he bent to hike up the long johns, I caught a glimpse of his luscious pale ass, and then the outline of his cock lolling against his thigh and his balls weighing down the thin waffle knit. He smirked at me when I realized he’d caught me staring – again – but I just blushed a little and grinned, shrugging. Who could blame me for looking?
“Ahhh warmth,” he breathed in relief as he pulled on the thick red-and-black plaid flannel shirt I’d brought down and buttoned it up the front. “I’ve been cold so long I almost forgot what warm is like.”
I’ll show you. I almost said it, but now wasn’t the time to perv on him, not after what he’d just been through. My libido was making a comeback, but his might not be. He had a lot on his mind and it would probably be best if I just backed off for now and saw what happened later. Watching him kick off his boots and pull the wool socks on, seeing his shaved head bent reminded me of the pellets of sleet abusing it and trickling down his bare neck and I thought of something.
“Wait a minute.” I headed to the closet in the cold living room where all the cold weather gear, coats and boots and mittens and so forth, were all kept. “Here. Most body heat is lost through the head you know.” Back in the kitchen, I put a wool stocking cap on Daniel’s bare head and pulled it down to the tops of his ears. My fingertips brushed his scalp and he sucked in a sharp breath, closing his eyes on a shudder. “Sorry, are my hands cold?”
“Umm, yeah. Kind of.” He shivered again and smiled at me. “Thanks, Ry.”
“No problem.” I was glad to do it, glad to make him a little more comfortable, even if I didn’t like to think too much about the warm feeling that spread through me when he gave me a gorgeous blue-eyed grateful smile. While Daniel brought in wood from the enclosed side porch, I used the microwave to make instant coffee and heat up some canned chili. I also filled the big enamel stockpot with water and put it on the stove while Daniel built the fire up.
“What’s that for?”
“I dunno.” I shrugged. “My grandma always had a pot of water on the stove in case we needed it.”
“Probably a good idea.” He crossed his legs under him on the floor next to the stove. “So you grew up here, huh? I never would’ve guessed you for a farm boy.”
“Yup. All my life till I went off to college.” Flipping on the weather radio, I reached down a bottle of Bailey’s from a cabinet and poured it into the mugs with the coffee. “Fed chickens, drove a tractor, the whole deal.”
Handing him the mug, I went over and picked up the phone, which was probably one of the last of its kind with the big receiver and small, square keypad on the base, mounted to the wall with a long, stretched-out spiral cord. I heard a dial tone so I punched in the familiar number quickly before the lines went down. The ice was pounding against the windows and I could see it getting worse outside. The weather radio droned a severe winter storm warning.
“Charlotte. It’s Ry. Yeah, we just drove up right as the roads started to ice. No, I parked in the barn.” I rolled my eyes and then held the phone away from it slightly as the voice on the other end hollered. “Yes, we. No Char, we broke up months ago. This is someone else.” I glanced at Daniel who was listening to every word with an amused expression and I edged into the pantry and lowered my voice. “Yes, he’s very nice and fucking gorgeous. Just met him actually… I know.” I smirked. You’re such a tramp, she’d told me.
“I don’t know how long we’re staying, I guess until the weather lets us leave. We’ve got firewood and plenty of blankets and kerosene for the lamps and plenty of candles if the power goes down, so we’ll be fine. Oh yeah?….Sure, that’d be great, but…” I dropped down to a whisper. “Tell him not to come too early, and knock before he comes in, okay?”
After stifling laughter, I hung up the phone and strolled over to the stove to sit down in my grandma’s rocker with my Bailey’s and two bowls of chili. Daniel took one and started eating, probably just realizing, as I did, that we hadn’t eaten since early this morning. Even from a can, it tasted pretty damn good.
“That was my Aunt Charlotte. She lives across that field behind us.” My aunt, but only six years older than more and me like my big sister. We pretty much grew up together right here in this kitchen. “She keeps an eye on things while I’m gone. She said the interstates are closing, and the county’s already decided it will be too dangerous for the salt trucks tomorrow, so we might be here until the next day. In the morning, she’s going to send her husband Paul over here on the 4-wheeler to bring us some more firewood and stuff.” And to spy, I’m sure.
Daniel stared at me with such a puzzled expression, I asked him what was wrong. “What’s a salt truck?” he asked.
That made me laugh. I poured more Bailey’s into what remained of our coffee while I explained about the county road maintenance crew of two snowplows and two trucks that spread rock salt on the pavement to melt the ice. In all his travels around the world, he’d never seen such a thing. He grew up in Florida and he’d been a lot of different places but most of them were hot like the Persian Gulf. As soon as he said that word, he clamped his mouth shut and looked away, and I didn’t pry. Instead, I went and opened the peaches. The weather radio was a lulling background hum, taking me back to mornings before the bus came and my grandpa reading the paper in his rocker while my grandma clattered at the counter.
“Here. You’ll like these. My grandma canned them.”
He took the bowl, looking up at me from the floor where he still sat, his sock feet curled under him. God, he was adorable. “So how long have your grandparents been gone?”
“Let’s see, about four years.”
“They both died at the same time? That’s awful, I’m so sorry.”
“Died?” I repeated blankly. Then I burst into laughter while Daniel stared at me in startled bafflement. “They’re not dead, Daniel, they just retired and moved to Sarasota.”
“Oh… that’s good, then.” He grinned and poked the yellow-orange fruit in his bowl with the spoon. “So that means the peaches aren’t four years old, right?”
We both laughed some more, our giggles fueled by Bailey’s on an empty stomach, and Daniel was so fucking cute in that wooly hat, I had to sink down to the floor next to him and kiss him. He tasted like sweet, peachy summer sunshine and I dipped my tongue into his mouth and drank him down like cool water from a well.
“My hands are warm now.” I slipped them behind his neck and rubbed the slight stubble that was starting to grow out. He shuddered again, shivered hard and caught his pouty bottom lip between his teeth, and I felt his body stiffen and then quiver against mine while I watched in fascination.
“They weren’t cold earlier,” he admitted with a coy smile that snaked straight into my cock. “It’s just that… well, since I shaved my head any little touch feels very intense. I discovered it in the shower last night. If I’d known it was this erotic I would’ve done it a long time ago.”
My breath caught and I shivered myself at the thought of a casual touch like brushing his scalp being such a powerful turn-on for him. An innocent touch on the back of the head could even happen in public, nobody would think anything of it and anyone could be watching and not know that his dick was getting hard, bulging against the unforgiving denim of his jeans…
Getting to my knees next to him, I pulled off the hat and drew his head forward so that his forehead was resting lightly against my chest. I slowly ran my hand up his neck and over his head, letting my palm stroke the silky stubble and the roundness of his smooth warm scalp, circling it while he shivered in a spasm of pleasure. My cock ached at the warmth of his breath coming in short little puffs through my shirt, his fingers coming up to cling to my hips.
“I miss your hair,” I said. “I loved running my fingers through it and pulling it, but if this turns you on, then I can learn to like it too.”
“It’ll grow back,” he muttered against my sternum, rubbing against my hand like a cat. He tilted his head back with his eyes closed and let out a little sound that was almost like a purr and my knees started to tremble.
“I won’t see it.”
He opened his eyes briefly at that comment, but his head fell back against my hands as I lightly trailed them both over his scalp and soon he was rubbing against me, stroking my cock through my jeans with his other hand sliding up the front of my shirt. I groaned and undulated my hips against his hand. No thinking right now, plenty of time to deal with everything later, the layer of ice growing thicker and thicker outside insulated us from the outside world in our own little cocoon.
There was a pop around us. Everything went black and silent just long enough for us to pull away from each other and look around, and then the power came back on. Outside, it was getting darker as the daylight faded into the storm clouds. It would be too dark to see if the power went out again within the next hour. Regretfully, I dropped my hands to Daniel’s shoulders and pushed him back slightly so that he had to stop groping me.
“Shit. We need to get everything ready for when the power goes out.”
“But it just blinked, it won’t go off completely.”
“Have you looked outside lately?” I questioned, lifting my eyebrow. I hauled him to his feet and steered him by the shoulders over to the window over the sink. We could see the barn from here. Standing behind him, I put my chin on his shoulder and pointed to the power lines running between it and the house, bowed and drooping with the weight of the ice. “See that? That’s us, about to lose our electricity until the power company can get out here and repair the lines.”
Instead of staring at the power lines in dread, his eyes lit up at the snow beginning to pile up and cover the bleak icy landscape. “It’s snowing,” he said, turning to me with a wide smile that was so unselfconscious and purely excited that I turned to jelly. He was a southern boy, and snow was still something exciting to him.
“Yeah. Part of the reason I live in Atlanta now.” I sounded grouchy to cover up that warm glow his smile created in the pit of my stomach. “Now come on. We need to get the fire lit in the living room. There’s a kerosene heater and some lanterns, as well as plenty of candles and flashlights. Radio says it’s going to get into single digits tonight.”
“Mmm, it’ll be like a campout. Got any marshmallows?” He rubbed his lightly stubbled cheek against mine and I shivered. How did he do it? He had a magic ability to forget his tension and live completely in the moment. The outside world was cut off and so he didn’t bother to worry about it. When he had to deal with it, he would; until then, having a warm place to sleep was enough.
“No, no marshmallows, but I can teach you how to make popcorn over an open fire if you like.” I nuzzled the sensitive back of his neck, grinning when he sucked in his breath and leaned back against me. I was starting to think that maybe winter storms weren’t so bad after all.
Chapter 12
“Fucking gorgeous, huh?”
Blushing, I faced the mantle, where I was trimming the wick on a glass hurricane lamp with red oil in the base.
“I thought I was being quiet.” I grinned through my embarrassment and heard Daniel laugh. He was at my feet, putting a log into the fire.
“You were, but I have really good ears.”
From the corner of my eye, I saw him get up and he was behind me, wrapping his arms around my chest. He buried his face in my neck and his body felt so good pressed into me from behind, every inch of his warm flesh fitting into me, that I had to brace one hand against the mantle to keep my knees from getting weak.
“You did the right thing,” he said in a low voice. The words didn’t register on me at first because the feeling of his soft breath in my ear and his goatee tickling me made it hard to concentrate on his words, but I made myself focus because I realized he was being serious. “Earlier, when you drove away. Everything was wrong with that situation and I tried to convince myself it was okay, because I wanted this all to be over. I kept telling myself it was fine when my gut was telling me it wasn’t. But you listened to yours and got us out of there.”
Squeezing me, he hooked his chin over my shoulder. We fit together so comfortably. It shouldn’t feel this right, should it? He was so warm. I could feel his cock pressing into my ass from behind and it was partially hard, but he simply held on to me. I reached up and put my hand over his and then he twined his fingers in mine and stared over my shoulder into the fire crackling at our feet.
“I looked behind us as you took the corner, Rylan. One of the men in the squad car was there that night.”
I gasped slightly and he nodded against my shoulder. The night he was almost killed.
“Yeah, it was a set-up, and I should’ve never gotten within a hundred miles of it. Even a rookie would’ve known better. But I let myself get careless because I was tired and worried and scared, and I probably would’ve died if not for you.” His forehead dropped lightly to my shoulder and I felt his chest rise and fall a little more rapidly. “I trusted Scott Wyman, so I didn’t question why this all seemed so easy. When something’s too easy, it’s always wrong. I trusted him because he was Special Ops like I was and I thought that was an unbreakable bond. But loyalty doesn’t mean anything when money’s concerned.”
“There are some people who can’t be bought,” I said softly.
His arms tightened around me and I reached up and brushed his cheek, still clutching the mantle for dear life. The icy snow pelted against the windows and on the roof; the fire blazed and popped, surrounding us in warmth. Daniel felt so good. We weren’t going anywhere tonight, we were going to fuck, it was inevitable; but being in his arms like this while he made me feel things with his words, things I didn’t want to feel and hadn’t thought I could feel anymore… it was so dangerous. I couldn’t afford to feel this way, not about him…
“Yeah. Sometimes you get lucky and stumble on some loyalty.” He breathed a soft laugh in my ear, relaxing his hold on me. “You saved my ass, Rylan. Again. You know that, don’t you?”
“Sure I do. And you owe me at least a blowjob.”
Daniel’s sexy laugh dripped down my spine. It pooled in my gut and I was instantly hard. His fingers released mine and skimmed my chest. He teased my nipples through my shirt until they were hard nubs and I let out an odd little whimper that would’ve embarrassed me if I cared anymore.
“I’ll give you more than that. I’ll give you anything and everything you want.”
Oh god. I shifted restlessly under his hot, relentless breath. Part of my brain warned me how bad this was, but the rest of me didn’t care. The fine soft hairs of his goatee tickled me and scratched me beyond what I could handle. He hadn’t even kissed me yet and already I felt desperate and overloaded. My nerves were raw and jumpy from everything that had happened in the past twenty-four hours; I needed an outlet and I needed it now.
Spinning in his arms, I wrapped my arm around his neck and found his hard, sculpted abs under the layers of clothing. His tongue teased and licked at my lips and then slid into my mouth, warm and sweet, playing with mine and I was lost in his taste, addicted to it. I shoved my tongue between his teeth and growled hungrily when he squeezed my ass. Fuck, I smelled his cock and I wanted it. I pulled my mouth from his and dropped to my knees on the bricks of the hearth, dragging the long johns down while I yanked his flannel shirt open. I purred happily at the sight of his cock smacking his belly.
“Mmm, greedy,” he grinned. Daniel’s hand came down to rest along the side of my face as I nuzzled his warm crotch. The pubic hairs tickled my nose as I ran my tongue through the thick, silky golden curls swirling over his balls and into the crease of his thigh. With the flat of my tongue, I licked up the sensitive underside of his shaft to that sweet spot just beneath the head. That made him moan and I smiled, glancing up at his eyes.
“I want this.”
I wrapped my hand around the case of his cock and licked the tip, and Daniel watched with his eyes gleaming while I rubbed it against my cheek, then my lips and my chin and even over my closed eyelids, just to feel it on my skin, feel it everywhere. It was warm and silky; it smelled so good and felt so good when I slid my lips over the thick head and sucked it lightly, circling it over and over with my tongue until I tasted his juices well up. I started to sink my mouth down his shaft, but he suddenly pulled away leaving me bereft.
“Hey,” I protested. He held me on my knees, with his cock in my face but not letting me close enough to touch it.
“You like being on your knees, Ry? Maybe on your knees with your ass in the air, and a big, shiny black dildo sliding in and out of your hole…”
My heart started pounding directly in my throat. “But I don’t…”
“I know, you don’t bottom,” he interrupted my protest. “But see… I think you do.” He kept me on my knees, but dropped his voice down to a low, hypnotic rumble that I had to strain to hear. The heat in my face had nothing to do with the flames in the fireplace next to me but for some reason I didn’t even try to move. “I think you’ve just never had a good top. I think someone fucked you over, maybe even hurt you.”
He stopped, and his face wasn’t smug or even looking for an answer, he was just looking at me. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out and I looked away.
“You missed the feeling though,” Daniel went on softly. “That feeling of something filling you up and hitting that little spot inside you… so you bought that big black dick I saw in your drawer. Cocks are a lot easier to deal with when there’s nobody attached to them, aren’t they?”
My blush was so deep and intense, I felt a little dizzy and my heart was thumping in that low, hard banging I hated so much. My throat was thick and muddy.
“Don’t be embarrassed. It makes me hot thinking about it. I wish I’d grabbed it before we ran out.” He grinned briefly and put his hand under my chin, lifting my face so he could see my eyes. I didn’t want to look at him but I did. I couldn’t not look at him. I loved looking at his gorgeous blue eyes and nothing I told myself could stop the warm feeling I got when he smiled at me. “It’s safe, you know. Serve and protect, that’s the police creed.”
Safe. It was critical for me. I lived my life for safe. I locked myself away in my master bedroom-turned-office for safe. My very own ivory tower. Daniel had dragged me out of it kicking and screaming, but in the end, he was right. I could’ve stopped him, but I didn’t.
And I didn’t stop him when he took my hands and pulled me up to my feet, his mouth taking mine as he tugged my sweater and my t-shirt up, releasing my lips just long enough to drag them over my head. A minute later we were in my grandparents’ squeaky old iron bed, kerosene heater battling the chill in the room, me naked but barely feeling the cold with Daniel’s naked body stretched out over mine, skin hot from the flames. I skimmed my palms from his smooth ass cheeks up his golden back, closing my eyes as he wiggled his hips between my legs, making his hard cock slide up next to mine.
“Fuck,” I gasped. Already I was leaking, making a pool on my belly. I could feel his arms shaking a bit with all his weight supported on them.
“Mmm, yeah.” Daniel dipped his head and nibbled my left nipple. I rubbed myself against the warm weight on his cock, trying to get friction between our bellies. “And I know how to do it right… push it in nice and slow and let you stretch around it, let you push into me and show me how deep and how fast you want it… and my cock will be so warm inside you and you’ll feel so nice and full…”
A strange sound came from my throat. In a haze of lust, I barely noticed his hands rolling me over, until my face was in the dusty-smelling pillow and his hot mouth was on the back of my neck. I didn’t move as he shifted his weight more fully onto me, pushing me down into the bed, pinning me firmly. I was pinned and I loved the feeling of his cat-like muscular body on mine, his six-feet-two-inches of warmth and hardness. Instead of struggling, I let out a sigh of what sounded like relief. Relieved that I didn’t have to fight this, I didn’t have to do anything but lie still as his tongue lightly traced the curve of my spine down to the top of my ass.
“You’re going to lift your ass for me,” he told me in that low hypnotic voice that made me lose the will to resist, not that I wanted to at this point anyway. “You’re going to open for me and I’m going to put my tongue in you until you scream. And then….” A husky little chuckle brushed over my skin and made my cock leak onto the quilt, and I couldn’t stand it anymore. “I’m going to fuck you nice and slow at first, until you can’t stop yourself and you beg me for more.”
“God. Daniel.”
Tugging, hands gently drawing me up to my knees. The cool air brushed my exposed ass. My back arched upward and I dropped my head between my elbows, clutching handfuls of the sheets to stop my wild shaking. How did he know?
“You look so fucking hot on your knees.”
That low raspy voice…warm hands on my ass cheeks, parting them and oh god I couldn’t stop shaking. My elbows collapsed and my face went into the dusty pillow and my mouth filled with cotton as I bit into it. I didn’t want him to stop, not ever.
“Mmm such a tight little hole… I can’t wait to taste it.”
Just his rough growl made me whimper and I shot out of my skin when his agile tongue slid down my crack and circled my hole. The pillow muffled my moan, and then disappointment crushed me when he pulled away leaving my cock aching.
“Get your face out of that pillow,” the rough, commanding voice told me. “I want to hear you scream. I want you to shake the fucking walls.” Hands stroking my ass, my hips, my trembling thighs struggling to hold me steady. “There’s nobody to hear, nobody for miles.” Softer whisper this time, soothing and knowing some deep part of me. “You can let go, Rylan. Just stop thinking, let me take everything away for awhile and you can just not think, not worry….”
“Oh fuck,” I breathed aloud while my heart hammered in my throat. His hot breath on the tender skin of my ass and then his tongue, lapping and probing at my hole; I arched into him, and then I just gave in, letting the whole world drop out from under me with the strangest sensation of falling. Just falling into him, the skillful strokes of his tongue teasing my hole, darting in and out. Oh god, so much relief to just let go, not think. My head dropped low between my arms while I listened to the soft, greedy sounds he made licking my ass.
When his tongue slid past the tight ring of muscle and slipped inside me, I moaned and melted, all my resistance gone. I pushed back against him and he groaned, pulling my ass wider with his thumbs, pressing until his finger slid inside me and I felt quick, exquisite tingles radiating out and curling in my balls.
“Daniel,” I breathed as I twisted against him. I wanted that finger, I wanted more, everything he had.
“I need to fuck you, I need to fuck you now… your wallet in your pocket?” Impatiently, he reared back and suddenly empty, I sank down into the mattress in a sweaty, panting heap. My cock throbbed so hard, I knew I’d come the minute he entered me. I needed to be filled and I’d not had a real live cock in a very long time. Hot, hard, thrusting, pounding flesh instead of sleek unforgiving plastic. The first inch and I’d be gone. Wanting it made me shake all over, waiting while he slid naked off the bed to grab my jeans from the floor.
“I don’t have a condom in my wallet,” I said when I realized dimly what he was doing.
“Goddammit.” He disappeared and I rolled to my side, stroked myself impatiently. My cock was wet from my juices. The wind howled and beat at the windows but it was warm in here… warm and safe. I’d never felt this safe.
I looked up at Daniel standing naked in the doorway, a horrified look on his face. “What is it?” I demanded.
“Please tell me you have some condoms stashed around here.”
“Holy shit…” I caught my breath, my eyes darting up to his as I shook my head. “You don’t have any in your bag?”
“I thought I did.”
I whimpered with disappointment, my hand stroking and squeezing my cock. Fine then. I couldn’t help myself, I couldn’t wait anymore. On my side, I lifted my knee, I slid my wet finger inside my hole, filling the empty spot that still tingled from his tongue, his fingers. He stared at me open-mouthed from the doorway for a split second, then he remembered to take a breath.
“Of fuck…. that’s so hot baby… But don’t cum, not yet. Hang on.”
Reluctantly, I stopped, letting my finger slide out even while my hole tightened to keep it inside; he was gone from the doorway and I squirmed restlessly.
“Where are you going?” I called impatiently. “If you can’t fuck me, then I’ll just have to do it myself.”
Chapter 13
“Wait, baby, please,” he called desperately from somewhere beyond the doorway. The electricity was still on, but it was only a matter of time before the power lines succumbed to the weight of the ice. It happened every time we had an ice storm out here because the electrical connections had never been modernized, it was connected to the outside of the house instead of being buried. In the winter, the house was always prepared and kept stocked with emergency supplies, lanterns and candles and everything we needed to stay warm. We’d gotten everything ready so that there would be no fumbling around in the dark. Still, I heard a thud and a muffled curse from the kitchen.
“You okay in there?” I asked, amused.
“Yeah….” muttering, “fucking fucker…”
It hit me then, the creeping realization over what I’d just done and said… I’d never done that in front of someone, never even admitted I did it let alone said it out loud and now I just did both, right in front of this person I’d only met a few days ago. Had it even been a few days, I didn’t even know anymore, time was losing its relevance to me.
Hurried footsteps were coming toward the bedroom and I grabbed the quilt and rolled up in it, burying my burning face in the pillow. Just thinking of him finding my dildo in the drawer was too much to bear and his comments replayed repeatedly in my brain until my veins were filled with shards of ice. Cocks are easier when there’s nobody attached… My dick was still hard but I couldn’t look at him, not now and not ever, I was never going to look at him again.
“Hope you saved some for me…” His voice, slightly breathless, his weight pressing down the bed and the whisper of objects being set down carefully. Then he paused, touching me through the quilt. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
Silence. I couldn’t speak even if I hadn’t had my face in the pillow.
“Rylan… what is it? Did I say something?”
The little note of worry in his question was so adorable, I was suddenly ashamed of myself for being so selfish, not thinking of him, just of myself. I hated my own shame and I hated that I wasn’t normal, because he didn’t deserve this. It wasn’t his fault that I was so fucking… like I was.
“No…” I pulled the pillow away from my face and looked up at his eyes even though it was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done. He looked so sweet and anxious, I actually managed a smile. “It’s not you Daniel. It’s me, I just…”
“I know,” he said; and because of the look in his eyes, I actually believed that he really did know. For the first time in my life, I felt as if someone really understood me and it was almost scary, the emotions that brought out. He smiled at his hand as he slid it into my hair, rubbing his thumb over the base of my skull in tiny circles. “But you don’t have to be embarrassed with me. It’s hot… so hot to see you like that, touching yourself because you have to, because you’re so hot for me you can’t wait anymore…”
That rough sexy voice cast its spell over me and I felt my paralyzing blush fading and leaving the overwhelming desire to please him. I’ll do anything you want, anything just guide me, show me… I felt frantic and disconnected as he unwound me from the quilt and I lifted my hips when he slid a pillow under them, riding the waves of his voice talking to me every second while his hands positioned me the way he wanted me, on my back, hips up and knees apart.
“I can’t fuck you but I want to watch you, I want to see exactly what you like so when this ice melts and we can take a snowplow or a dogsled to the nearest drugstore, I’ll be ready, I’ll know exactly how you like to be fucked… Show me, Ry.”
Something cool and firm slid into my hand and when I finally focused my eyes, I saw it was a slim white candle from the emergency supplies. It had never been lit and it was sleek and tempting. I slid it through my palm, feeling my hole start to tingle as I thought of him watching me, jacking himself over me while I fucked myself with it…
“Yeah, that’s it, get it ready.” His breath was coming a little faster now and his voice sent shivers through me. Years since I’d let someone fuck me or even wanted to but right now, I’d give anything to feel his cock invading me. He moved away for a second, reached down and grabbed what I saw was a big bottle of yellow corn oil. When he held it up with a smirk, I laughed. So that was what he was banging around in the kitchen for. “Appropriate for a farm boy, I thought,” he grinned and I nodded my agreement.
Careful not to spill anything, he opened the cap and tilted the bottle over my belly, pouring out a thin rivulet from my just below my belly button and over my cock. Cool droplets trickled down my balls. Looking up into his eyes, I ran my palm over my belly, smearing the oil all over it and down over my cock so that it was so slippery it slid effortlessly through my hand and my hips jerked involuntarily and I groaned.
“Mmm,” Daniel breathed. He was panting now, watching me intently with his eyes dark and heavy and his hand lazily rubbing his cock. It glistened with precum and I couldn’t stop looking at it. “Tell me what you think about when you’re fucking yourself with that big black cock in your drawer. I want to know everything you’ve never admitted to anyone, Ry, everything that secretly gets you off so hard your head almost explodes when you cum.”
“There are two guys,” I said even though I had no idea why I was telling him this, I’d barely even said it to myself let alone aloud. “I don’t know who they are, but I can’t get away. I can’t even see their faces.”
“Do they have you restrained?” he asked softly.
I swallowed, it wasn’t easy for me to say this. Major deep dark confession, fantasy I hid in the darkest places, so that I didn’t even consciously think about it. “Yes… just my wrists. And I can’t see because I’m blindfolded and they have me on my hands and knees…”
“Oh fuck,” he said involuntarily, his eyes widening. “What do they make you do?”
“They… um, one of them is in front of me and the other one is behind me.” I slid the candle through my oiled hand, making it slippery. Daniel’s eyes bored down, watching intently as I reached down and teased my hole with the end of the candle. This was making him so hot, my embarrassment faded, anything for that look of animal lust on his face that came from my words and what I was doing. “The one if front of me is holding my head and making me suck him, it’s hard to breathe but I don’t care, I could suck his dick forever and ever.”
Slowly, I let the candle slide into my hole and its cool length made me moan raggedly. Daniel put his hands on my knees and pushed them back slightly, staring down, watching my tender hole flutter around the slender wax column. My cock twitched so hard with the need to cum that I wrapped the fingers just of my right hand under the head and squeezed firmly so that the pressure and slight pain backed the orgasm off and bought me more time. I wanted to make Daniel a limp puddle before I let myself cum but it wasn’t going to be easy.
“And the other one is fucking you, pounding into you from behind and making you moan around the cock in your mouth…”
“Yeah.” Whimpering, I squirmed as I slowly slid the candle back and forth past my tight ring in gentle little thrusts. Daniel’s chest rose and fell rapidly and he was flushed, so damp and beautiful with his sheen of excitement, barely restrained as he stared down at me slowly fucking myself. It felt good, but at the same time, it was a tease. When it bumped my prostate I writhed, but it was so slender, there just wasn’t enough girth to fill me the way I craved. His cock could do it, it was so nice and thick, but I couldn’t have that and the frustration was crushing me and tearing me apart.
“Daniel. I need more,” I whispered with something like desperation. I felt split open and exposed and deliriously free. Nothing mattered. He’d said it was safe and it was, for once in my life I believed that. “Something thicker.”
No answer but a low growl. He jumped off the bed and returned a second later with a wicked grin and something hidden behind his back.
“Close your eyes.”
I obeyed, letting the blackness drift through my mind, not thinking, just like he told me to, letting myself go and just feeling the hard wax inside me and my hole tingling around it, craving more as I slowly rotated my hips into the feeling. Sounds of him fumbling around, plastic cap on the bottle of oil, the anticipation growing, wondering what he had.
“Now turn over,” he said in an impossibly sexy voice that just blazed through me like a fireball. I tossed the candle on the floor and flipped over, draping my hips over the pillow. My cock throbbed under my weight and I parted my knees and drew them up. I spread my ass for him, just the way he promised I would. I did everything he wanted me to do. Not thinking was such a relief.
I felt something cold, hard and slippery pressing at my hole. It was thick and not especially rounded at the end, and there was a little jolt of pain and surprise as it invaded my hole. Gasping I twisted around to see what it was and Daniel withdrew it so he could hold it up and show me what he was putting in me. My eyes widened, and then I laughed. It was my grandpa’s MagLite, long, slender, sleek and shiny metallic blue. Its thickness was the girth of a C battery plus the metal sheath.
“Is this a cop thing? Fucking someone with a flashlight?” I gasped with a combination of lust and amusement.
“I left my nightstick at home.” A grin flashed over his face and then his fingers slipped inside me and we both moaned. Then the flashlight pressed into me and I relaxed, rubbing my cock against the pillow to help turn the pain into pleasure. Eventually, Daniel’s harsh voice penetrated my fog. “Yeah, it’s a cop thing… you’re under arrest and you can’t get away… too bad my partner’s not here so you could suck his cock.”
I realized what he was doing and the world abruptly shifted off-kilter, I couldn’t feel my legs and arms, his voice was a lifeline holding me to the earth or I would’ve just fallen off as the fantasy overtook me. Instinctively, I pulled myself to my knees and my chest fell to the bed, my arms over my head, my ass in the air as the flashlight went past my resistance, stretching me, spreading me so wide and he was talking but I couldn’t hear his words through the rushing in my ears. I couldn’t get away, could almost feel something wrapped around my wrists holding them down, and the relentless thrust in my ass, Daniel’s palm flat between my shoulder blades pressing me into the bed.
“Fuck yes baby… you’re mine, you’re my slut…”
The words caught my ear and instead of shame, I was proud but it was all so confusing and I didn’t want to think. I moaned into the mattress; Daniel’s hand moved down my hip and around, encircling my slippery oiled cock in a firm grip that felt so good, I almost lost it. Then he shifted, changing the angle of the object in my ass; it was stroking my prostate now hitting it repeatedly. My knees went weak and I fell face first into the bed, bucking back against the orgasm that blossomed deep inside me and spread out, blazing through me all the way to my fingers and toes in waves that left me wrung out, gasping and trembling with the aftershocks as if I’d been pulled under and spit out on the shore.
“Fuck. God.”
That was probably my voice. I didn’t know anymore. There was a puddle of creamy wetness under me, but I didn’t care. I lay there until Daniel’s hands rolled me to my back. His warm body drowned me and he fucked my mouth with his tongue as he thrust his hips against me, his steel-hard cock trapped between us. It was the closest we could get to fucking. It reminded me of high school and made me feel giddy and innocent again, just for a moment. My hands were on his head, petting the soft stubble, making him shudder violently and then he moaned into my mouth, crushing me in his grip. I felt his cock surge; he stiffened and let out a cry and then shot, flooding us both with his rivers of cum that slid and squelched between our slippery bellies.
“Uhhh,” he mumbled as he collapsed on me. He was heavy but I loved his full weight; I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into me, wrapping my legs around his. I felt his heart beat against my chest, heavy but not racing alarmingly. His breath was harsh and uneven against my ear and then slowly evened out, until finally he lifted his head and looked down at me heavy-lidded.
“That was the best non-fuck ever.”
“Mmm, yeah.” I laughed and then gave him a shove. “Now get off me, you weigh a ton.”
In our heavy post-orgasmic stupor, we eventually managed to get the bathtub filled with what hot water we could eke out of the water heater, and I leaned back against Daniel, my arms wrapped around his knees as we relaxed in the warmth of the water and the heater in the corner. After washing off the oil and spunk, we got so drowsy neither one of us wanted to move.
“Mmm.” Daniel made a contented sound and rubbed my chest. “You were so hot… I knew somewhere deep down, you’re a total slut.”
Heat crept into my face but I grinned, tipping my head back against his shoulder. “But only for you.”
“Oh yeah?” he whispered in my ear. “But it felt good to let go, didn’t it?”
“Yes,” I said; and it did, even though I was still a bit embarrassed when I let myself look back on all the things I did and said, and all the images racing through my brain. “It’s just been a long time since I’ve been on my knees for anyone.”
“It suits you.” He laughed, which made me blush even deeper. I was beginning to not let it paralyze me, though. I relaxed into the slightly scummy water, my toes propped on the old-fashioned knobs at the end of the claw foot tub. No shower here, just a hose with a sprayer that attached to the old fixture. This was my home, and it probably should’ve worried me that Daniel was quickly becoming part of it, but somehow I just couldn’t bring myself to care. I just closed my eyes and let his goatee scratch my ear as I leaned back against his chest.
Chapter 14
“Ry, wake up, quick.”
I came out of sleep with a jolt, my heart racing, to find Daniel shaking me urgently with his eyes wide. I sat bolt upright, startled and confused.
“What is it, what’s wrong?” I demanded.
“Come look, you gotta see this!”
Grabbing my hand, he pulled me to the window while my heart pounded with alarm and my sluggish brain tried to figure out what the hell was going on. The room was quite cold. A layer of ice crusted the bottom of each windowpane and I shivered at the chill, crossing my arms over my chest, while Daniel pushed the curtains aside and pointed out the window.
Still bleary and confused, I looked around at the snow-covered yard, the ice-encased trees, the fields cloaked in a heavy blanket of white as far as the eye could see. I had no idea what he was pointing at.
“Look at what?” I asked blankly.
He was standing there completely naked gazing out the window with a huge smile on his face, eyes dancing like a kid at Christmas, and my words seemed to disappoint him. “The snow,” he said, slightly crestfallen. “It’s just… I’ve never seen this much, you know? Only in pictures.”
“Oh, right.” I eyed it up where it mounded against the tree out front. “It’s about seven inches. That’s a lot in one night.”
“Can we go out in it?”
The last thing I wanted to do was trudge around in snow halfway to my knees and get cold and wet before I’d even had my coffee. I’d much rather pull him back under the warm blankets and wrap my lips around his shaft until it was hard and pulsing and spurting down my throat. But he looked so excited, so adorable and boyish, there was no way I could refuse him anything. I smiled resignedly as I pulled on the long underwear I’d been wearing last night before bed.
“Sure, if that’s what you want.”
When we went outside, bundled in coats and boots and hats from the front closet, I read fifteen degrees off the thermometer nailed to the light pole outside the back door. It was cold as fuck but Daniel didn’t seem to care, he loved it. While he tried to make snow angels in the hard, ice-crusted snow, I checked out the power lines. The electricity had finally gone off last night after we’d gotten out of the bath and dressed in long johns and socks, and were curled under a quilt on the couch watching an old John Wayne movie on one of the five channels the TV could pick up from St. Louis. The candles were already lit, flickering around us, and so when the lights and the TV went off we just stayed where we were, drinking watered-down bourbon from my grandpa’s stash above the fridge and talking.
“Shouldn’t we get the driveway shoveled for when it’s safe to leave?” Daniel called to me. His cheeks were bright with cold, blue eyes sparkling with the novelty of real snow. Even in a bulky parka, a blaze-orange hunting cap with earflaps on his head, he was so gorgeous it hurt.
“There’s ice under all that snow,” I pointed out with a shrug. “We won’t be leaving today, and maybe not even tomorrow. So you might as well leave it and come inside where it’s warm.”
“What about the power? It should be back on soon, right?” Obviously, he wasn’t ready to give up his winter wonderland adventure and go in the house.
“This isn’t like the city,” I reminded him with a smile. I pointed upward where the wires connected to the house and showed him how the weight of the ice had pulled it loose. “They don’t just flip a switch. The electric company has to send a truck out, which they can’t in all this ice; and I can’t call them to report it because the phone is dead. I checked it while you were getting ready.”
“What about your cell?”
“Daniel, I lost cell phone reception almost as soon as we crossed the bridge. The nearest cell tower is two counties over.”
“Oh.” He thought about that for a minute, then shrugged cheerfully. “Well, it’s okay. I’m going to shovel the walks, at least. I saw the shovel on the side porch. You go in the house, you look like you’re freezing.”
Didn’t have to tell me twice. I was in the house next to the stove in a split-second, my twinge of guilt at leaving him outside to do the work alone easily assuaged by the chill in my bones. Cold weather had never been my thing. Instead, I ran water in the teakettle and put it on top of the stove. The fire had died down to coals overnight, but I’d built it up to a blaze before we went outside and the room was getting nice and warm, at least compared to outside. The pot of water I’d put on last night was still hot, so I ladled some of it in a pot and dumped it in the bathroom sink to wash up and shave. In the linen closet, I even found a couple of toothbrushes that had never been opened; after two days, I’d never been so happy to brush my teeth.
Back in the kitchen, I dug a can of corned beef hash from the cabinet. Even though she had a perfectly good gas stove, my grandma cooked on the woodstove in the winter, and she’d taught me as well. The iron skillet I got down to fry the hash was probably as old as I was.
While the hash cooked and the coffee water heated, I stared out the window at Daniel. Last night was the first time we’d really talked. Despite everything we’d been through, we knew next to nothing about each other. We’d started out on not very friendly terms after what was supposed to be a one-night stand; and so not much information had been exchanged. He didn’t even know my last name until he’d commented on the framed, signed photos of John F. and Robert Kennedy side by side on the living room wall, above a little shelf with a row of candles. That got me explaining about sharing a last name but no relation, and then talking about Catholic school and Mass and all the tedious inhibitions and guilt about sex and self-pleasure the nuns had managed to instill in us without ever directly mentioning such things.
“And forget homosexuality… our priest never, ever talked about it or said the word… in fact now that I’m older, I’m pretty sure Father Simon was gay too.” I’d had a few drinks by now so I was very chatty and probably obnoxious, but Daniel was indulgent and interested in my stories. “He was never one of those priests that people whisper about though… he was a good man and when I came out as gay he was the one who talked to my grandparents about it, made them see I was still the same person I always was… it wouldn’t have turned out as well without him.”
“Your grandparents never suspected, then?” Daniel had asked.
“No, I don’t think so, but they probably should have.” I snickered. “My Gran can hear you say shit, fuck or damn from the other side of the house, but she never caught on to the sleepovers I used to have with my friend Matt. She’d have died if she knew what we were doing all night upstairs with the stereo on.”
That caught Daniel’s attention. He wanted to hear all the dirty details of teen sex, all the boys I blew in backseats on country roads. There hadn’t been that many, mostly Matt. All my stories until college were Matt stories. He took my virginity, took everything, and I gave it willingly, until giving hurt and I had nothing left. Wild and desperate sex, three or four orgasms in an hour, unlimited sexual energy, constantly horny and dying to steal a few minutes alone so I could suck him off. Or on my knees with my school uniform khakis pushed down around my thighs and Matt’s big cock sliding into me with a delicious burning pain that made me bite holes in my bottom lip to keep from crying out.
Outside in the frozen whiteness, Daniel had managed to clear the sidewalk. He paused a moment and rested his arm on the handle of the shovel, swiping his forehead with his gloved hand. My cock started to get hard as I stared at him and remembered what my stories of underage sex led to last night, intense half-drunk groping and then my cock buried in Daniel’s hot mouth while I jacked him slowly, sliding my fingers in and out of his tight ass. Cum for me. Cum in my face, his low and demanding growl, my cream dripping down his chin and the look in his rolled-back eyes when he shot in my hand and I smeared it all over his belly and wrote my name in it with my finger, and then slowly licked him clean.
“Shit, it’s cold.” Daniel came through the back door in a swirl of cold and snowflakes pulling his gloves off and rubbing his hands together at the stove. He was still smiling though; he hadn’t stopped since he saw the snow out the window. I put my hands on his icy, red cheeks and he sighed with relief at their warmth on his skin. “That smells good, I’m starved. You were right about the ice, it’s about an inch thick under the snow. We’re stuck here.”
Oh, what a shame. I pulled off his hat and ran my hand over his head, making him shiver with more than cold. It pleased me no end that the lightest, most innocent touch to his scalp drove him wild.
“But I don’t know where I’m going to go anyway,” Daniel said with a shrug. His sudden seriousness made me back off from my plans to peel his clothes off and have my way with him. He hadn’t talked about what happened in St. Louis much, or where the events left him, but there was only so long we could avoid the subject. The teakettle whistled and I pulled it off the stove and made instant coffee while he finished taking off his cold weather gear next to the warmth of the fire.
“I can’t go back to Florida right now. There might be a warrant out for me by now. I wonder if even my friends on the force think I’m a cop killer.”
“Surely, they know you wouldn’t do that,” I said softly as I handed him a coffee cup.
“Maybe. I’d like to think you’re right.” He sank down in my grandma’s rocker with his sock-covered toes close to the stove, sipping his coffee absently. “But they’re probably monitoring the phones of my friends, anyone I’m likely to get in touch with, so I can’t make any calls. I was planning on heading to Chicago and getting together with Scott Wyman before things went too far. Right before I left, I mailed him the originals of all my evidence, which I didn’t even give to my captain. The case was too sensitive to share within the department so I used Scott as an outside safety net. But he turned on me. He sent me straight into a fucking trap and almost got me killed.”
“Is it possible he just didn’t know the FBI agent was in on it?”
“It’s possible. Maybe he just didn’t have everything checked out properly. In that case, he’s just stupid instead of a dirty cop.” Daniel shrugged with a disgusted half-smile something like a sneer. “Either way he’s a liability to me, and to my investigation.”
“The originals you sent him, they’re not the only copy of your evidence you have, is it?”
“Of course not. That would be stupid. But I don’t have access to any of the copies right now, either. Somehow, I have to get to one of those copies and put them in the hands of someone who can be trusted. I just don’t know who that is right now.”
He sat there with the coffee cup in his hands silently staring at the ash pan under the stove. After a second, I took the hot frying pan of hash off the stove with a potholder and put it on plates. It had to be hard on him, not knowing what to do next or who to turn to. At least being snowed in, frozen in a block of ice, gave him a chance to think.
Shaking off his thoughts, he smiled at me and took the plate I handed him. I sat down on the other rocker across the stove from him and pondered how normal it felt to just be sitting here in this kitchen eating with him, so quiet, not even a clock ticking, just the squeak of the chairs rocking slightly and the crackle of the flames in the stove.
“So, you used to be in the military?”
If he was going to fuck me with a flashlight, I should at least know something about him. For all I knew he had a wife and kids, although it was highly unlikely, considering how much he liked my dick up his ass.
“Yeah, for awhile.”
I paused, waiting for him to elaborate, but he just ate his hash.
“So… Army, Navy, Marines?” I finally asked.
“Oh yeah? My uncle was in the Army in Viet Nam, he was a Jeep mechanic. What did you do?”
“I was in the Army for awhile and now I’m out. That’s pretty much it.” He shrugged.
He’d mentioned the Gulf, he’d mentioned Special Ops. There was a story there but he wasn’t sharing it, he was shutting me out. His short, stubborn answers just made my curiosity grow. “So… does that mean you can’t talk about it? It’s top secret?”
This time, a snort and a roll of the eyes. “You watch too many movies.”
The tone was light, but I sensed him drawing away and closing off, his defenses crashing down like a iron gate. I backed off instinctively. I didn’t mean it to sound like an interrogation, but it did and nobody likes that, especially not someone with something to hide. I didn’t know what Daniel was hiding; before now, I hadn’t even realized there was something buried in him that he didn’t let anyone see, not even whomever he was closest to. Just as I couldn’t be pushed, Daniel couldn’t either. When confronted with a force trying to propel me, I resisted it, and so did he. I could understand. When he wanted to talk, he would.
“Yeah, I do.” I grinned at him over the top of the stove. “How about a porn movie where I get to watch you fuck all your bunk mates? I could be the new recruit that you had to show the ropes.”
“Ropes? I like the sound of that.”
The stiff shoulders relaxed and he shot me a smile that hit me squarely in the pit of my stomach, tingling down into my cock. Ropes… “Do they have you restrained?” his voice rasped in my ear, firm hand on my back, calling me his slut, taking me to a place I never let myself go. I felt different now. I felt relieved that my secrets were out, but I was embarrassed I’d given so much of myself away. My instinct was to demand it back, to question him and make him give me answers, so I wouldn’t feel like I was getting nothing in return. The nothing was terrifying. Was he laughing at me? If he was, I couldn’t deal with it.
I let him take me to that place inside, the place that scared me. He didn’t force me or push me, he only guided me and his confidence made my fears go away. He always had to be so strong and save the fucking world, and that had to be one hell of a burden. I couldn’t ease that for him. Cooking for him, ensuring he was warm and finding him a toothbrush was all I could do. Guess that meant I cared.
Sexual sparks crackled between us, but I didn’t want to push any more than I already had. There were plenty of little things that needed doing. Dishes washed, wood brought in, water refilled. I did a few of them after showing Daniel how you washed and shaved in an ice storm. When he came out, I was standing at the sink with my hands in the dishwater staring out over the fields of ice-crusted snow, blurring into the bleak gray sky until I couldn’t tell one from the other.
Hands slid down my hips, a warm body pressed against my back and I leaned my head back, closing my eyes. He was warm and scrubbed, smelling of soap and mint toothpaste, and I couldn’t stop a little moan from catching in my throat. Shit, nobody had ever made me moan like this. Just his touch made my dick so hard it was almost painful when it nudged the edge of the counter and I couldn’t decide whether to rub against that or the hard bulge pressed against my ass through the thin clingy knit of his long johns.
“Thank you,” he breathed in my ear.
“For what?” It was so fucking hard to think when his hands were stroking my thighs, pulling me back into him.
“Anything. Whatever.” His hand covered my cock and squeezed it lightly. “This.”
His hands turned me then and I grabbed his shirt, soaking it with dishwater, while he caught my hair and tilted my head back to kiss me. I pushed my tongue into his mouth and god he tasted so fucking good I never wanted to stop tasting him. Was there something addictive in his spit? Because that would explain how he made all these physical things happen to my body when he touched me and it wasn’t just my cock, I felt him in the pit of my belly and the depths of my balls all the way out to my fingers and toes. His tongue lightly scraped the roof of my mouth and I sucked it deeper, it tasted so fucking sweet, sweeter than candy. Just kissing him made my head spin out of control and I couldn’t think, everything around me was a blur but him, his arms around me and his hips grinding gently against mine so that his cock rubbed mine through the rough denim of my jeans.
The sharp edge of the counter digging into my ass woke me from my haze and so I slid backward until I was sitting on it next to the sink. Our mouths were still locked together as Daniel pulled me forward against him so he was standing between my thighs. I wrapped my legs around his, sliding my hand under the waistband of his long johns so I could stroke the tip of his cock with my thumb.
“Yeah, touch me,” he whispered. Always happy to oblige, I wrapped my hand around his silky hard length and slid it slowly to the base and then back up again, drawing a groan from his throat.
“God… I want to be in you so bad…” he whispered with his eyes closed and the look of sheer need on his face mirrored the way I felt, that desperate burning ache for the one thing we couldn’t have. He braced his feet apart while I jacked him long and slow, feeding him my tongue until I was totally lost. I was sliding off the counter and sinking to my knees on the kitchen floor when I suddenly heard the loud roar of an engine outside, getting louder as the vehicle approached over the frozen snow.
“Shit, what’s that?” Daniel groaned, his fingers still threaded in my hair. I was getting up but he was unwilling to let go, still hoping it would go away.
“It’s Paul.” I sighed resignedly as I got to my feet. The whole universe was conspiring against me, more specifically, my dick and its satisfaction.
“Who?” he demanded with his face scrunched up in disbelief.
“My aunt’s husband, remember she was sending him over to check on us?”
“We’re fine.” He growled.
I grinned, adjusting my lingering erection in the confines of my jeans. “He’s known for his fabulous sense of timing.”
“Nice way to meet your family.” Daniel looked down ruefully at his cock tenting the thin clingy knit of the long johns and we both laughed in a jumpy, frustrated kind of way. “Way to make a first impression.”
A glance out the window showed Paul pulling the snowmobile alongside the barn, his red face barely visible in all the scarves and hats and earmuffs. His bright blue coat stood out sharply in the frozen whiteness.
I sat down at the table and drew the chair up so the table blocked the view of my lap. Daniel went off to the bedroom to put some jeans on just as Paul pulled a couple of white plastic grocery sacks from the little space under the seat of the snowmobile and came up the walk. Despite my request to Charlotte, he didn’t knock before he walked right in and I couldn’t help grinning when I thought about what his reaction would’ve been if we hadn’t heard him drive up when we did.
Chapter 15
“Too much ice for the four-wheeler, had to bring the snowmobile,” Paul said by way of greeting when he blustered in, dropping the grocery sacks on the counter before he went over to the stove to get warm. He glanced at me sitting at the table; normally I would’ve hugged him, but not in my current state of arousal. He looked slightly puzzled at the omission, but he wasn’t one to ask a lot of questions. The thought of how he might take the feel of my hard dick pressing against him made me grin to myself. “So how’s it going?” he asked.
“Good.” He nodded, pulling off his hunting cap, insulated gloves and the scarf wound around his neck. Paul was a solid, wide guy several inches shorter than me, with big hands and a round baby face. He was good looking in a teddy-bear sort of way, with thick shiny black hair and slightly sad dark eyes, quiet and cuddly, the kind of guy who could fix anything and make everything all right. “She was worried you’d be out of wood,” he said. He didn’t have to say her name; there was no other female to talk about. In his world, every “she” meant Charlotte.
“Holding up so far.” I nodded.
Daniel came through the door just then, dressed in some jeans I’d found for him and that red-and-black plaid flannel shirt. A glance at his crotch showed me he’d managed to solve his own problem somehow; from there, my eyes skimmed over his lean body in the borrowed clothes. Something about a man in a flannel shirt made me so hot. Or maybe it wasn’t all men; Paul was wearing one too when he shed his coat and he did nothing for me. No, it was just Daniel. Pictures of him taking care of his cock in the bathroom swirled in my head and I crossed my legs under the table. Fuck, he was hot. For a moment, I just sat there admiring him, and then I realized they were both kind of looking at me waiting for me to make introductions and I recovered my manners. They nodded politely when I introduced them, shook hands, exchanged a little small talk while I thought about naked fat women and dead puppies to make the ache between my legs go away.
“So where are you from, Daniel?” I heard Paul asking when I finally noticed what he was saying and I looked up, dismayed. Shit.
“Paul,” I said sharply. “Don’t start grilling him.”
“It’s okay. I’m from Tallahassee, lived there all my life until I went into the Army.”
“Ry’s grandparents live in Florida. What do you do for a living?”
“I’m an Internal Affairs investigator with the Tallahassee police,” Daniel answered. He paused and looked at me before continuing, offering a surprising amount of information. “I was an Army Ranger for about six years, and when I finally got out five years ago, I went back home and joined the force. I worked in vice, but very bad things were happening in the division and when Internal Affairs approached me about joining them to investigate the vice squad, I agreed and I’ve been doing that ever since.”
This was all in answer to Paul’s question, but he was looking my way when he said it, giving me the answers I’d sought earlier, now that I wasn’t asking. Telling me without words that asking would get me nowhere, that he would tell me what he wanted me to know in his own time, on his own terms. I could accept that. Not that I had much choice. The one little push I gave him could’ve been a major setback; it could’ve forced him even further into his shell. I should’ve known better. Observation was the key to this man, not questions. If I was ever going to know him, there could be no pressure from me; I could only be open to what he was ready to give.
“Oh, a cop,” Paul was saying, brightening a bit.
I knew Paul well enough to know that he wouldn’t tell Daniel that he was the chief of the volunteer fire and rescue squad. I wasn’t going to tell him either, because I didn’t want them to get into a lengthy conversation. I wanted Paul to leave. Fidgety and impatient, I was having a hard time keeping my mind on their words, on anything but tearing Daniel’s clothes off. I needed his touch, his tongue buried in my mouth, the hard weight of his naked body on me, making the whole world stop. The images in my mind tugged at me like a dream I couldn’t wait to get back into and reality seemed maddeningly inconvenient, nothing but an obstacle keeping me from what I craved.
“What’d you bring?” I asked abruptly.
Stopping with his lips open just about to respond to Daniel’s question about when the roads would be clear, Paul eyed me with amusement and then turned around to the grocery bags on the counter. As much as I hated being so easy to read, sometimes it was good having a face that told everything I was thinking. It made conversations so much shorter.
“That’s just some stuff Charlotte sent over, in case you didn’t want to come back with me. I could make two trips, take you both over to the house…?”
“No,” I shook my head almost too adamantly, making Daniel snicker under his breath. Paul rolled his eyes slightly but just started pulling some stuff out of the grocery sack. “I mean… we’re dry, we have food, we have plenty of wood and kerosene for the heaters, so there’s no need for us to impose on you. We’re fine here. Right Daniel?” I asked brightly.
“Yeah. Being cut off from the outside world is actually kind of nice. I haven’t felt this relaxed in a long time.” He leveled me a scorching smile that literally made me quiver where I sat and my hard-on surged demandingly in response. Fuck, Paul, won’t you ever leave?
Over at the counter Paul was pulling bread, milk, eggs, some cellophane-wrapped cheese slices, butter and a package of ham lunch meat out of one of the bags. The other one contained a Thermos and a bottle of rum and a 2-liter of Diet Coke. I grinned when I saw that. My aunt was the fucking best.
“This is beef stew.” He tapped the Thermos. “She thought you might like some lunch.”
“How’re we going to keep this stuff from spoiling without any power?” Daniel asked, puzzled. Paul stifled a snicker, and I smiled indulgently. He was so cute when he didn’t have a clue. In the winter, the porch was another refrigerator; and there was a giant freezer right outside the back door if we’d needed it. You couldn’t do that in Florida.
“If you take it out on the side porch, it’ll be just fine, baby.”
“Oh. Yeah, that makes sense.” With a grin, Daniel grabbed the grocery sack and left the room. I stared after him, watching his ass in the slightly tight jeans, and looked up startled when Paul coughed.
“This should get you through the day and night. The county is saying the roads will still be closed off tomorrow. The next day it should probably…”
“Listen Paul,” I interrupted. I didn’t care if I sounded rude. I was desperate, and I could see the amusement in Paul’s brown eyes but for once, I didn’t care if I was making an idiot of myself. “You don’t have a condom in your wallet, do you?”
“My wife won’t let me have one,” he deadpanned. And yeah, it would’ve been funny, if I hadn’t been in such a predicament. Daniel came back in the room then and Paul bit back a smile, politely turning his eyes from the way I shuddered at Daniel’s presence beside me. Even though he didn’t touch me, I felt his warmth and electricity through my clothes and it sent waves of need through me. Obviously, it showed, because Paul picked up his coat and pulled it on.
“I better get home. Charlotte wants you to come over tomorrow. I’ll send the kids over to get you around noon.”
I barely noticed Paul getting all the cold weather gear on and heading for the door. I was too fascinated by the sly gleam of sex in Daniel’s blue eyes staring into mine; so fucking intense, they were almost electric blue. The moment I heard the door latch click shut, I launched out my chair and attacked his hot, waiting mouth. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close so I could feel his muscular shoulders flexing under my hands. His baby-fine stubble tickled my palm as I stroked his scalp, teasing his tongue with mine, feeling him trickle through my body like warm liquid and soothing my desperate, raw impatience. He was my fix. Just a taste, and it helped, but I needed more. All morning, all I could think about was dropping to my knees for him. I finally let go of his neck and slithered down his body, scratching at his clothes to get to his flesh underneath.
My fingers were sure, pulling his shirt open. His nipples were already hard little buds when my tongue circled them and I pulled lightly with my teeth and heard him breathe in sharply. His eyes were so fucking blue looking down at me and the corners of his lips were curled up in a little smile, watching me as I dragged my tongue down his sternum, swirling it in circles while I breathed in his scent. The outline of his cock strained against the denim begging me to free it, but first I had to lick his amazing abs over and over, dipping my tongue into his belly button.
“Mmm… what are you doing…” Catching my shoulders, Daniel rotated his hips so my tongue swept his belly button. It was small and cute and I fucked it with my tongue until he moaned and tilted his head back. I grinned when I felt his skin prickle under my hands and his cock gave a twitch.
“Want me to take it out?” I breathed my hot breath on the sharply defined outline of the head.
“Yeah,” he whispered. His hands caught my hair and a chill went down my spine when he tugged at it.
“Want me to lick it?”
“Yes…” he hissed.
My tongue traced his slit through the denim, then down the underside to that little place just under the head where all his nerves knotted into a hot spot that sent him through the roof. His knees hitched and I reached up and opened the button of his fly.
His cock sprang free and brushed my cheek. He sighed with relief and grabbed my hair. I looked up into his slitted eyes as I drew the zipper down, licking each millimeter of skin all the way down his shaft. A clear, sticky drop of liquid welled up into his deeply defined slit. His cock left me breathless. I stared at the pre-cum oozing up, then trickling out on the fat, flushed head. It drew me like the sweetness of honey.
Oh god, the taste. It exploded on my tongue and I grabbed his ass so I didn’t sway like a drunk. His hand fisted into my hair. I closed my eyes and wrapped my lips around the thick head of his cock, my lips catching on the flared ridge, feeling it hit the roof of my mouth where it fit so perfectly, so warm and juicy. With my tongue, I could actually feel the blood pulsing in the sensitive little veins on the underside and I made a greedy little sound as I sucked at it.
Daniel gasped at the vibration and his other hand, the one not in my hair, came down and stroked his balls and tugged them gently. Seeing him take charge of his own pleasure was the most erotic thing I’d ever seen. Looking up, watching his face, I sucked without moving my head, just surrounding his cock with the warm pull of my mouth and my tongue, watching the way his head fell back and his jaw dropped, lips parted, eyes rolled back while he uttered low, throaty sounds that made me tingle in waves, even though my hand was nowhere near my own dick. Touching myself didn’t even matter; I didn’t want to be bothered with it, I could just watch him and be happy.
“Oh… god… that’s….”
Usually so vocal, all Daniel could manage was a few mumbled words. I felt his cock swell and his balls tense, felt his knees give, felt his hand tighten in my hair till it was almost painful so I knew he was about to come and I began to slide my mouth up and down his shaft, swirling my tongue over the head, until suddenly he pulled back on my hair.
“Wait,” he panted, face red. He grinned down at me with his mouth open and gorgeously flushed and wet, his eyes glazed. “I want you bent over this table with your ass in the air.”
His hands pulled me up and then he was grabbing me, peeling my jeans down, turning me around without any conscious thought on my part. My brain seemed to be on autopilot, just watching while he did what he wanted to me. The feeling was so fucking amazing, I was shaking all over, whimpering under my breath, my cock so hard it was almost painful when he pushed me against the table. Yes, fuck me, fuck me until I can’t think. Think for me. Take my thoughts away.
Hands pulled me apart and fingers stroked my crack, teasing and circling my hole while something cool and slippery dripped down. A warm tongue and hot breath licked and teased my ass. A finger slipped inside my pucker, and then another finger stretched me a little wider; all the while, he whispered to me and I was caught up on the waves of his husky voice, I couldn’t think, I bent forward across the cold table and arched my back, gripping the opposite edge of the table for dear life.
“Mmm, you know I love your ass Ry… it looks so hot when I push my fingers into it, you know that? So tight… God, I want to fuck it so hard…”
He growled with frustration and pushed a third finger inside me, a little rough, and my chest hit the table. His hands were warm probing at my hole. I writhed against the table, I arched my back against the invasion.
“You like that?” His voice was getting harsh and choppy. The warm, slippery tip of his cock danced over my ass cheeks, leaving a shining trail.
“Yeah.” I was getting so close, my balls ached, yellow sparkly waves of fullness pinned me to the table while his fingers fucked me slow, delving deep. His hand pulling me up now, his warm body against my back, hand wrapping around the base of my cock while the fullness inside me turned into an explosion. His breath panted heavily in my ear and his body kept me upright while the orgasm ripped through me and my fingers and toes jerked with each spurt of cum that splattered across the table. I fell limply onto my arms, and Daniel jacked his own hot, sticky cum over my ass cheeks and my lower back.
“Holy fucking fuck,” he breathed and the table shook with our giddy laughter.