Average Whiteboy Fantasy, Came True


A gay story: Average Whiteboy Fantasy, Came True White Boy’s Fantasy Comes True – Can’t Escape Your Destiny

While this is based on a true story, and accurately reflects the events that happened to some “straight” white boy out there a few days ago, I am not allowed to say, and I’m not claiming that this exact story is true.

This white boy was already obsessed and fantasizing over IR porn, bnwo, BBC, feminization, reading prison stories, and he had bottomed a few times before. Now white boy (me

It was magical circumstances and timing that still doesn’t seem real, but it was, in the best ways possible.

I was barely hanging on by a thread, hilariously calling myself “straight” publicly while low key doing and fantasizing over what became true in this story.

I’ll try and write this to be enjoyable and engulfing to read, I’ll split it up into different parts like I have seen others do before, first time I have written down or shared a story of my experience like this in a story form.

I enjoy detail so I’m getting into it, I mean no offense with any strange race play that turns me on, some things under that category has the best porn that I like, and it’s my preference of the only men I find attractive, even I don’t understand it.

I encourage anyone that is hesitant, closeted, straight or whatever the fuck you think you are, if you desire for something or have a fantasy, go and get it and try it out at some point in your life, you may fall in love with what you find.

Go enjoy whatever it is you want to enjoy, in secret or however necessary. That’s what this story is about. Deeply satisfying myself with a fantasy I was looking for forever, but instead it truly found me… Can’t escape your destiny.

About White Boy

I am definitely totally “straight” overall, and publicly, is what I still tell myself but you make your decision by the end of this story…lol…I would never be willing to openly come out as being in a relationship with a man, but I would do it lowkey with the right one in the right place… and I would definitely be the girl… I just recently learned to enjoy that fact.

I have only been in relationships with girls but I have been taking dick just as long as I lost my virginity with girls. I have a thing for IR and BBC from all the porn and stigmas since I was young along with daddy issues, and getting cheated on more than once (wasn’t by a bbc surprisingly, but doesn’t help).

I’ve drooled over big black men and big black cocks by themselves or with white girls/ white boys, cucking a white hubby, etc. for years and years until the point I started to bottom for bbc myself.

All my life in public and with anyone I come across I’m straight, and if anything, I try too hard to be alpha, after so much of that act and getting defeated in my real life and my relationships and how things were going, I apparently needed some release in the feminine/submission direction.

You could say that I am a “masculine male” compared to so many guys in the world, but there is always someone bigger and stronger, and I wasn’t THAT manly to begin with, I still had more feminine features than some.

So it had always interested me and was kinda hot to me, that even though I thought I was manly, there are some real men out there that could fold me up and have their way with me if they decided to, like it was nothing.

I had always low key worked on and kept my ass looking fat even throughout my time being straight, to the point that girls bring it up to me about my booty.

At the point that the meeting in this story happened, I hadn’t taken dick for almost a year, but exclusively watched interracial porn close to every day, and I had just gotten out of my relationship with my snowbunny ex-girlfriend, so my dick cravings were at an all-time high from the deprivation and all the acting alpha around a girl who I know had been bred by much more of a man than me… She did a lot of things hinting that she liked big black cocks as well, and hinting that I wasn’t man enough in general, she had been with at least 2 black men before me, even though she only admitted one.

She always could fuck longer than I could last, and she would say humiliating things during sex like asking if my dick was hard (I was…) and saying how little cum that I have…calling me “white boy”, and whenever she posts things on social media or speaks, it’s ALWAYS “Black MAN” and “White BOY/guy”, and if it’s on social media it always says “soft” or “little” white boy.

The type of girl she is and her interests in music and dancing, the girls she follows and even some of the things she has posted hints towards BNWO (black new world order) and SPH (small penis humiliation) stuff as well, a fetish that I also watch a lot since they have all the best interracial porn, some of her posts on her social media that i found were the EXACT SAME pictures and tiktok theme with no text, as the BNWO SPH posts that make fun of small white boy cocks with a caption on them…

Me and her never talked about BNWO specifically, but she said clearly out loud “BIG BLACK COCK” multiple different times very passionately as if licking her lips, with a surprised look in her eye afterwards when looking over smiling at a white boy next to her as if to say “oops” but with no regret, clear that she was a true fan. While we watched anything made by the British Broadcasting Corp and even completely randomly she had brought up big black cocks before, excitedly.

My girlfriend before her was also a hot snowbunny of a different style, she had fucked black men too and also used “white boy” “black men” when speaking, and even more examples with a 3rd girl… I guess i really do it to myself, either way i can’t get away from it…

I’m a skinny white boy with a fat ass, I literally look like a prison punk even when trying to be straight lmfao. For like 10 years I’ve been told I would look sooo pretty as a girl, or been called pretty boy or that I have “pretty”/ “feminine” features, “wouldn’t last a minute in jail”, until now I embrace it and get turned on by it deep down. I’m going to lean into feminization at some point in life, but I’m soo hesitant and want to do it away from my hometown, I want to fully feminize myself and CD and aim to be passable without hormones or anything, shave all my hair smooth, nails, makeup, wig etc…

So even in real life separate from anything fantasy, black cocks, submitting, and sissy stuff are things I have had forced upon me for a long time and drilled into my mind, that I now just fucking enjoy the humiliation instead of being tortured by it.

That’s some about me and my past and future, this story is about how I fulfilled a deep dark life-bucket-list fantasy, farther than I ever have before, got more than what I bargained for and loved all of it.

Can’t Escape Your Destiny | Alpha Finds His Prey

I have looked for years on and off for big men that are more alpha than me, with big black cocks preferably muscular that I find attractive since those are the only men I find attractive, I’ve tried for a long time around my current area and my type seems hard to find, few and far between, and over the years only found a couple of black men that are actually what I wanted and even then I would change some things.

Until this pro Basketball player sized, prison alpha male slides into my reddit DM’s out of NO WHERE, showing off his huge black cock, saying he lives in my city, I had never seen or heard of him. He MUST have seen, but didn’t mention, all the bnwo BBC sissy whiteboy cuck type porn that I had plastered all over my reddit, but he smoothly got to know me making me comfortable and making me like him. I made sure he didn’t grow up near me or know anyone I did, and he didn’t.

He respectfully demanded to see my ass, he freaked out and hyped me up when I showed him my fat white boy booty on my slim fit body, he said I was exactly what he was looking for and talked about me like a girl, he said it was hard to find my shape and body type, he spoke as if he was hunting prey and sifting thru whiteboys and it seemed like he had found his food. I told him that a beautiful, very tall, huge cocked, big black man like him wasn’t exactly common either, my type.

It doesn’t get any crazier because this is 2-3 days after I broke up with my hot ex-girlfriend as a straight masculine male, now I’m getting seduced by a real man that sees me as a pretty pussy, and he appeared out of nowhere after I looked unsuccessfully for years.

Also because along with all the other BBC porn over the years, I have tried to find and read real prison stories of white boy’s getting punked and bitched out by black alphas in prison, for protection or forced or for pleasure and I had recently started reading those stories again last few days/weeks before this Alpha messaged me.

He happened to be in some trouble with the law and said he was probably going to get locked up, and it didn’t seem like it was his first time dealing with doing time because he just seemed a little annoyed but like whatever.

At this point in my life having to deal with cheating women, adulting and bills, I fantasize about being a prison bitch for some alpha dude for a change of pace. So needless to say, I was definitely not resisting being courted by this dream man that found me and was telling me what he’s going to do to me.

He was handling the conversation like a grown man that shook a pretty lady’s hand, making eye contact clearly both thinking of what he was going to do with her, but never making his prey nervous and luring me in making me want what he wanted.

Not that I wasn’t flirty as soon as he showed me his big black cock (pff, typical white boy), but it at some point became apparent that he was rizzing me up early in the conversation and it was working, it was deja vu of a story I had JUST READ, of a big black man that turns straight white boys into bitches, and this guy is good at it…

This whole situation literally felt like magic, big black man poofs into your DM’s out of nowhere after years of looking for exactly him. I said “this must have been destiny or something”, and as if he knew that it was, he said “it’s my destiny to blow your back out BAD”, and i joked speaking submissively and said “just don’t hurt me” or something, but he never acknowledged anything about my hesitations with pain and “too much” etc, although he was nice in our conversations so that I didn’t run away.

He went on and said “and I’m definitely going to have my way with that ass, all these twinks be trying to have a body like yours but you’re a rarity and a treasure white boy… Trust me imma feminize tf outta you… you better arch that sissy back just like that pic when you take this dick…I’m bout to get you pregnant frfr.” He jumped to talking like this very quickly and definitely wasn’t shy. I talked about how beautiful he was in the same way being flirty, blushing from hearing and thinking about what this huge black man was going to do to me, he spoke as if everything was certain and had already happened.

I asked if he had ever fucked a white boy before. He said “Yes plenty, I love turning yall out. There’s only like 3 that I would fuck again though. I would love to make you my girl, I bet you would be daddy’s favorite, I can tell already. I can get a motel tonight.”

He spoke as if I was already his wife, and I couldn’t help but play into it a bit, drooling over the fact and label of “Daddy’s pet”. Yeah you have no idea white boy. He mentioned the “motel tonight”, I told him that it was okay and that I could host, I was talking about meeting up a few days later, he ignored that and kept talking about right now or tomorrow, and wanted other ways to reach me that I’d definitely answer, I gave him my phone number since I was so hypnotized by this man as if it was a dream but it was unfolding in real life.

I had never given anyone my real phone number, I typically handled everything on Grindr or something! He messaged me on reddit which is fine but now this huge black man has my kik, one of my ig, phone number, and reddit, and was determined to meet up not in a couple days, but tomorrow at the latest and “make me his girl”…

He mentioned getting locked up again, yeah that was 2 days away so that’s why he needed right now or tomorrow, in relation to that day, and was so forceful of it. Now I DEFINITELY wanted this man’s cock because in my fucked up sissy mind it was somehow better that he was affiliated with prison lmfao.

The insane timing makes this situation even more of a dream, all the dates within a week of each other and unplanned, breaking up with my ex bad, miracle BBC man happens to find my low key reddit, exactly each others type, same city, seduces and breeds the white boy he found, and gets locked up again, within 5-7 days lmao…

He is sure to get in my phone and text me as soon as he gets my number and we start talking there, enthusiastically he talks about how he is going to breed me and split me in half, and asks if I’m into kissing. He said he was insanely horny and I could tell just by how he was talking, he said he was saving his cum for me. “You won’t feel like a man when I’m done with you”.

So hot, and he was right.

Just talking to this man as if I was his girl, I almost had him come over right away but I wanted things to be perfect since anal can be such a process sometimes and he had a monstrous cock that I wanted to please the right way for him and for myself, he had already been disappointed by boys before and I didn’t want to disappoint or get hurt.

Before the end of the night in just a couple hours of conversation with this felon Alpha black man, I became obedient wanting to please him, submissive saying yes sir, ready to go to sleep and dream of his black cock, then wake up and do it for real.

He apologized for being so aggressive and forward and didn’t want to scare me away, but he just really wanted my sweet ass before court, he said no other ass around compares to mine and something about whiteboys like me drives him crazy…He said “I love the thought of feminizing a boy and taking his masculinity, you’ll be talking different and walking different…are you ready for that?”

I told him how he is “bigger and stronger than me and that and your cock is way bigger than mine, I dream of feminizing all the way, and I’ve already done a little, it’s what I want and I don’t stand a chance anyway”. He talked about how he “mentally stimulates his girly white boys with their feminization leading up to fucking them. Makeup, smooth skin and booty, chastity cage since you won’t be needing that anymore, just a lil bitch, you’re no man.”

He pushed farther into this conversation than ever, sounding insane to some people, but hot as fuck to me. Mixing in some off topic casual fun talk, we showed each others faces, again he talked about how pretty I was, not a real man but he’ll show me a real man, looking forward to my white boy moans. He was so horny, but he insisted he was saving his cum even after edging for days, for me… (it showed)

He talked more about how he was going to split me and I was going to be his… Just like a prison bitch in the millions of stories I read, is how he spoke about me and spoke to me. He said how he was going to transform me even slimmer than I am now, fem till you can’t tell I was a male, already talking about cardio and being sure that i do my booty exercises.

He wants to break me mentally and physically, and after what he accomplished in 24 hours with me, I believe it, and I’d let him. “With me you will learn to submit. You don’t do what you want, you’ll never be a man again, you’ll see.”

He demanded more pics of my sissy face and body, showed me his beautiful throbbing black cock again, and we said goodnight, looking forward to our breeding session waiting for us when we woke up.

Today’s the day | Whiteboy Gets Bred

I of course woke up horny and dripping cum from my little cock, dreaming of what was waiting for me. Daddy was basically up all night, and I had a nice good morning text waiting for me, he asked if I had lube and confirmed that I was free and that we were meeting. I took off work that day to be safe because of his timing deadline, he said “good boy” when I told him, I didn’t want a chance of missing him or not being able to walk at work.

Reminding me how much cum he was about to shoot into my body, he eagerly asked if I was getting ready for him, already asking for my address. I did things perfectly taking my time but hurrying at the same time, cleaning out my booty, shaving hair, girly grooming things, booty exercises so it looks as fat as possible, stretching out my ass with my 9″ dildo a little in preparation.

After getting out of the shower, I sent him my address, tidied up the place, put on my panties, and he arrived with no problems very quickly which has never happened and surprised me, but I was ready and eager.

He knocked and scared me, I opened the door for this huge beautiful black alpha male that was much taller than me which never happens, smiling in my pretty white panties I let him in towering over me looking down at me, I lead him to my room with my fat whiteboy ass bouncing with each step.

He right away stripped his clothes once in my room and acted like “what are you waiting for”. I finished taking off his underwear, revealing his huge beautiful cock, and I got to work licking and sucking it, using my hands to grab his big balls and the base of his cock which he allowed for a short time until my hands were thrown down to my side, “no hands white boy”.

He put his huge hand on the back of my head pushing it down onto his huge black cock that had continuously been getting bigger and harder, until I gagged, every second that I wasn’t dying his BBC shoved back into my mouth.

I looked up at him into a real man’s eyes from on my knees, hands behind my back, his harder than ever black cock in my mouth… He had just got here like 3 minutes ago.

A few minutes of a whiteboy mouth making out with his BBC was enough and he was too edged to wait any longer, he grabbed me under my arms and picked me up off the ground like a toy standing me up…Told me to turn around and pushed me onto the bed when I wasn’t catching on.

I barely managed to get lube on him scrambling away to grab and apply it before he bent me over again like a bitch doggystyle on the bed as he was standing up, one hand on my waist above my booty, other on his huge black cock lining up with my hole. I used my dildo for like 1 minute before he got there, so I didn’t cry but still got stretched by this Alpha’s huge cock as he forced it into me. Thinking of me as pussy and fiending for it, he was progressing fast, just the head, then 5 inches, then I felt him deep and pushing past my second ring.

I’m losing it trying to keep myself together as I get opened up by a man ready to breed, I’m making all kinds of sissy noises. I hit my poppers once while he plays with my ass as and strokes my insides, as his massive cock hits DEEP it hurts but he continued to split me open, I hit them once more as I realized how this is going to go. He was “gentle” and slow-ish for like 4 thrusts total.

His cock was 10 inches long and as thick as a red bull can or more, but he forced that dick into me for an unknown amount of time at the expense of my pain until he came inside me, I think I blacked out for a decent period of time at least twice during this mauling, between the poppers and the shock to my body going 0-100. He medium speed fucked and opened me up doggy style at first, playing with my booty, seeing how deep he could shove it into me in this position, while enjoying the pussy.

I tried to enjoy the pleasure and pain of being used and opened while trying to find a way and position that made a big black man’s cock feel more comfortable inside me since any of his deep strokes had me yelping.

He grabbed one hand and forced it behind my back, talking in my ear asking how old I was the first time I got fucked by a black cock, asked me sissy fantasies, humiliated me talking about his big black balls slapping against my little white balls, and about my little white cock, compared to his, a real man’s BBC that looked so good in my pretty pussy and how it would look even better if I feminized myself even further.

After his huge cock entered me, and surrounding hits of poppers that rushed over my body almost blacking me out every single time, I felt this growing warm melting feeling inside my ass and entire body, as I began to enjoy and learn to submit to what was happening to me and try to relax my body.

He was hypnotizing me mid-sex and forcing me to submit with no option and it was so fucking hot. When he pulled that big pipe ALL the way out of me for the first time, my booty made a popping and whooshing noise when it popped out and I felt gaped, because I was.

He pulled my legs out from under me so that I was laying on the bed on my stomach with some of my legs and knees partially hanging off, feet in the air, booty arched for daddy, like how girls take the selfie with her ass and feet showing over her head, but exaggerated. I was twerking and shaking my ass for him trying to look sexy and do what he would like.

When he decided he was ready he mounted me again, my feet positioned between his legs, hanging off the bed, where my heels will hit his lower back to pull him into me, on my stomach, exposed, hands either controlled by master or allowed to be used to push back into him.

In this position he really could stroke me with that cock DEEP, and I was more so feeling every inch, and holy fuck did he deep stroke me. This entire time I’m begging him “just a little slower please sir” “ouch baby slow opening me up deep”, “careful daddy”, “I’ll give it to you please don’t hurt me!!”.

He only bothered responding to one out of one hundred of my complaints, saying “quite white boy”… “take this dick”, or when I squirmed too much and he wasn’t having it, just a simple aggressive “shut up” through gritted annoyed teeth, yanking both my hands by the wrist and putting them behind my back, hand around my neck forcing my face down and I arched my ass up, pinned down and dominated.

He pumped my white boy ass from the head to the base with his huge black cock that was now monstrous and inflated rock hard, in this position legs together I felt every inch sliding which felt amazing until he bottomed out. I squirmed, screamed and squealed like a little bitch because it was actually painful the last 2-3 inches as it rearranged my stomach like no man or thing ever had before, but I had no control and I get in trouble if I fight back too much against master, it wasn’t up to me.

He long and deep stroked my ass opening it up entirely, but making sure he opened me up the deepest where it was most painful and tight, it must have felt good since the shock and pain made me squeeze the base of his huge cock too. The entire time, my little white boy cock smashed and limp underneath my body, pushed out of the way in annoyance when it got hard at the beginning or was in the way, all the pleasure coming from my ass, pleasing this man, and from my submission. He almost made me cum, but my cock was soft and untouched.

I thought to myself, “This same situation would happen between me and this man if we were in prison white boy, you know and dream about that, just submit. You would have no choice, he would beat you up if you resisted, and made you his bitch anyway, just like he is right now, more aggressively when you fight back”.

I had abusive males in my family that forced me to listen to them when I was young, and in regular life I was never able to give in or relax, always being competitive or pushed to go do great things, but life leaves you feeling defeated sometimes, and weird enough to say as a competitor, it really hit the spot and drove me insane to give in and submit to a superior man more than I ever had before.

I was allowed to put my hands above my head since I was falling off the bed, but only to stop myself on the wall, as he pumped my ass pushing my head and shoulders down between the bed and wall in an uncomfortable position that forced my ass to arch even more even though I was already arching into his huge cock, even when pushing myself up to stop falling I would at the same time be pushing into his cock as he fucked me deep, ignoring the “ouch baby” squeals and whatever other sounds that I had never made before.

This is why he never acknowledged me asking him to not hurt me, he didn’t care and he was taking me and opening me up period, I was the prison bitch with no control of what happened and I had to give in or it would hurt more and I would get in trouble, he is stronger so you can’t fight back white boy, I submitted and loved it through the pain. At some point he drug my limp wrists and head back onto the bed, not taking his massive black cock out like it’s my leash leaving at least the head and a couple inches in, while he got lube and gathered himself.

I was curled up half fetal position, half ass still in the air with a monster throbbing black cock hanging out, I had collapsed a bit and trying to rest hanging limp, whimpering but also close to cumming hands free convulsing on that dick.

He worked lube onto his huge cock again thank god and got us ready again, then was back forcing BBC into his new pet white boy’s pussy, sending electric throughout my body after his full 10 inches slid and bottomed out into my stomach again. He was harder than ever now, he was huge, and he needed to cum it seemed considering he was even more animalistic than before.

He spread both my arms straight out to my side, held my arms and neck down, my ass up offered to him arching into him, I was 100% submitted to him with control of my body given to my master, poppered out of my mind before he put me into this position. Submit white boy. He made fucking sure that I did, and nothing bad happened to me if I submitted to him, but if i didn’t listen he yanked me by my hair or smacked me back in line aggressively and talked down to me until I was obedient and gave up again.

He let go of my arms, wrapped his hand around my neck as he laid his weight overtop of me, I had no choice but to push my boy pussy back into his huge black cock, it literally felt better to arch into him and take it all and pleasing his cock, than to run for some reason, it hurt less and made me want to cum… With 10 inches of black cock inside me.

Cries of pain or “please this” or “please that” were ignored, especially as he was about to cum or if he liked how it felt. Master loved using my ass and he was going to cum soon it was obvious, he hadn’t showed mercy even with white boy begging him for a few minutes now, and he was slapping his ball sack against me harder and harder as he bottomed out his cock and broke me, rearranging my body, back, and organs.

He kept pounding my white boy ass demanding me to squeeze on his cock on and off, telling me to keep doing this little twerk thing I had done, degrading me, dominating me, forcing me to submit and loved it. He went harder and harder, I begged for mercy but Alpha kept doing what he wanted, long deep strokes that began to hurt from friction and how deep it was in my stomach, he was heavily panting in my ear on top of me as we broke my back arching it into his cock as he bred me.

I instead apologized for complaining about the pain, I told him “I’m sorry to complain sir, I’m a straight boy so I’m not trained”…”straight boy”, rightttt. I was squealing as this monstrous black cock long stroked me, I tried getting away when it hurt, and got spanked and reprimanded until I apologized and submitted to him limp.

I tried to relax my body as this real man had his way using me as pussy, experiencing what it’s like to submit by force, what it’s like to be the girl, and loving it. He seemed to enjoy my girl-ish squeals even if it was from pain, and he enjoyed the fact I had given up and submitted to him as he “made me his girl”.

I lost the will to fight back and was now either laying limp and submitted, or fucking him back, throwing my ass into him the best way possible with each thrust. “good boy” “good girl”… “yes sir/daddy/master”… He controlled my body, I arched into him and together we pushed his monstrous cock all the way in and out of me and we massaged his huge cock using what apparently was his new pussy, previously my ass. Twerking like a slut fucking him back, about to cum on his massive cock knowing I was pleasing him, in and out the deepest 4 inches, then all the way out to the head and then slapping balls deep he fucked me.

He became more animalistic than ever, no concern for how he bent or broke my body, I tried squirming away as I got impaled but I was already forced into place, held down by the weight of his body as he lay on top of me breathing in my ear. Getting bred with no hope of getting away even while begging, bringing a grown man’s cock to climax using my holes, and it even feels good for me even though there’s some pain, my fantasy.

He went from his usual growling to louder moans and groans while forcing his big black cock in and out many inches then painfully balls deep into me. He pinned me down with his hands and all his weight, slapped his huge balls and massive cock in and out 8 1/2 inches in my ass never taking out the head, then throbbed and FUCKING FILLED my entire booty, stomach, and what felt like the rest of my torso with his cum. I felt it everywhere inside me warm, filling every gap that wasn’t already filled with cock, almost out of my booty if it wasn’t tight around master’s cock, it felt relieving on my insides after so much friction and beating.

Ngl I had black men cum inside before, but Daddy just fucking flooded my insides like I didn’t know was possible, I felt it’s warmth spread everywhere inside my body as soon as he let his seed loose. Some cum came pouring out of my gaped white ass as soon as his massive black cock came out, some I held in once I felt it, and the rest was too deep inside of me.

He filled me with so much cum up my white boy ass that I literally almost threw up for some reason, that had never happened before but I had never been filled like that before. He had got me pregnant like he said he would. He fucked me for hours longer and we never needed lube again needless to say.

He pulled his massive cock out of me whenever he decided he was done flooding my booty and stood there proud of his work looking down at this broken white boy he had just bred. I could only giggle through my whimpers as I lay there broken and look at him smiling, I said “thank you”, and while trying to not let the cum spray out of my ass as i moved around, I offered him water or whatever he needed and tried to be of service, feeling obedient like a good girl after what had just happened to me.

We took a break and caught a breather until he was able to get his massive cock hard again. He used my ass even harder this time and I had to do even more work on his BBC to make him cum, he made me squeeze my boy pussy on him and massage his BBC with it for as long as he wanted, I twerked on his cock while squeezing it begging for him to cum for me again since I needed to stop from the pain.

I at some point had mentioned that I had never swallowed cum, and I again begged to swallow it once he brought it up and he said I was allowed to since he already came inside me.

I was begging to stop and for me to tap out since he had split my boy pussy in half so bad and I was bleeding and it hurt, he slapped me a couple times hard and told me to “shut up” again as he again pinned me and ragdoll fucked my white boy ass undeterred, deep, a little slower than animal mode after I mentioned bleeding, but still deep dicking me doggy style, on my stomach or face down ass up every time, slapping his balls against my ass, booty jiggling after every smack.

He tore my white ass open ignoring my squeals of pain pleasure and pleading, until he was fulfilled and ready to cum again and eventually he yanked his monstrous cock out of me.

It felt like it took 5 full seconds of pulling until the whole thing was out, I felt a gaping hole in my body the size of a big black cock and it was a hot as fuck feeling. I lay their limp and broken, whimpering more so out of pain this time, he grabbed me by my hair and drug me off the bed and shoved his big black cock into my mouth.

I picked up one hand to play with his balls or the base of his cock and i got yanked off his cock by my hair briefly for a message before being shoved back down, “no hands white boy!”, “yes master, I’m sorry”. I got back to servicing him in my position of hands down on my lap or behind my back, and big black cock in my submissive whiteboy mouth looking up at him like how he enjoyed.

I made out with his huge cock loving it more and able to swallow it a bit more, trying to suck the cum out of it, he was hard and huge. He shoved his cock down my throat repeatedly until i gagged badly, then he yanked it out and started masturbating himself, holding me by my hair in front of his cock until he was ready. He let go of my head for a second, I tried to lick his cock and i was ragdoll yanked by my hair again while he masturbated, so said I was sorry again and sat there on my knees submissively looking down, hands at my side limp, waiting for cum.

He must love this because he was ready to cum after seconds more of stroking, groaning shoving his big black cock in my mouth and into my throat “here white boy”, throbbing and blasting like he was peeing it was so much cum, a huge load of cum bigger than any of mine.

Some sprayed into the back of and down my throat, the rest filling up my mouth and sitting on my tongue as he squirted the cum of a real man allll into my mouth and throat. I had never tasted it but cum didn’t taste very good, but like a good girl I swallowed all his cum, and showed him the inside of my mouth sticking my tongue out.

He got dressed and left shortly after, I was saying “I love you” by the end of the session, worshiping him. I kissed him and said thank you, even though I just got broken by this man, my insides destroyed, rearranged and flooded. All he really said before leaving real low key was “Wow, I hope your neighbors didn’t hear”… and yeah last thing on my mind was the neighbors the sound levels of the crazy noises I was making now that I think about it.

Getting my ass opened up had me hollering, I pray they weren’t listening too…Oops. Literally a heaven sent experience, exactly what I’ve fantasized about and it came right to me, he messaged me first and I had never known of him. Through the legit pain of the experience I fucking loved every second. He got locked up the day after it seems and I’ve still never heard from him ever again, he was the one saying and making sure that is was not going to be a one time thing, and kept talking about next time and me being his. Inshallah.

I’ve been kinder and more obedient and very happy for days afterwards, seeping into my real life separate from any fetish or fantasy, and it’s not the first time that happened after a dick down which is interesting. Who knows if I’ll ever see him again but I really hope I do lmao, even if it was just a one time dream fulfilling experience, I still am very happy about it. They say “you are what you think about” and I guess it’s true. Can’t escape your destiny ;P


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