The Mirror to My Soul Ch. 01

A gay story: The Mirror to My Soul Ch. 01 It was after midnight and I hoped it wasn’t too late. It was a good sized park near downtown and even though there were plenty of parking spaces, I hesitated and drove around the park three times before I parked the car.

There was a small pond in the middle of the park with a walking path encircling it. As I walked down the slight hill to reach the path I wondered if this was a good idea. I had never been here before, but its reputation was well known. This was where guys went to meet other guys. This was where “the queers hung out”.

I wondered why I was doing this. I tended bar at a popular place in town and never had a problem meeting girls. Three, sometimes four nights a week a young lady would go home with me and spend the night. The girls were pretty with great bodies, but the sex was mechanical and passionless and more often than not I felt disappointed afterwards. I wanted to try something different.

I reached the path by the pond and looked around. Not a soul to be seen.

Damn, I thought. It is too late.

I saw a small building on the other side of the pond and slowly began walking. My mind racing — why was I doing this?

While it was easy for me to pick-up girls where I worked, whenever I went to other bars I never had such luck. I always became tongue-tied and said foolish things.

Maybe another reason I was here tonight was, and there’s no easy way to say this, but I’ve had many guys, young and old, who have tried to pick me up. Some guys would get mad if it happened to them, but I actually felt it was flattering. I’m not attracted to men, and I never accepted an offer, but something inside me keeps telling me maybe I should ‘experiment’.

Why guys want me – I have no idea. I’m 22 years old, 5’8″, 140 pounds with light brown hair, and have been told by the girls that I’m “a cute guy”, but I’m not effeminate and I don’t ‘encourage’ men, so I don’t know what the attraction could be.

As I approached the lighted building, out of nowhere, a guy was suddenly beside me. He must have been behind one of the trees and I never saw him. I felt panic, but tried not to show it.

“I need to use the facilities, is that where you’re going?” he asked.

“Yeah, me too” is all I could say. Then I noticed the building contained restrooms. On the right was the ladies room, on the left was the mens room.

“Which one are you going to use?” he smiled.

I laughed nervously. We walked into the men’s room together.

In the bright light, I furtively checked him out. He was older – maybe 40 or 50 – good looking — a few inches taller, and in pretty good shape. He looked distinguished – like he might be very successful. We stood side-by-side at the urinals — a short partition between us. His age didn’t bother me.

“Too bad you can’t see this. I think you’d like it” he said, obviously referring to his penis.

My face flushed a deep red and he chuckled. “Haven’t seen you here before, are you new here?”

“Yeah, ah, well…I’ve never been here before.”

“So, you haven’t hooked-up with anyone here before?”

“No” I said.

We finished and washed our hands. As we walked out the door he said, “You’re a good looking boy, I have a place a block away. Want to come over and have a beer?”

My heart and mind were racing. I didn’t know what to think or say. Then it occurred to me ‘isn’t this the reason you’re here’?

I said, “Sure, a beer sounds good.”

We walked in silence to an apartment building, went inside and up one flight of stairs. Once inside, and my eyes finally focusing, the first thing I noticed were all the mirrors on the walls. I saw it was a studio apartment with a big bed on one side of the room, and a sofa on the other side. A small kitchen was to the right of the front door, and down a short hallway to the left must have been the bathroom.

“Wow. You really like mirrors” I said. They lined the walls behind the sofa, and to the side of the bed.

He laughed and said, “Yes, I guess you could say I like to see what I’m doing, or, I like to see what’s being done to me”.

My face turned red again.

“Want a beer? Oh, I also have wine” he asked. “I’m going to have a glass of wine, it relaxes me”.

“Sure, I’ll have some wine”. I’m not a wine drinker but, for some reason, I wanted to be agreeable.

He brought us the wine and we settled on the couch. He then reached for something on the table beside him. It was a joint. I’d only tried grass a few times and never really liked it. I was an alcohol man.

“Do you mind? Wine is good, but this really helps you to relax”.

“Okay” I said. My nerves were still on edge – maybe this would help me calm down.

He lit it up and gave it to me. We sat in silence and passed the joint back and forth. I noticed I was smoking a lot more of it than he was.

Then he reached on the table and grabbed a deck of cards.

“How about a card game?” he asked.

A card game? Strange! I thought it was odd, but the grass was beginning to affect me and I was feeling more and more relaxed.

“Sure. What do you want to play?” I asked.

“How’s strip poker sound to you?”

“Okay” I said.

“We’re wearing too many clothes – the game will take forever. Why don’t we take off our shoes and socks?”

I agreed and we both removed our footwear. He shuffled the cards and dealt. It was 5 card draw, the winner would remove an item of clothing from the loser.

I won the first hand.

I reached over and found the top button on his shirt. By this time I was feeling woozy, but good. I had to fully concentrate on each button to open his shirt. When I removed his shirt, he took my hand and pressed it against his chest. So smooth – so soft. I ran my hand over his chest. I placed my other hand on his chest and ran my hands over him.

He gently took my head in his hands and pulled me to him. We kissed. A long, lingering kiss. His lips were soft, too.

“I had a feeling you’d be a good kisser” he said. I was pleased at the compliment.

He dealt the next hand. I lost.

He pulled my polo shirt over my head and ran his hands over my chest. I wasn’t a ‘hard body’, but I was in pretty good shape. He massaged my breasts. He rubbed my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. My nipples hardened – my penis came alive.

“Do that to me” he said.

I rubbed his breasts and massaged his nipples the same way. We kissed again. Another long, satisfying kiss.

I lost the next hand. I had a feeling he was manipulating the cards – the game was fixed, but I didn’t care. He unbuckled my belt and opened my pants. I lifted up to help him take my pants down. My penis was semi-erect and pushing against my briefs.

“Tidy-whities” he chuckled. He ran his hands over my thighs. We kissed for a longer time. His hand lightly grazed my fabric-covered penis. It was now fully erect.

He dealt the cards again. I won this time.

My hands were trembling. I had a little trouble opening his pants – he was smiling. When I pulled his pants off I saw he was wearing boxers and that his penis was pushing against the material. I did to him what he did to me. I caressed his thighs while we kissed. My hand brushed against his hard penis.

“Heh – heh, you learn quickly” he smiled.

We kissed and caressed each others’ chest and thighs. We both had raging hard-ons. Our kisses became deeper using our tongues.

I had a feeling I’d lose the next hand, and I did.

We were standing now. He hooked his thumbs in my underwear and pulled them down. My penis popped free and stood between us. We embraced and kissed. Our hands running over each others’ bodies.

“Pull down my shorts” he instructed. “I want to be naked with you”.

I was nervous again. Anticipation, maybe. I pulled his shorts down and saw his hard penis between us. It was beautiful. Seven inches long and an inch-and-a-half around. He hardly had any hair down there. My breath quickened – he noticed and smiled. We embraced and kissed.

He said, “Caress me”, and took my hand and guided it to his penis. He showed me what he wanted. I lightly rubbed his balls then worked my hand up his hard penis – then back down again. My hand was open and gently stroked his shaft and balls. He moaned.

He broke off the kiss then whispered in my ear, “I want to fuck you”.

He didn’t wait for an answer. He took my hand and led me to the bathroom. The seat was down and he told me to sit. He told me I should ‘go’, if I could. I was able to pee, but not the other thing. His hard penis was level with my face.

“Kiss it” he said.

I stared at his penis. It was beautiful, but I couldn’t bring myself to kiss it. I’m not a queer, I thought to myself. I’ll let him fuck me, but I won’t take his penis in my mouth.

He chuckled at my hesitation. He said, “That’s okay”.

He helped me up from the toilet seat. He had a tube of lubricant in his hand.

“I’ll get you ready”

He went behind me and rubbed my bottom. “Spread your legs for me”. I did. He said, “No, wider apart”.

He told me to lean against the wall with my hands. He pushed my legs apart even wider. Then I felt something cool on my bottomhole. He lubed around my hole, greased-up his finger again, and pushed the finger slowly into my hole. It was a strange invasion of my body. My sphincter muscles would automatically tighten, he would pinch my bottom hard and tell me to “Relax”. I was able to loosen my sphincter enough until his entire finger was in my bottomhole. I took a deep breath and waited for him to remove his finger.

“Good boy, good boy, stay relaxed” he said. Slowly, the finger in my bottom began to feel good. My penis was hard as a rock. I closed my eyes and let the sensations take hold of me. Then he removed his finger from my bottomhole.

He took the lube and squirted some on his hard penis. “Rub it on my cock” he said.

I rubbed the lube on his penis. I could not believe how hot, smooth and hard his penis was. My own penis was throbbing.

We washed our hands and he led me to the bed.

“Kneel on the bed. On your elbows and knees. Raise that pretty bottom up high”.

I did as I was told.

“Spread your knees apart as wide as you can”.

When my legs were as far apart as they would go, I felt a rush of cool air on my exposed bottomhole.

I panicked when I felt his cockhead press against my hole.

WHAT AM I DOING? I asked myself. Here I am on a strange bed, spreading my legs for a strange man to fuck me in the ass! I’m not a queer!

He sensed my uneasiness and stroked my bottom.

“You’re going to love this. I’ll take it slow. If you can’t do it I’ll pull out. Push back against me”.

His voice was very soothing. I calmed down. I did as I was told.

I pushed back against his cock. I could feel the head enter my virgin ass. Slowly, very slowly he pushed further into me. The pressure grew and grew. It didn’t hurt. Rather, it felt like I had to take an enormous shit. I was embarrassed. I didn’t want to soil the bed and make him mad at me.

He had half his hard penis inside me when I couldn’t take anymore.

“I gotta stop – I’m sorry – I can’t do it”.

He pulled out and I collapsed on the bed. When I stood he was wiping his penis clean with a towel.

“What kind of boy are you?” he asked. “Are you a cocktease? Are you going to leave me like this?”

“I’m sorry – sorry”.

I looked at him wiping his penis. I had to do something. I went to him and removed the towel and began stroking his penis with my hand. We went to the sofa. I spread the towel on the sofa and we sat down.

The least I could do was give him a handjob, I thought.

He taught me how he liked having his penis stroked. He taught me the pressure he liked and the speed. I had to admit his hard penis felt wonderful in my hand.

We kissed. He told me to rub his balls with my other hand. I did as I was told. His balls were heavy. Probably filled with cum since he wanted to fuck me but I wouldn’t let him. My own penis was hard again.

We used our tongues in each others’ mouths. He pinched my nipples – hard. He kissed and licked my ears. His hot breath driving me mad. His penis throbbing beneath my fingers.

“Look at my penis” he said.

I did. It was beautiful.

“Kiss it!’ he whispered in my ear.

This time I couldn’t resist. I bent my head down, licked my lips and kissed the head of his penis. I could feel his hand on the back of my head holding me down there. I didn’t mind.

“Kiss down the shaft then back up”.

The smooth hot shaft of his penis excited me. I kissed down one side then back up, and kissed down the other side and back up. He pulled my head to his and we kissed. He was smiling. I was making him happy.

“It will be easier for you if you kneel between my legs.”

I didn’t object – he was right. It would be easier to kiss his penis if I was kneeling between his legs. .

When I was in position he said: “You’re such a sweet boy, I’m going to call you Sweetie, okay?”

“Okay” I agreed. Why not?

“Now, hold the base of my penis with one hand – cup my balls in your other hand.”

I grasped his penis shaft with my left hand, and cradled his balls in my right hand. It felt so natural. I wanted to do a good job and make him happy.

“Now Sweetie, whenever you kiss or lick my penis and balls, I want you to look at them, okay?”


“What did I just say? Tell me.”

I played along: “Whenever I kiss or lick your penis and balls, I should look at them”.

“Very good! Now lick your lips and kiss my penis from the top to the base”.

I did as I was told. I moved up-and-down his penis with my lips until I had kissed every inch of it. I was incredibly turned-on by this. Then he had me use my tongue and lick his entire penis. Staring at his beautiful penis the whole time, I thought my own penis would burst.

“Sweetie, lick your lips and place them over my cockhead. You’ll be able to get the head into your mouth, but not much more. Keep your tongue moving at all times – I want to feel your tongue on my cock at all times, and no biting! Okay?”

I couldn’t believe how eager I was to follow his orders. I now had a penis in my mouth for the first time.

“Keep a steady rhythm with your hand while you suck my cock, okay?”

Oh, God, I was excited! ‘…while you suck my cock’!! I heard those words over-and-over in my head. If I could touch my penis I’d explode, but I was concentrating on his excitement. I sucked and licked his cockhead while I stroked him with my hand.

“Faster” he said, and I sucked and licked faster knowing he was about to shoot his cum.

“Oh, Sweetie, that’s good. Your mouth and your hands are wonderful. Go faster! When I shoot my cum I want you to swallow all of it, okay?”

I nodded my head. I sucked and licked his cock as good as I could. My hand was a blur on his shaft, moving up-and-down furiously. My mind was lost in a fog. All I wanted was for him to shoot his cum in my mouth. This was incredible!

I heard him cry out – I felt his penis throb then the first shot of cum landed on my tongue. I swallowed and swallowed – I couldn’t keep up. Some of the cum dribbled down my chin. He kept shooting and shooting. I swallowed most of it.

Finally, his orgasm ended and his penis softened. It slid out from between my lips.

“Sweetie, clean up the cum you missed with your tongue.”

I did as I was told. I licked the cum off his penis and around his pubes.

What an interesting and incredible flavor I had in my mouth. Not at all a bad flavor– just different.

He patted me on the head. “Sweetie, that was very good for your first time! You’ll only get better.”

I was still kneeling between his legs. My penis was hard and slick with pre-cum. The fog was lifting from my head and I started feeling ashamed. What did I just do?

“I, ah, I guess I’d better get going”, I mumbled, I couldn’t even look at him.

“No, not yet. The nights still young. We’re going to have more fun. Why don’t you go into the bathroom and clean yourself. The lube is probably coming out of your bottomhole.”

Huh? No, not yet? Was he telling me I had to stay?

I went into the bathroom and cleaned myself. He was right; the lube was oozing out of my hole and down my legs. It took a long time until I was satisfied that I cleaned it all.

When I was ready to return to the living room I remembered I was still naked. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around myself.

He was standing holding something. He had put on his boxers. When he saw me he laughed.

“Sweetie, take the towel off and put it in the bathroom. I have something here for you to wear.”

Sheepishly, I walked back into the room totally naked. He handed me women’s panties and a nightie.

“Put these on”.

“But, but these are….”

He cut me off: “Yes, red panties and a red nightie – now be quick about it – put these on!”

I did what I was told.

I felt foolish but had to admit the sheer and sleek material felt great against my skin. My penis had become semi-erect, but at the feel of the material I had a full-blown erection once again. I really needed to cum.

He laughed again. He grasped my penis through the panties and slowly stroked it.

“Sweetie, I’m going to help you have the best orgasm of your life!”

It was an incredible feeling. I put my arms around him and we kissed for a long time. I ran my hands over his body.

“Remember how I taught you to caress me?” I nodded. “Do it now”.

My hand reached inside his boxers. I started at his balls then moved slowly over his penis. My hand grazing his flesh. His penis was already getting hard again.

With my hand caressing him, he maneuvered me in front of one of the mirrors next to the bed. We continued kissing while I fondled his penis and balls. Now he too, was fully erect.

“Sweetie, I want to watch you in the mirror sucking my cock. Get on your knees and take down my shorts.”

I couldn’t believe I obeyed him. There was something about him that impressed me. It was like I had no will of my own. I was there to do whatever he wanted.

On my knees, I grasped the waistband of his shorts and pulled them down. When his penis sprang into view my own penis throbbed inside my panties. A strong wave of desire washed through me.

Oh, God, what’s happening to me?

I was going to take his penis in my mouth when he stopped me. I looked up at him with a puzzled look on my face.

“Sweetie, you need to control yourself. Wait until I tell you what to do, okay?”

“Okay”, I meekly answered.

“Kiss it, Sweetie. Wet your lips and kiss my cock from top to bottom”.

And so it went. He had me kiss and lick his penis for a long time before he allowed me to take it in my mouth and suck it. I was sure the fabric of my panties was going to cause me to cum, but my penis just ached and throbbed.

“Now Sweetie, when I cum, I want to cum directly on your tongue. Put your tongue on my penis slit, and lap-up all the cum with your tongue. It will be easier for you to swallow every drop, okay?”

I nodded. My mind was lost in a fog again. All I wanted was to catch every drop of his cum in my mouth and swallow all of it. I wanted to please him.

I made guttural noises as I lost myself in the sucking. I moaned as I sucked at his wonderful cock. Finally, he rewarded my sucking with shot-after-shot of hot cum on my lapping tongue. I swallowed every drop.

The front of my panties was wet with pre-cum. My penis screamed for attention. I wanted to beg him to let me cum but I stayed silent.

“Stay on your knees” he said and went to retrieve something from a table. He came back with another joint. He lit it and offered it to me.

“Take a long drag on it and inhale as deeply as you can”.

I did as I was told.

Soon, very soon, I was stoned again. I was higher than I’d ever been. A dazed smile crossed my lips. He offered his hand and helped me to my feet. He offered me his glass of wine. I drank two mouthfuls then he took the glass from me.

“Sweetie, take off your panties”.

I reached to pull them down but he stopped me.

“Not that way. Hook your thumbs in the waistband and wriggle your hips and slowly push them down your legs. I want to see your cute little bottomcheeks jiggling back and forth as you take off your panties”.

I knew what he wanted. I’ve watched girls remove their panties in the same manner. It was very sexy. I slowly peeled down my panties, shaking my bottom for him to see. When they were off, he reached and took the panties from my hand.

“Sweetie, stand at the end of the bed, bend over and place your elbows on the mattress.” I hesitated long enough for him to notice. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to fuck your sweet bottom – tonight”.

Bending over with my elbows on the bed, my bottom was prominently displayed to his view. He made me spread my legs further apart. Then I heard a soft humming noise. I looked around and saw he was holding a smooth and shiny vibrator.

He came up behind me with the vibrator in one hand, and my panties in his other hand. Then I felt the cool hard rubber of the vibrator between my bottomcheeks. He gently ran it over my bottomhole and perineum. With his other hand he stroked the panties up-and-down my hard penis.

I was in heaven. The sensations were incredible. I had never felt such pleasure. Up-and-down his panty-covered hand stroked my penis. The vibrator rubbing my hole drove me closer-and-closer to orgasm. He sensed I was getting close.

“Sweetie, listen to me. When you shoot your load I want you to shout out ‘I’m cumming in my panties – I’m cumming in my panties’. Do you understand?”

“Yes, oh God, yes I will”.

His hands were incredible. I couldn’t think of anything but his hands, and the feel of the vibrator on my hole and the panties stroking my penis. My head was drowning in total pleasure. His hand moved faster-and-faster up-and-down my throbbing penis. Then suddenly, from deep inside me it started. Wave-after-wave of intense pleasure — the greatest orgasm I’d ever had.


Exhausted, I collapsed on the bed gasping for air trying to catch my breath. Oh my God, that was incredible!!

“Sweetie…Sweetie, are you okay?”

“Oh God, yes!”

“Sweetie, I’m afraid you made a real mess in your panties. Here, clean them!”

He placed the red panties near my face. They were drenched with pools of my cum. He’d caught every drop of my cum in the panties.

“Clean them with your tongue.” I tentatively stuck out my tongue and licked at the cum. “No, not like that. Take the panties in your mouth and clean off all your cum”.

I did as I was told.

It surprised me how quickly my cum went from hot to cold. When he was satisfied I had properly cleaned my panties, he made me put them back on. They were wet and sticky from my saliva and cum and it felt naughty, but nice to be wearing them for him.

“Sweetie, that was exciting, wasn’t it?”

I agreed then saw why he said that: his penis was standing stiff, and rock-hard. Again? So soon? He’s amazing, I thought.

He wanted me on my knees in front of the mirror again. I obeyed him.

I kissed and licked and sucked his beautiful penis. I was becoming very good at it. I had him moaning with pleasure.

“Sweetie, this time when I cum, don’t swallow it right away – I want you to hold it in your mouth, okay?”

I was lost in the sucking. I nodded my head.

I held his balls in my right hand and when I felt them slightly tighten, my other hand moved faster on his penis and I waited for him to fill my mouth with his cum.

His penis spurted shot-after-shot of hot cum into my mouth. I briefly panicked, thinking I wouldn’t be able to take all his cum without spilling it. Finally he was finished.

My mouth was wide open, filled with cum.

“Sweetie, look at yourself in the mirror. Look at yourself and swirl your tongue around. I want you to coat your tongue with my cum”.

I looked in the mirror. I almost didn’t recognize my face. I still held his shrinking penis in one hand near my face, and his cum filled my entire mouth. I swirled my tongue in and around his cum.

“Sweetie, you love that creamy treat I gave you, don’t you?”

I managed a slight smile without spilling any of his cum. He made me stay like that awhile longer then said: “Okay, you can swallow my cum now”. And I swallowed every drop.

He had me clean his penis with my lips and tongue then he helped me to my feet.

He was putting on his boxers. He told me it was alright to get dressed. I began to remove the panties but he stopped me.

“Sweetie, they’re yours now. I want you to wear them home. The nightie, too”. He picked up my ‘tidy-whities’ and threw them in the garbage.

I dressed and wondered if my polo shirt would hide the nightie. It did. He held my hand and walked me to the door. He opened the door.

“By the way” he said, “my name is Richard.”

“I’m John”.

He said, “I’ll be in touch” then closed the door behind me.

The sun was beginning to come up when I went outside. I walked across the street and through the park to my car.

Driving home, I felt ashamed. Yes, I did enjoy it, but that wasn’t the ‘real me’. I’m not a queer. I like girls. The wine and grass must have lowered my inhibitions enough to do those unspeakable things. I decided this would be a one night stand only. I felt better about myself.

Then I wondered what he meant when he said, “I’ll be in touch?”

He knew my first name and that was all. I’d told him I was a bartender and we talked about golf, but I didn’t tell him where. He had no clue who I was or where I worked. I was confident that I would never see him again.

I finally arrived home. I went straight to my bedroom, and stripped off my shirt and slacks. I caught a glimpse of myself in the bedroom mirror. I decided to wear the nightie and, still damp panties to bed.

I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I slept longer than I intended. When I awoke the smell of cum permeated the room. The panties had dried, but stuck to my skin. I peeled off the panties and nightie, and jumped in the shower.

On the way to work I did my best to eliminate the previous night from my memory. I felt like a new person. I resolved to live a better life – to be more responsible. Maybe find a nice girl and settle down. If anything, the one-night stand gave me a clearer perspective on what was truly important in life.

The bar was busy when I got there. I jumped right in and did my usual professional job. As always, there were a handful of pretty girls sitting in my section. I flirted with all of them.

Later in the evening I had set my sights on a short blonde with a cute smile, and breasts that filled her sweater. I wanted to see her naked.

“Good evening, Johnny”, the voice behind me raised the hair on my neck. It was unmistakable. It was Richard’s voice.

I whipped around to face him. My face turned 3 different shades of red. I had to keep my cool. I needed to remain calm.

“Ah…hi. How are you tonight? What I can I get you to drink?

He smiled. “Oh, nice. Very professional! I’ll have a glass of wine”.

My hands trembled as I poured the wine. How can this be? How on earth did he find me?

I gave him his drink and he thanked me. Then added: “You look very pretty tonight. I can’t wait to see you after work”.

My face flushed beet red. I looked around and saw no one could hear us. “Ah, I…ah, Richard, that was a one night thing. That’s not who I am. I won’t be doing that again! How did you find me?”

His smiled widened. He reached into a pocket and pulled out three photographs. He slid them across the bar to me. I couldn’t believe what I saw.

In one I was bending over and he had his hard penis partly in my bottom; in another, I was on my knees with his penis in my mouth; in the third, my mouth was wide open, obviously filled with his cum while I held his dripping penis in my hand. In all three photos my face was clearly recognizable.

I quickly covered them up so no one could see them. I fought back the tears in my eyes. I was visibly shaking now. How is this possible?

“Sweetie, it’s simple. When you were in the bathroom I looked through your wallet and found your driver’s license. There aren’t many people in the phone book with your last name. I searched, lo and behold, I found an address that matched yours. I called the phone number and spoke with your mom. A very nice lady, by the way. I told her I was a golfing friend of yours and I couldn’t remember where we were playing this week. She was more than happy to give me your phone number. When I called your number and you weren’t home, I assumed you were working. I called your mother again, and she gladly told me where you worked. Very nice, lady – we had a good chat. I’m sure she would be mortified if she ever saw these pictures, am I right?”

The blood drained from my face – I was white as a ghost. I couldn’t manage any words. That insidious smile was still on his face.

He motioned me closer to him and spoke softly: “Sweetie, I see where this bar closes at 1am. Allowing for some clean-up work, I will expect you at the apartment no later than 2am. If you don’t show up on time, I have copies of about 50 photographs that I know you don’t want your family to see, and I’m sure your co-workers and customers would be shocked to see them, too”.

It was as if I was in a strange new world. I heard his words, but couldn’t believe my ears.

His smile turned into a leer, and his voice had a menacing tone: “Sweetie, you have a choice to make. If I don’t see you by 2am, your family, friends and co-workers are going to see what a wimpy faggot you really are. The choice is yours. In case you’ve forgotten, my address is on the back of this picture”.

He grabbed two of the photos and left one on the bar. He turned and walked out.

I looked down. It was the photo of me with his penis in my hand, and a mouthful of his cum. It made me sick just looking at it. I quickly stuffed it in my pocket and tried to go back to work.

What in hell was I going to do?

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