Beach House Sleepover 3 by Boobrat


A gay adult story: Beach House Sleepover 3 by Boobrat ,

The next in the series. Back at the farm, Chris and Alex are finishing up from their previous episode. They’re playing it risky this time… But will they get caught?

As I lay there on top of Alex, my dick still dripping inside of him, I thought I heard a sound. Alex was already fast asleep, obviously comfortable with my semi-hard dick still hilt-deep in his ass. I listened harder. Sure enough, there was the unmistakable sound of footsteps crunching on the driveway gravel outside the cottage. I froze, controlling my breathing, hoping they would pass by.

I stretched my neck to put my lips by his ear, my torso slipping like oil over his sweaty back.

“Alex,” I whispered.

“Hm?” came his sleepy reply.

“I think someone’s coming.”

In the dark, I could just see his puffy lips form a smile. “I think someone already came,” he said, not even opening his eyes. He arched his back playfully, taking the last inch of my dick into his slippery hole. I watched his smug, victorious smile broaden as my dick began to thicken inside him again, and I had to fight my own animal brain to not give in to the pleasure and start fucking him again.

“Alex, I’m serious,” I hissed. “We’re going to get caught.”

Just then, the handle to the front door of the cottage could be heard, the spring giving a series of squeaky clicks as someone tried quite obviously to sneak in undetected.

Alex’s eyes shot open, twisting his neck to look me in the dim light.

“You didn’t lock the door?!”

“Well I didn’t know we—” I stopped myself short. This wasn’t the time to argue.

I put both my hands on his hips, pushing him down into the mattress as I unweighted my hips from his bubble butt, carefully retracting my now-hard dick from out of his anus. As I did gradually so, I could feel him writhe beneath me. With my last inch, my tip flicked up out of his ass like I was ticking his box.

A quick groan from him broke the silence, and my heart almost stopped. A light turned on under the door, and I knew I had only seconds before someone was at the door. With my best side roll, my feet found the carpet. Silent as a snake over sand, I slipped into the sheets of the other bed, just as the shadows of feet reached the gap beneath the door. I lay in bed, doing my best to disguise my panting as deep sleep breaths.

Another shadow, beside the feet. I watched, feeling marginally safer I was in a separate bed.

Did they hear me? Did they hear Alex?

My mind was racing.

But the footsteps faded over the carpet. The light went out, and the door closed behind them.

I let out my breath, and faded into a dreamless sleep.


I woke in the morning to an empty bed beside me, Alex nowhere in sight. I rubbed my eyes, seeing the door ajar with a towel and two face cloths by the entrance. I figured it must have been Mum last night, dropping them off for us.

I tried to get the thought out of my head that she would have heard anything. At the very least she didn’t see anything, but maybe she didn’t have to…

Untangling my legs from the sheets and donning my dressing gown, I made my way drowsily through the cottage, to the bathroom off the short hallway. I could hear the shower running. The door was ajar.

Edging my way inside, Alex’s back was to me, de-soaping his chest with both his hands. Seeing his perfectly rounded ass in the light was enough to twitch my dick into action, and I stood leaning on the doorframe, enjoying the show.

When he was finished with his chest, he bent down, his ass cheeks pressing for a moment against the glass. He took a handful of shampoo, bobbing down with every push of the dispenser. With every squirt, his glutes rounded into a perfect peach, and I even caught a glimpse of his stalk hole.

Coming back up, he slicked the shampoo through his hair, turning away from the water to protect it with his eyes closed. I smiled, silently making my way to the shower door, rolling up my sleeve en route. I waited until he stuck his head under the blast of water before clicking open the door, making as little noise as possible.

He didn’t seem to hear me as I reached down and pumped some shower gel into my hand. God bless squirty bottles…

Lathering my hands together, I gave his wet body another moment of study before reaching around, still crouched, taking his balls and shaft in both my hands. He gave a slight jump as I touched him, before relaxing in the water spray. My hands took turns, milking his slippery meat in an upwards massage, feeling him grow with every passing stroke.

“I was wondering when you’d join me,” he finally said.

For a good few minutes I stroked his dick, feeling every ridge and contour with soft gasps and gyrations until the shower washed away our makeshift lube. He turned the water off. It had gotten over the floor around me and wet the ends of my rolled-up sleeves, but I didn’t mind.

He swept his dripping hair back, finally looking down at me. His dick was fully primed, and pointing at my nose. I bit my lip submissively, staring him in the eye as my mouth slowly engulfed his clean, wet dick. His hard eyes faltered as my cheeks inverted in a hard suck, teasing the tip on the back of my throat before slowly extracting it from that same tight vacuum. I kept eyes with him the whole way, watching his mouth open up a little. I twisted my lips twenty degrees, grinding the length of my tongue against the underside of his fat head as I took his dick in again. This time his abs tensed in a short whimper, and I could see a vein already beginning to form on his forehead.

“Oh my god, that feels so good,” he whispered down at me. My mouth was too busy to smile, instead giving him a stare from my predator eyes as I dared him to fuck my mouth. My tongue slipped down his length once more, taking my time as the whole of it pushed deeper into my throat. I gulped at it a couple of times, using my hand to gently milk the base of his cock. One side of my dressing gown slipped from my naked shoulder as I worked up and down his length. I could hear his breathing tighten, little puffs of air escaping his mouth with a hint of a groan. He grabbed a handful of my hair while I grabbed a handful of ass, pulling apart his cheeks as he pumped his sausage through my O-shaped lips.

“I’m gonna cum,” he whined.

I looked up at his eyes, so weak in his pleasure he looked almost sorrowful. The game was mine. His member was inflated to its maximum in my mouth, and I could feel every curve, every ridge, every vein. I let my tongue give one smooth, slow run up the underside of his shaft, pressurising the wet neck of his glans with the tip of my tongue, and lapping the precum out of his hole.

Then I stopped. I let go of his ass, releasing his dick from my mouth with an eyebrow raised in sassy defiance. He glared down at me, disbelieving.

“Nooo,” he complained, his blue eyes pained and desperate. “Pleeeease, Chris.”

I licked my smug lips, raising him another eyebrow. “Please what?”


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