Deal with a Demon pt. 1 by Wolf Hunt

A gay adult story: Deal with a Demon pt. 1 by Wolf Hunt ,

This story is about a demon man turning a femboy into his slave sissy. There will be plenty of anal and what not. All characters are above the age of 18. This story is based on true event that take place some time in the near future.

Music blaring.

Windows down.

Wind through my hair.

What a great day!

Heading down the freeway, I’m on my way through Texas. I’m finally heading home from a long “business” trip. Too long.

And when I say business trip, I mean something that’s nobody’s business.

The Foo Fighters are playing, Best of You. The best part is I have the road to myself. Not another car in sight. Just me, this joint and good music. And some boy walking down the road. I take a good puff and blow smoke rings out the window. Oh wow! That boy looks good. I should pull over and see if he wants a ride!

As I roll up beside him in my Audi, I get a better look at him. He’s got on a red pair of shorts, showing off his hairless legs. A tight shirt that shows a rather feminine body. I turn the music off as I roll down the window. “Hey kid, need a ride?”

The kid looks surprised. He looks around before finally meeting my gaze again and then he points at himself as if to ask if I mean him. His face is so adorable, especially with that head of raven black hair. “No, I’m talking to the flies, of course, I’m talking to you.”

He meekly nods his head. “Well hop in then.”

I reach over and open the door for him and he nervously hops in. He’s got the darkest brown eyes I’ve ever seen. His skin is a creamy caramel color. Almost too delicious. “So kid, what’s your name?”

“I… I’m Felipe,” he stutters, his English is pretty good, I’m surprised. I can easily tell he just came over the border.

“Well, Felipe I’m Draco. It’s nice to meet you.” I extend my hand. He looks at it for a couple of seconds before placing his soft tiny hand in mine. “So how old are you, Felipe?”

He looks up at me as I give his hand a couple of shakes. His grip is rather non-existent. “I… I… I Just turned 18.”

No way! How did I get so lucky!? “You don’t say? Well, what is a kid your age walking hiking out here all by yourself?” I ask him.

He looks at me with those innocent eyes… I can tell without reading the dear boy’s mind that he’s trying to decide if he can trust me. The flustered look he has on his face is utterly adorable.

“You can trust me, Felippe. I’m not going to hurt you, I promise.” That’s mostly the truth. I’m not going to hurt the boy. But my intentions aren’t entirely pure.

I see the gears are spinning in that developing brain of his. His thoughts are causing such tension in that lithesome body of his. So much conflict in the boy. I can practically see the battle that’s going on in his mortal mind.

“I… I’m…” He hesitates as if he still can’t decide if he should tell me.

“Let me guess, you’re running from something.” He nervously nods.

“Are you not from here?” I ask.

He shakes his head no. Just as I thought, he must have somehow crossed the border from Mexico. He’s an illegal alien. Just perfect.

“Where are your parents?” I ask. He tenses up at the mention of his parents. Suddenly tears fall from his eyes. I can only assume they didn’t make it or worse.

“Are they still in Mexico?” He shakes his head no only confirming the worse.

“Did something happen to them?” He nods as more tears flood his eyes.

“They’re… They were killed…” The boy begins to cry in earnest. Poor thing.

“I’m sorry to hear that. Everything’s going to be alright from now on, you’re with me.”

He looks up at me with those sweet eyes and tries his best to wipe away the tears.

“Do you have any other family?” He nods frantically.

“I.. I have a twin sister…” He says.

“Where’s she?” I ask.

“They took her! The bad guys took her.”

“The men that killed your parents?” He nods in confirmation and more tears fill the boy’s eyes. Hmmm. I see opportunity in the boy’s tragedy. Hunt down the men that killed his parents, save his sister and I’ll have a two of them. Plus I’ll earn the boy’s loyalty. A wicked smile appears on my face. I can only assume the girl is going to be used as a sex slave. Huhhh, cartels… Such awful humans…

Who am I kidding…

I’m planning on doing the same thing with this poor boy. Of course, mortals don’t have any right to have slaves. They’re no greater than the ants they crush under their boots. Besides, the boy will enjoy being mine, once he comes to terms with his place in life as mine. Of course, we should really break the notion of her being a boy right away. As soon as I get the girl into my home, I’ll show the girl her new life. We’re not far from my penthouse. Fuck… I’m so giddy with anticipation.

“They are horrible people…” He says looking out the window. He looks so delicious… I could practically… Come on Draco, keep control of yourself.

“So, Felipe… Now what?”

He looks up at me once more with those cute feminine eyes. I can feel the urges rise up in me. “I… I don’t know.”

“You don’t know? That’s not good. I take it, you didn’t think things through, did you?”

He shakes his head. He’s all alone and no one’s going to be looking for him, besides maybe the cartel. How did I get so lucky?

I’m going to have so much fun with this little sissy. I can feel a devilish grin curl on my face. “Well, don’t worry. I’ll take care of you. Is that what you want? For me to take care of you?”

“What.. what would that mean?” He asks timidly. He’s rather cute when he’s nervous.

I give him a big smile. “Well… You’d come to stay with me. You’d have plenty of food to eat, clothes to wear and a bed to sleep in. Of course… if you don’t mind, I would like it if you abide by some rules and of course, earn your keep.”

“Rules?” he asks. The shocked look on the boy’s face excites me.

“Don’t worry about those, we’ll go over them once we get to my place.” We finally arrive in Dallas and soon after we’re pulling into my building. I open the door for the boy and hand the keys to the valet.

“Mr. Kustova, welcome back,” Rosemary says as we walk through the grand entrance of glass. The floor is all stone with two creeks flowing through to an indoor pond stocked with Koi fish.

“Thanks, Rosemary. Make sure I’m not disturbed for the rest of the day.” She nods. She’s looking fine as always in her black business suit and fiery red hair with a face full of freckles. Maybe later I can have more fun with her. “You’re looking lovely as always.” Her face burns almost as bright as her hair.

“Thank you, sir!” She squeals at the compliment.

“Also if you could have someone bring up some clothes for Felippe here, I would greatly appreciate it. You know the kind I like.” I’m going to have this sissy dressed up pretty by the end of the night.

“Right away, sir!” she replies.

“Thank you, Rosemary.”

I place my hand on the boy’s shoulder and slide it down to the middle of his back as I usher him along to the elevators. I can feel him tremble at my touch. His face only barely makes it up to my chest, which kind of turns me on even more.

Once inside the elevator, I command the voice recognition system to take us to the top floor and it recognizes me. I still find the technology these mortals create deeply interesting. To think they’re cable of such feats amazes me.

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