Bigrig Ch. 04

A gay sex story: Bigrig Ch. 04

Jonathan woke up alone once more. It had been two weeks since Bruce had brought him home. The tests did finally come back. Well, actually, they had been back three days after they were sent. Someone had misplaced the results, not finding them, until Greg had threatened to put his foot up someone’s ass if they didn’t.

But even since he had known he was clean, there just wasn’t any motivation in Jonathan lately. He felt drained and tired most of the time. Sleep would overcome him, if it got quiet enough, and this was beginning to worry him. What in the hell was wrong with him, anyway? He had no desire to even get out of bed most days of late. Something had to be done, or a reason for it must be discovered.

Still, he was surprised that Bruce and Greg had not picked up on it. Always trying to maintain his sweet disposition, he was beginning to struggle with it now. And it wasn’t so much Greg, or Bruce as is was just the way he was feeling lately… like someone had wrung him out and left him to dry.

He threw the covers back going into the adjacent bathroom just a few feet away. After doing the necessary, he washed his hands and face, brushing his teeth, tongue, and the roof of his mouth. Brushing through his hair he braided it in a long thick braid. Taking one of the earthen colored elastics, Greg had bought for him, he tied it off at the end.

Going back into the adjacent bedroom, he went to the chest of drawers across from the bed. Opening it he pulled out a pair of the jeans, Bruce had given him, that once belonged to his nephew. Putting them on, he crouched, making the tight jeans conform to his body. He then put on a red T-shirt, from the same batch of clothing. Finding the pair of house slippers, Greg had also purchased for him, he put them on, going into the kitchen.

The two men sat eating breakfast, talking quietly. Going to the coffeepot first, he reached up into the cabinet. Grabbing a cup, he filled it with the hot liquid. He then sat at his place at the table, pouring the half-and-half in, and stirring in his sugar.

“Are you okay?” Bruce asked then.

“Yeah…” Jonathan half smiled at the man, as he brought the cup to his lips with both hands.

“I said good mornin’ to ya. Guess you didn’t hear me.” Bruce returned.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.” Jonathan felt sick that he hadn’t.

“You sure you’re okay?” Greg now put the back of his hand on the youth’s forehead. “You’re still warm… but you seem to be okay. I can’t understand why the fever still hangs on, so.” The man fussed.

“I’m depressed, that’s why. I want to go with Bruce. You keep tellin’ me everything I can’t do, that I want to do.” Jonathan griped at the doctor solemnly now.

“Well, go! I’m just lookin’ after your damn health, bitch!” Greg barked back.

“I will, damn it! You’re not my mother anyway!” Jonathan shouted back.

“Fuck you, bitch.” Greg stood leaving the table, and the room.

“What’s with you, Jonathan?” Bruce had seen it, but he didn’t believe it. Jonathan did have a bad side. He was stubborn and willful. This wasn’t the sweet little man he had picked up just three or four weeks ago. This guy was someone completely different.

“I’m startin’ to feel like he’s tryin’ to keep me away from you.In every since of the word. How am I suppose to feel?” Jonathan explained vehemently.

Tears filled his eyes as he spoke. He too was surprised at himself, really. And he knew he had hurt the man that had so faithfully taken such good care of him. But he couldn’t help but feel the way he did.

“I think you two need to fuck, and get it over with.” Bruce grinned obnoxiously. Standing he came around the table. Grasping the youth’s shirt, he pulled him out of the chair.

“Hey!” Jonathan called out, as Bruce began to drag him out of the kitchen, and into the bedroom. He fought him all the way.

When they got to the bedroom Greg raised up, wondering what all the commotion was about. Bruce shoved the youth toward the man so, that Jonathan fell over the edge. He then grabbed the youth, lifting him, tossing him next to Greg.

“Now, you two fuck, and get it outta the way.” Bruce growled. “I am not puttin’ up with this shit.”

“I’m not touchin’ ‘im! He’s your bitch!” Greg stated firmly.

“I said, fuck! And I mean get to it! Now!” Bruce growled at him louder, his hands on his hips.

The two stared at each other for a long moment, before Greg looked over at Jonathan. He knew to argue with Bruce, when he was like this, was like trying to trap a rattlesnake. But as he looked into Jonathan’s face, he began to realize that perhaps the man was right.

Everytime he looked at Jonathan he could feel that twinge of arousal come over him. This had never happened to him before, not even with Bruce, or even Tony, who was a mutual friend of theirs. He was finding he was scolding himself more often lately, for the potential of an obsession that could occur. But now, he was realizing that, all this time, all he had wanted was to just touch him, and hold him, make love to him.

He then took the youth into his arms, staring into his face long. It felt to him like crossing the line of a taboo of some sort. But it also felt so delightfully wicked.

Jonathan eagerly was molding his body to his, as if he had awaited this moment for years. And the feel of him so close, was strangely erotic. Sensation was coursing through him already and nothing had yet been done.

Slowly, he completely closed the distance between them. Inertly, he leaned his head down, coming closer to the youth’s face. His breath quickened, even before he had touched the youth’s lips. It seemed his heart would pound its way out of his chest before long.

When their lips met, it seemed an eruption took place between them. Right away their kiss was heated. They seemed to war with the other for advantage and mastery.

Greg pulled the youth closer, beginning to plunder his body hungrily. Unconsciously, his hands moved over him with such abandon. His head turned one way then the other as he took control of their union quickly. A bit of force was added, from where, or why, he wasn’t certain.

He soon moved half over Jonathan, pushing a knee between the youth’s thighs. Moving against the teen’s body, he gathered the T-shirt from the bottom, pulling it up and over his head. Loosening the jeans he moved, as Bruce helped the man removed them. Now Jonathan lay there naked… Vulnerable to the doctor’s stare.

As many times as he had seen the youth’s nakedness, it had not seemed to effect him as it did at the moment. His entire being was engrossed in the youth’s frail thin body.

Compassion overcame him once more. A need for the youth grew at the same moment. Gently a single hand traveled lightly over his upper body, in a slow meandering movement.

Coming down atop Jonathan once again, he surrounded him in his gentle arms. They kissed as Greg eased into his body.

Jonathan moaned softly at the feel of the man’s entry. He arched toward him, taking in all he could of Greg. His body surged with arousal and need, as the doctor’s gentle hands explored him freely. Soon his whines begged the man for more. Wanting release… Needing to be sated.

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