Bigrig Ch. 04

Entering the bedroom, the bed was situated to the right and center of the wall. A large closet, on the same wall closer to the door, was where Greg hung all of his clothes. A dresser stood across from the bed, on the left wall. Next to it, and close to the window, was the small closet, where Jonathan’s clothes would be kept. Between the door and the dresser, was the chest of drawers.

Entering the bathroom from the large bedroom, was the toilet, sink, then the large tub. The shower, was on the left, across from the tub. It was opened, with sliding doors of etched Plexiglas. Stepping into it, one-stepped down into a water wonderland. Turing the water on, one was completely surrounded in water. From the waterfall showerhead, to the small jets in the walls, aiming at different angles.

“Come with me, Jonathan.” Greg led him upstairs, to the bedroom. “Put your clothes in here.” He opened a vacant closet for the youth.

When Jonathan unloaded his arms onto the bed nearby, Greg moved up behind him, encircling him in his arms. “Jonathan, I know how much you wanted to go with him. He’s concerned you’ll get sick again out there in the cold weather, just as much as I am. And that wouldn’t be very much fun, would it?” The man now tried to reason with the youth.

“No,” Jonathan answered softly, mulling over what he was saying. And it was true… As weak as his body was, at the moment, it was very likely, he would become ill again. That would cause Bruce a lot of trouble, if they were thousands of miles away from home, and needing medical attention. He sighed heavily, as Greg kissed his cheek lightly.

“I’ll do my best to make you feel at home, Babe. When we get the car unloaded, we’ll go shopping. Bruce gave me some money, to buy you some new clothes, for when you go out with him, next time.” The man informed him.

“Really?” Jonathan now turned, facing the man.

“Yep. So, let’s get the car unloaded and we’ll get goin’.” The man smiled into the youth’s face.

He leaned down, kissing Jonathan fully. The youth encircled him in his arms, pulling his body close to the man. A soft moan issued from Greg, as Jonathan’s young body was now pressed to his.

The torrid heat between them, seemed to ignite his senses instantly. He struggled with the temptation to lift him in his arms, and take him to his bed, right then.

His hands apparently had minds of their own, as they plundered him inertly. One slipped under the kid’s T-shirt, while the other moved further down his body. It finally came to a halt, as the fingers began to curve under his bottom, trying to sneak their way between his thighs.

A moan escaped him, as he pulled Jonathan more firmly against him. Or had it been Jonathan that had moaned? He couldn’t be sure. Still, he could feel his young hardness pressed against him. The inexplicable incitement he felt, was beyond his comprehension at the moment.

He had found himself liking the youth, since the first time he met him. As he had gotten to know Jonathan, his interest had grown. So many times, he had wanted to just kiss his mouth, or hug him close. But, he was afraid Bruce might become incensed. And out of respect for him, and his new companion, he kept his distance from Jonathan.

Now that he knew the youth was open to them both, he found himself wanting him more than ever. It would be good for them, to spend some time alone together… Get to know each other even better.

He knew that if he didn’t stop himself now, he would do just what the temptation was, that needled him so. And they would go nowhere, or do anything but make love all morning… maybe, the rest of the day.

Greg slowly pried himself from the youth, smiling down into his angelic face. “Let’s get the car unloaded, so we can take you shopping. I’d like to spend some time with you, the rest of the day.” Greg admitted.

“This is the real reason you wanted me to stay. So you can molest me whenever you feel like it.” Jonathan teased.

Greg chuckled. “It could be…but the car is still not unloaded and we are not shopping, are we?”

Jonathan nodded, laughing, feeling much better now. He turned, leading the way back down to the car. When they had unloaded it and put away their clothes and things, they piled back into the car, going to the local shopping center. As Greg parked the car in a spot, he turned the key cutting the engine. Turning to the youth, he smiled.

“You stay with me, now. Don’t run off somewhere so, I can’t find you.” Greg warned.

“Okay.” Jonathan nodded, understanding the man’s concern.

They exited the car and went together into the center. Greg headed straight for the men’s section, with Jonathan right beside him. Having looked at the tags on the jeans, the youth had been wearing, he had a good idea what size the youth was.

He helped Jonathan pick out several pair, which he took into the dressing room to try on. Greg sat on the bench in the little room, watching him change into the first pair.

“Are they too tight?” Greg asked as Jonathan slipped his hand inside guarding himself from the zipper.

“No, I just need to break ’em in.” The youth returned grinning. He winced as he tugged hard on the zipper to get it up. And the soreness in his tummy still seemed to be troubling him.

“You like to wear tight jeans, huh?” Greg asked playfully.

“Well…” he turned leaning close to the man. “How does it effect you, when you see me in ’em?” he whispered to the man.

“Hmp.” Greg half laughed. “I get your point.”

Jonathan tried on the other six pair, to be sure they all fit him the way he wanted. He then put on the older pair, so they could continue their shopping spree. Greg slipped a T-shirt, over the one the youth had on. Satisfied it fit, he let the youth pick out the ones he wanted, in the same size.

He then took him to the shoe department, having him try on a couple pair of new tennis shoes. Finding the right size for him, they moved through the store grabbing a couple bags of socks, a couple storage bins with drawers, and a couple extra pillows.

Once they checked out, Greg went to the drive-thru of a fast food joint. They ordered a value meal each, and headed home.

Lugging everything into the apartment, Jonathan went right to the small laundry room, hidden behind folding doors. He loaded the machine with the jeans, pouring extra softener in the compartment. Putting the lid down he set the cycle to wash, closed the doors, and took the bins upstairs.

“Stack those over by the window there.” Greg told him, as he covered the extra pillows with cases.

“Okay.” Jonathan carried them to the window, stacking one atop the other.

“When yer clothes are done you can put ’em away in those, if you like.” Greg suggested.

“Okay.” Jonathan perked, as the small closet Greg was letting him use, was full.

“Did you remember to get yer hair thingys, and all that?” Greg asked then.

“Yes, I did. I got my house slippers, too.” Jonathan volunteered.

“Good.” Greg was relieved. He really didn’t want to make an extra trip out to Bruce’s house. Especially now that he was gone. “You ready to eat?” Greg asked then.

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