Bisexual’s First Time


A gay story: Bisexual’s First Time This true story is dedicated to my wife, “To all those blow jobs she never gave me, I experienced them outside of our marriage.”


There have been events in my life that stand out and no matter how long ago, I can remember them with exact clarity. Every detail, moment by moment and word for word as in this account. This event occurred many years ago, before the dreaded AIDS virus claimed so many creative men.

It was a Wednesday evening and it was my wife’s turn to host her bridge club at our house. Not wanting to be home with a house full of women, I decided to go to a movie.

After buying my ticket, I was walking across the lobby toward the entrance way to the darken theater, when I saw a gentleman standing near the entrance. He was well dressed, in a suit with white shirt and tie. I thought that perhaps he was the theater manager. He was about two inches taller than my five foot, ten inches and he seemed to be about ten to fifteen years older than my forty-two years. He was a handsome man, with a full head of salt and pepper hair, with a matching mustache, well trimmed.

As I walked toward him, he began smiling as if he knew me. I smiled back as I turned and entered the darken theater. I walked down about five rows and then turned into a row and sat about four seats in. As it was a Wednesday night, there was hardly anyone in the theater.

Just as my eyes became accustomed to the dark, the gentleman appeared at my row and walked up to me, asking if I would mind if he sat in the seat next to me. I answered him saying, “No, of course not” and he sat down placing his hand on the arm rest. When he did, I noticed his manicured finger nails.

Then I felt his knee press against mine. I did not pull away and just felt the warmth between our knees. Then his hand moved down onto my knee and slowly slid up the inside of my thigh which caused me to get an erection. His hand soon found it.

I snaked my hand under his arm and felt him in the same manner. Feeling through the material of his pants, I could feel his large erection and I whispered to him, “Do you have a place where we can go?”

“I have an apartment about five miles away, if you want to follow me.”

I whispered back, “Let’s go,” and we got up to leave. I followed him out of our row and when he got to the aisle, he stepped back and waited for me to pass in front of him, much like a gentleman does for a woman.

When we got to the exit door of the theater, he opened it and held it open for me. He walked me to my car and told me to wait there, while he got his car, so I could follow him.

In the parking lot of his garden apartments, he helped me out of my car and walked me with his hand on the small of my back to the door of his building. He unlocked the door and again held it open for me so I could pass in front of him as he said, “Just up these stairs.”

I walked up the flight of stairs to a landing where he unlocked the door to his apartment and held it open for me. The apartment was well appointed and very neat. I complemented him and he said, “Thank you. I have a woman who comes in five mornings a week and straightens up for me. It’s a lot cheaper than getting married. Let me take your jacket and I’ll fix you a drink. I’m going to have a scotch and soda. What can I get you?”

“I’ll have a soda.”

“I have Coke, ginger ale or club soda.”

“A Coke would be fine,” I answered. We stood in the kitchen talking about our jobs as I watched him prepare our drinks. Then we moved into the living room and he indicated to the couch for me to sit. It was soft, luxurious and very comfortable as I sunk into it.

He excused himself for a minute, went into his bedroom and came out holding a pair of slippers. He sat down next to me and untied his shoe laces, taking off his shoes, he put on his slippers saying, “I just need to get comfortable.”

He left his tie on and I thought that was odd. The first thing I would take off to get comfortable, would be my tie.

His name was Brian and he was an accountant. I asked him if maybe he could do my taxes. He laughed saying that he was not that kind of accountant. That he worked in M and As, mergers and acquisitions. Two years ago he moved into this area from Denver. I told him of my job and life as a married man with children. We were having a good conversation and getting along well. I was saying something to him, when he took my drink from my hand and placed it on the coffee table in front of us. He then leaned in and kissed me on my lips.

How gross, I thought to myself as he was kissing me. A man kissing a man. I was shocked. He was kissing me and I could feel his mustache pressing into my upper lip. I thought to myself, “How revolting. I’ve never in my life kissed a man on the lips. How disgusting is this.”

He broke the kiss and studied my face for my reaction. We said nothing. He was just studying my face for an expression. I wasn’t angry but I felt violated. Looking deep into his eyes, I could see a kind person. He lives alone and must be lonely. He seems to be so considerate, so sensitive and so gentle. How could I do or say anything that would hurt him?

He leaned in to kiss me again and something changed within me. I let him. This time I kissed him back. I pressed my lips to his. I responded like a woman. I felt like a woman. I placed my hands around the back of his neck and pulled him to me, just like a woman. I felt his tongue touch my lips and I opened my mouth. His tongue darted into my mouth and I started sucking it. His hands were all over me, undressing me and I was helping him.

When he had me completely nude, we continued kissing. He kissed my neck, my shoulder and then he started sucking my nipple, just like I would do to a woman. My erection was straining and I couldn’t wait to get it in his mouth. I applied pressure to the back of his head, to push him down to my cock but he resisted.

I was completely nude and he was fully dressed, I kissed him again only this time, I reached for his belt buckle. I wanted to get him nude so that we both would be equal. I felt his hand on mine and he stopped me saying, “We’ll get to that in a moment,” then he whispered, “And you’ll love it.”

Now that we were intimate, his style of conversing changed. He spoke in a slow, soft, sensual almost hypnotic tone and after he would say something, he would then whisper a comment. It was almost like he was talking to my conscious mind and whispering to my subconscious.

He took a sip of his drink and then turned sideways to me, so he was now facing me. After studying my face for a few moments, he began, “When I see a young man that I want, I have to work pretty hard at getting him up here to my apartment but you, you were very easy, almost too easy. In fact, when you were following me here, I started to get concerned, that maybe you were going to hustle me.”

I tried to set him at ease by saying, “I assure you, I’m not a hustler.”

He replied, “I can see that now but I’m curious about you. You said that you’re married, have kids, you’re a family man. What I find puzzling, is how did you get here? I mean, what life’s path led you here to me? Have you always played around with men?” Then he whispered, “The truth.”

I could feel my erection deflating as I answered, “No. I never played around with men. It’s something that just started recently. It’s a long story.”

“I’ve got time.”

“I was married very young and soon after getting married, my wife started cheating on me. She was getting her sexual excitement and I was left alone. She never gave me a blow job and as a result of my loneliness, I turned to other women. They would give me a blow job and I would end up, falling in love with them.

“The last girlfriend I had, all she ever wanted to do was blow me. She was convinced that male semen was good for her hair and skin. She did have the most luxurious sheen to her auburn hair and her complexion was soft, milky white and flawless. As a result, I became addicted to her sucking me off. We were in love but she had a husband and kids and I had my family. We were getting too involved with each other, so we both felt it was best to end the relationship, before we ruined both our marriages. That was about three years ago.”

Then I fell silent thinking of her. She was one in a million and I should never have let her go. Brian broke my train of thoughts as he spoke, “I think I get it. You never really had a relationship with your wife.”

“No, I didn’t. She married me just to get out of her parents house. She could have been the center of my life. She could have been the most exciting person in my life but she refused to be honest with me. I could live with the adultery, it was the secrets and lies that destroyed my love for her.”

He asked, “So why are you staying with her?”

“I’m not going to leave my kids alone with her and besides, she’s a good housekeeper.”

“I see.” Brian probed some more, “So when did you start having man to man sex?”

“About three years ago. It was about two weeks after I broke up with the girl I was telling you about. One night I was real randy, so I went to an adult book store, just to look at a video and maybe jerk off. I met a young man in the video area of the store and he asked if we could share a booth. He ended up giving me a blow job.

“It was the first time I ever had a guy go down on me. It felt weird, having a man do that and to hear him gagging as I came in his mouth. He swallowed it all. Then I just wanted to get out of there. I pulled up my pants and as I was leaving, he thanked me.

“I felt bad for the guy, I mean something had to be wrong with him, to be doing that but about six weeks later, I was back looking for the guy. As it turned out, every five or six weeks, I would go there and get a blow job. This went on for about a year.”

I took a sip of my drink, I needed some time to reconsider what I was doing. I don’t know why I was sitting here naked, telling this stranger all my deep secrets. My clothes were scattered around the floor. I started to feel embarrassed but at the same time it was also erotic. Maybe I should get dressed and go home. I fell silent, not wanting to go on and yet not knowing what to do. Then he adjusted his tie saying, “Please go on with your story.” Then whispered, “I’m very interested.”

That simple movement of him touching his tie, made me aware of my nakedness and caused me more embarrassment, which led to passive and submissive feelings. I placed my drink back on the table and folded my hands over my now flaccid penis, in an attempt to cover myself and preserve some of my dignity.

I continued, “I don’t know if I should tell you this but anyway. About two years ago, I got a massage from a male therapist. He was a big burly, bald headed guy. I don’t know if he was bald or he shaved his head. He had his office in a back room of his very expensive house.

“I was laying nude on his table, on my stomach with a small towel covering my back side. He massaged my arms, back and then moved down to my feet. The warm oil felt so good as he rubbed it into my flesh. His hands moved up my leg and then to my thigh. As he worked up the inside of my thigh, I started to become aroused and I spread my legs apart for him. I got an erection and I raised my hips up off the table, to give him access to my genitals.

“It was then that he removed the towel and poured some oil on my buttocks. His hands felt very erotic as he massaged my buttocks with his fingers sliding into my crack. He kept sliding his fingers across my anus and I became highly aroused, pushing my hips up even higher off the table for him.

“By then, I was breathing very heavy as his finger massaged my anus. It was so sensitive to his touch. I wanted so much for him to finger fuck me. He knew how much he was arousing me. My face was resting on the edge of the table and he came around to me. He was naked from the waist down and he had an erection which he put in front of my face, just inches from my mouth.

“He started massaging the back of my head, trying to coax me into sucking it. He was persistent and I was so aroused, that after a while, I reluctantly opened my mouth. He then stepped up to me and pushed his erection all the way into my throat and for the first time in my life, I had a cock in my mouth.

“Still holding him in my mouth, I got off the table and knelt in front of him. Sucking his cock felt like the most natural and comforting thing to do. After sucking him for a while, he began breathing heavy. He took my head in his hands and using his legs, he wedged me against the table. I felt his body stiffen, then he grunted and I felt his hot cum flooding into my mouth. I tried to pull away but I could not move. I squirmed trying to get his cock out of my mouth but he held me fast. I choked and gagged, gasping for breath as his cock pumped and pumped my mouth full of his hot cum.

“When he finished, he released me and I ran into the bathroom, gagging with my mouth full of his semen. I tried to spit it all out into the sink. It was awful, so hot, gooey, slimy and stringy. I rinsed out my mouth over and over. Then I wet my face and dried my face and hands.

“Returning to his table, I still maintained my erection and he told me to get back on the table and he would take care of it. I lay on my back and he continued the massage as if nothing happened. After he massaged my front, he took my erection in his oiled hand and stroked me to climax.

“After I was dressed, I paid him and left, vowing that I would never do that again. I felt so ashamed and guilty for weeks after but six weeks later, despite my self loathing, I returned to him for another massage.

“As he was giving me the massage, he asked me if that was the first time I ever sucked a cock and I told him yes. He said he was sorry about being so forceful and he would go easy on me this time. This time when I was sucking him and he was getting ready to cum, he told me to try and swallow the head of his cock. He told me to just keep swallowing and I won’t gag. He kept telling me to swallow as he grunted and pumped all of his semen down my swallowing throat. This time, I didn’t gag and I didn’t taste his cum.

“Every five or six weeks for a year and a half, I visited him, until about three months ago, when his wife was transferred to a higher paying job so they moved out of state. I still feel guilty about what I do but I’m starting to accept myself for who I am. Like that young man at the book store, I’m a cock sucker. I can’t help it.”

He adjusted his sitting position so we were now side by side and he put his arm over my shoulders, caressing me as he said, “You’re too hard on yourself.”

I sighed, “Yeah, maybe I am. That’s pretty much my sexual history. I’ve told you everything. Maybe you could tell me a little about yourself?”

“I’m afraid my sex life isn’t as varied as yours, it’s rather simple. My very first experience was fucking a guy in his ass and I’ve been doing men that way ever since.”

“Have you ever had a girl?”

He answered, “Yeah. Tried a bunch of girls, they just never did anything for me. I just love fucking a young, firm male ass. They become so humble after I’ve taken them,” then he whispered, “And they love it.”

He took my chin into his fingers and turned my face to his like he was going to kiss me, saying, “I’m glad you told me about your masseur. How you enjoyed his finger in your ass and how turned on it made you. You’re lucky. Some men never get to experience that.”

I meekly replied, “No, I guess they don’t.”

He was intently studying my face as he began, “These past couple of years, you’ve been discovering man to man sex and now tonight, I would like to give you the ultimate pleasure. I’d like to teach you the joys of anal sex.” Then in a whisper, “You’ll enjoy being fucked.”

I was getting concerned, “No. No. Please, I’ve never done that.”

He frowned at me as he said, “This night has been going so well. You’re not going to disappoint me now are you?”

As he was talking, he was rubbing his hand back and forth across my lower belly. I felt like I was going to be taken advantage of. I was starting to feel a little panic. Maybe I should get dressed and leave but then I don’t know why but I said, “No. I don’t want to disappoint you. I just don’t think I can do that.”

“Have you ever tried it?”

“No. Never.”

He continued in his calm, soft hypnotic tone, “I can’t believe, that no one has never introduced you to anal? You don’t know what you’re missing. Once a man has had that, then he wants nothing else. Let me be the one who gives it to you. I’ll be very gentle and if at any time you want to stop, just say the word no and I’ll stop. Is that fair?”

“Yes but I think it will hurt.”

“No. It’s not going to hurt.” Then in a whisper, “It’s very pleasurable.”

His voice was very soothing and I began to relax a little. Knowing that I was not going to get the blow job I had been anticipating, my penis was now flaccid.

I was still nervous and he had a way of making me feel very passive and submissive. He stood up and there was a very noticeable tent in his trousers. He took my hand in his and said, “Come in the bedroom.”

His bedroom was only a few steps away and as we walked, he put his arm around my upper back, then slid his hand down and cupped the globe of my bare buttock. Feeling his hand on my buttocks was very arousing and I felt that I might enjoy this.

When his bed came into view, I got a sick nervous feeling in my stomach, thinking of what was to come. He pulled the spread back off the bed and then pulled the covers back, revealing the clean, crispy, white sheets. Then he said, “Wait a minute.”

He walked into the bathroom and emerged carrying a large, folded bath towel. When he came out of the bathroom, we made eye contact. I watched his eyes scanned down my naked body, stopping at my flaccid penis, then back up to my eyes and when he did, I don’t know if he smiled or smirked at me. A smirk that seemed to say, “Well my young man, You came here expecting a blow job but instead, you’re going to be fucked.”

He knew my predicament; I was completely nude and he was fully dressed. Tonight he had been out hunting and now he had his prey, me. I felt so vulnerable, so embarrassed of my nudity and my submissiveness.

He took the pillow from the head of the bed and placed it in the center of the mattress. Then he draped the towel over the pillow and sheet. He must have done this a hundred times.

Then he turned to me, taking me in his arms and caressing me, I could feel his erection pressing against me. We kissed, with me once again sucking his tongue. As we kissed, I felt his hands slide down my back where he started feeling my naked buttocks, squeezing them and running his fingers into my crack.

I had my arms around him as I caressed him, feeling his strong back muscles. Then his hands felt their way up my back, where he placed them on the tops of my shoulders. Kissing me on my forehead, he applied a slight downward pressure and I sunk to my knees.

His hands hung down at his sides as he watched me unbuckled his belt, then his zipper. I lowered his pants and as I did, he kicked off his slippers. Then I lowered his white, silk boxers, taking care not to hurt his erect penis.

What a beautiful penis. A long, thick, white shaft that seemed to be about six inches long with another two inches added for the large, fat, pink head. It looked like an over sized lolly pop, just too large for what he wanted to do to me with it. I took it into my mouth and sucked it like a starving animal, gagging several times. I wanted him to ejaculate. I wanted him to go flaccid so he wouldn’t be able to jam this long, large cock up into my bowels.

While I was sucking his cock, he reached down and took my head into his hands. Holding me still, he pulled his cock out of my mouth, denying me a chance to make him cum. He pulled me up to him and indicating to the bed, in a gentle but commanding voice, whispered, “On your tummy.”

We said nothing as I lay there, my hips on the pillow with my anus raised up, yielding to him. My heart was pounding in my chest. My mouth went dry and I had a lump in my throat. I watched him pick up his pants, fold them and place them on the near-by chair. He took off his socks, his tie and shirt, all the while with every move, his erection bounced in front of him, glistening with my saliva.

He was now nude, so beautiful. The last thing he took off was his wrist watch and he placed it on the night stand, next to my face. I saw the dial; eight forty five. An hour ago, we were two strangers passing in the night and now I’m nude, in his bed, waiting for him to sodomize me.

After he placed the watch, he went into the bathroom and returned with a jar of vaseline. He scooped out some on his finger, then he spread my buttocks apart and I felt the coolness of the jelly on my anus. He pushed some of the lube into my anus and his finger felt so pleasurable. I didn’t want him to stop.

I watched him slather a generous amount of lube on his erection. Then he wiped his fingers clean on the towel and in a soft, considerate tone of voice, he whispered, “Spread your legs.”

I felt the mattress moving as he climbed up between my legs. There was silence as I felt his gentle hands, slide up the outside of my thighs and then onto my buttocks, where he gently petted them.

Then in a soft voice he said, “Relax. Just relax, let it happen naturally.” His hands spread apart my buttocks, exposing my rosebud and then I felt the large, hot head of his erection, begin to press apart my buttocks as he pressed it towards my opening.

Just when the tip of his cock touched my anus, my body reacted involuntarily by jerking, stiffening and tensing up. My buttocks clenched tightly together, squeezing out his penis. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. I couldn’t help it,” I pleaded.

He was understanding as he continued in his calm voice, “That’s Okay. It’s Okay. Relax. Just relax. I understand. Just relax.”

His gentle hands were petting my buttocks as I listened to his soothing voice, “Calm yourself. You’re trembling so much. I’m not going to hurt you in any way.”

Then he whispered in my ear, “You’re safe with me.”

I calmed down and began to relax and then he asked me, “Are you ready to try it again?”

“Yes. I think so.”

“Good. Now just relax. Don’t think about it. Just let it happen.” As he was talking, he slowly began to push it in and the same thing happened as before. My body clinched up, expelling his erection from between my buttocks.

I was too nervous and tense. My heart was pounding and I was trembling. I thought he would become angry and frustrated but no, he continued softly talking to me and gently massaging my buttocks. After a while it seemed to work and I calmed down and started to relax.

Speaking in his slow, soft, hypnotic voice, “We don’t have to do this just yet. Let’s just cuddle and let you get use to me. Let me lay on top of you like this so you can feel my cock next to your love hole. Just let the head rest next to it, like this. That’s it.” Then with his mouth against my ear, he whispered, “Relax.”

I couldn’t help being nervous. I was trying to relax but the head of his cock felt so big.

“Just relax. I’m not going to force you.” Then he whispered, “We’ll do it when you’re ready.”

I felt his belly fill in the contours of my back as he lowered his full body weight on me and the head of his cock was now once again pressed against my anus, only this time I was a little more calm. All the while I’m listening to his gentle hypnotic voice saying, “That’s it. Relax, rest and relax. Let me get a little more comfortable.” He moved his legs so they straddled mine.

He combed his fingers through my hair, complimenting on it and then he clutched a handful in his hand saying, “I love the feel of your hair.” Then a whisper, “It’s so silky.”

He had me pinned. I could not move and I did not protest. Whether I wanted it or not, I was going to be fucked. He brought his other hand up and held it open in front of my face, softly saying, “Don’t be nervous, just relax.” Then a whisper, “Kiss my hand.”

I started to kiss the palm of his hand, when he suddenly, clamped it over my mouth and at the same time, he made a sharp, violent stab into my anus with his cock. We both let out a groan; his in pleasure, mine in pain. The head of his cock was now in me and he held us very still. I could feel my sphincter muscle tighten around his shaft, locking his cock-head inside of me. I don’t think he could have pulled out if he wanted to.

With his mouth against my ear, he whispered, “Are you Okay?”

“It hurts.”

“It hurts because you’re not relaxing. Relax and it won’t hurt. Just let it happen. I’m sorry I did it the way I did but there was no other way. Just relax.”

“I’m trying.”

“Calm yourself. You’re panting like a wounded animal. Take a deep breath and hold it. Good, now exhale. Take another deep breath. Keep taking deep breaths. That’s good. You’re doing good. Now I’m going to push it in a little bit more?”

“Oh, please don’t move it. Keep it still. Oh! Ohhh! Oh, Brian it hurts. I can’t catch my breath! I can’t breathe. You’re too heavy.” I panted.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” He lifted his weight up off of me and I felt a little better.

He was concerned about me and he asked again, “How does it feel now?”

“It’s so hot. It feels like a burning hot poker.” I could feel the heat radiating out from the head of his cock into my whole body. I started perspiring.

He continued, “Just relax and let your body get use to it. Are you ready for a little bit more, or do you want me to pull it out?”

I sighed, “No. I think I can take more of it.”

“That’s my girl. I’ll give it all to you, every last inch of it. Oh yes, it feels so good going in. You’re so tight. Hmmm this is all of it. How are you feeling?”

“I feel so full.”

“Any pain?”

“No. No pain.” I panted.

“How about when I move it in and out, just a little like this?”

“It feels good. Feels so good.”

He started thrusting harder and harder into me and I started thrusting back up to him, meeting his thrusts. Perspiration was pouring off of me. It felt like my anus was on fire. All the while he kept saying, “Now you’re my girl.”

“Yes! I’m your girl,” I growled back as he pounded into me. It felt so incredible. The sensations were unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. Not like intercourse or getting a blow job where the sensations are centered on my penis, here the sensations were through-out my whole body.

By now, we were both on our knees, dogie style with Brian hammering into me. Our testicles were swinging and slapping against each other. I could feel his cock growing harder, hotter and larger as he neared his climax. Then he made one final thrust, clutching my hips with his hands, trying to give himself more purchase as he pushed himself even deeper. His body jerked and he began ejaculating deep in my bowels. Pushing into me with each ejaculation until he was spent.

He let his full body weight press me into the mattress as he laid on top of me, fully exhausted with his penis deflating inside of me. The violence was over and I felt so at peace. We laid like that for a long while and then he slipped it out of me and said, “Lie still. Don’t move.”

He got up and went into the bathroom, coming back with a box of tissues and a waste basket. Taking a handful of tissues, he wiped into the crack of my buttocks saying, “This sometimes gets messy.”

My anus felt like it was all torn open and bloodied. I could feel a warm wetness and I asked, “Is it blood?”

“No, no. The vaseline gets like oil and I just don’t want you to get it all over everything.”

After he cleaned me, he went into the bathroom and at the sink, washed his genitals with soap and water.

Laying there I became aware of a wetness on my stomach. I lifted myself up and discovered that I was laying in a pool of my own semen. I didn’t realize that I had ejaculated so much during our rutting.

It was considerate of him to wash his penis with soap and water as he soon had another erection. This time he ejaculated down my throat and I in his, as we shared in a sixty-nine.

Later that night, when I left his apartment and was walking across the parking lot to my car, my posterior felt so open. It was causing me to walk like a woman and all night long, from the first time I spoke to him in the movie theater, to saying good night to him, the tone of my voice has been soft like a women’s. I had to get out of this female persona and get back into my male mode, before I get home.

By the time I got home, my anus felt all open and wet. I went directly to the bathroom, thinking that I must be bleeding from my rectum. How am I going to explain this? Wiping my anus with tissue, I found only his semen, mixed with some lubricant.

Six weeks later I was back at Brian’s apartment. Prior to meeting with him, I had purged my bowels so that I was clean for him. This night, I was to learn that he preferred to have me lie on my back so he could drape my legs over his shoulders. This way we could look into each others eyes as he entered me.

I had an erection when he started to pound into me and I was going to stroke it but Brian stopped me saying, “No, don’t touch it, just watch it.” We watched it until I began ejaculating, just as Brian climaxed inside of me.

Brian and I got together like this, every five or six weeks for the next seven or eight months and then the news media began reporting about a mysterious disease that was killing homosexuals. I knew Brian was having multiple sex partners so I immediately ended my relationship with him.

My doctor was very understanding when I confessed to him what I had been doing. He ran all of the blood tests and found nothing out of the ordinary so he declared me in good health. I then asked him if he could give me a prescription to curb my sexual cravings. He prescribed a heart medication that would have no effect on my healthy heart but it had the side effects of diminished sexual desire and function.

The cycle of my homosexual cravings occur every six weeks with a duration of two or three days so I only had to go on the heart medication for a week, every five weeks. This went on for two years, until I learned how the dreaded virus was being transmitted. I adjusted my life accordingly.

I limit my sexual relations to only like minded, married men and I follow the safe sex guide lines. Very quickly I had to revise my limitations; I was with a married guy, in his early twenties and I was his first, man to man experience. I was trying to put a condom on him but he became so excited, that he tried to rape me. I had to fend him off and in our struggle, he ejaculated all over my body. After that episode, I only partner with married men, thirty years of age or older.


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