Little Red Pill – Gavin’s Turn Pt. 01

A gay story: Little Red Pill – Gavin’s Turn Pt. 01 The thwomping sound of my lap thunder-clapping down against his little bubble-butt, so forcefully that his cheeks burned a bright red where my skin met his, echoed throughout the small apartment.

I didn’t have to wonder if the sound of our forceful fucking was loud enough to reach other tenants in the building. That question had already been answered by our downstairs neighbors; a stuck-up prude of a woman currently working on her doctorate in physics, and her timid pushover of a fiancé. She had already called in a complaint to our landlord. She was no-doubt just jealous that she would never receive the pounding from my massive cock that she could frequently hear happening through the ceiling of her apartment- not from her simp fiancé at least. It was a shame that I couldn’t help her out with that, but it was strictly dudes for me, by that point.

Luckily for me, the Landlord only listened to her complaints once. As it turned out, the middle-aged potbellyed apartment building owner had a certain fascination with the fit young college boys that he rented out to. When he came knocking one evening to inform us of the complaint and possibly even threaten to evict us, his eyes nearly fell out of his head when I answered the door in only a pair of rubber ducky printed American Eagle briefs. Briefs that were too small to completely contain my mammoth bulge; my bulbous head even peaking out of the end of the fabric at the inside of my upper thigh. Just whipping it out and giving him a look would have been enough to win him over, but, gentleman that I am, I let him step over the threshold and get on his knees to see how much of me he could stuff in his mouth.

Any subsequent complaints from the stuck-up physicist below us were promptly ignored. Including the complaint that she probably called in response to the absolute drilling I was giving Noah on this particular evening.

The onslaught on Noah’s anus was nearing the 40 minute mark. His usually boisterous verbal pleas and encouragements had long since devolved into breathless whimpers and whiney moans below me on the bed. He lay sprawled face down, ass upturned to meet my continually thrusting pelvis. His t-shirt was pulled mostly off, hanging on at one arm. His tender asscheeks were bared to me through a giant tear up the middle seam of his boxer-briefs, which I had ripped myself in my haste to gain access to his hole. His underwear wasn’t the only thing I’d split in half, as my incredible hog of a cock also threatened to tear his ass at the seam. Were it not for copious amounts of lube, it may have done just that.

I was posted above him, a layer of sweat coating my completely naked body. I had one hand vice-gripped on his hip and the other locked on his left shoulder as I continued to reem him ceaslessly.

“C’mon, Noah. Get that fucking nut, dude! Cum for daddy,” I panted. “Even I can only keep this fucking pace for so long!”

It wasn’t that I had the stamina and willpower these days to hold out on cumming for this long. No, in fact my cock was squelching in and out of his asshole around two sizable loads that I had already deposited inside of him when I blew my nut on two separate glorious occasions over the course of this prolonged frenzied fucking. It just so happened that I now possessed the ability to fuck right through several orgasms without needing to stop.

It was actually Noah prolonging the explosive sexual encounter. He loved when I fucked the cum out of him. I was pretty sure he knew exactly where to position himself to make my enormous cock press right into his p-spot. I was also pretty sure he purposely dragged it out in order to savor the excruciating pleasure that my poundings delivered. He would let it build so long that I’ve seen him on occasion almost pass out when he finally started cumming anally.

To accentuate my point, I tightened my grip at his waist even harder and began humping down into him with all of my strength. I gritted my teeth and grunted out a single word with each powerful thrust.


Each thrust also came with a satisfied yelp from Noah.

“YeS dAdDy YoU’rE gOnNa MaKe Me CuM!”

When we were just hanging out, we were mostly ‘dude,’ ‘bro,’ or sometimes ‘babe’ to each other. But when we fucked, he knew I got a thrill out of ‘daddy.’

I felt a slight readjusting of his hips beneath me, and I knew that he had just positioned himself so that the way I was repeatedly penetrating him now, stretching him to his limits, I was also jamming straight into that special spot.

“UhHhhHnnN fUcK! RiGhT tHeRe! FuCk Me RiGhT tHeRe! KeEp FuCkiNg Me! HaRdEr! FuCk mE jUsT LiKe tHaT, DaAaAaAdDyYyYy!” He was practically begging at this point.

Already going at what I considered full tilt, I somehow cranked it up to 11 while continuing to piston in and out of his stretched-to-the-max anus. Fat droplets of sweat fell from my brow and plopped onto the small of Noah’s back below me.

Even I had my limits, and I felt another rocketing orgasm bubbling up from my mammoth balls, involuntarily. As if reading my thoughts, Noah’s voice exploded below me.


Noah’s words devolved into a meaningless multi-syllable grunt before he turned his head and buried his face in the pillow in an attempt to muffle his outburst. I felt sphincter muscles clenching impossibly tight around my girthsome cock as I continued sliding mercilessly in and out.

For a solid two minutes Noah writhed beneath me while I continued fucking him, and I knew he was cumming. Halfway through, I felt my own balls begin to repeatedly tighten and relax. My whole enormous shaft literally pulsed as I pumped another warm hefty load into Noah’s eager ass. There was barely any room left, most of my hot cum instantly leaked and squirted out around the seam.

I could tell one of Noah’s incredibly powerful anal orgasms was finally subsiding when his body stopped it’s spasms below me. It was just in time, too, as I myself finally felt momentarily spent after depositing my third load in under an hour. I collapsed down on top of Noah’s smaller frame, content. I heard the air whoosh out of him as I knew I was now pressing his front down into the pool of his own jizz that he had pumped out into the front of his ruined his boxer briefs.

He gasped out a weak laugh.

“You’re crushing me, dude,” he wheezed.

“Sorry,” I grunted and rolled off of him onto the pillow on my side of the bed.

Eventually he rolled over onto his side facing me, the mess of his climax staining the intact front of his underwear. He smiled a lopsided grin that dialed his boyish good looks up another notch and I couldn’t help but lean over and plant my lips over the smile. He kissed me back. There was tongue. When he had to pull away for a breath, the grin was still there.

“Give me a minute to rest and I’ll suck the big guy off for you if you want,” he panted.

I felt my crotch-monster twitch at the mention of it, but continue to deflate to its no less impressive softened state.

“I might need more than a minute, babe. Like I said, even I have my limits.”

Noah’s grin widened and he rolled onto his back to look up at the ceiling. In a few moments I heard the familiar sound of his sleep-breathing as he dosed off.

I was left with my thoughts. Thoughts about how my life had ended up here. How I had begun last summer as a presumably straight 19 year-old dating his former head-chearleader Highschool sweetheart, and ended it with a boyfriend and an insatiable appetite for his ass.

But, if you are reading this, I’m sure you already know about all of that, at least from Noah’s perspective. He was gracious enough to write it all down in a 10 chapter series chronicling his adventures with an experimental drug given to him by a mysterious hunky doctor. A pill that grew Noah’s mini-penis into a bonafide monster cock, and saddled him with an unstoppable urge for all things gay.

Myself, I stumbled upon that same urge the old fashioned way. You know the story, Highschool jock football star spends his teenage years getting all the girls he could ever want. Meanwhile, in the back of his head, something about the way the muscles of his teammates glisten in the locker room showers sticks with him at night. Often he finds them working their way into his thoughts when he’s alone in bed, or even sometimes when he’s sharing some alone time with his smoking-hot girlfriend.

But I had always found it easier to suppress all of that. It was simpler to play the role of the handsome jock playboy. It’s what my smalltown and my Christian-valued family seemed to want, maybe even need. And that was all fine with me. Until my path crossed Noah’s last Summer.

I hadn’t known it at the time, but Noah was already riding the high of the Little Red Pills when I had first knocked on his door, looking for payment from his mother for my lawncare services. I was a sweat-glistened muscled hunk that, in his state, he couldn’t resist. I recognized him as the unassuming nerd kid from Highschool, where our paths rarely crossed. He wasn’t unpopular or anything, we just ran in different circles. When he opened the door that summer afternoon and invited me in while he presumably looked for his mother’s checkbook, a part in the back of my brain instantly registered his tight frame and mysterious cuteness. But by that point, I was well practiced in the art of suppressing those types of feelings. I had spent my fair share of time stealing glances and then averting my eyes in the locker room. It was just another normal afternoon by then. I maybe even had designs in my mind about getting some alone time with my then-girlfriend Megan later that evening. That was, until Noah offered to pay for the lawn mowing with a blowjob right there in his kitchen.

What followed was a summer of me waging an internal battle with myself. I struggled between wanting to maintain the status quo of my life as a straight attractive former Highschool football star, and wanting desperately to explore my deep-rooted desires for male companionship.

In his pill-heightened state, Noah was hard to resist. I spent many a night that summer stealing away to explore my sexuality with the all-too-willing and somehow, though I couldn’t put my finger on how, mysterious Noah Wiley.

Eventually all I had left to feel for Megan was guilt. In a move that shocked even myself, I broke things off with her and continued my pursuit of Noah.

It was only then that Noah filled me in on his big secret, about the magic penis pills. It was hard to believe, sure. But in the back of my mind I think I had started to notice that his manhood seemed bigger and bigger each time that I caught a glimpse. I say ‘caught a glimpse,’ because, back then, I was still trying to find ways to justify my behavior with my stubborn notion of my heterosexuality. I told myself I only desired Noah for his mouth skills, and his willingness to offer me up his warm, tight asshole whenever I desired it. Something Megan the prude would never allow. I was only allowing myself to be dimly aware that Noah even had a cock, much less a magically growing one.

As it turned out, I think I’d just been what is known as a Top the whole time. And it also turned out that Noah was telling the truth about the pills and his growing cock. I only knew this for sure after he had lamented about losing contact with his shadowy pill-dispensing doctor. Apparently when the Little Red Pill supply dried up, Noah’s impressively huge cock, along with his uncontrollable urge for guy on guy sex, had dried up too.

Luckily, apparently his feelings for me were real, and remained after the side-effects and amazing penis growth had worn off. All I had to do was convince him that I didn’t give a shit how big, or small, his penis was. Which was true, I didn’t. and we lived happily ever after, right?


By the end of Summer I was ready to admit, at least to Noah and myself, that he was my boyfriend. It nearly broke my heart when he had to move back to school in the Fall. By that Winter break, I had concocted the scheme of applying for classes at the same school as Noah so that we could be together more. Come the Spring Semester we would be roommates in an apartment just off campus.

And then Noah dropped another bombshell on me. The mysterious Dr. Curtis had sent him a package. A package containing a new three month supply of Little Red Pills. I was happy for Noah. Despite my acceptance and assurance that I wanted him just the way he was, I knew Noah still had a hang-up about his small dick situation. I encouraged him to start taking them again, even got a little bit of a thrill thinking about feeling a hog of a cock between Noah’s legs, maybe even trying to see how much of him I could fit in my mouth. Not my ass, of course- I still balked at the idea of being invaded by a cock there. But still.

I was actually kind of shocked when Noah told me he wasn’t interested in getting back on the Pills. As he explained it to me, he was actually a little afraid of who he became when he was taking them, big cock and all. He said I was all that he needed. It was actually very flattering.

The shocks just kept on coming, though, when Noah suggested that I try out the pills instead. At first, I was adamant that I didn’t need them. My own rig wasn’t “monstrous” by any means, but I was content that it was big enough to get the job done. Noah whole-heartedly agreed. However, he confessed that the thought of me turning into a full-on monster-cocked Power Top gave him a rock hard little erection. I couldn’t say no to those puppy dog eyes.

I was a little weirded-out by his insistence that we literally measure my progress. But I have to admit, I too became fascinated with it when the inches started adding on, which they quickly did.

I started at what Noah had meticulously calculated with a tape measure to be 6.9 inches, erect. Nice.

I thought Noah might be pushing it when he insisted on measuring the circumference of my shaft, as well, but he had assured me that Dr. Curtis had tracked his girth as well as length. At the start of the experiment, as you could call it, I was 4.7 inches around, if that number means anything at all to you, reader.

On the night that I had just dicked Noah down through three consecutive orgasms, we had begun the evening festivities with a measuring session. The member that I now had trouble stuffing into my underwear, and problems concealing the outline of in gray sweatpants, clocked in at 11.2 inches long and 7.2 inches around. That’s just shy of the girth of a soda can, if you care to research. I did. It had been about two months since I’d started popping a little red guy once every morning and once before bed.

Which reminded me, I got up out of bed and padded off naked across the hall to the bathroom, where I took my evening dose. I splashed some cold water on my face and toweled off, and headed back to bed. Noah had rolled over onto his side facing away from me. I could still hear his rhythmic breathing. He had fallen asleep with his shirt still hanging off tangled on his arm. His tight round buns caught the moonlight coming through the window, his ass still hanging out of the giant tear I had created in the back of his boxer briefs. The sight sent a familiar twitch to my crotch and I sighed, amazed at myself for even being able to think about going another round already. I pushed the thought away, if only because I’d feel bad about waking Noah back up.

I climbed back in bed and pulled a sheet up over my body. My thoughts drifted back off to the craziness that had become my life over the past 8 weeks.

Things had remained pretty normal at first. Noah and myself had already maintained a healthy and regular sex life. It was one of the perks of being away in a college town where you didn’t know anyone else, sharing an apartment with your new boyfriend. We fucked most nights after classes, spent a lot of mornings with wake-up hand jobs or sharing a quick shower and blowjob. This continued after I started taking the pills, adding only frequent “measure-in” sessions. There was no doubt I was growing, about a few tenths of an inch or so each day.

My sexual appetite was growing daily, too. By the second week we had gone from fucking around most days, to doing it every day, to doing it multiple times a day. This was mostly because seemingly everything guy-related was turning me on. I was getting frequent erections in class and out in public.

If Noah turned professional wrestling on tv, I popped an instant involuntary boner at the first sight of two muscley guys grappling in their tight little trunks. I’d have no choice but to bend Noah over the couch and almost-violently fuck his ass.

If I saw a student-athlete jogging shirtless down the sidewalk on my way home from class, I would have to hurry home, where I would need to rip my cock out of my pants and beat myself off the second I made it to the apartment, if Noah wasn’t home yet to service me.

If we went out to get a bite to eat, we’d end up in a stall in the men’s room, either Noah leaning up against the stall partition while I railed him from behind, or with him bouncing up and down on my ever-lengthening shaft while I sat on the toilet.

Noah was thrilled by my ferocious sexual appetite. He confessed that it turned him on when I dominated him. He loved when I demanded that his mouth and ass belonged to me. He relished being the bottom to my Power-top. Yes, he was thrilled, but by the fourth week, he was also kind of exhausted.

One Saturday afternoon in the apartment, after watching some college football and fucking for the fourth time that day, Noah admitted that he was physically too sore to go for round five.

I came to him, ashamed, not long after that, and confessed to him that sex was on my mind all of the time, even when I wasn’t with him. Sometimes I vividly fantasized about sex with other guys. Everywhere I went, I saw a dude that I imagined naked, sharing a mutual jerk off with, getting a blow job from, or fucking. Sometimes I would make eye contact with a random attractive guy from across the room and I could actually feel that something would happen between us if I went up to him.

For some reason, this turned Noah on even more. Halfway through the fourth week, Noah gave me permission to experiment with my desires, laying a few ground rules. As long as I continued to sexually satisfy him, which I fully intended to do, I could act on my impulse to be with another man if it struck me. That, and oddly enough, Noah said I wasn’t allowed to kiss anyone other than him. I found these terms agreeable.

The first opportunity presented itself when the professor in my Communications class paired me up for an in-class exercise with a hunk attending college on a Track and Field scholarship named Bryce. Nothing overtly sexual passed between us throughout the course of the class session, so I was surprised to find Bryce following ME into the men’s room after class.

We ended up in a stall together with our pants around our ankles, comparing cock sizes and rubbing them together between our hands. He was no slouch, with his impressively athletic and surprisingly hairless legs and shaved crotch and impressive cut cock. But by then I was already nearing the 9-inch mark, clearly the bigger of the two.

As if that settled it, Bryce ended up on his knees in front of me in the stall. I managed to show restraint, just lightly resting my hands on the top of his buzzed-short head and letting him do most of the work. He wrapped a hand around my base and tilted my rock hard pole out away from my body before engulfing the tip and going to work with slobbery mouth and tongue, twisting and bobbing his head. He seemed to know what he was doing.

“Yeeeeah, you like sucking that cock?” I huffed out, the words echoing and then hanging in the quiet air of the empty public restroom.

The threat of another student coming in at any moment and hearing my breathy whisper, seeing too many limbs in the open space along the bottom of the stall partition, only added to the thrill of the encounter.

“Mmmmhmmm,” Bryce hummed out around his mouthful of cock. His lips vibrated on the sensitive underside of my glans.

I couldn’t stop myself from ever so slightly rocking my hips forward towards Bryce’s face as he expertly sucked. The only thing keeping me from choking him with my cock down his throat was the fist he kept wrapped around the bottom half of my shaft. The only reason I allowed him to keep it there was the tantalizing way he stroked me up and down while his mouth worked the upper-half. His fist caught the excess saliva that slobbered out of his mouth and slicked the length of my rod as he jerked me.

It had been some time since I’d been close to busting a nut inside anyone besides Noah, but I managed not to forget my manners as I felt the pleasure building up inside my balls, the tingle working it’s way towards my bulbous tip.

“Uuuuhh I’m gonna cum, dude,” I warned.

I let Bryce decide what to do with that information. With a wet plop he pulled his lips from my cockhead and tilted his head to the side away from the line of fire, all while maintaining his stroke-speed on my shaft, now bringing his fist all the way up to my swollen head with each stroke. In moments my balls were tightening and my shaft was throbbing as a geyser of cum exploded from my tip and painted the tiled wall directly behind Bryce, narrowly shooting past the side of his face. He continued stroking through the orgasm- only slowing when the jet spray reduced to a lazy drip onto the floor at my feet.

My new friend Bryce started an attempt to climb from his knees off the bathroom floor, his own erection still jutting from the open fly of his pants. Something inside my Red Pill infused brain felt slighted. I pressed a firm hand on his shoulder and put my weight down on it, stopping him from being able to rise from his knees.

He hadn’t tasted my cum. He needed to. Luckily I had more to give him.

I could see the shock in his eyes when he looked up from my still rock-hard cock to my downturned gaze.

“Aren’t you-” He started.

Before he could finish, my other hand was gripping him by the back of the head and pulling him back to my lap. He could have clamped his mouth shut in protest, but like a good little slut, he opened it instinctively.

I plunged myself back between his lips. His hand came up to grip the base of my shaft again to provide support, but I wasn’t having it. I swatted it away once, then twice. He knew better than to try and grab hold for a third time.

Intentions understood, I grabbed around the back of his head with my other hand and went to town thrusting my hips into his face.

I went easy for a few moments, only pushing about half my length into his mouth. When I finally thrust forward far enough to hit the back of his throat, I heard him start to gag and I pulled myself almost all the way out, letting my head rest just inside his lips as he coughed and sputtered around it.

When he calmed down and sucked a few breaths in, I was back at it. Before long I had his head gripped in both hands and was fucking his face for all he was worth. This dude I had just met kneeled before me, gagging and glugging my shaft down his throat. His saliva coated my length and bubbled out between his lips and down his chin where my balls wetly smacked.

I grunted and groaned through gritted teeth like a man possessed. At one point, I heard the heavy metal door into the Men’s Room push open and someone enter. I just kept humping face.

“Jesus Christ!” I heard someone proclaim outside the stall in disgust. Rather than shame, I felt my arousal ratchet up another notch. I almost felt like yelling out to the stranger that if he waited his turn he could be next. Whoever it was fled the restroom before I got the chance.

Bryce’s face was changing colors. I unceremoniously yanked myself from his lips with a wet smack and he coughed and choked and sputtered for breath.

“Bro… you gotta-” He huffed. I didn’t let him finish, shoving my hips forward and jamming myself into his mouth again.

20 seconds of frenzied face-fucking later and my entire cock and balls were pulsing and I was pumping a hot load directly down Bryce’s gullet. When I pulled my messy cock out of his mouth and let go of his head, he collapsed backwards down onto his butt, propped up against the back wall between the toilet and the divider, panting.

I surveyed the damage in shock. The handsome young athlete’s face was now tear streaked and slick with his own snot and spit.

“Sorry, got a little carried away,” I muttered, leaving him there to clean up, wondering how awkward the next class would be when we were due to finish our assignment.

I rushed home and found myself alone at the apartment, Noah not having arrived back from his own classes yet. Something about what I had just done made me feel dirty, and somehow oddly turned on at that thought. I climbed in the hot shower to try and physically wash the feeling away.

Noah found me there when he arrived home from class. In a flash of removed clothing, he climbed into the steam of the shower with me.

When he took hold of my cock, I instantly began growing hard in his hand. I felt a flutter of guilt in my stomach and suddenly I was telling him everything that had just happened that day there under the hot spray.

Rather than pull away, as I feared, Noah pulled his naked body closer to mine the more I told him the tale of Bryce in the campus men’s room. His hand between our bodies more adamantly stroked up and down my rigid length. He kissed my neck while I told him of how I had face-fucked Bryce through a second round.

He began falling to his knees before me down into the splattering steam, kissing my chest and abdomen on his way down.

“Awe, couldn’t Bryce handle you like I can, babe?” he cooed.

I fucked the second face of that day there in the shower. And the face fucked me back. Noah latched his hands around my body onto my ass checks as I invaded his throat. He literally used his hands to pull my body forward and cock into his face. He urged me to hump into him faster and faster. All the while he glugged down my length as I felt my nut helplessly build.

With a forceful grunt I thrust my hips forward and held them there. I could feel Noah’s grasp on my ass also holding me in place buried down his throat. My balls throbbed on his chin as I pumped a big load into his stomach.

I learned for sure that day that Noah really was okay with me acting on my newly developed over-active sex drive. The possibilities suddenly seemed endless.

Still unable to fall asleep after that latest marathon fuck-session with Noah, my brain apparently wanted to relive more of my recent big dick escapades.

Needless to say, Bryce had discreetly asked for a new class assignment partner, but that was okay with me. Campus was like a smorgasbord of possibilities for me. I spent the next few days scoping out opportunities. However, before I could settle on one, opportunity and necessity found me.

One morning before class, I discovered I had failed my last World History paper while checking my grades online. I was mildy shocked, but thinking back, the assignment due date had coincided with when the Little Red Pills had really started working. Apparently my mind had been preoccupied while trying to write about the fall of the Ottoman Empire.

That was okay, the Pills had gotten me into this mess, and I was already thinking of how they might get me out.

My World History teacher, Professor Stanley, was the frequent topic of gossip and whispered conversations among the female students. It was universally agreed that underneath his thick rimmed eye glasses and meticulously side parted hair, (minus the little piece in the back that always seemed to stick up) the 30-something year old Professor Stanley was a straight up hunk disguised as a nerd. To hear the female student body tell it though, it sounded like Stanley himself hadn’t gotten the memo, as he was focused and engaged in his teaching of the World’s history. Outside of class he came off as timid, and preoccupied with his studies. Since the start of the semester I had heard more than one girl lament about their attempts at flirtations and passes at the professor going completely unnoticed and ignored.

A few doses in, and I had also noticed the stud hidden underneath the bookish young professor. I had also keyed in on a few very subtle instances of Stanley taking second glances- not at some of the enticing female students, but at some of the guys in the lecture hall.

I couldn’t settle for an F on a paper that was such a large part of my final grade. If I was going to fix this, I’d have to put my theory to the test.

That day, I wore what Noah had named my “package pants” to class. My package pants were a pair of tight fitting gray sweatpants that came down to my mid-calves. The snuggness in the crotch area left little of my substantial bulge to the imagination. Indeed, when I sat a certain way you could practically trace an outline of my impressive cock and balls through the fabric.

No assigned seating in the lecture hall meant I was able to sit front and center for that day’s World History lecture. After sitting down, I spread my legs and not so subtly adjusted my junk in my lap. I was going commando, and let my soft, but still long and fat junk lay across my right thigh, perfectly imprinting through the gray cotton. Stanley’s obliviousness and passion for History were no match, as I caught his glance locking between my wide spread legs more than once during the lecture.

The professor held office hours directly after class in a book and map crammed office just off the lecture hall. I stuck around after class and hung just outside his office door and listened as a button-nosed coed with perky tits lamented over her own poorly graded paper. The girl never got overtly sexual, but the implication was definitely there. It all seemed to roll off the clueless professor. The girl left the office practically in tears when she couldn’t flirt her way up from a D.

I entered the office to find Stanley already intently focused on a rather gigantic book spread open on his cluttered desk. He didn’t look up until the door clicked shut as I closed it behind me. He glanced up for a second acknowledging my presence.

“How can I help you?” He sounded disinterested, annoyed to be interrupted from his studies again.

Before I could answer he did a double-take, looking back up from his book. His gaze only stopped for a fraction of a second on my crotch, which hit him at eye level on the other side of his desk, before coming up to my face.

“Ahhh, Gavin Cartwright, correct?” He looked back down to the book he was studying, playing off that he had known my name out of a class roster of nearly a hundred students. “Come to argue the merits of your Ottoman Empire paper that appeared to take you all of five minutes to research and write?”

Ignoring that comment entirely, I instead glanced over my shoulder to the closed door I’d just entered from.

“Poor girl, she did not want that D. I mean, can you blame her for trying to get it raised? Put yourself in her shoes for a minute, professor. If someone gave you a big fat D, would you just sit there and take it?”

Where had that ridiculous line even come from? The pills really had me saying some crazy shit. I could tell the message had gotten through to Stanley. The finger he was using to mark his place in the huge text had stopped moving across the page, as the rest of his body froze as well.

“What did you say?” His voice came out soft and nervous.

I stepped even closer to the cluttered desk until my upper thighs were pressed up against it’s edge. My lap came just up over the top of the desk as I effectively laid my bulging fabric-covered package out across its surface.

“Look, you read my paper so you know I don’t really have a way with words, so I’m gonna stop beating around the bush,” the professor finally looked back up from his book, only for his gaze to stop and fixate on where my junk rested on the end of his desk. “I let you do whatever you want with my huge cock that I keep catching you staring at, and you raise the grade of my paper by however much you think my performance is worth.”

“But that’s just-that’s… inappropriate,” He stammered.

Yeah, well, the best things in life usually were.

Despite his weak attempts to feign refusal, a few moments later and Stanley was up from behind the desk to turn the lock on the door behind me. A few moments after that and I found myself in the Professor’s leather desk chair, my gray sweats pulled down and hanging off one ankle. The timid professor was on his knees between my spread legs, trying to fit the bulbous head of my towering erection into his mouth.

He was clearly eager to taste as much of me as he could, but also too reserved to get there on his own. A couple of helping hands pushing down on the back of his head gave him the courage he needed to engulf me.

I had him swallowing a good three quarters of my length down his gullet, gagging and drooling out copious amounts of thick ropey saliva as he went. His small office filled with sounds of wet slurping and throat glugging as I pushed his face down into my crotch and humped my hips up out of his chair.

“That’s right, Professor, choke on my fucking dick,” I grunted. “Think about gagging on your student’s huge cock next time you want to give me an F!”

I pushed down on his head until I felt the rims of his glasses pressing into the flesh of my lower abdomen. I must have been halfway down his throat as his hands feebly smacked off my bare thighs and he moaned and sputtered around his mouth-and-throatful of cock. At that point, I could’ve blasted a load into the unsuspecting professor whenever I wanted. I let the pressure up on the back of his head and he pulled back so that only my glans remained in his mouth. I felt him gasping in wet sloppy breaths.

“Have you ever let a student cum down your throat for a better grade, professor?”

Still with my cockhead in his mouth, I felt him meekly shaking his head no.

“Do you want to now?” I asked.

He bobbed his head yes and moaned out an “uh-huh,” around his mouthful of dick. Before he could finish catching his breath I was pushing his head back down into my lap and lifting my hips up off the chair.

A few quick fucks of his face and I felt the pleasure rising past containable levels. I pushed him down onto my cock as far as his throat would take me and held him there as he squirmed and my entire cock and balls throbbed. Each pulse of my organ was a jet-shooting glob of cum directly down his esophagus. Finally I released his head as my orgasm subsided and he slumped backwards onto his heels on the office floor, choking, gasping, and then sucking in air. His usually perfectly parted hair now disheveled, his glasses askew on his tear, snot, and saliva covered face.

I stayed reclined back in his chair watching the timid Professor recover.

My slicked cock towered between my legs and showed no signs of deflating just yet.

As Stanley wiped a sleeve across his messy face, his eyes remained locked on my crotch.

“What do you think, at least worth a B, right?… I kind of had my heart set on an A, though.”

I helped haul the professor up off the floor, only to roughly turn him around facing away from me and push him forward toward his cluttered desk. He went to work knocking stacks of books and papers off the sides of the desk to make room while my arms snaked around his waist from behind and I began ripping at his belt and pants button.

In a frenzy of grunts and ripping fabric I had him bent over his desk with his dress slacks discarded at his ankle and his button up shirt ripped open to expose a boyishly smooth chest with a small patch of hair between his pecs. His hairless round ass cheeks jutted out towards me spread to reveal his puckered anus.

With a grunt, I attempted a thrust forward to forcefully insert my thick erection into his impossibly tight hole. Even slicked from his mouth juices, I first bounced right off the small opening and then, on second attempt, I could not get him open enough to accept my swollen tip. As soon as I felt the slightest give in resistance, Stanley let out a part yelp, part groan of pain and tried to pull his hips in towards the desk away from me.

“I-it’s not going to fit,” He whimpered.

“Fuck that!” I scowled, grabbing him by the waist and pulling his lower body back out towards me.

Not fully understanding what had come over me, I fell to my knees behind the professor and, parting his smooth cheeks with my hands, buried my face in his butt.

I had never eaten ass before. The thought used to weird me out. But just then, all I could think about was getting my gigantic cock jammed up inside of my World History professor. As my tongue darted out I felt his body momentarily tense up and try to retreat from the unfamiliar wet touch. He seemed to immediately warm up to the sensation, as I felt him relax and lean down against his desk further, opening his cheeks wider.

I went to work on instinct alone, suckling and making out with his puckered opening with my lips, and then lapping at it with my tongue. I pulled back a few inches and hawked a wad of spit right on the bullseye, and then dived back in, working it around his entrance, and then daring to dart my tongue into his anus to flick around.

Above me I heard Prof. Stanley let out a low satisfied moan. Suddenly impatient to turn that quiet moan into yips and yelps and grunts, I focused for a few more moments on transferring as much of my saliva in and around his anus as possible and then unburied my nose from his crack as I stood back up behind his bent over form.

With one last lougey spit into my palm and rubbed into my already slicked head and shaft, I grabbed his waist with one hand, the base of my monster in the other, and attempted penetration once more.

I won’t lie and say it glided right in. I had to put some force behind it as I heard the professor hissing and then stifle a cry-out when my over-sized mushroom head finally slipped inside of him. I gave him a few moments to breathe before I began sinking inch after tantalizing inch up into his tight warm rectum.

“Uhhhh fuck yeah, I’m gonna fuck an A-plus out of you,” I moaned. Why was I talking like I was in a poorly scripted porno?

“Uhhhgh please go easy on me,” he pleaded, sounding a little pathetic.

I complied with his request for a few slow shallow strokes in and out before I couldn’t help myself.

“Like you went easy grading my paper?” I chided.

Before long I was absolutely pounding into him from behind while he bent over the surface of his desk and held onto the edges for dear life. Each smack of my pelvis against his rapidly reddening ass cheeks coupled with a yelping “Uh!” from the Professor was probably loud enough to carry out of his closed office door into the empty lecture hall and campus hallways beyond. I didn’t give a shit. And by that point neither did Professor Stanley.

“Still want to give me an ‘F,’ Bitch?” I snarled, continuing to plow into him.

He frantically shook his head no.

“You gonna give me an A for how good I wreck your boy-pussy?”

His head bobbed an enthusiastic ‘yes.’

I pushed his upper body down flat against his desk and leaned into him as my hips worked like pistons and flesh clapped loudly against flesh. I leaned in further, latched a hand onto his shoulder to help support my thrusting, and snaked the other down around his waist to find his unimpressive but absolutely rock hard cock. My fist matched my fucking, stroking in a frenzy.


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“That’s right, I’m gonna let you cum while I fuck your guts out! Do you want me to nut inside your fucking ass while I make you cum, slut?”

More desperate head nods to accompany his quick yipping moan with every thrust. I tortured him by freezing my strokes and plunging myself into him and stopping. I panted, and he let out a pitiful whine.

Slowly, I withdrew my hips and then sunk myself back in.

“Say I got the A and we can both bust our nuts!” I ordered.

“Uuuuuuhnnn, you got an A…” He moaned pathetically.

I began fucking like a madman again, and stroking him with a flick of my wrist for all he was worth.

“Fuck, dude. If you’re gonna fucking cum, do it now,” I ordered.

“Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck OH FUCK OH FUCK OHFUCKOFUCKOHFUCK,” the professor chanted. I could feel him shuttering beneath me. His legs seemed to threatened to buckle. “I am about to ejaculate!” He announced.

I was barely listening by that point- pounding into the history professor even as I felt my seed bubble up and my mammoth cock pulse with my own orgasm. I felt warm splashes hitting my fist as he shot his load all over the front of his desk while I continued jerking him off. I pumped a solid ten jets of jizz up inside his warm guts at the same time.

I left the bedraggled professor slumped panting in his chair with his pants still around his ankle, turning back into the office before I slipped out the door.

“Let me know if any other extra curricular opportunities come up,” I smirked with a wink.

I smirked again in bed, reliving the memory. Noah’s sleep breathing beside me was finally lulling me with it’s rhythm as I felt my own eyelids start to grow heavy. I ended up drifting alseep in the middle of thoughts about how Noah had reacted when I had told him about the encounter with Professor Stanley. How he had bent over the kitchen counter and insisted I demonstrate on him how hard I had fucked the professor, but not before I ate his ass, too.

I woke up the next morning with an even slightly larger cock than the night before, and a slightly larger sexual appetite to match. Unfortunately, Noah was already gone to an early morning class, and that’s assuming his asshole was even ready to receive another pounding so soon.

That was okay, though. I had a couple irons in the fire to persue while Noah got a day or two to rest.

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