Bobby and the Cop

A gay story: Bobby and the Cop Time seems to go by so quickly. It was almost a year that I moved out of my mom and step-dad’s house, but it seemed like just yesterday.

After graduating from college, I returned home to the Detroit suburbs. I got a job fairly quickly as a computer tech. The company I worked for sold PCs and custom software to small and medium-sized businesses. I did diagnosis, repair, and upgrades on the PCs. It wasn’t a bad job and it paid decently for a fresh out of college job. The only part I didn’t like was that the company office was in downtown Detroit in the Penobscot building. The traffic and parking really sucked.

It was hard going back to living with my mom and step-dad after the freedom of college. Even with my older brother married and moved out, there just wasn’t a lot of privacy. So I moved into this duplex in Detroit. The house had been divided into two small, one bedroom apartments. The neighborhood wasn’t terribly bad and it was conveniently located. I could get on the Lodge and take it straight shot downtown to get to work.

It seemed like all I did was work, come home, watch TV, go to bed and then repeat. It was starting to get really lonely.

On two occasions, I had dared to venture up to 8 Mile and go into a porn shop to purchase a magazine. They were exciting at first, but you kind of get bored with them after a bit.

I found a gay bar on Woodward and I hung out there a couple of times, but I was too shy to approach anyone. I just felt really uncomfortable sitting there alone. There were a lot of young guys and none of them were what I liked. I was kind of excited when I found a flyer for an upcoming bear event.

When I arrived at the bar, I was nervous and excited. I thought I looked pretty good in my jeans and black t-shirt. I paid the cover and went in and was amazed. There were hot guys everywhere. Big stocky hairy guys, just like I liked. My excitement was not lasting. It seemed like the guys all knew each other. Worse, it was like a high school clique. As I listened to them interact, I realized that they only liked other bears or were into leather or other stuff I didn’t know anything about. A skinny, nerdy looking guy like me didn’t have a chance.

I did get hit on by a man old enough to be my grandfather and I politely declined. He seemed to be into ‘daddy’ role playing and the way he looked at me creeped me out.

I did overhear a couple of hot guys complaining and saying that another bar had ‘real men’. I made a mental note that I would found out more about that place.

In the end, I left bear night feeling even more alone than ever.


In retrospect, I should have trusted my instincts. When I walked into the bar, I knew I was in the wrong place. I should have turned around and left right away. I was so nervous I was shaking, but I didn’t want to look like a total wimp. I ordered a beer and downed it pretty quickly. The second one, I sipped at a more leisurely pace.

I sat at a small table in the corner checking out the guys. These guys were not like the bears on ‘bear night’. There was a lot of denim and a lot of leather. The guys were masculine and rough looking and a lot of them looked like bikers, which made sense since there were more than a few motorcycles parked out back. Some of the guys had a lot of tattoos. Some of them were really scary. I know I stuck out like sore thumb. I decided I’d take a walk around and finish my beer then head home. I got up and walked through the place. I saw there was a patio out back, so I headed out there. There were quite a few guys outside smoking even though it was pretty chilly out.

I was shocked to see a handful of couples making out. I mean, they were really going at it. I watched one couple go through a gate in the back and disappear down an alley. That was when I felt him behind me. I turned around and looked up.

He was massive. He had to be at least 8 inches taller than me and weighed at least twice as much. He looked like he once was very muscular, but had softened considerably. He had a shaved head and a black biker handlebar moustache and a word tattooed on the side of his neck, but between the dim lighting and the complicated lettering, I couldn’t make out what it said. He was holding a beer and a cigarette in his right hand. He locked his eyes onto mine and brought the beer bottle up to his mouth and his tongue lightly touched the end of the bottle just as it came to his lips. A chill went up my spine and I shifted uncomfortably.

“What’s your name, boy?” he growled.

“Bobby,” I answered meekly.

The man didn’t offer his name. He brought his left hand up inside my jacket and twisted my right nipple hard and I cried out in pain and stepped back, bumping up against the railing. He moved in closer and leaned in as his hand moved down to my ass and squeezed it.

“You looking to have some fun with a real man?” he growled into my ear.

Before I could answer, he had his arm around me and lead me through the gate in back and down the alleyway. It was really dark and I was getting nervous and scared.

“I don’t know if this is a good idea,” I started to say. “I should–”

“Shut the fuck up,” he growled.

He gripped me tighter and we turned a corner. He pushed me into a stack of wood pallets.

“I think I should go,” I said.

Everything happened so quickly. He was so fast and so strong. I screamed when he bent me over the pallets and pulled my pants down. He gripped the back of my hair and slammed my face into the pallets. My glasses dug into my face and then flew off. He pulled my jacket off and grabbed me by the waist and turned me over onto my back. I pushed and kicked at him and he slugged me in the face twice. Blood was pouring out of my nose and I was having trouble seeing. But I didn’t have any trouble feeling him against my body.

I heard him rip open a condom wrapper and his hand covered my mouth tightly. He spit and rubbed between my legs. I tried to squirm away from him, but his body pinned me down.

I closed my eyes tightly and screamed and sobbed into his hand as he shoved his dick into me. It hurt more than anything I had ever felt before. I could tell he wasn’t hung very big, but it still felt like he was splitting me in two.

When he finished, he rifled through my pants and then left me laying there on the pallets.

Tears streamed down my face as I struggled to get to my feet and put on my pants. My body throbbed in pain with every movement. My underwear was ripped, so I left them. I managed to find my glasses, but they were bent and cracked. I felt my jeans pockets and was glad I left my wallet in my glove compartment. The 50 bucks or so I had in my front pocket was gone.

I wiped my nose with my shirt sleeve and hugged the wall as I tried to make my way down the alley. I gasped and panicked when I came across a man in a sunken doorway and I stumbled backwards. The big guy stepped out and another younger guy stood up from a kneeling position.

“Are you alright, kid?” the big guy asked as he zipped up his pants.

“Jesus, what happened to you?” the other asked.

“Come on, we need to get you to a hospital,” the first man said.

They helped me down the alleyway and to the parking lot to my car. The big guy drove me to the emergency room in my car and the younger guy followed in his car. I grabbed my wallet from the glove compartment and the big guy helped me walk to the entrance.

“Listen, kid, I can’t go in with you,” he said. “I would if I could, but if my family… They’ll take care of you here, okay?”

I nodded and tried not to cry. “Thank you,” I whispered.

His eyes glistened and he hugged me. He got in the car with the young guy and they sped off.

I went inside and checked in at the desk and when the triage nurse asked me what happened, I whispered, “I was… I was raped.”

She looked at me with sympathy, but I still had to wait in the waiting room. I was cold and shivering a little bit and I realized that I left my jacket back in the alley. I tried to bend my glasses back into the right shape so that I could see the insurance forms I was filling out. I turned them in and returned to my seat. People were staring at me. I wanted to call my mom, but I didn’t want her and my step-dad Carl to know what happened. It hit me that I didn’t even have any friends I could call and I hung my head down and started to cry again.

A nurse soon called my name and he helped me into a small room where he took my blood pressure and weight and asked me what happened. He then took me down another hallway and helped me sit on a bed. He pulled the curtain around to give me some privacy while I put on the gown.

The nurse returned shortly with a doctor. Everything happened so fast it was a blur. The whole experience was unpleasant. The doctor introduced himself and examined my face and head. He probed, pinched and shined lights at me. He squeezed my nose to see if it was broken. Then I had to roll over onto my belly while he probed my butt. The nurse drew my blood and they left to run some tests and help other people.

Another nurse came in with some pain killers and to help clean me up. He was an older man and he looked at me with kind eyes and said he was sorry for what happened to me and I further embarrassed myself by crying again. When he was finished, he gave me an ice pack to put on my eye. He patted my arm and left me alone again.

As I sat there, my face throbbed. My eyes, cheeks and nose hurt, not to mention my ass. My eyes seemed to be swollen pretty badly, especially my left one. The curtain opened again and two Detroit policemen entered. They were both big and muscular, one blond and one dark haired. Under different circumstances, I would have found them both hot and checked them out, but I wasn’t quite in the mood. I just wanted everyone to go away so that I could go home.

The blond cop introduced himself as Officer Taft and his dark-haired bearded partner was Officer Paolucci. Officer Taft asked the questions: who I was, what I was doing there, what happened. He asked me to describe the guy and his name. I was embarrassed at how little I could describe the guy and Officer Taft quickly grew impatient with me, which only served to fluster me further.

“You’re not giving us much to go on here,” Taft grumbled.

Paolucci motioned with his head for Taft to follow him. They stepped out of the curtain and moved away. They were still within earshot, though I could barely hear what they were saying.

“Give the guy a break,” Paolucci said.

“They’re never gonna find the guy with what this kid gave us. I think he’s hiding something. Sounds to me like the kid went looking for a good time and things got outta hand.”

“Fuck you, Nick. You wouldn’t say that shit if it was a girl in there.”

“You talk to him then. Maybe he’ll open up to another queer.”

“If you weren’t my best friend, I would kick your fucking ass right now. Asshole.”

The curtain parted and Paolucci stepped in followed by Taft. Paolucci smiled at me.

“Hi, Bobby,” Paolucci said in a calm, deep voice. “Is there anyone we can call for you? Mom or Dad?”

“No,” I said, before adding quietly, “I don’t want them to know what happened.”

“You don’t think they’d want to know you’re all right?”

“They don’t really know I’m… gay, and this isn’t exactly the way I want to come out to them.”

“Okay, Bobby. I understand. Now, why don’t you tell me again what happened, okay? Why were you there?”

I opened up and told Officer Paolucci everything, probably a little more than he needed to know. How I was lonely and the guys at the other bar I had gone to were all skinny and twinky and I heard that this place maybe had guys I liked. I told him I was scared and nervous, but I decided to finish my beer before I left. I then told him everything that happened with the guy in detail. I previously left out the part about the guys that helped me, but this time I told him about them as well.

The cops stepped out when the doctor returned. He told me my STI tests were all negative. He gave me a prescription for some mild pain pills and said I could go home and that my bruises should fade away in a couple of weeks, but I should try to get plenty of rest the next few days. Someone would be back to help me out. He patted my shin and left.

I got up and pulled the gown off and laid it on the bed and started to get dressed.

“Oh, excuse me,” a voice said.

I turned around and saw a blushing Officer Paolucci back out of the curtain. I blushed in embarrassment that he had seen my naked butt. I finished getting dressed in my jeans and my bloody t-shirt as the orderly came with the wheelchair. I sat down and he opened the curtain. The two cops walked with us as the orderly wheeled me out to the ER’s front entrance.

Officer Paolucci asked me where my car was. He insisted that they were going to take me home. When he saw me shivering in just a t-shirt, he took off his coat and put it on me. I started to protest, but it was so big and comfy and warm. The jacket had a gold badge on the left breast and his name tag on the right was engraved ‘T PAOLUCCI’. There was a radio on the left shoulder. It smelled faintly of cologne. It was way too big for me, but it was so warm and smelled so good that I zipped it up and folded my arms together.

We walked over to my car as Taft went to get their police cruiser. Paolucci took my keys and tried to climb into my little car.

Paolucci was a big guy, tall and stocky. He pushed the seat back all the way and tilted the steering wheel forward and grunted as he tried to get situated. I knew he couldn’t be very comfortable. My car was just not built for a guy his size.

“Sorry about that,” I said, trying not to smile.

“It’s no problem, Bobby.”

We pulled out of the parking lot and I gave him directions to my house and Taft followed us in their car.

As we drove, I glanced over at Officer Paolucci. He was a very handsome guy with typical Italian features. Getting a closer look, I could see he was younger than I first thought, still in his twenties I guessed. He had black hair cut in a military high and tight style. He had a nicely trimmed beard that was cut short and close to his face. His eyes were a deep blue. His lips were pouty and kissable. He had a black t-shirt on under his dark blue uniform shirt and his gold badge reflected the street lights as we drove. He had big, strong looking arms that stretched at the fabric of his shirt. His forearms were covered in dark hair.

He cut his eyes over to me and caught me staring and I quickly turned away, my face flush with embarrassment.

We finally pulled into my duplex and Paolucci hopped out and opened the door for me. He told Taft he’d be right out and walked me to the door. He handed me my keys and I unlocked the door and he followed me inside. I turned on the lights and I reluctantly took off his coat and gave it to him.

“Thanks so much for your help, Officer Paolucci.”

“You’re welcome, Bobby. If I hear anything about your case, I’ll let you know. Here’s my card if you need anything.”

I took the offered business card and put it in my wallet.

“I’ll try to check on you in a day or so and make sure you’re okay. If you don’t mind?”

“Sure, I guess so,” I replied.

“Try to get some rest, okay?”

I nodded and he squeezed my shoulder.

“Bye,” I said as I closed the door behind him.

I sighed. I felt like a pathetic loser having a crush on the big cop.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower and finally got a good look at myself. I had two black eyes and my left eye was very swollen. My right cheek was badly bruised. I had a scrape and cut on my forehead. My 5’8″ skinny body was bruised on my stomach and my sides, where he was pushing me against the wood. My black hair had dried blood streaked in it. My glasses were bent and scratched and I was going to need new ones, which I couldn’t really afford right now. On the plus side, I could get a pair that was a little less nerdy.

I wiped the tears away and took my clothes off and climbed into the shower. The warm water felt so good. After I was done washing, I just stood there with my eyes closed until the hot water ran out.

I woke up screaming in a sweat. I dreamed that Officer Paolucci and I were out on the back deck of the bar making out, but then he morphed into my attacker and pinned me down on a table…

I got up and got a drink of water and took another shower. The sheets were soaked, so I laid a towel down and slept on top of that. Thankfully, I didn’t dream again.


I called my boss on Sunday evening and told him that I had been mugged and needed to take a week of vacation to rest and recover. I told him I’d fax a copy of my ER paperwork. He was very nice and understanding and said I could have a week of sick leave and keep my vacation days.

Monday morning, I got a flowers and a ‘get well’ card delivered to my house from everyone at work.

I needed to get my prescription filled and I needed some groceries for the week. I also needed to get a new pair of glasses. I didn’t want to go out, but I didn’t really have a choice. I called my eye doctor and was able to get an appointment that afternoon.

After my eye exam, I had an hour or so to kill while my glasses were being made, so I went to the grocery store and turned in my prescription and did a little bit of shopping. I knew people were staring at me like I was a freak, and I tried not to let it bother me, but it really did. By the time I left the store I was shaking and on the verge of tears. I picked up my glasses and paid the half the insurance didn’t cover with my credit card. Once I got home and put everything up, I took a pill and went to bed.


When the doorbell rang late Tuesday afternoon, I couldn’t imagine who it was. I opened the door to find Officer Paolucci standing on my doorstep. He had said he was going to check with me, but I didn’t think he really meant it.

“Hi, Bobby. I just wanted to check on you. Make sure you were okay.”

“Um… Oh, hi… Yeah, I’m fine.”

I stood there staring at him for a couple of seconds. “Oh, sorry. Come in.”

I invited him in and took his coat and hung it up in the hall closet. I offered him a drink, but he declined and we sat down on the couch together.

“I’m sorry, but we haven’t been able to find out anything about the guy who attacked you. They talked to the bar staff. They did find your jacket and some ripped briefs. There was also, uh, a used condom they’re doing a DNA check on. But it doesn’t look promising. I’m really sorry I don’t have better news, Bobby.”

“It’s okay. I shouldn’t’ve been there, I guess I deserved what I got.”

“Hey. Don’t you ever say that, you hear me? No one deserves to be assaulted.”

I nodded and wiped away a tear.

“Listen, do you need anything? I’m off duty in an hour. If you need me to run to the store or anything.”

“No, thank you. I’m fine, but thank you for offering, Officer Paolucci.”

“Call me Tony. Hey, how ’bout dinner? You want me to bring you something? There’s a great little pizza place I know. I’ll deliver it hot and fresh on my way home.”

“Why are you being so nice to me, Off–, uh, Tony?”

He looked at me for a second. “You look like you could use a friend.”

My eyes welled up with tears and I just nodded, afraid to speak.

“Okay. I’ll be back in about an hour and half, Bobby.”

He patted my shoulder and grabbed his coat from the closet and was gone.


My house was pretty clean, but I straightened up, vacuumed, cleaned the bathroom and cleaned up the kitchen. I took a quick shower and got dressed.

I let Tony in when the doorbell rang. He was wearing civilian clothes and was freshly showered and holding a pizza box.

“Pizza delivery,” he said with a smile.

I laughed and let him in and he set it down on the breakfast bar.

“Here ya go,” he said. “Okay. So, you got my number. Call me if you need anything else, and I’ll try to check up on you later, okay?”

I thought he was going to stay and eat with me. I wanted him to stay. I really didn’t want to be alone right now.

“Oh… You, um… Don’t you want any? I mean, you can stay here and eat, I mean, if you want to, you know… Or you can, um, just leave me a couple of slices and take the rest with you.”

“I didn’t want to presume that you’d want me to stick around.”

I shrugged. “If you want, you can.”

“Do you want me to stay?” he asked.

I nodded and he smiled. I went to the cupboard and got two plates. “Um, I don’t have a table, so we can eat at the breakfast bar or on the couch. I usually eat on the couch.”

“Cool. That’s what we’ll do then.”

I offered him several drink choices and we both chose a Coke. We sat on the couch and ate our pizza. It was really good and I told him so. We didn’t talk while we ate, but he caught me looking at him several times and I caught him looking at me as well.

He was so handsome, and sitting on my couch with me, he actually seemed shy. I was used to guys who initiated and took charge. I thought it was cute and my crush on him deepened, even though I knew that he was only here because he felt sorry for me.

After Tony finished off most of the pizza, we stayed sitting on the couch. He turned and put his elbow on the back of the couch and rested his head on his fist and looked at me.

“So… tell me about yourself,” he asked. “Where’d you grow up? What’s your family like?”

I turned and mimicked his position and told him all about my family and growing up shy and alone. He told me that he was a shy kid as well, but he mostly got over it when he joined the Marines, and then he became a cop. He came from a big Italian family of six siblings, he was the fourth oldest, and his given name was Antonio. Unlike me, he also had lots of aunts, uncles and cousins. Most of them lived in New York and New Jersey, but one of his sisters lived up in Royal Oak with her family, so he saw her from time to time. I also discovered that Tony was older than I was, 28 as opposed to my 22.

We talked for a couple of hours until I started to get sleepy.

“I’m gonna let you get some rest,” Tony said. “I’ll call you and check on you in a day or so, okay?”

I nodded and walked him to the door. He stopped for a second and then gave me a quick hug. We said goodbye and I watched him get into his silver pickup truck and I waved as he drove off.


I was pleasantly surprised when Tony called me the next afternoon to check on me. In fact, he called me every day that week. Sometimes we’d just talk for a few minutes, sometimes it would go on for an hour or so. He was so easy to talk to and our conversations flowed without awkward pauses.

I was crushing on him big time and I could tell he liked me, probably for more than a friend. As much as I liked him, I was scared of having a relationship. No, I wasn’t scared of a relationship, I was scared of having sex. Whenever I dreamed or even thought of sex, it turned into the attack in the alley.

So when Tony suggested that we hang out on Sunday, I was a little bit apprehensive. I didn’t want to lead him on, but I really wanted a friend.

The bruises and swelling in my face had started to heal, but even after a week, they were still pretty bad. Sensing I was uncomfortable, Tony suggested that we go to a movie where it’d be dark and then he’d cook dinner at his house.

When he picked me up, I told him I wanted to talk to him before we left.

“Tony… I like you. I think you’re a really nice guy…”


“But I don’t know if I’m ready to date someone right now… I mean, if that’s what this is… Is it?”

“I thought it was. So… Do you want to cancel our plans then?”

“Can we go out as just friends?”

“Sure, Bobby. We can be buds. Get your coat. We’re running late.”

I could tell he was really disappointed and I wasn’t prepared for that. I wondered if I was doing the right thing.

Tony had a really nice silver Ford F150 truck with the crew cab. It had plenty of room for him, unlike my Escort. It felt really cool riding so high up off the ground, compared to my car. I told him I loved his truck and commented on how he seemed a tad more comfortable than when he was driving my car and he laughed loudly.

We saw a comedy at the movies and we both laughed and had a really good time. We shared a large sized popcorn and we both got a pop. After the movie, we headed to his house. He had a small two-bedroom ranch home in an older neighborhood. It was a cute house. He gave me the grand tour, which didn’t take very long, but I was impressed with how nice everything was decorated and styled. It was very manly and comfortable, and everything was clean and organized.

He showed me the master bedroom. He had a huge king sized bed. The bedroom also had its own bathroom and a walk-in closet.

He had me sit on a stool at the breakfast bar and we talked while he started dinner. He made chicken picatta, pasta, and steamed broccoli. We ate in the dining room and it was great. He served white wine with the meal and I rarely have wine, and I quite enjoyed it. After dinner, we went into the family room and I sat on the comfy leather sofa and he sat in the leather chair. We talked about football, his life as a cop, my job as a computer tech, and a whole assortment of other topics for what seemed like hours.

I opened my eyes and realized I was laying down on the couch in a near fetal position. I was bundled up in a warm blanket. I was absolutely mortified to not only have fallen asleep, but he wrapped me up in a blanket. I looked over and Tony was sitting in the chair, his chin resting against his chest, sound asleep. When I started to sit up, his eyes opened and he smiled warmly at me.

“You fell asleep,” he said. “You looked so peaceful, I didn’t want to wake you.”

“I’m so sorry. I’m not a very good guest, huh?”

“Don’t worry about. I’m happy to know that you’re comfortable enough with me to fall asleep on my couch.”

Tony took me home a bit later and he gave me a long hug at the door and I hugged him back. As I held onto him, I inhaled his scent and let my hands touch his big hard body, and I knew that it was going to be impossible to be just friends with him.


When I arrived at work the next morning, Sharon, the woman who manages the business accounts, was all over me making sure I was okay and carrying on about my black eye. My boss, Rob, put his arm around me and patted my back and welcomed me back.

I went back to the repair room and grabbed the next work order. Memory upgrades on four new machines for one of our clients. A nice and easy way to get back to work. I grabbed the first machine off the shelf and unboxed it and set it up on my workbench when Ronnie, the senior tech and my supervisor, came in and dropped his bag on his workbench.

Ronnie was an older guy in his fifties, tall and lanky with dark blond hair that he kept in a collar-length, parted in the middle and feathered style from the 70s. He was gruff and outspoken and bordered on obnoxious.

“How ya feelin’, kid?” Ronnie asked.

I looked up and said, “I’m okay, Ronnie.”

“Fuck, kid, you got a real shiner there, huh?”

“You should see the other guy,” I joked.

“Hmph. I heard you were in really bad shape. They catch the guy?”

“Not yet.”

“So where were you when this happened?”

“I don’t really want to talk about it, Ronnie.”

“How much did he get?”


“The mugger. How much did he get?”

“Oh, like… 52 bucks.”

“Shit. You should have just given him the 50 bucks and saved yourself a beating.”

“I guess.”


Over the next week, I talked to Tony every day and he came over again on Tuesday evening with pizza. So when the phone rang Thursday evening, I naturally expected it to be Tony.

“Hey, little buddy,” his deep voice drawled in a southern accent.

“Bo!” I exclaimed.

I took a deep breath to try to keep from getting too emotional. It had been a long time since I heard from Bo. He was my first boyfriend in college and we remained friends even after we broke up. Now that he plays in the NFL, we don’t get to talk as often as we used to.

“I’m sorry it’s been so long since we talked, Bobbo. I’ve been busy.”

“I know. I’ve been watching you whenever I can.”

“Aw, you always were my biggest fan. Hey, I’m gonna be in Detroit on Sunday as you know and I got a couple of tickets for ya if you’re interested.”

“Oh, well, you don’t have to do that.”

“Of course I do. After the game, we can get together. I haven’t seen you in over a year, Bobby. We need to catch up.”

“Okay, that sounds really great, Bo.”

“Are you seeing anyone these days?”

“No, not really.”

“I’m sure a cute little guy like you is beating ’em off with a stick, so get one of your guys to come with you. Listen, I gotta go. I’ll FedEx the tickets to your house. After the game, someone will come get you and bring you to me, okay?”

“Okay. Bye, Bo. Thanks for calling me.”

“See ya soon, Bobby.”

That night when Tony called, I told him my friend from college got me tickets to the Lions game on Sunday and I asked if he wanted to go. He was really excited about the game, and we ended up talking about football for a little bit, then we moved on to other topics and I forgot to explain about Bo to him.


When Tony picked me up on Sunday, I almost fainted when I saw him. He was wearing a leather jacket over a black USMC t-shirt, worn and faded snug-fitting blue jeans that bulged in the crotch, and black cowboy boots. He pulled off his sunglasses and moved in and gave me a hug. He smelled really good and as I wrapped my arms around his broad back to return his hug, I started to get a hard-on.

I quickly pulled away and cleared my throat and grabbed my jacket and covered up my crotch. He was looking at me with a crooked smile on his face and it made me blush. He stepped closer and reached up and brushed the hair off my forehead, then ran his hand down the back of my head and squeezed the back of my neck.

“Your bruises are looking much better and the swelling’s gone down,” he said quietly.

I swallowed nervously. “I still have a pretty bad black eye.”

Tony’s other hand came up to my face. He cupped my left cheek in his hand and ran his thumb under my left eye.

“It’s not so bad. Everyone can see how adorable you are.”

I looked into his eyes and smiled at him. He leaned down and moved closer, his lips closing in on mine. I closed my eyes as he made contact with my lips. My knees buckled as he kissed me sensually, open mouthed but no tongue. When he pulled back, I shuddered. We smiled at each other and he ran his hands down my arms and clasped my hands in his, intertwining our fingers.

“I really like you, Bobby. I wanna be more than just your buddy.”

“I like you too, Tony.”

“As more than a buddy?”

“A lot more than a buddy.”

Tony’s hands squeezed mine and he bent down and kissed me again, then pulled me in and hugged me tight.

“Tony? Before we go, I should tell you something.”


“My college friend who got me the tickets is Bo Matthews. He wants to meet with us afterward, to grab a bite to eat.”

“Sure. That’s fine with me,” he said as he kissed the side of my head.

“And, um… Bo was my first boyfriend.”

Tony moved back and looked me in the eye. “So, do I have to worry about him trying to win you back, or you wanting him back?”

“Nah. We’re just friends now. He told me to bring a date.”

“Ah, so this is a date then?” he asked playfully.

“Yup. Our first date,” I grinned.


The football game was great and the tickets were freaking amazing. Tony bought the both of us a beer and we shared some popcorn. Even though we were sitting in the middle of the opposing team’s fans, Tony still rooted for the Lions and got plenty of dirty looks from the people around us. His cheering didn’t help because the Lions ended up losing. No surprise there. But he was smiling and having a great time, and that really made me happy. And I realized what a great time I was having just being with him.

As the game was finishing, a young guy found us and escorted us down to the locker room. We weren’t allowed to go in, but we waited outside.

“Wait a minute,” Tony whispering. “I just figured out what you were saying. Matthews, your college boyfriend. He plays for–”

The door opened and some of the players exited. When the team’s quarterback came out, Tony cleared his throat and introduced himself and shook his hand and congratulated him. After he left, Tony looked at me and mouthed “he’s hot” and we both laughed.

“Hey, little buddy!”

I looked up to see Bo walk out. He was wearing a blue Polo dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up and tight fitting jeans, his hair still damp from the shower. He walked over to me and hugged me tight and picked me up off the floor.

I laughed and squirmed out of his embrace. “Hi, Bo.”

Bo’s smile disappeared and his face clouded over. “What happened to your face, Bobby?”

Bo looked over at Tony and pushed me behind him and stepped up to Tony with his fists clenched.

“Hey, man,” Tony said as he raised his hands in front of his chest. “I didn’t do it.”

I grabbed Bo’s arm. “Bo, it wasn’t him. Tony’s a cop.”

Tony held out his hand to Bo. “Tony Paolucci.”

“Bo Matthews,” Bo replied as he shook Tony’s hand. “Can you hang out here a second while I talk to Bobby?”

“Sure, man,” Tony replied and tried to smile.

Bo put his arm around me and led me around the corner into an empty room. He hugged me again.

“So, is this Tony guy your boyfriend?”

“Kind of. I mean, this is our first real date. I met him two weeks ago… in the hospital. He and his partner were the ones that responded when the doctor called the police.”

“What happened, Bobby?”

“I, um… I went out, um, to this bar… and this guy… he, um, assaulted me in an alley.”

Bo furrowed his brow. “He beat you up?”

I nodded. My eyes welled with tears.

“Did he…,” Bo took a deep breath. “Did he rape you?”

I nodded again and Bo grabbed me and hugged me tight.

“Oh, god, Bobby.”

I held onto him and cried.

“Baby, why didn’t you call me?” Bo asked, his voice cracking.

“I didn’t want anyone to know.”

Bo moved back and looked at me. His eyes were filled with tears. “You should have called me. You went through this all by yourself?”

“No. Tony has been really nice to me. He waited for me in the ER when I got there and has been checking on me.”

“He’s a cop, huh? Well, I’m glad you met someone nice, someone who’ll keep you safe.”

When we returned to Tony, he was talking with a couple of Bo’s teammates. When he saw us approaching he looked at me nervously and I flashed him a big smile and he seemed to relax.

A handsome young guy walked out of the locker room and said “I’m all set” to Bo.

“This is Phillip, one of our trainers,” Bo said to Tony and me. “Phil, this is my old college buddy Bobby and his boyfriend Tony.”

We all shook hands and and exchanged pleasantries. I felt a tinge of jealousy and then I felt guilty. I didn’t have any reason to be jealous of Phillip. Bo and I were just friends now. We followed Phillip to a white Cadillac Escalade SUV rental and Tony and I climbed into the back seat. Tony smiled at me and took my hand in his and we rode to the restaurant with our fingers intertwined.

We had a great time at the restaurant and Tony seemed to get along well with Bo and I was happy about that. I could tell that Phillip was not so comfortable with us. I knew Bo really well and it was pretty apparent that Phillip had strong feelings for Bo. I could tell that Bo was fond of Phillip, but Phillip was just one of his ‘harem boys’.

After dinner, we drove back to the stadium to our truck and I shook Phillip’s hand and exchanged a long hug with Bo. Bo and Tony shook hands and Bo put his arm around Tony and walked him away from us. I looked at Phillip nervously and he just shrugged. I wanted to say something to break the uncomfortable silence between Phillip and myself, but he had turned away from me to text on his phone and didn’t seem to be too willing to engage in conversation.

When Bo and Tony returned, they were smiling and laughing.

Bo gave me one last hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Keep in touch, Bobby. You can always call me. Don’t ever be afraid to call me, especially if you’re in trouble, you got that? If I don’t answer, leave me a message and I will call you back.”

I nodded and waved goodbye. Tony opened the passenger side door to his truck and I climbed in. Tony climbed in and started the truck and then leaned over and kissed me before he put it in gear and took off for home.

“Tony? What did Bo say to you before we left?”

“He told me to take good care of you and he said if I hurt you, he’d kill me.”

“Sorry about that.”

“Nah, it’s okay. I understand. I’d do the same thing for someone I cared about.”


When Tony pulled into my driveway, he parked the truck behind my car and shut it off. He walked me to my door and I held it open for him to come inside. I shut the door behind us.

“Goodnight, Bobby,” Tony said. “I had a great time tonight. Even though it turned out to be a double-date with an ex-boyfriend who’s a pro NFL player.”

We both laughed.

“I promise I’ll make it up to you, Tony.”

“Oh, yeah?”

I nodded and stood up on my tiptoes and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. “Better?”

“Hmm… That’s a start.”

He bent down and kissed me. Our arms wrapped around each other and our kisses turned more passionate. When his tongue slowly moved into my mouth, I licked at it and he gripped me tighter and we French kissed madly and deeply. When Tony finally broke the kiss, I stood there with my eyes closed and my head titled back. I heard him chuckle and I opened my eyes and looked up at him.

“All right, as much as I want to keep kissing you, I gotta go. It’s late and someone’s gotta be at work in the morning.”

“Ugh, don’t remind me.”

“I’ll call you tomorrow to check on how you’re doing, okay?”


I pulled out one of my business cards from my wallet so that he had my work information. He gave me a quick kiss goodnight and left.


Tony had weird work hours. Sometimes he worked nights and sometimes during the days. He usually had Sunday and a day during the week off, but those days sometimes changed too. He called me every night and we had our pizza night again on Wednesday.

After we ate, we sat on the couch and he had his arm around me as we watched TV. It wasn’t long before we were making out. Our hands were all over each others chests and stomachs and arms. I ran my hands over his short flat top and the back of his head. I gently touched his beard and kissed his whiskered chin and all along his jaw.

I could see how excited he was by the bulge in his pants. I wanted to touch it and rub it, but I was still a little hesitant and I think he sensed it.

So that was as far as we went that night. And since it was getting late, we made plans for Sunday and he left for the night.


I was sitting on the couch half asleep while watching TV on Saturday night when the phone rang and scared the crap out of me. I looked at the clock to see it was 11:30. I answered the phone and it was Tony, of course.

“Hey, Bobby. Whatcha doin’?”

“I was trying to stay awake in front of the TV.”

“Oh, I didn’t wake you, did I?”

“Nah, it’s okay.”

“Listen, I was thinking… About tomorrow… We were gonna head to lunch tomorrow and a movie, then I was going to make you dinner at my place, right?”

“Yeah. Did you want to do something else?”

“No, I’m great with that. I was just thinking since I’ll be passing by your place on the way home… maybe I could just pick you up now and you could stay over tonight… then we could just get up and go tomorrow. Look, I’m not gonna push you into anything you’re not ready for. I’ll even sleep on the couch.”

“Well, I guess that would be okay.”

I hung up the phone and brushed my teeth and packed a bag with a change of clothes and some toiletries.

Tony pulled up about 15 minutes later and I was ready to go, so I locked up and walked out to the truck before he could get out. I climbed in and saw he was still wearing his uniform. He leaned over and kissed me. I smelled pizza and looked in the back and he had a pizza and a case of beer on the back seat. I smiled and put my bag in the back and we drove to his house.

Tony kicked off his boots and untucked and unbuttoned his uniform shirt as soon as we got inside. Tony grabbed some paper plates and we sat on the couch and had our late night dinner. I only had one piece, but Tony was starving after just getting off work. He finished off half of the pizza and two beers.

We cuddled on the couch and watched the rest of ‘SNL’. By the end, I was falling asleep on Tony’s shoulder.

“Come on, let’s get you to bed,” he said.

After we brushed our teeth in Tony’s master bathroom, Tony got an extra pillow and blanket from his closet and brought it to the couch. I got undressed down to my t-shirt and underwear. I felt really guilty about him sleeping on the couch.

“Bobby, I’m gonna take a quick shower before I turn in.”

Tony pulled down the comforter and sheet on his bed and I climbed in. He tucked me in and gave me a nice hot kiss. I laid on my side bundled under the blankets as I watched him walk into the closet and turn the light on and pull the door partially shut. I could still see him as he got undressed, dropping his uniform into a laundry basket on the floor. He pulled off his t-shirt and boxers, giving me a nice view of his hot ass. As he turned to grab a towel from the small shelf near the front of the closet, I got a better look at him from the front. I softly gasped when I saw his big, hard chest and stomach covered in dark hair. In the split second before he wrapped the towel around his waist and turned off the light, I saw it. My new boyfriend was huge. Like porn star huge. It looked to hang nearly 6 inches soft, dangling down between his legs like a fat sausage.

He walked out of the closet and grabbed a tank undershirt and a pair of boxers from the dresser and walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. I pulled my glasses off and set them on the nightstand. As I listened to the shower running, I couldn’t keep my eyes open and fell asleep.

When the bathroom door opened, I woke up. It was dark and I could barely make out Tony’s shadow.

“Tony?” I whispered.

“Sorry, Bobby, I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“It’s okay. You don’t have to sleep on the couch.”

“You sure?”

“Yes. Please stay here with me.”

I opened the covers and scooted over to the back side of the bed and Tony crawled in. He smelled fresh and clean. I pulled the covers over both of us.

“Is this side okay for you?” I asked.

“Perfect. I like the side by the door.”

I scooted closer to Tony and he opened his right arm and I snuggled up to his side and laid my head down on the space between his shoulder and chest muscle. He wrapped his arm around me and I felt my eyelids becoming very heavy.

“Goodnight, baby,” Tony whispered before he kissed the top of my head.

“Night, Tony.”


I woke up the next morning laying next to Tony. He was on his back with his right arm bent over the top of his head, his left hand on his belly. His mouth was open, and a little bit of drool had escaped. He was snoring softly. I smiled to myself because at that moment, he looked like the most handsome man in the world to me.

I had to go pee, so I gingerly pushed the covers back and crawled to the end of the bed and carefully got out so that I didn’t wake Tony. I lightly walked to the bathroom and did my business. When I returned to the bed, I was in more of a hurry because it was a little bit chilly and I accidentally stepped on his leg when I got on the bed.

Tony opened his eyes and sniffed. He wiped his mouth with his hand and smiled at me as I pulled the covers over me. I smiled back and snuggled up to him.

“Hey there,” he said. His voice was dry and scratchy.

“Good morning.”

Tony gave me a quick kiss and then got up to use the bathroom. When he got back in bed, he cuddled up to me and I jumped when his feet touched me.

“Your feet are cold!” I exclaimed.

He laughed at me and I giggled and tried to push him away. He grabbed me and his hands poked into my armpits and I squealed in laughter and jerked away from him. He laughed and proceeded to tickle my sides and armpits. I was laughing so hard it hurt as I tried to push him away from me.

“Tony! Stop!” I squealed.

Tony was having way too much fun. He was laughing loudly as I squirmed and squealed. He rolled halfway on top of me, straddling my left thigh, and pinned me down to the bed. Our laughter died down as he let go of my arms and raised up on his hands and we looked into each others’ eyes.

As he leaned down, he whispered my name, “Bobby.”

I closed my eyes as our lips made contact. Tony’s tender kisses grew more and more passionate. I pulled him down to me and wrapped my arms around his back. His arms locked around my neck and back. Our tongues licked and pushed and pulled against the other. My penis was hard as a rock, throbbing and leaking in my briefs. I could feel Tony’s getting harder and harder as it pressed into my hip.

Tony moved to my ear and then my neck. He nuzzled his nose along my neck and then lightly kissed up and down the sides. My body shuddered underneath him. He groaned and began sucking lightly on my neck. His hands moved up under my t-shirt and he lightly ran them all over my body.

I reached my hands under his tank top and stroked his back and sides. His back was broad and smooth. He had a patch of hair at the base of his back and the top of his butt. He also had a little bit of hair on top his shoulders. His right bicep had a large tattoo of the Marines eagle, globe and anchor emblem with UNITED STATES above and MARINE CORPS below.

I ran my fingers over the tattoo design. “How long were you a Marine?”

“I’ll always be a Marine, but I was eight years active if that’s what you meant.”

“Thank you,” I whispered and kissed his arm.

Tony smiled at me and then grabbed me and rolled us over onto our sides so that we were facing each other. I stared into his blue eyes and whispered his name, “Tony…”

As I ran my hand along his bearded cheek, he closed his eyes and sighed. I reached my hands underneath his tank top and ran them over his stocky torso. Tony was big and stocky, but he wasn’t fat. I was surprised how hard his bulging pecs and stomach were underneath the soft layer.

Tony pulled his wife-beater over his head and tossed it onto the floor. I hesitated for a second, and then pulled my t-shirt off and he grabbed it and tossed it onto the floor. I looked down at my pale, thin, hairless body and immediately felt self-conscious laying next to his big and hairy manly body. I blushed and started to pull the blankets up over me.

“Bobby,” Tony said as he put his hand on mine. “Let me see you.”

Tony pushed the blankets back down past my waist. Tony ran his hand over my chest and stomach. He ran his fingers over my nipples. They were already stiffened from the cool air and a shiver went up and down my spine as he touched them. He ran his hand up my neck and held my face.

“You’re so beautiful, baby. I love your smooth skin. So soft…”

His hand moved to the back of my neck and then down my back. He moved closer until our bodies made contact with each other. I could feel his generous erection pushing into mine. We tenderly kissed each other and I chased his tongue with my own as he explored my mouth. His left hand slipped down my back and slid under the waistband of my briefs and cupped my butt cheek.

“You okay with this?” he asked me.


Tony pushed me onto my back and looked at me as he tugged down my briefs and pulled them off. I covered myself with my hands and blushed. He pulled my hands away.

Tony kissed me and firmly said, “It’s perfect. You’re perfect. You hear me?”

I nodded and watched as his hand slid down flat along my stomach. He slid under my skinny five-inch dick and ran his fingers along the tuft of hair above the base of my dick. A drop of pre-come dripped out and fell in a string onto the back of his hand. I watched as he brought his hand up to his mouth. He stared into my eyes and licked the back of his hand and I shivered in excitement.

I gasped when Tony’s meaty hand encircled my shaft. I looked down and the tip of the head was barely peeking out of his fist. He gripped it with his thumb and index and middle fingers and slowly jerked the skin up and down. I closed my eyes and relaxed back into the pillow and let Tony pleasure me. When his lips encircled my nipple, my body shuddered. I held my breath as his kisses moved further down my chest. When I felt his warm and moist mouth close around the head of my dick, I gasped and cried out, “Tony.”

He gently sucked me, slowly bobbing up and down, my entire shaft going in and out of his mouth. My left hand ran over his back and the other stroked the short prickly hair on his head.

“Tony… it feels so good… I’m getting close.”

Tony moaned and kept up his slow pace. It was the best blow job I ever had. I only had Bo to compare him to, but Tony had him beat. I was getting closer to the edge. My breathing became ragged and I was moaning and whimpering.

“I’m coming, Tony. Please, I can’t hold it. Oh! Tony! Tony!”

My stomach tightened and my legs went rigid as my back arched and I spurt weeks worth of come into Tony’s hot sucking mouth. When he pulled off, he swallowed my load and kissed the tip of my softening penis.

Tony moved up next to me as my ragged breathing slowed. He licked my earlobe and whispered, “I like to hear you call my name when you come.”

“That was the best ever,” I sighed.

“You sure come a lot for a little guy,” he chuckled.

I blushed. “I guess.”

Tony leaned down and kissed me. I rolled over and pushed him onto his back.

“Bobby, you don’t have to…”

“But I want to, Tony.”

I laid by his side and ran my hands over his chest and stomach. The black hair was soft and thick and covered him from his shoulders to the waist band of his boxer shorts. I could see a brown nipple peeking through the forest of fur and I leaned down and flicked it with my tongue, causing Tony to draw in a sharp breath. I licked and kissed and sucked on it while I played with the other one for a bit. I slid my right hand down his chest and stomach as I kissed all over his chest and neck.

“Tony, you’re so hot… I love your furry body and your muscles.”

I let my hand glide over his hard, slightly rounded belly and on top of his boxer shorts. I didn’t have to look to find what I was searching for. His erection created an obscene tent in his shorts, pointing off towards the right, up against the waistband. I gently ran my hand across it and squeezed it and drew in a sharp breath. It felt huge.

Tony gently stroked my hair. “Bobby… baby… please don’t be scared of me.”

I moved up onto my knees beside him and bent over to pull the boxers off. Tony raised up and helped me. When his cock flopped down onto his belly I gasped. He was between 8.5 and 9 inches long and thick and reached all the way to his belly button. He was uncut and his foreskin was retracted mostly behind the crown. The head was red and swollen and juicy with pre-come. The shaft was smooth and cylindrical without any blemishes and stood out from a thick black bush of pubic hair. He had generous balls that hung low in their lightly hairy sac. It was the most perfect erection I had ever seen.

My hand was shaking as I enclosed it around him. I lifted it off his belly and slowly stroked the skin up and down. Tony drew in a deep breath and slowly let it out.

“Tony… it’s so big… so perfect…”

I leaned over and licked the head causing Tony to groan and push his hips up. I ran my tongue up and down the length of his shaft.

“Oh, fuck, Bobby… Please…”

I knew I wouldn’t be able to get all of him into my mouth, but I was going to try my best. I wrapped my lips around the head of Tony’s dick and swirled my tongue around it. I slowly moved my mouth up and down the head, playing with his foreskin. I pushed my mouth down the shaft further, taking about half of it into my mouth. As I moved back up, I applied suction and repeated.

“Oh, Jesus,” Tony groaned.

I moved down until the head hit the back of my throat. I gagged and backed off. The shaft was slick with my saliva and I twisted my hand around it and slid it up and down in sync with my head as I slowly bobbed up and down, getting nearly seven of his inches into my mouth with each down stroke.

“Oh, fuck, oh, shit, that’s good. Please, Bobby, don’t stop, baby. Don’t stop…”

Tony continued to groan loudly and whisper encouragements to me as I made love to his beautiful manhood with my mouth.

“Baby, I’m getting close. I need to come. Can I come in your mouth?”

I moaned “mm-hmm” in agreement and sped up my head and hand movements. Tony groaned and gripped the sheets with his left hand and his right tightened in my hair. His breathing accelerated and he grunted loudly.

“Fuck, Bobby baby, I’m gonna come! I’m coming now!”

I pulled back just as the first blast hit the roof of my mouth. I moaned and Tony grunted and thrust his hips up.

“Oh! Fuck! Uh!”

Tony’s hot thick semen coated my tongue. I was immediately addicted to the taste. My mouth quickly filled as he continued to pulse jets of come into my mouth. I swallowed again and again until it stopped firing.

Tony’s body was convulsing and his breathing was ragged as he came down from his climax. I let Tony slip from my mouth. He had softened and it laid thick and heaving against his hip. It was shiny with my saliva, but clean. Not a drop of his wonderful tasting come had escaped my lips and throat.

I laid down next to Tony, who covered his eyes with his hands.

“Jesus fucking Christ,” Tony panted. “Marry me,” he said and started laughing.

I laughed and slugged his arm.

“I’ve never come that hard from a blow job before,” he panted.


Tony leaned over and kissed me twice.

“The best I ever had. And I was worried you be scared by it.”

I shook my head and smiled. “No. I wasn’t scared.”

Tony laughed. “Yeah, I could tell. Come on, let’s take a shower and get something to eat. I’m fucking starved after that.”

Tony pulled me out of bed and dragged me to the bathroom. We took a nice long shower under the warm water, then dried off and got dressed. I threw on a rugby shirt and jeans with a pair of Nikes while I watched Tony put on a long-sleeved t-shirt and those sexy snug-fitting jeans and the black cowboy boots. He caught me eyeballing the bulge in the crotch of his jeans and I blushed and looked away.

He laughed and smacked me on the ass. “It’s gonna get hard again if you keep looking at it.”

We went out to an early lunch and then we caught a movie. Afterward, we stopped at the grocery store to get a couple of things Tony needed for dinner and we returned to his house.

We grabbed a couple of beers and turned on the TV. Tony sat down on the couch with his back in the corner, with his left leg along the back of the couch and his right leg spread apart on the floor. He pulled me in between and I sat between his legs with my back against his chest and stomach. He wrapped his arms around my chest and I snuggled into him and watched the game.

I laid quietly against him, perfectly content. His left hand would sometimes lazily stroke or make little circles on my chest or stomach. He’d have to move his right hand occasionally to take a sip of his beer, but otherwise he held me the whole time. Every once in a while I’d feel him kiss the back or top of my head.

The first time he tightened his arms around me and kissed the top of my head, I knew that I was falling in love with Antonio Paolucci.


I helped Tony make dinner, but he did most of the real cooking. When I got in the way, he told me to “just stand over there and look cute”. He learned to cook from his family and he was great at it. It was absolutely delicious. After we stuffed ourselves, I helped him put away the leftover food and clean up the kitchen.

We played around on the couch a little while and then moved back to Tony’s bedroom. We got each other naked and into bed.

I crawled between his legs and locked my eyes onto his as I slowly licked my way from the base of his shaft to the head before engulfing nearly seven of his inches into my mouth. I tried to keep eye contact with him as I gave him my best effort. I wanted Tony to know how how much I wanted him… how much I loved him.

His face contorted in pleasure as I worked his cock with my mouth and my hand.

“Oh, god, baby, you’re so fucking good,” he groaned.

His hands grabbed my head and he helped guide me up and down hard and fast on his dick as he thrust up into my mouth.

“I’m coming, Bobby! Fuck yeah! Uh!”

Tony held my head still as he exploded into my mouth, his body jerking and convulsing under my head. I clamped my lips around his head and sucked all of his come out of his cock, swallowing over and over until I got every drop.

Tony grabbed me and pulled me up and rolled us over so that I was on my back. He moved between my legs and sucked his index finger into his mouth, then engulfed my cock in one motion. As he bobbed up and down, he slid his wet finger between my crack and rubbed it up and down against my tight little hole. He didn’t penetrate, just touched and teased.

“Tony, I’m coming! Oh, Tony!”

I whimpered and shuddered and spurt my seed into Tony’s mouth and he moaned as he swallowed it.

Afterward, we lay together, my arm around his chest and my leg straddling his.

“We need to think about getting you home,” he said.

“I don’t want the day to be over yet,” I said quietly.

“I know, baby. Me too.”

When he dropped me off at home, we kissed for a long time inside my front door. He kissed my forehead before he left.


Tony and I got together over the week a couple times for dinner and we made plans for him to spend the night at my house on Saturday night. And on Sunday we were invited to a football party at his best friend and partner’s house.

I was really nervous going to Nick’s house on Sunday. Tony tried to get me to relax and not be nervous, but I couldn’t help it.

When we arrived, Nick was actually really nice to me and went out of his way to make me feel welcome. Tony and I sat together on the couch and Tony kept his arm around my shoulders. I felt a little self-conscious, but Tony didn’t seem to think anything of it.

There were five other guys there, three of them were cops that worked with Tony and Nick, one was a contractor and the last one was a paramedic. Tony later told me that Frank the paramedic was gay. I got a weird vibe from Frank. I could tell he didn’t like me right away.

When Tony finished his beer, I offered to get him another one and Nick was at the fridge and handed it to me. We made some small talk and he told me he was sorry that they haven’t been able to find the guy that assaulted me. He also told me that it was really nice to see Tony finally meet someone.

When Tony told everyone that I fixed computers, I got asked a lot of computer questions. One of the cops wanted me to fix his computer and Tony told him I’d do it for a hundred bucks and then winked at me. When the guy agreed, I was surprised, but glad because I sure could use the extra money. He said he’d bring it in to work and give it to Tony.

After the game, we went out to the back deck. All of the guys lit up cigars and drank whiskey, but I declined. When I came back out from going to the bathroom, I walked behind Tony’s chair and massaged his shoulders. He grabbed my hand and pulled me around onto his lap. We were both being playful and laughing. I tried to get up, but Tony put his left arm around my chest and pulled me back down. I straddled his left leg and leaned back against him. He held me tight with his left hand, and his right hand was free to use to puff his cigar. He nuzzled and kissed my neck and it would send shivers up and down my spine.

I saw Frank giving me a dirty look and it made me uncomfortable. On the way home, I mentioned to Tony that Frank didn’t like me, but he told me not to worry about him. “He’s just jealous,” he said, but didn’t elaborate.


The next weekend, I spent Saturday night at Tony’s house. I knew that Tony would be hungry after getting off work, so I baked a meatloaf and made mashed potatoes. Tony was surprised and he really enjoyed it. I wasn’t a great cook, but I could follow directions pretty well. Knowing that Tony appreciated and enjoyed it so much made me beam with joy.

When we went to bed, I was so ready for Tony. We had seen each other a couple times during the week, but hadn’t fooled around in a few days. I know I was hard as soon as I saw him.

When we went to bed, I pulled Tony down on top of me. He pushed his huge dick between my legs and began slowly grinding it up and down my crack. As we made out, he wrapped his arms around me and I wrapped my arms and legs around him.

“Baby, you get me so fuckin’ hard,” he growled in my ear.

“Tony… I want you so bad.” I kissed along Tony’s neck to his ear. “Make love to me, Tony,” I whispered.

“You don’t know how bad I want to, but I don’t want to hurt you. I’m pretty big.”

“I can take it, Tony. Please. I need you.”

Tony growled and kissed his way down my chest and licked all over my dick. He took it into his mouth and sucked it up and down several strokes before moving further down between my legs. He pushed my legs apart and pushed my knees towards my chest. My heart rate quickened as I felt his hot breath on my most private area.


“Oh, fuck,” he groaned. “Your hole is so small… so smooth… so pink…”

I felt the growl in his throat as his tongue lapped up my crack.

“Oh, god!” I cried out.

Tony’s skilled tongue swirled around the sensitive puckered ring. He kissed, licked and sucked at it. I was moaning and whimpering, my head thrashing back and forth on the pillow. My hands gripped his head, pulling him into me. He pushed his tongue inside me and I nearly lost my mind.

“Fuck me, Tony. Please, oh, please, I need it now. I love you so much!”

I certainly didn’t plan on my first declaration of love to be while he was rimming me, but it just fell out of my mouth. And I meant every word of it.

Tony moved up my body and kissed me hard. I sucked his tongue into my mouth. He moved away and reached the nightstand and pulled open the drawer. He grabbed a bottle of lube and popped open the top. I laid back and relaxed as I felt the cold slippery liquid being smeared into my crack and around my hole.

Tony’s thick finger slowly pushed into me and I groaned and pushed back into him. He quickly added a second finger and I gripped the sheets as he pumped and twisted in and out of my hole. I cried out his name when he rubbed his fingers against my prostate.

“Please, Tony,” I begged.

I gasped in pain when he pushed a third finger into me. He held still and kissed along my thighs and licked and sucked my balls into his mouth. He slowly began moving his three fingers in and out.

I grabbed Tony’s shoulders and pulled at him and he slid up on top of me and kissed me gently.

“Bobby, I love you, too.”


We held each other tight and I buried my head in his neck to keep from becoming emotional.

Tony kissed me passionately, then reached over into the open nightstand drawer and felt around. He moved off me and dug around the drawer.

“Shit,” he mumbled.

He shut the drawer and laid on his side next to me. “I don’t have a condom.”

I moaned in frustration. Tony moved to me and pulled me close. He kissed me and ran his hands down my back to my ass. He cupped and kneaded my cheek, then slipped his fingers inside me.

I squirmed against him. I wanted him so bad. “Oh, god, Tony…”

Tony kissed and nuzzled my neck. He licked my earlobe and whispered, “I could pull out before I come.”

I whimpered and gave him my answer by rolling onto my back and pulling him on top of me. He smeared the lube onto my hole and lubed up his cock. He pushed my legs up to my knees and I pulled up and locked my ankles under his butt. He popped the head into me and I squeezed my eyes shut and gritted my teeth and tried to relax. Tony held still and gently kissed my neck and chin and my lips.

I opened my eyes to see him looking at me. He pushed further into me very slowly and then stopped and I pulled him down to me and buried my face in his neck.

“You okay, Bobby? Want me to stop?”

“I’m okay… just go slow…”

He slowly pulled back out and then pushed back in, sliding in deeper, then waited a moment so that I could adjust to his size and depth. He did this several times while kissing me until I felt his bush tickling my skin and his nuts resting against my ass.

“I love you, Bobby.”

“I love you, Tony.”

“I’m gonna start moving.”

Tony wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. His big, beefy body completely covered my small body. My dick surged to complete hardness, pressing up against his hairy belly. Tony slowly pulled out and pushed into me, slowly at first, then gradually building up speed. The head of his huge cock poked and slid against my prostate over and over.

“It feels so good, Tony,” I quietly moaned.

“You feel so hot and so fucking tight, baby.”

I moaned and whimpered as he increased the speed of his thrusts. He was so hard and so thick. He had me stretched out to the max. His shaft felt so hot inside me.

“Oh, god, yes, Tony… Please, don’t stop… Harder, Tony… I can take it.”

Tony grunted and shifted up onto his hands and pounded me hard and fast. I ran my hands up his chest and around to his back, then down to his butt. I gripped his hips and pulled him into me. His hips smacked loudly against me and his balls slapped against my ass. His continuous assault on my prostate had me leaking and throbbing.

“Tony, you’re gonna make me come!”

“Fuck, yeah, come for me, Bobby.”

My ankles dug into Tony and my toes curled and my back arched and I bucked under Tony’s thrusting body, pushing my throbbing dick into him.

“I’m coming, Tony!”

I gasped and my body shook as my dick exploded between our bodies and I coated our bellies with my hot semen. The contractions of my orgasm were so forceful, it bordered on pain.

Tony groaned loudly. “Oh, fuck, baby! I’m gonna come! I’m coming!”

Tony pushed back onto his knees and pulled out of me. He jacked his shaft and I pushed up onto my elbows and watched as the first blast flew out and landed in a long rope across my chest. The second blast hit me square in the face and I gasped. He blasted several more times and my chest and stomach were covered in ropes and pools of his thick, hot seed.

“Holy shit,” he grunted. “Oh fuck…”

Tony panted and tried to catch his breath. He shook his dick and a few more drops of come flew out onto my stomach.

“Oh, my god, Tony,” I panted. “I can’t believe how much you come. You covered me.”

Tony started laughing and collapsed on the bed next to me. We laid there quietly for a while trying to catch our breath. He pulled me out of bed and walked me to the bathroom. He warmed up the shower and we stepped in and relaxed under the hot water. Tony pulled me back to his chest and wrapped his arms around me.

“Bobby… I never dreamed I’d meet someone like you. You’re so perfect for me. You’re so sweet, so smart, so fucking sexy. I know we haven’t known each other long, but, baby, I already know that you’re the one.”

I turned around and wrapped my arms around Tony. My body shook as I tried to hold in the tears, but it didn’t work. I burst into tears and Tony held me tight.

“Don’t cry, sweetheart,” he whispered. “I’ve got you now and I’m never gonna let you go.”

I looked up into Tony’s handsome face. “I love you, Tony. So much.”

After we showered, Tony took me to bed where we both fell asleep as soon as we hit the sheets.


When I woke the next morning, I was laying on my side. I could feel Tony behind me. His arms were wrapped tight around me. I could feel his lips and beard tickling the back of my neck. His erect penis was nestled between my butt cheeks and he was ever so slightly grinding his hips against me. I moaned quietly and pushed my hips back against Tony’s member and I felt it throb.

“Good morning, baby,” he whispered in my ear.

“Good morning,” I replied.

“I want you so bad right now, Bobby.”

“I want you, too.”

I heard the top of the lube bottle snap open and Tony lifted my leg. I rested it on his hip as he smeared the cold gel onto my hole and pushed his finger inside to get me wet and ready for him. I leaned back into him and he sucked on the base of my neck as he fingered me with two, then three fingers. I closed my eyes and relaxed into his arm when I felt the head of his hot bare cock push into me.

I was laying on Tony’s right arm, which came up under my neck to my chest and held me tight to him. His left hand lifted my leg and he pushed further into me.

“Jesus, you’re so tight. Are you okay?”

“Yeah, your dick feels good.”

“You like my big dick, baby?”

“I love your big dick, Tony.”

Tony slowly pulled out and pushed back in slow shallow strokes, going deeper and deeper until he was buried in to the hilt. His left arm moved between my legs and wrapped around my shaft, and my leg rested in the crook of his elbow.

“Your little dick is so hard.”

“You keep hitting my prostate. It’s so good.”

He started thrusting faster, using long strokes while holding on to my dick. His hand was slick from the lube and before I knew it, I tripped prematurely and cried out his name and spurt my come all over the bed.

“Oh, god, Tony…”

Tony pushed into me and grunted, then pulled out. “Fuck, when you come, it’s like your ass milks and sucks my shaft.”

He pushed me onto my back and climbed on top of me, pushing my legs apart with his body. He pushed my legs back and slid into me. I pulled my knees back and gripped them around his butt. I held onto his hips as he pushed in and out of me. My dick was still hard and covered with come. His belly grinding onto it stimulated it and I could feel I was building up to another orgasm.

I reached up and wrapped my arms around Tony’s neck and pulled him down to me. He kissed me hard and passionately, our tongues exploring each others’ mouths. I moaned and whimpered with each thrust as he grunted and groaned. He was pounding me hard and fast now and the bed was thumping against the wall. The sound of his hips slapping against me was loud and turned me on even more.

“I’m getting close, baby,” he grunted.

I gripped his hips tightly and pushed my dick up into him, meeting his thrusts as I rubbed up against his belly.

“Oh, god, Tony, don’t stop. I’m gonna come again.”

“I’m close. I gotta pull out.”

I looked into Tony’s eyes. “No. Please don’t stop. Shoot inside me.”

I squeezed my ring around Tony’s shaft and he groaned loudly, “Oh, god. Oh fuck! Bobby, I’m coming! I’m coming inside you! Oh! Fuck!”

Tony shoved into me and his body shuddered. I felt his cock pulse and jerk and I knew he was coming. I cried out and exploded.

“Tony! Oh, Tony!”

My body went rigid and I felt the hot bursts of my semen squishing between our bodies. After the last pulse of Tony’s cock, he collapsed on top of me, his weight crushing me. He shifted his weight onto his elbows and he panted into my ear. My body relaxed and my legs fell down to the bed. Tony kissed the side my neck and rolled off me and laid on his side next to me. He held me and kissed me.

“I’ve never come inside anyone before,” he whispered. “That was fucking amazing… so intense.”

I was still trying to catch my breath. “Tony… you’re the best… ever.”

I reached down and felt his cock, still hard against my hip. “I can’t believe you’re still hard.”

“You turn me on, baby. I could go again.”

“Take it, Tony. It’s yours.”

“Oh, fuck, when you talk like that…”

Tony climbed on top of me and knelt between my legs and lifted my ankles up on his shoulders. He shoved back into me then gripped my hips and pounded me hard and fast. I reached up and ran my hands all over his big furry body. He didn’t hold back, he really fucked me hard. His come and the lube from our previous lovemaking was squishing and frothing up around his cock. I could feel the juices leaking out of me and onto the bed, pooling underneath me.

“Oh, shit, I’m gonna come!” he shouted.

He pushed into me and his body shuddered. I could feel his penis pulsing over and over. When he backed up and pulled out, I felt the warm cum leak out of me. I laid back on the bed exhausted.

“You look so sexy right now, Bobby, leaking my come, just totally fucked…”

Tony grabbed his softening cock at the base and wiggled it, then smacked my thighs and dick with it. My dick was soft, shrunk down to it’s 2.5 inches. It looked tiny and pathetic next to his monster.

“God, Bobby, you’re so perfect.”

I looked up at Tony. He was looking up and down my body, then locked onto my eyes.

“You really mean it, don’t you Tony?”

Tony moved down onto his hands and knees and kissed me.

“Of course I mean it.”

Tony pulled me up and dragged me to the shower. We washed each other front and back, head to toe. He even washed my hair and I washed his. He leaned against the shower wall and pulled me to his back. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight.

I stroked his arms and leaned my head against his chest. “You’re such a stud, Tony. I can’t believe you want me… that you love me…”

“Why do you get so down on yourself, Bobby? Don’t you know how great you are? I love you and I’m not going anywhere. You’re mine and I’m yours.”

We spent the afternoon lounging around the house. That evening we went to Greek town and had dinner at a restaurant that Tony really liked.

The next day, Tony took a break during his shift and got a rapid HIV test. It came back negative and we celebrated that night when he stopped by after work by making love in my bed.


Over the next month, Tony and I got even closer. I occasionally would spend the night at his house during the week. He called me every evening and every night before he went to bed when he didn’t have to work really late. We hung out with his friends a couple of times.

That second time I found out why Frank didn’t like me. I had gone to the bathroom while the guys were out back smoking cigars. As I came back out, I heard them talking.

“I don’t get it, Ton,” Frank said.

“What’s there to get?” Tony said. He sounded annoyed. “I love the little guy.”

“Yeah, but he’s such a little sissy. I mean, Christ, aren’t you embarrassed to be seen with him in public?”

“Just because he’s not a meat head jock doesn’t mean he’s a sissy.”

Frank scoffed. “Shit, I’m proud to be gay as you are, but fags like that make the rest of us look bad.”

“You’re out of line, Frank,” Nick said.

“Fuck you, Frank!” Tony shouted.

Tony opened the sliding door and stepped into the house. He saw me standing there and his face fell. I tried to pretend like I just walked up and I didn’t hear, but the tears started falling from my face. He walked up to me and put his arms around me. I didn’t want to get emotional because it would only prove Frank right.

“I’m sorry, Tony… I don’t mean to embarrass you.”

As the words came out, I lost it and started to sob and Tony held me tight, trying to comfort me. “Ssh… It’s okay, Bobby. You don’t embarrass me, baby. I am so proud to be seen with you. I love you.”

Tony kissed the top of my head while rubbing my back. I opened my eyes and saw the guys walking in from the patio. Their eyes widened and they just awkwardly stood there.

“See. This is the kind of faggy shit I’m talking about,” Frank said.

Tony’s face turned red. He spun around and decked Frank across the jaw, knocking him against the wall.

“You’re a fucking asshole,” Tony spat. “Fuck you.”

Tony walked to the front closet and grabbed our jackets. “Come on, Bobby.”

“No,” Frank said. “You and your bitch can stay. I’m out of here.”

Frank pushed past Tony and slammed the door on his way out.

Nick put his hand on my shoulder. “Bobby… I don’t know what you heard, but none of us feel the way Frank does, okay? We all like you, and we’re all happy that Tony found a great guy like you.”

“Thanks, Nick,” I said with a sniffle.

The guys returned to the game and Tony took me aside.

“Okay, Bobby. Here’s the deal. Frank was in love with me. It was a couple of years ago, we were drinking and he made a pass at me and we ended up having sex. Afterward, he told me that he was in love with me and had been for some time. When I told him that I didn’t have the same feelings for him and wasn’t attracted to him like that, that what we did was a mistake, things got really ugly. We eventually got to where we could be friends again, but apparently he still has some issues. But don’t doubt that if I had to chose between him and you, I chose you. Fuck Frank. I don’t need friends like that.”

“Thank you for telling me, Tony. I love you.”

“I love you too, baby,” he said as he gave me another hug.


When my Mom called in a couple of days before Halloween about Thanksgiving, I told her that I’d be there. I offered to bring something and she told me not to. She was very surprised when I asked if I could bring a friend. She assumed I was bringing home a girl and I had to tell her that it was a friend, a guy.

I told Tony about the Thanksgiving invitation and he was happy to come with me. I told him that I was going to come out to my mom and step-dad and he wasn’t too sure about doing that while he was there. It might make them uncomfortable he said, but he said if it would make it easier for me, then he’d support me.

I knew that Tony didn’t think my neighborhood was very safe. On devil’s night, the night before Halloween, he insisted that I spend the night at his house. He had to work late, but he told me he would worry about me all night if I stayed alone at my house. After work, I drove to Tony’s house and let myself in with the spare key that was hidden away in the backyard.

I watched TV, but when the news came on and I saw all of the fires, I started to worry about Tony being out there and I turned TV off.

When Tony got home, I was already in bed. I woke up when he opened the front door. “Bobby?” he called.

“I’m in bed, Tony.”

He walked in to the bedroom and started pulling off his uniform.

“I hate fucking Halloween,” he said as he sat down on the bed and pulled off his boots.

“I’m so glad you’re home. I was so worried about you.”

Tony reached over and brushed the hair off my forehead. “That was nice to hear, Bobby.”

Tony finished getting undressed and crawled under the blankets. He growled when he found me naked under the bed. He rolled me onto my stomach and crawled between my legs. He spread my cheeks and dived in and began rimming me. He was moaning as he ate my ass. I whimpered and pushed back to him. His beard felt so good on my skin and his tongue and lips were driving me crazy.

“I’m gonna fuck you so good, baby.”

He climbed over me and grabbed the lube from the nightstand and moved back behind me. He lubed me up and used his fingers to stretch me out as he kissed along my ass cheeks. He moved up and pressed his cock between my cheeks and lowered himself onto me, wrapping his hands around me.

Suddenly I flashed to being face down on the stack of pallets in the alleyway. I felt smothered and I panicked and tried to crawl away from him.

“Stop! Please, stop!”

Tony leapt up off me. “Bobby? Bobby, what’s wrong, baby?”

My heart was pounding and I was panting. I rolled over onto my back. Tony was kneeling on the bed next to me, looking at me with surprise and concern. He wiped my cheeks. I didn’t even realize I was crying.

“I’m sorry, Tony.”

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah… I just… I need to see you. I need to see that it’s you inside me.”

“Oh, god, Bobby. I’m so sorry. I didn’t think…”

Tony moved and laid down next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and cradled my head to him. He gently kissed my forehead and cheeks and lips. When he moved on top of me between my legs, he made slow and gentle love to me. He moved slow with long strokes. He brought me to the brink over and over before he finally allowed me to come. When I cried out in orgasm, he thrust into me and came inside me. He gently kissed me over and over, then held me until we fell asleep.


A few days later, I wasn’t too surprised when my boss walked into the service area and said that there was a cop to see me. I looked up expecting to see Tony, but it was a detective. The detective walked up to my workbench and introduced himself as Detective Russo and shook my hand, then gave me his business card.

“I need you to come down to the station,” he said. “Last night, a young man was being beaten and raped in an alley way, but he was stopped by a group of men. He fits the description of your attacker. We also suspect him in another rape. We need you to identify him.”

I glanced over and my supervisor Ronnie was looking at us, listening in. I felt sick to my stomach. My mouth dried and my heart rate sped up.

“I need you to come with me now, Bob,” Russo said impatiently.

I nodded.

“I’ll tell the boss where you’ve gone,” Ronnie said as he stared at me.

I followed Detective Russo to the elevator and rode quietly. It was all I could do to hold in my emotions. I was on the verge of bursting into tears. There was a cop waiting outside a police cruiser in front of the building. Russo opened the back door and I climbed in. I was feeling motion sick on the drive to the precinct.

When we arrived, Russo escorted me to a row of chairs in a hallway and I sat and waited for him after he disappeared behind a door. I fidgeted nervously in the chair, folding my arms across each other, biting my thumbnail, tapping my foot. I was nervous and frightened and I wished I could be anywhere but here.

Russo stepped out of a room and motioned for me. “Bob.”

I stood up and saw Tony and Nick push through the outer doors.

“Bobby!” Tony called out.

I gasped in relief when I saw him and tears fell down my face.

“Paolucci. Taft. What are you doing here?” Russo asked.

“Bobby’s a friend of mine. We heard you brought him in,” Tony said.

Russo narrowed his eyes at Tony and stared him down for a second. “Fine. Stay out of the way and keep your mouth shut.”

Tony smiled at me and nodded towards the door. I wiped my eyes and adjusted my glasses and followed Russo into the room. Tony and Nick came in after me, and stood off to the side out of the way. I wanted to hug Tony so bad, but I knew that he needed to be professional while on duty. Just having in the room made me feel better.

There were two people sitting at a table writing notes and I looked through the big window at the empty line up room.

“No need to be afraid, Bobby. They can’t see you,” Russo said.

My nerves were so bad I was shaking. I glanced at Tony and he smiled and winked at me. Nick smiled and nodded at me. I took a deep breath and tried to calm my nerves.

When the five suspects entered and stood in a line, I drew in a sharp breath and my knees buckled.

“Do you see the man who attacked you?” Russo asked.

I nodded and looked away and started to cry.

“Which one is he?”

“Two,” I breathed.

“Have number two step forward and turn around. Bob, I need you look and make sure.”

I turned back around and saw Number Two step forward. He had a scowl and a sneer on his face. He slowly turned around and I saw the neck tattoo. It was definitely him. I nodded.

“Is that a yes?”

“Yes. That’s him,” I said and stood there crying.

“All right. I’ll get someone to take you home.”

“We’ll take care of it,” Nick said.

“Fine,” Russo said and he walked out of the room followed by the other unnamed two people.

I looked over at Nick and he was looking at me with sympathy. Tony was looking off to the back of the room, staring at the wall. I could see tears running down his face.

I stepped towards them. “Tony?” I whispered.

He snapped his head to me and walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me and I cried into his chest.

“I want to kill him with my bare hands for hurting you,” he whispered into my ear.

Tony rubbed my back and the back of my hair. After I calmed down, Nick grabbed a box of tissues and held them out to me. I blew my nose and wiped my eyes.

Nick and Tony drove me home and walked me into the house.

Tony looked at Nick and said, “I’m gonna get him to bed and I’ll be right out.”

Tony put his arm around me and walked me to my bedroom. He undressed me down to my briefs and then pulled the covers back. I climbed into bed and Tony covered me up and sat down and kissed me.

“You’re okay, baby. Everything’s gonna be okay. I’m not gonna let anyone hurt you ever again. I’ll stop by tonight after work, okay?”

“Okay. Thank you, Tony.”

Tony returned that night and spent the night at my house. We had amazing sex. Twice. I fell asleep feeling safe and loved as Tony held me tightly to his body.

I woke the next morning when he got out of bed. The sun was just starting to come up. When he came back to the bedroom, I stared at his naked body and asked him the time.

“It’s early,” he replied. “6:00.”

“You going to the gym with Nick and the guys?”


I watched Tony walk to his bag. He stepped into a jockstrap and pulled on a tank top.

“God, you’re hot,” I said.

He laughed and threw some balled up socks at me. He pulled on his gym shorts and I tossed the socks back to him. He put on his socks and shoes, then sat on the bed and kissed me.

“I’ll see you later, baby.”

“Bye, Tony. I love you.”

“Love you, too.”


When I went to work, I noticed that everyone was staring at me and no one said anything more than “hi” or “good morning”. I was standing at my workbench and could feel Ronnie staring at me.

My pulse increased and I was starting to shake. I wiped the sweat from my forehead. Ronnie knew what happened to me and I just knew that he told everyone. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and tried to calm my nerves.

“You okay, kid?” Ronnie asked.

“Fine, Ronnie.”

I ignored Ronnie and tried to concentrate on my work. At one point my boss came in to talk to Ronnie about something, I could tell he was looking at me out of the corner of his eye. When I walked into a room, people would stop talking and either stare at me or go out of their way to not look at me.

When one of the sales guys came in a couple hours later and said there was a cop out front to see me, I sighed. I didn’t want to deal with this right now. I was surprised when I walked out to see Tony standing by the door in full uniform talking to my boss.


“You got time for lunch?” he asked.

I looked at my boss and he nodded.

I walked out into the hallway with Tony and we walked towards the elevators.

“You okay, Bobby?”

I shook my head. “They all know. They’re all staring at me, Tony.”

“They know what?”

My eyes filled with tears. “They know I was attacked and raped. Ronnie heard that detective say they caught my attacker raping another young man. He must have told everyone.”

“They’re just worried about you. Don’t get yourself worked up, okay? There’s nothing you can do about it. From talking to your boss, he seems like a good guy and he seemed genuinely worried about you.”

“I’m really glad you came by. I feel better now.”


Bo got Tony and I tickets again in November and we had an absolute blast. We met Bo afterward, but this time he was alone. He said he was really happy that Tony and I were still together. He said I was a special guy and I deserved to be happy. The fact that Bo approved of Tony and me meant a lot to me. I could tell he genuinely meant it, though I also could tell he was a little bit jealous.

By this time, Tony and I were getting to be very serious. We had even talked about my moving in with him when my lease expired in January.

When Tony and I went to Mom’s for Thanksgiving, I was a nervous wreck. I could tell that Tony was nervous as well, though he was putting on a macho front.

Speaking of macho, Tony looked really hot today. He was wearing a dark blue Polo style shirt with the Detroit Police Department seal on the left breast, nice fitting blue jeans and his cowboy boots. With his leather jacket on, he was the sexiest muscle bear on the planet, and I let him know it.

When we walked in the house, it smelled wonderful. I introduced Tony to my Mom and my step-dad Carl. Tony shook their hands and gave them the bottle of wine we brought. Mom looked uncomfortable and said she needed to finish up in the kitchen. Carl returned to the football game in the sunroom, so we followed him. I got beers for Tony and I and we sat down on the couch and watched the game in silence. Tony and Carl were both rooting for the Lions, of course, and that broke the ice a little bit with Carl.

When we sat down at the table, Carl said a quick grace and we ate until we were stuffed. Tony told Mom that everything was delicious and I agreed.

After dinner, we retired to the living room and sat around the fireplace. Mom asked Tony what he did for a living and he said he was a police officer for the DPD. Carl asked if he knew a couple of guys by name, but Tony didn’t know them. I told Carl that Tony was in the Marines like he was, but Carl said he was in the Navy, not the Marines. Oops.

Mom asked how we met and I looked at Tony and he stretched the truth a little bit. “I met Bobby when I responded to an assault in his neighborhood and I interviewed him.”

Carl furrowed his brow.

“Well, it’s nice that Bobby has made a new friend,” Mom said. “Maybe you can introduce him to a nice girl. I’m sure a big, strong man like you must know lots of girls.”


“You don’t want to be alone your entire life, do you, Bobby? You stay cooped up in your room all day reading or playing on your computer.”


“The only way you’ll meet someone is to get out there and try.”

“Mom! I’ve actually met someone. We’re very serious about each other. We’re in love with each other.”

“Bobby! Why haven’t you brought her over so we could meet her? You should have brought her today.”

“Mom, I did. I mean, I brought Tony.”

Tony was fiddling with the label on his beer bottle. Carl’s face turned red.

Mom looked at me in shock and then stood up. “I need to check on the pies.”


Mom put her hand up. “Bobby. Don’t.”

I stood up and grabbed her hand. “Mom, please.”

She looked at me and shook her head.

“Mom, Tony and I are… we love each other. I’m gay, Mom.”

Mom’s shoulders slumped and she started to sob.

“Mom, please–,” I begged as I started to cry.

She pulled her hand away from me and buried her face in her hands.

Carl stood up. His hands were balled into fists and his face was beet read. “You little faggot,” he snarled at me. “Get the fuck out of my house.”

Tony stood up. “Everyone calm down.”

“Shut your mouth, cocksucker,” Carl snapped.

Tony tensed up and his hand tightened into a fist, but he took a breath and backed away from Carl and walked over to me. “Come on, Bobby, let’s go.”

“Mom?” I cried. “Please, don’t let him do this. Mom, I love you. Please–”

Mom turned her back and Carl roughly grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the front door.

Tony snatched Carl’s hand off me and grabbed him by the shirt and pushed him against the wall and growled, “Put your hands on him again and I’ll pound your fucking head in.”

“Fucking get out,” Carl spat and he turned and walked out of the room.

I sobbed and grabbed my coat and Tony’s coat and ran outside. The door slammed behind us.

Tony helped me into his truck and he climbed in and wrapped his arms around me and I sobbed uncontrollably on his shoulder and he whispered he was sorry. I’m not sure how long we sat there, but it seemed like a long time. I looked up at Tony and he had tears on his cheeks.

He said there were some napkins in the glove box, so I pulled some out and we cleaned ourselves up. I had to blow my nose and would normally not do that in front of anybody, but under the circumstances, I went ahead and did it.

Tony started the truck and we drove down to the end of the street. He told me to wait in the truck while he stood outside and made a phone call. He got back in the truck and held onto my hand as he drove. About 20 minutes later we pulled into a small subdivision and parked in front of a house.

He got out of the truck and opened the door for me. I looked up at him confused and he put his hand on the small of my back and we walked up to the door. The door opened and a beautiful woman in her early 30s opened the door. She was tall and thin. She had long, flowing black hair and a sympathetic smile.

“Bobby, this is my sister, Angie,” Tony said. “Angie, this is my boyfriend Bobby.”

She let us inside the house and she hugged Tony. She pulled me to her and hugged me tight, slowly stroking the back of my head. “I’m so sorry, Bobby,” she whispered.

I tried to smile. “Thank you.”

“Tony has told me so much about you, and I’m so glad to finally meet you.”

“Thank you. I’m glad to finally meet you, too.”

She walked us to the family room and introduced me to her husband Peter and their two children, both baby boys. The oldest was only a year and a half and the baby was just four months old. They were both adorable. Tony and I sat down on the couch together and Angie gave Tony the baby to hold. The toddler crawled over to me and pulled himself up on my legs. I picked him up and sat him on my lap. I looked at Tony and smiled. Tony leaned over and kissed my temple and I giggled. I bounced the baby on my knees and he giggled. I was feeling much better.

Peter looked on at us and smiled, then returned to watching the game.

“I thought you needed to be with family today,” Tony said quietly. “I hope this counts.”

I smiled and nodded. Tony leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips. We played with the babies for a while and watched football with Pete and Angie. Angie made homemade apple pie and it was seriously the best pie I ever had.

When Tony dropped me off at home, he seemed to be lost in thought. We walked inside and he hugged me tight.

“Pack some things, Bobby. I want you to spend the weekend with me at my house.”

I smiled. “Okay. I’d really like that.”

Tony followed me into the bedroom and I pulled out a duffel bag and grabbed some clothes.


I looked up at Tony. He sat down on my bed and patted the space next to him. “Come here a minute.”

I sat down next to Tony. He put his arm around my shoulder and kissed me.

“You know how much I love you, don’t you?” he said.

“Yes. And I love you too, Tony.”

“I know we’ve talked about it before, but I was thinking that maybe it’s time you moved in with me.”

“Oh, god, Tony, I would love to. I still have two months on my lease. I, um… I can’t afford to pay rent in both places.”

“Bobby, I don’t care about that.”

I looked at him for a second, then grinned. “I’m ready to go right now then.”

We both laughed and then kissed passionately. We made plans to come back and pack up my clothes and the stuff I wanted to take with me. I honestly didn’t have very much stuff and was pretty sure I’d be able to do it in one trip with Tony’s truck.

I packed my duffel bag and packed a suitcase and I followed Tony to his house in my car and pretty much moved into Tony’s that night.

Tony had to work the day after Thanksgiving, so I got some boxes and went home and packed up all of my personal things and my clothes. I didn’t want any of the living room furniture, except for the TV. We decided to keep my bedroom furniture and put it along with the TV in Tony’s second bedroom where he currently kept his computer desk. I threw away everything in the fridge and packed up most of the kitchen stuff to donate. I did my address change with the post office, then took care of turning off the utilities.

Tony and Nick arrived after work and we loaded up everything into Tony’s truck. Tony called a charity pickup and scheduled a time for them to come and get the furniture and stuff I didn’t want. By Friday night, I was officially living with Tony.


Over the next month, I tried to call Mom to tell her that I had moved and had a new phone number, but she wouldn’t talk to me. I even called my brother Jim and he called me a faggot and hung up on me.

I had left Bo a message on his machine with the news and gave him my new address and phone number. He finally returned my call a couple weeks into December. He said he was very happy for me and that I deserved someone who could be there for me. His voice sounded full of regret and it made me a little bit sad for him. I knew he loved playing pro ball, but I could tell he was lonely. He asked to talk to Tony and they talked for quite a while about football and other stuff. I was pleased that Bo was making an effort to be friends with my boyfriend.

By this time, things at work were back to normal. After a couple of weeks of people staring or walking on eggshells around me, they seemed to forget about what happened. Tony came by the office every week or so to have lunch with me. I didn’t say anything, but I knew that they all knew he was my boyfriend. I could tell that Ronnie didn’t approve of our relationship, but he mostly kept it to himself.

Living with Tony was wonderful. We got along so well and he was so attentive to my needs and my feelings. He did most of the cooking, but when he worked late, I would always having something ready for him when he came home. Other chores we split up or we did them together. Even things like laundry we did together and we would sit on the bed together laughing and joking while we folded clothes.

We did get into a few arguments like any normal couple. Each time it was because Tony felt I was either being unsafe or letting people take advantage of me. We never stayed angry at each other and made up quickly.

Tony was insatiable when it came to sex. We made love almost every day, and usually more than once a day. He said that I made him hard and horny just by being near and he couldn’t keep his hands off me. I was just as attracted to him and I wanted it just as bad as he did. I sometimes played shy and hard to get, but he very much knew the effect he had on me.


Tony and I took a week off work at Christmas time to fly to New York to spend the holiday with his family.

After arriving at the airport in New York the afternoon of Christmas Eve, we got our rental car and headed to Brooklyn. We pulled front of the house Tony grew up in. It was a large two-story house in an old neighborhood. I was a nervous mess when I got out of the car and started to panic.

I knew that Tony came out to his parents when he was 18, before he joined the Marines, so they already knew that he was gay and had 10 years to deal with it. But I was still upset and unable to deal with what happened with my mom and step-dad at Thanksgiving.

“Tony, what if they don’t like me? What if they kick me out of the house?”

My eyes filled with tears and I was on the verge of crying. Tony put his hand on the nape of my neck and leaned down and tapped his forehead onto mine.

“Bobby, they’re gonna love you. They already know all about us. I talk about you all the time on the phone. Trust me, okay?”

I took a deep breath and nodded. Tony put his arm around my shoulders and we walked up the walkway. The front door flew up open before we got to the porch and an older couple walked out and greeted us. Tony’s mom was a curvy woman with long dark hair, sprinkled with gray. She had a big beautiful smile. His dad was a big bear of a guy. He looked just like Tony, but heavier and graying in his thinning hair and his bushy beard.

“Antonio!” she yelled and pulled him into a hug.

“Hi, Ma. Ma, Pop, this is my partner, Bobby. Bobby, these are my parents. Maria and Angelo Paolucci.”

“Hi,” I said with a smile. “It’s nice to meet you.”

I held my hand out to Tony’s mother and she pushed my hand away and hugged me and squeezed me tight. She then held me away from her by my shoulders and looked me up and down. “Oh, my. You poor boy. Doesn’t he feed you? You’re skin and bones!”

“Ma, don’t start with him,” Tony sighed.

Tony’s dad shook Tony’s hand and then mine. He smacked me on the back and we went inside. Tony took our bags up to his room and his parents walked me to the family room and introduced me to everyone.

I met Tony’s second oldest brother, also named Bobby, and his pregnant wife; his younger brother Dom, and his sister Christina, who was the baby of the family. The oldest brother, A.J. was coming on Christmas day with his big family and Angie and her family were not coming because they were going to spend Christmas with Pete’s family this year.

Bobby and Tony were both big guys like Tony’s dad. Dom was built much smaller, but looked like he worked out a lot.

There was initially some confusion because of Tony’s older brother and me both being named Bobby. When Tony called me and asked what I wanted to drink and his brother answered, Tony said “My Bobby.”

Later when we both responded to his mother, she smacked her son’s arm and said, “I was talking to little Bobby.” So after that, I became Little Bobby or Tony’s Bobby.

I couldn’t believe how nice everyone was to me. They really made me feel at home. When we sat down on the sofa in the family room with the entire family, Tony pulled me down right next to him and put his arm around me. He held me close to him and would whisper in my ear and kiss me on top of my head. I caught both his mom and dad looking at us and they were both grinning. I could tell that they were really happy for Tony.

I started to think of my own parents and brother and how they no longer wanted anything to do with me. My eyes teared up and I sniffled and then I started to cry. Tony took my hand and led me up to his bedroom and we sat down on the bed. He held my hand and I leaned my head against his shoulder.

“I’m sorry,” I sniffled. “I don’t mean to embarrass you.”

“You don’t have anything to be sorry about. I know this is really hard for you.”

“Your family is so nice… and they love you so much. And mine… they hate me,” I cried.

Tony’s eyes filled with tears and he put his arms around me and I laid my head down on him and sobbed.

“Please don’t cry, Bobby. My family… they love you, Bobby.”

“But they don’t even know me. They just met me.”

“That’s the thing about my family. They love me, and I love you, so they’re gonna love you, too, baby. Don’t you see? You and me, we’re a family, Bobby. And that makes you part of my big crazy family.”

“I love you so much, Tony.”

“I love you, My Little Bobby.”

That made me laugh and I wiped my tears away. I flopped down on the bed and sighed and stared at the ceiling. Tony laid down next to me and we quietly held hands. Tony’s bed was a full size bed, so there wasn’t a ton of room, but we both fit snuggly.

I lifted my head up and rested on my elbows and looked around the room. “So this is where you grew up?”

“I swear they haven’t changed it since I left home 10 years ago,” Tony said. “That’s Dom’s side over there. He was always a slob.”

I looked over at Dom’s bed against the far wall and it was unmade and had open suitcases piled on top of it, with clothes everywhere.

“Where am I sleeping?” I asked.

“Here. With me. But we probably shouldn’t fuck when Dom’s in the room,” Tony chuckled.

I gasped and blushed. “Oh my God! You pig!” I said as I playfully pushed his arm.

Tony laughed harder and then rolled on top of me. He straddled my leg and kissed me hard and passionately, grinding his hips into me. I kissed him back and ran my hands down his back to his waist. I could feel his hardening member thrusting against me.

“Antonio, stop smothering the poor boy.”

I gasped and saw Tony’s mom standing in the doorway. Tony quickly rolled off me and covered his crotch with a pillow. “Jesus, Ma, don’t you freakin’ knock?”

“Watch your language,” she said with a pointed finger. “Come on downstairs. Dinner’s ready.”

Tony and I got up and followed his mom downstairs to the dining room. There was a huge beef roast and a ton of food on the table, as well as sausages and pasta and sauce and vegetables and salad and bread. I couldn’t believe how much food there was. Everyone was already seated and Tony and I sat down next to each other in the seats they saved for us. Angelo sat at the head of the table and he said grace. He did the catholic grace, then added thanks at the end. I got a little misty eyed when he thanked God for bringing the family home for Christmas, and included “Tony and his Bobby” with the roster of all of the names. Tony squeezed my hand. Big Bobby leaned down and gave his wife a light kiss on the lips, and Tony leaned down and did the same with me.

After dinner, I went into the kitchen and thanked Maria and told her how delicious everything was. She hugged me and then led me by the hand to the den.

“Tony told us what happened with your family. It’s just so awful. How they could turn their backs on such a sweet boy.”

She put her hand over her heart as her eyes teared up, then she pulled me into another hug. I held her and tried not to start crying again.

“You’re very special,” she said. “Tony has never ever brought anyone home before. I know how much he loves you from how he talks about you. And the way he looks at you.”

“I love Tony, too,” I said quietly. “Very much.”

“Yes, I see that, too. Just know that, no matter what, you’re part of our family now, and we love you. You’ll always have a home here.”

I nodded and she pulled me to her and I cried on her shoulder. I took a deep breath and she patted my back as I straightened up.

“Sorry,” I muttered. “I can’t seem to stop crying lately.”

I looked up and saw Tony and his dad in the doorway. Tony was wiping tears from his eyes. Tony’s dad hugged me and patted my back. Tony took my hand and we walked back into the family room.

Dom and Christina were on the floor playing a board game and laughing and teasing each other. Big Bobby and his wife were sitting on the sofa. She had her feet in his lap and he was rubbing them.

The lights on the real live tree were twinkling brightly and the room was decorated festively. Maybe a little over the top, but it was still beautiful. The bottom of the tree was overflowing with gifts. There was a toasty fire in the fireplace and a football game was playing on TV.

Tony sat down on the love seat, one leg on the floor and the other spread wide against the back. He pulled me down between his legs and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back to his chest. He kissed the top of my head and turned his attention to the TV.

I relaxed back against Tony and smiled. Everything was absolutely perfect. This was exactly how a family Christmas was supposed to be.


When Tony and I went to bed, it was a struggle to get him to keep his hands off me. I was swatting and pushing at him and we were both laughing and giggling.

“Don’t mind me,” Dom said as he walked into the room. He pulled out a pair of boxers and a tank top from his suitcase. “I’m gonna take a shower before I turn in.”

“Hey, little brother?” Tony asked as Dom walked out. “Can you make it a long one?”

Dom chuckled and I blushed as he closed the door behind him. Tony shucked off his boxers and dropped them onto the floor. He pulled my underwear off and we turned onto our sides and reached down and slowly stroked each other as we kissed. Tony spit into his hand and jacked me off, stroking me at a fast and steady pace. I moaned and rolled onto my back and shot onto my chest and stomach, covering my t-shirt in pools of come. I laid there for a second catching my breath and then pulled my t-shirt off and Tony wiped my dick with it, then dropped it onto the floor.

Tony laid on his back and moved his hand to the back of my head and gently nudged it. I took the hint and moved down his body and took his cock into my mouth. I quietly slurped and sucked and bobbed up and down with my mouth as I stroked the shaft with my hand. Tony’s hand on the back of my head guided me up and down at the pace he wanted. I flattened my hand on the base and took almost all of him into my mouth and throat with each stroke. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment. Tony’s breathing was quickening and I could hear him trying to stifle his groans and grunts.

“Oops, sorry.”

I looked up and saw the door open and then Dom quickly closed it. I sat up, utterly mortified and looked at Tony. His face was flushed.

“Don’t worry about Dom,” he said. “He’ll be gone for a while longer. Please, baby, finish me. I’m so close.”

Tony put his hand on the back of my neck and pushed me back down onto his cock. I tried to keep an eye on the door, but soon was lost in pleasuring my partner.

“Baby, I’m gonna come,” he whispered.

I bobbed faster and sucked a little harder and when I felt his dick throb, I pulled back so the head was in my mouth and I stroked it with my hand just as the first blast hit the roof of my mouth. He ejaculated a huge amount of come into my mouth, quietly grunting with each pulse.

After I swallowed every single drop, I laid down next to Tony and he pulled the blankets up over us as I cuddled up onto his warm chest. He yawned and then I yawned and he turned off the lamp on his nightstand.

There was a quiet knock on the door and then Dom walked in. He walked to his bed and climbed in and turned off his light.

“Night, you guys,” Dom whispered.

“Night, little brother,” Tony replied.

“Night, Dom,” I said.

I felt Tony kiss the top of my head and then his breathing evened out and he started snoring softly. I snuggled into his warm body and fell asleep.


“Merry Christmas, baby.”

I opened my eyes and smiled at Tony, who was laying on his side, lightly touching my bare chest.

“Merry Christmas, Tony.”

He was naked and his big hard dick was pressing into my hip. He rolled on top of me and pushed my legs apart with his beefy thighs. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me hard.

“Tony,” I whispered. “What about Dom?”

“He’s already up and gone downstairs.”

Tony sucked on my neck, knowing that it drove me crazy. He was pushing the head of his cock up and down my crack.

“I wanna make love to you, Bobby,” he whispered.

“Not here, Tony. Please. Not with your parents home.”

Tony moved down to my nipple and began sucking and licking. I felt him shift towards the edge of the bed and he pulled up a tube of lube.

“Tony… Please stop…”

Tony’s hand moved between my legs and I felt his slippery fingers find my hole and push into me.

“Oh, god,” I quietly moaned.

Tony spread my legs apart and pushed my knees back. I locked my feet around his ass and closed my eyes. I felt the red hot head pushing into me and I yelped. Tony covered my mouth with his hand and chuckled. “Shh.”

I stared up at him and when he sensed me relaxing, he began moving. Slowly at first and then gradually building up speed. He covered my mouth with his and we passionately French kissed as he made love to me using hard long strokes. His mouth moved to my neck and he started sucking. The bed was starting to squeak from the pounding he was giving me, but at this point I didn’t care. I was too busy pushing my hips up to him, grinding my dripping and throbbing dick against his hairy belly.

I pulled away from Tony’s kisses to whisper, “I’m coming, Tony.”

Tony’s arms wrapped around my back and his body covered mine. He clamped his teeth onto my shoulder and lightly bit down and I stifled a moan and erupted between our bodies as he grunted and thrust into me and began unloading inside me.

I had a hard time standing up because my legs were so weak. Tony helped me to my feet and I held onto him. Tony picked up my briefs and t-shirt from the night before and handed them to me. He pulled on his tank top and boxers and pulled out clean ones for both of us from our luggage. I followed him to the bathroom across the hall and he locked the door and we took a quick shower.

As I got my toothbrush and wiped the steam off the mirror above sink, I saw that Tony had marked me. The left side of neck had two dark hickeys, one near the middle and one at the base. I had another dark bruise and bite mark on my collar bone where he sucked and bit me.

“Tony!” I said in exasperation.

He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck. “Oh, no. Looks like someone was attacked by a bear,” he chuckled.

“You’re not funny,” I said, trying not to smile. I looked at him grinning at me in the mirror and I was unable to hold back and I started laughing and smacked his arm.

We got dressed and I frowned because the rugby shirt I was wearing didn’t cover up the hickey completely. Tony buttoned up one more button and adjusted the collar. “There.”

He gave me a quick kiss and we headed downstairs to the family room. Tony was grinning and whistling as we joined the family, obviously in a great mood.

“Merry Christmas, everyone!” he said and everyone replied the same.

I caught Dom’s eye and he was grinning at me and I blushed and turned away.

Maria made a huge breakfast and we sat at the dining room table and ate until we were overstuffed. Everything was great as usual.

The oldest brother, A.J. soon arrived with his wife and three boys, ranging from 2 to 5 years old. They were cute, but they were terrors. His wife was visibly pregnant again, and she announced to the family that they were finally having a girl. Everyone congratulated and hugged her.

I noticed that A.J. was a big guy like Tony, Big Bobby and their father, Angelo. A.J.’s wife was much smaller, about my size, except that she was pregnant of course. I thought it funny that Tony and A.J. had very similar tastes in partners, except that Tony liked guys. And with three kids and one on the way, A.J. clearly kept her busy in the bedroom, just like Tony kept me.

When Tony introduced me to A.J., I felt a little uncomfortable by the way he looked me up and down, sizing me up. He put his arm around me and walked me out to the back deck. Dom was outside smoking a cigarette and A.J. lit one up, too. Tony followed us outside and stood watching us with his arms folded.

I shivered a little from the cold, but A.J. put his arm around me and rubbed my arm to warm me up. He took a drag of his smoke and exhaled it away from me.

“How old are you, kid?” he asked.

“Uh, I-I’m 22,” I stammered.

“So my little brother tells me he’s in love with you. Do you love him?”

“Yes, sir,” I replied nervously. “Very much, sir.”

A.J. chuckled at my nervous deference and Tony shot A.J. a dirty look, but didn’t say anything.

“Before I welcome you to the family, I just wanna make sure you’re right for Tony.”

“Leave him alone, A.J.,” Tony finally said.

“You wanna get married someday?” A.J. asked me, ignoring Tony.

I cut my eyes at Tony and he was watching me intently. “Yes, sir.”

“How ’bout kids?”

“Um… we haven’t talked about kids, but if Tony wants them, of course I would.”

“Mm-hmm. Do you cook?”

“I’m not as good as Tony, but I’m trying.”

“Don’t you wanna keep Tony happy?”

I nervously shifted my weight from side to side. “Y-y-es, sir.”

Dom chuckled. “Oh, Tony’s happy. Believe me. Last night and this morning, he made Tony happy.”

“Fuck off, Dom,” Tony growled.

A.J. and Dom both laughed loudly. My face flushed bright red and tears filled my eyes. Tony looked at me, then A.J.

“Leave him alone,” Tony said. “Come on, Bobby.”

A.J. looked down at me and saw that I was upset. “Hey, I was just teasing ya, little guy.”

A tear fell down my cheek. A.J. flicked his cigarette butt into the back yard and tightened his arm around me. He walked me away from his brothers, down the steps to the back yard, then around the side of the house. He pulled me into a tight hug, holding the back of my head and rubbing my back with the other hand.

“I’m sorry, Bobby,” he said quietly. “I didn’t mean to make you cry. They told me what happened with your family, and being a stupid lug, I thought my joking would lighten the mood and make you feel like part of our family. I’m glad you’re here, Bobby. And I’m glad Tony finally settled down and found a partner. So. Forgive me?”

I nodded. “Yeah, I forgive you.”


He put his arm back around me and we walked back around the house to the back deck.

“See, I’m not so scary, am I?” A.J. asked.

“Yes!” I said with a laugh.

“Why, you,” he growled and grabbed me around my neck and ruffled my hair. He kissed the top of my head and looked up at Tony. “Okay, you can keep this one.”

I looked up at Tony and grinned and he smiled back when he saw that I was okay. He pulled me to him and hugged me, then leaned down and gave me a quick kiss on the lips before we headed back inside.


I had helped Tony pick out and buy Christmas presents for everyone, but I didn’t really expect that I would get anything in return. I mean, they had never met me before. But I was overwhelmed with gifts, and they were all things I would have wanted or needed. Obviously Tony had told them what to get me. I looked at Tony and he smiled at me so lovingly. He put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me tight to him and kissed the top of my head and my temple. But it wasn’t about the gifts, it was that they opened their hearts and accepted me as Tony’s partner.

“You happy, baby?” he whispered.

I nodded. “Yes. Thank you, Tony.”

I leaned up and kissed him.

Christmas day with the Paolucci family was wonderful. I was amazed at how well everyone got along. Sure there were a couple of arguments between siblings here and there, but you could tell that they all loved and cared about each other. I felt very much blessed that they opened their home and included me this year.

When it was time to leave for home, I embarrassed myself again when I said thank you and goodbye to Tony’s parents. I was already on the verge of crying after Tony’s mom gave me a warm hug and kissed my cheek, but I burst into tears when Tony’s dad gave me a bear hug and said, “You’re welcome in our home anytime, son.”

Tony hugged his father tightly and whispered, “Thank you, Pop.”


Tony and I were exhausted when we finally got home. We napped and lounged around the house all day and night.

The following day was New Year’s Eve and we went a party that Nick and his new girlfriend were throwing at Nick’s house. We had a blast and we both got a little bit drunk. Well, I think I was drunk and Tony was just a little buzzed.

Things were a little fuzzy, but I do remember when we finally got home after midnight, Tony collapsed onto the couch. I straddled his lap and we made out as I gave him a lap dance. I ended up completely naked. I unzipped his jeans and pulled his huge dick out. I sucked it until it was hard and wet and I climbed back onto his lap and I sat down on it. With just saliva for lube, I wasn’t able to get much of it inside me, but it was enough. I think his foreskin helped me slide up and down.

He pulled me off him and picked me up carried me to the bedroom. He laid me on the bed and got out the lube so we could do it right. He got me on all fours on the bed and ate me out until I couldn’t stand it. I was literally begging for him to put his dick in me. He lubed me up and then pushed into me. He grabbed my hips and fucked me doggy style. My head was thrashing back and forth as I bucked back into his thrusting hips.

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