Our Best


A gay story: Our Best The drone of so many voices filled the air that it morphed into something like the hum of industrial machinery. The evening was warm, but with a bit of merciful breeze to keep the air from becoming too stagnant. That would be key later when I’d be sandwiched miserably between … Read more


Bobby and the Cop


A gay story: Bobby and the Cop Time seems to go by so quickly. It was almost a year that I moved out of my mom and step-dad’s house, but it seemed like just yesterday. After graduating from college, I returned home to the Detroit suburbs. I got a job fairly quickly as a computer … Read more




A gay story: HIM This is a work of fiction, or is it? You might meet this doctor at Naples nudist club. It was the end of a great beginning, that warm summer morning. With daylight peeking through the window I backed my pulsing, throbbing cock out of his ass. The last few drops of … Read more