Boi Finds Daddy – #4


A gay story: Boi Finds Daddy – #4 AUTHOR’S NOTE: At the end of the three-chapter series, “Weekend of Submission” Boi is captured by the Biker gang. In this sequel, he escapes and becomes a full time sissy for black cock.

Warning: The story contains graphic sexual scenes between adults. Non-consensual/forced rough sex, public exposure and humiliation, race-play and racism/white guilt. It is not for readers under 18 or those who are easily offended by pornography. If you are under 18, or if you are offended by pornography, please do not continue to read. if material of this nature is illegal in your area and you continue to read it, it is your responsibility. All characters are over the age of 18.

All rights reserved: All rights for this story remain the property of the author.

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Chapter 4

I could not fight my exhaustion and I dozed off in the confined dark space of the trunk. I think Manuela slept too. A change in the rhythm of the driving woke me. The car slowed significantly to maneuver in what I assumed was the heavy city traffic. Manuela was already awake and whispered,

“I think we are in San Francisco. The last time they brought me here, they covered my eyes, but I remember the street sounds. We will stop soon at an industrial garage.”

She was proven correct as we soon slowed to a stop, and garbled conversation transpired between the car’s occupants and someone outside. There was a grinding noise of a large door being opened and we moved slowly forward before stopping. The trunk opened, and the peering faces of the men above were unknown to me.

“Which one is the nigger lover?” the man holding the trunk asked.

“The short one”, Gator responded, “but she will do whatever she is told, you have my personal guarantee. If she falls short, let me know, and I will drive up here to whip her ass again.”

“Gator, calm down, no need for that. I know how to handle a lady.” He smiled at me while extending his hand.

“Welcome to San Francisco, Princess.” He took my hand, kissed it softly and helped me out of the trunk.

We were in a large room with a 3-meter-high ceiling. It looked like some sort of loading dock or warehouse. There was a forklift parked in the corner, and several chain hosts were attached to I-beams on the ceiling. Our host was a clean-shaven man in his early thirty’s. He motioned to a very stocky, tattooed, butch looking woman leaning against the wall.

“Wanda, show the princess, and Manuela where they will be working.”

Wanda motioned us to follow her into a darkened hallway on the other side of the large room.

“Follow me faggots.”

We walked along a hallway that contained storage spaces on either side. Each space was secured by a locked cage door. At the end of the hallway was a large dimly lit room. It too had a cage door with a padlock, which was now unlocked and loose. Wanda pushed the door open, and we followed her in. The room was divided into sections, by hanging curtains. Each section had a small table and mattress on the floor. There were four sections in all with a large common space that had a television, a sink, a refrigerator, a gas stove, some counter space for food preparation and a table with chairs. Two of the four sections were occupied by other woman who did not even look up when we entered the common area.

“You bitches pick a cubicle and settle in. Sonny will be down soon and tell you about your work schedule. I expect some of the club members will want a poke at you tonight, but I believe he wants to put you on the street first. So, enjoy the mattress while you can, because kneeling to suck cocks in city alleyways gets old fast.” she chuckled and continued, “Toilet is behind that closet next to the cooking stove. Best to keep it clean, unless you don’t mind smelling shit while you are cooking your food.” She laughed again, turned and left, securing the cage door with the padlock as she went.

Manuela and I picked our beds. Mine was beneath a caged window which was painted black. All the windows in the room were painted black and caged, either with iron bars or thick wire mesh. It was a prison, and so far, I could find no means of escape. As I continued to explore, the cage door rattled and the man who let us out of the trunk, whom Wanda called “Sonny”, entered accompanied by two other men.

“You ladies come over here. This here is Frank and Eddie. They will be with you on the street tonight. We won’t let you work the street alone, until we are sure you won’t run. When the cage door is unlocked, any club member may enter and visit you. You are to take care of their needs. They know you are valuable to the club’s treasury, so they won’t rough you up, but if I get complaints about your services, there will be consequences. Tell me you understand.”

We both shook our heads, and listened as he continued.

“When the cage is locked, you have your own time; to eat, to keep yourselves and the place clean. At least once a week we will take you shopping if there have been no complaints. That’s it for rules, any questions?”

“Shopping takes money, do we get to keep any of the money we earn?” Manuela asked.

“We will give you an allowance that accounts for your living expenses and reflects your earnings. So, the better you do on the street the more cash you will have. That sound fair?”

Being in no position to argue, we both meekly nodded.

“Frank, you take the spic and Eddie gets the princess. Get their asses on the street sucking cock. Give any niggers to Princess, I heard she likes that.”

Eddie took my hand and guided me toward the exit.

“Shouldn’t I change clothes first?”

“Your luggage hasn’t arrived yet Princess”, he said in mock sincerity, “I’m afraid you will have to suck cock wearing what you have on. Fortunately, you dressed like a faggot cocksucker.”

I blushed remembering how queer I looked in the borrowed clothes. We exited the building into the street, and I immediately took note of landmarks. The clubhouse was in a run-down neighborhood on Polk Street. Eddie stopped a few paces up the street from the club entrance.

“We will stand here; your clients will signal from their cars on the street. I will go talk to them and collect the money. I will then tell you what they paid for. You hop in the car, and they will park in the alley behind the theater across the street. You do your work, and scoot back over here as soon as you finish. I will be watching, so don’t even try to run away. That will get you an ass whipping for sure.”

I nodded meekly, and noticed there was already a car at the curb with a fat, bald older white man waving at Eddie. Eddie walked over and conversed with him for a few seconds before giving me my instructions.”

“Hand job, with a twist. He wants you to eat his cum. Cheap bastard did not want to pay for a cum in mouth BJ. Don’t suck his cock, he will try and get you to do it. Your whore name is Patti. That’s what he will call you. Now get busy.”

Manuela and Frank were also working the block. There were other cars circling with men gawking at us. I predicted we both would be busy tonight. I got into the late model Lexus, where my first client was waiting.

“Hello Sir, I am Patti, nice to meet you.” I extended my hand to shake, and he smiled and placed my hand on his crotch.

“You don’t need to know my name, just get to know my cock.”

He pulled into traffic, and he made the immediate turn to go around the block to the alley. I realized that the car would be out of Eddies sight until we parked and that I had a prime opportunity for escape. I tried the door as soon as we were clear of the clubhouse, but it was locked.

“Eddie warned me that you might run and that if you did, I would not get a refund. He also asked me to report on you if you did. I guess that means an ass whipping for you. Of course, I can be convinced to keep quiet and give a good report, if you provide top notch service.” he smiled lecherously and told me to take his cock out.

He parked the car in the alley and we both waived at Eddie. I had extracted his hard cock and was slowly stroking it with one hand on the shaft and the other on the tip, rubbing the head.

“Oh yeah Baby, so nice. I’m gonna cum, when i do, you dive down and suck it all up and swallow. I am watching Eddie, and while he is distracted, you do it. This is the extra service you need to perform for a good word back to the Bikers.”

I resented the blackmail. This fat white fuckhead was making me take his load so I don’t get beaten again. I was trapped and knew I had to do it, but it made me more determined to escape. He was soon grunting, and pushing my head down, so I took his cock into my mouth and started swallowing his load, hoping that Eddie was truly looking the other way. I sat up, wiped my mouth, and ran across the street where Eddie was waiting.

“Hurry up bitch, I got two cars waiting. Both are cum in mouth BJ’s. Get going.”

The rest of the night was hectic. Eventually the other two girls in the room hit the street and started working some of the cars. They were allowed to work alone, negotiating prices, collecting the money, and handing it over to Frank or Eddie. I wondered if we would soon be in a similar position. I ended up giving two more hand jobs and three BJs before we were taken back to the cage and locked in for the night. I was relieved that the door was locked because it meant we would not be bothered by the club members and could rest. The next three days were identical. On the street for several hours in the evening, sleep from late night to late morning and then Sonny would unlock the cage in the afternoons, and we were forced to service club members. After three days I had sucked most of their cocks and fucked a couple too. I was always looking for a chance to get away, but Eddie or Frank were always watching and no opportunity for escape occurred.

But on the fourth night, I had a break. A white Mercedes was at the curb driven by a very large black man clad entirely in black leather. He was all muscle and looked like a boxer. His silver studded leather jacket was worn over a bare chest that rippled with muscle. Eddie spoke with him then relayed instructions,

“This nigger is for you, whatever he wants, do it. He paid for it.”

Eddie had never said that before. I had always been given specifics on what I was to do. What if this guy was perverted? What if he got rough? What should I do? I decided he must have paid Eddie well, and that I should simply go along and see what develops. I slid into his comfortable car and smiled at him. He was clean shaven, had beautiful teeth and smile. His hair was close cropped, and he wore a gold earring on one ear. He looked like a black version of “Mr. Clean”.

“Hi I am Patti, so nice to meet you. I am looking forward to getting acquainted.”

“Patti is the whore name that those bikers gave you. What do people really call you?”

This was a surprise, up till now nobody really cared about my name or about me. Everyone I encountered in the last three days simply considered me a hole to fuck.

“I am not sure I should be telling you this, but my friends call be Boi.”

“Boi?, and a friend of Jim’s from San Jose?”

“Yes, Jim is a good friend, do you know him?”

“He has been looking all over for you and put me on your trail earlier in the week. He suspected these bikers might have you, so he had me check it out. I’ve been watching you work the street for the last couple of nights. But you are done with that as of right now. We are headed to my place in Oakland. Hop in the back seat and stay down until I say otherwise.”

“But Eddie and Frank will sound the alarm if they don’t see us in the alley.”

As I was hopping over the seat, Jim stomped on the accelerator, adjusted the rear-view mirror and explained.

“At this moment another white Mercedes, driven by a big black leather dude, is parking in the alley. He is by himself, but your watchdog will think you are on the floorboards sucking cock. After about 15 minutes he is going to pull away, and then your dog is gonna bark, but by then we will be across the bay in Oakland, out of their reach.”

I could not believe it, I was rescued.

“…and you are a friend of Jim’s?”

“My name is Kalin Jones. Jim and I were in the Army together. He asked me to find and help you. He would have gotten more involved, but apparently his wife knows about his dalliance with you and is furious. He is trying to placate her, so I will try and help in the meantime. I will give you a change of clothes, some cash, and a ride after we get to my place in Oakland. Or I have another proposal you might want to consider.”

We drove in silence for another 30 minutes. I pondered my situation. I was free again, but I had no place to live, no money, no family to call for help. I was essentially destitute. I could not count on Jim for much help, due to my own negligence. As we exited the bay bridge and drove through the streets of Oakland, I came to realize that I was in dire straits and any proposal for assistance was worth entertaining.

We drove through a blighted urban landscape of strip malls, liquor stores, convenience stores, and dive bars. There were no white people to be seen. Kalin pulled into an underground garage, where we parked, before heading upstairs on the elevator. The building had been recently renovated and its simple elegance was in sharp contrast to the desperation of the neighborhood outside. Kalin led me into his nicely furnished flat. The decorations had an African theme; ornamental masks, metal sculptures, and large tapestry map of Africa hung on the wall. Kalin took a seat in the living room in a large leather chair. He turned on the stereo, and motioned for me to sit on the carpeted floor in front of him. I thought this was strange as there was a couch on the other side of the room, but I complied and took a seat on the floor at his feet.

“I know it may seem unusual, but I do not allow white people to sit on the furniture in my house. While here you will conform to my customs.”

I nodded my head in agreement, after all, what kind of position was I in to be making demands.

“I am a black supremacist. I feel that the African culture is superior to European culture and will it soon dominate the world. Since you are of white European origin, you’re naturally my inferior. This leads to my proposal to you. I have need of a white submissive. A position of service so to speak. I need a white male, to attend to my needs. Prepare my food, clean my house and to submit to me sexually as needed. The role is not simple. You must be trained for it. But it is more than training, you must have the correct mindset for it. You must feel in your heart that you are weaker, softer, slower and you need my protection. You must desire me sexually, for my superior seed, which you will ingest routinely. As I repeatedly breed you, you will become more feminine more submissive and this will please you sexually, emotionally, and intellectually. Do you feel that you could fit in as my submissive?”

Hearing his words aroused me sexually. I got harder the more he said. I wanted to be his bitch, to lay beneath him and be filled with his jizz. It seemed natural to me.

“I want very much to be your submissive.”

“What about the rest of what I said?”

“Yes, I want all of it. I feel like I belong here at your feet. I am a weak, soft white boi, unworthy to sit on your furniture. Only by my service to you, can I aspire to become better. I want to cook, clean and serve you sexually. I will obey you without question in all things and love you as a master.”

“There is more. It is not just me you will serve. This is a black neighborhood and everyone in it is your superior. Can you accept that?”

“Yes. I know I am a lowly faggot white boi, whose only purpose is to serve the stronger black race. I will submit to all black people as required and I will do it with joy in my heart. Knowing that I am truly in my place.”

I looked up at him submissively. I willed him to believe me. I wanted with all my heart to be a faggot slave to this man and his people. This would be my new home, my place, my destiny.

“Good. We will try it out anyway. From now on you will address me as Sir, Daddy, or Mister Jones, depending on the situation. There are two bedrooms in this apartment, my master bedroom, and the guest room. In the guest room you will find a wardrobe with some lingerie. You will go in there to shower and change into something suitable. However, it is not your room. You have no private space. You will sleep on the floor next to my bed, as I might need you for sex or piss in the night. Now go shower, remove all your body hair, and put on something sexy. You are not allowed to wear clothes in the apartment. You must either be naked or in sexy lingerie. You need my explicit permission to wear anything else.”

“Yes, Daddy. I will go and get ready for you now.”

“Good faggot. Don’t keep Daddy waiting.”

I hurried to the back room and straight to the wardrobe. I quickly selected a sheer camisole, some matching panties and stockings and a garter belt. I spread these things on the bed then entered the attached bathroom. I found ample grooming supplies: depilatory cream, a lady’s razor, various creams, lotions, and perfumes. I used the depilatory cream first, on my non-sensitive parts, my legs, and arms. With the razor, I made sure my ass, crotch and armpits were clear. This was simple as I keep myself smooth normally and my last wax was only a month ago. I took a quick shower, mindful of the command not to keep Daddy waiting, and slipped into the lingerie. I returned to the living room about 15 minutes after I left. Kalin was still in the chair only now he had removed his trousers and his very large cock was semi-rigid lying seductively on his abdomen. I approached him cautiously, and dropped to my knees between his legs.

“It is nice to see a white boi who instinctively behaves. Drops to his knees submissively before his master’s cock without being told. The urge to submit comes naturally to white men, but many deny their secret feelings. Buy not you, my boi. I really feel your sincerity when you pledge yourself to my cock. Now show me what you know about cocksucking.”

I wrapped my fingers around his shaft while fondling his large balls with my other hand. It immediately pulsed and hardened growing in girth and length. I moved my face down to the cockhead, placing my nose on the tip, jacking the shaft while inhaling. I wanted his scent etched in my brain. I was pledging my life to this man, and I wanted to know his taste, feel, and smell. I wetly kissed the tip of his cockhead, deliberately slobbering on it and letting the salvia flow from my mouth to his cock and down my chin.

“You are a messy cocksucker, I like that.”

I looked at him as he spoke, letting him know I was paying attention, but while watching him I took his cockhead into my mouth and began to suckle. Slowly at first then increasing my force and tempo, all the while staring into his eyes. He was uncut, and his prickhead had fully extended, so I rubbed my tongue all around the tip, exploring the piss slit while watching his face for a reaction.

“oh yes, I like that. you are an eager cocksucker. You want my load soon, don’t you?”

I nodded with his cock still in my mouth. He grabbed my head with both hands and forcefully fucked my face. Pushing his 10-inch cock deeper inside with each thrust. He was choking me with cock, but I was unwilling to show any hesitancy. I wanted to please this man, my new master, so I suppressed my gag reflex and let his cock slide in. The choking forced rivulets of tears to run down my cheeks, but I continued staring into his face and I sucked to show him I was still eager.

“Don’t faint on me faggot, when I draw back, catch a breath and hold it for the cock push.”

He caressed my head as he spoke, and I interpreted this act as genuine concern for the welfare of his cocksucker. Following this advice, I took almost all of us cock. Then I felt his balls twitch and the telltale signs of orgasm.

“Here it comes cocksucker, swallow it.”

He withdrew until the tip was out of my throat and in my mouth, and I felt the warm salty taste of his seed. He pumped several times, and I did not pause in my sucking to swallow. I let my mouth fill until finally, I pulled the tip out and let the last few drops spray my face while I swallowed. I put the pulsing cock on my face, and smeared the emerging cum around my cheeks, chin, and neck. Moaning seductively, I said,

“Oh Daddy, thank you for jizzing me. I feel like a proper white boi faggot now, face covered in jizz kneeling at my Daddy’s feet.”

“Good faggot. It is going to be fun training you. You have an excellent attitude. Now go fix us something to eat and set the table for one. You will eat on the floor under the table.”

I got up and wiggled my bottom seductively as I walked into the kitchen. I finally felt at home. Happy and under the protection and guidance of my new Black Daddy. I was going to cook, clean, serve and fuck to the best of my ability to please him.

….. continued in next chapter


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