Caught and Used at the ABS Ch. 01


A gay story: Caught and Used at the ABS Ch. 01 A sissy is discovered at the ABS and helped to suck his first cock.

This story contains reluctance, degradation, humiliation, femdom, ass play, anal fisting, and MM oral.

If that’s not your thing, thanks for stopping by.

— Chapter 01 —

After years of failed attempts to enter the ABS at a strip mall near my home, I finally worked up the courage to step inside. I’m not sure what I expected, maybe to find a gloryhole and finally suck a real cock, but it became a life-changing experience.

I’m 26, live in a rundown apartment complex, have a menial but reasonably well-paying job, and few friends. I’m tragically shy, and I’ve never had a girlfriend. But that’s probably because I’m a huge sissy – girls tend to pick up on that sort of thing…

At 5′-5″ and 135lbs, I’m not much of a physical specimen, but it does allow me to purchase and wear women’s clothing readily. I have an extensive collection of clothing, lingerie, and any toy a sissy could want. Living in a rundown apartment may be less than desirable, but it’s cheap and allows me to spend the bulk of my wages on pretty things and toys.

So here I am, standing inside the ABS, looking at a DVD cover showing a tiny white woman taking a massive black cock through a gloryhole wall, when I notice a presence beside me. Startled, I turned towards the interloper to give them an irritated look, only to find it was a woman. She was staring at the same box cover I was looking at.

“It’s hot, isn’t it?” She quipped conspiratorially.

I’m not sure which surprised me more, that it was a woman speaking or that she was talking to me.

“A little thing like that, taking that massive, big, black cock, anonymously, through a hole in a wall. It gives me the shivers.” She looked around, making sure no one else could hear her, “don’t you wish it could be you?”

Her question freaked me out. Did she know I was thinking the same thing? Did she know I was a sissy? Fuck! I stood rooted to the spot, unable to speak or flee. A mouse, cornered by the cat.

“God, how I would love to stroke that magnificent cock. To rub it all over my face. To ram it down my throat and choke myself on it. Then once I had it hard as steel and dripping with spit, I’d turn around and impale my tight little asshole on that monster. Stretching myself to the breaking point. Fuck, I’m positively dripping just thinking about it. How about you? Come on, you were staring at it for nearly 5 minutes. You can’t tell me you don’t want to fuck someone through the gloryhole wall.” She gave me a nudge with her elbow.

Her X-rated narrative confused the hell out of me. Was she telling me she wanted me to fuck her through the gloryhole wall, or was she indicating that I wanted to be the one getting fucked by the BBC? Regardless, her dialogue made my cock hard as a rock, which didn’t go unnoticed.

“I see by the bulge in your pants that you agree,” she laughed. “And I know you’re submissive. Isn’t that right, my little dove?” She let that hang in the air for a pregnant pause. “If you weren’t, you would have put the movie back and walked away – I’m clearly making you uncomfortable.”

My mouth dropped open. I was being called out – called a sissy. The nerve. I needed to get away. But before I could move a muscle, she looped her arm around mine like we were a couple. Again I was shocked and unable to do anything about this latest invasion of my space.

“Mmmmm, I’d love to be in a booth with you right now. A massive black cock hanging through the wall. Throbbing, radiating heat. Calling out, ‘Touch me.’ The veins along the side pulsing with blood. A glistening drop of pre-cum escaping from the pisshole in its huge mushroom head. Just hanging there, waiting to be licked off. So yummy. So tantalizing. Calling out to be licked and sucked.” I felt her shudder against me.

Her delivery was perfect – it oozed sex. I licked my lips, my mouth watering at the thought of sucking such a cock. I turned away from the box cover and looked at her. She was watching me and had seen me lick my lips. She smiled wickedly, letting me know I was caught.

“So, my little cocksucker – do you come here often? I’ve never seen you before.”

I just stared at her. Terrified that this unknown woman had just looked deep inside my head and, without a word from me, deduced that I was a cock sucking submissive. Well, a would-be cock sucking submissive. As I said, I’d never sucked a real cock before.

I just stood there, my arm still captive in hers. Unable to flee or speak.

“Can’t work up the courage to speak, little dove? Okay, how about this. Just nod yes or no.”

I just kept staring, unable to even nod.

“Nod your head for me, baby. Don’t be shy.” And she started nodding her head at me slowly.

I stared for what seemed like minutes, but eventually, my head started to nod with hers, resulting in a gleaming smile on her face.

“Excellent. So, do you come here often?”

I shook my head.

“That explains why we’ve never met. Have you ever been here before?”

I shook no again.

“A virgin!” she exclaimed far too loudly.

I looked around in panic, expecting to find dozens of people staring at me. However, the store was empty except for the two of us and the clerk – who was busy ignoring us.

When my eyes returned to her face, it was stretched into a delighted and mischievous grin. “You are a virgin to the sex shop scene – right, pet? And I suspect that’s not the only virgin thing in your life…” She trailed off and squeezed my arm. She lowered her voice like she was discussing secrets with her BFF. “So, have you ever been in a gloryhole booth?”

I was a fly in her web, unable to escape or resist her charm. Her candor and confidence drew me like a moth to the flame. I shook my head to indicate I’d never been in a gloryhole booth.

“But you do know what they are, right?”

I nodded this time. The reason I was here was to visit the booths. But I didn’t want the clerk to think that’s the only reason I came in, so I’d been surfing the video collection.

“So, do you want to visit the booths with me and see what it’s like? That way, it looks like you’re with a woman. That’s what you’re afraid of, isn’t it? You’re afraid the clerk will think you’re gay if you go to the booths alone.” Another squeeze of my arm. “So you’re cruising the videos, right?”

I gulped noticeably but eventually nodded yes.

“I asked two questions that time, pet. To which were you agreeing? Going to the booths, afraid of what the clerk will think, or both?”

“B, b, b, both,” I stammered, barely audibly.

Her mouth curled into a seductive and radiant smile. But her eyes… Her eyes made me tremble. She noticed and squeezed my arm reassuringly.

“Come on, I’ve already got a bunch of tokens. We don’t even have to talk to the clerk.” And she used our interlocked arms to propel me toward the doorway leading to the booths.

I stumbled along beside her, unable to resist. I looked at the clerk nervously. He glanced at us momentarily, then looked back at a magazine on the counter. The entrance to the video booths loomed before us like a portal to another dimension.

We passed through the opening into a well-lit hallway running parallel to the store’s back wall. Directly ahead was a metal door with a numeric keypad lock and a sign reading ‘Employees Only.’ The corridor contained about a dozen booths running the length of the store. Each with a door and a light indicating if they were in use.

My new friend led me along the hallway and into an empty booth. Of course, the booth she picked was adjacent to the only occupied booth in the store.

She closed the door, and I noticed it had no lock. I looked up at her face, “there’s no lock.” I whispered in panic.

She grinned at me. “The door locks automatically when you feed tokens to the video player – forces people to feed the machines. Management can unlock them if the cops decide to make a surprise visit. But if that happens, all the video screens flash 5 times rapidly to let patrons know to get their shit in order so they don’t get busted and the store doesn’t get fined or worse. The clerk would have told you some or perhaps even all of this if you bought tokens, depending on his assessment of you.”

“How do you know that?”

“I’m a regular, dear. I know all the juicy little secrets. Don’t you worry, your pretty little head. I’m gonna take good care of you.” She cooed. I smiled and relaxed a bit – probably for the first time since she spoke to me.

I looked around the small booth appraising the contents and noting the differences between my expectation and reality.

The video monitor was built into the booth’s back wall. Beside it was a coin-operated box with a numeric keypad to select movies. The TV screen showed a moving list of titles, box covers, and 4-digit numbers. They ran the gamut – if you could think it, and it was legal to sell, it was on the list. My guide – I didn’t know her name – didn’t hesitate. She dropped a bunch of tokens in the machine and punched in a title code. A movie started playing on the monitor, the sound somewhat muted. The lighting in the booth also dimmed when the movie started – a nice touch on their part.

The booth floor was vinyl tile (or something similar) and, surprisingly, wasn’t disgusting or sticky. A wastebasket in the corner had a pivot lid, so you didn’t have to see what was in it. Beside the screen was a small shelf with 4 rolls of paper towels and a bottle of Windex. A small note indicated, ‘For cleaning the screen.’ Yeah, I’m sure. And the final touch was a bench against the wall that could be moved around the room if you wanted. Above it was a shelf on which my guide placed her purse.

She removed her jacket and placed it on the shelf, revealing a casual but stunning scoop-neck A-line dress. The medium cotton weave reached just below her knees and was an eye-catching cobalt. She grasped the sides and pulled it over her head with practiced ease.

She watched me watch her – folding the dress and putting it on the shelf with her jacket. Her eyes never left mine except to ensure her clothing was secure on the shelf.

Under the dress was a mature, voluptuous body that could have been anywhere from 30 to 50. Large pendulous breasts tried to defy gravity but failed and pulled softly at the lace bra, which appeared almost diaphanous and was light grey with a hint of blue. Her delicious booty was framed by matching high-cut panties. Her triangle of dark pubic hair and large areola were displayed tantalizingly through the sheer fabric. Her luxurious straight black hair hung past her shoulders to her mid-back.

Her looks were that of a classic Italian film star – Raquel Welch or Monica Bellucci. Her makeup was exquisite yet subdued – perfect for a day of shopping. I stared openly – mouth agape. What the fuck was she doing in an ABS – and why me… I may be a sissy, but my cock started to tent my pants. My god, she was a vision, a goddess, a walking wet-dream.

She smiled and basked in my gaze and rising lust. She gestured at me, no words, just a gesture. She wanted me to take off my jacket and shirt as well.

I removed my jacket and tossed it on the shelf, then hesitantly removed my shirt and threw it on top of my jacket. My arms crossed my chest in a reflex action I didn’t know would happen.

She laughed delightedly. “Oh, baby, I don’t care if you’re not a big, strong, muscle-bound stud. You’re perfect for this little adventure. Now drop your arms and let momma take a look at you.”

I hesitantly dropped my arms and spun in place as she gave a little twirl of her finger. It was like I was outside my body, watching myself ‘dance’ for this woman. She was a puppeteer pulling my strings.

“Nice, very nice. You don’t have any body hair. Do you shave or use a depilatory?”

“N… no.” I stammered. Not sure why I was lying – it was obvious I used depilatory.”

“You know, lying to someone helping you is rather rude? You definitely use something to remove your body hair. What about your pubs and ass? Shaved or waxed? I’m betting waxed. You seem like a wax person. Don’t fret. I like my men hairless – it’s much more titillating.” She oozed. “Well, come on. Out with it. Shaved or waxed?”

“Waxed,” I mumbled uncomfortably.

“Professional? No, never mind. You buy strips on Amazon and do it yourself. You aren’t brave enough to go to a salon or buy strips in a store. Not yet, anyway.” And she gave me a nudge at that point.

She pulled the bench into the center of the room and sat delicately. Her knees closed, and her body pointed towards me. She patted the bench beside her, and I sat on her right.

“Start describing what’s on the screen. I’ve seen it a million times. But I love to hear someone else describe it. It’s so fucking hot to hear someone describe the action. It’s like dirty talk in the bedroom – it makes it sooooo much better. You’ll see one day.”

I was a little hurt by her last statement. Was she inferring that I’d never done dirty talk or that I was a virgin?

The video was underway, and it was apparent that these were not full movies, just scenes. A naked woman was on her knees stroking a massive black cock and saying something to herself or the owner of the dick. I began narrating the scene for my guide, unsure why I was doing it, just following her instructions like a robot.

“The woman is on her knees, completely naked. She is stroking a black cock and talking. I can’t hear what she’s saying. Is there a volume control?”

“Don’t worry about the dialog; it’s not important. Just describe the action, and stop sounding like a robot. I want details. I want you to help me feel the action. I want it to be as real as this.” And she stroked the side of my face with one hand while the perfectly painted French nails of the other traced lightly across my chest and nipples.

I shuddered involuntarily and looked at her. She just nodded – indicating she knew I liked it. I stared into her eyes briefly, but it became uncomfortable and too intense. I looked back to the screen and started my narration again – trying to be less robot-like.


“She’s stroking a huge black cock. It’s about 10″ long, very thick, and appears shaved. The cock has a slight downward curve and is not fully hard. Her hands barely cover half of it. The head is very pronounced and mushroom-like and definitely circumcised.”

“She’s teasing the pisshole with her tongue. Flicking it repeatedly. Trying to bore the tip of her tongue into the slit like a sounding rod. Her hands are twisting on the shaft as she strokes it.”

“The cock’s as hard as steel. The downward bend is gone. The girl is spitting on it. Huge, wet, slimy gobs. She’s using her hands to work it up and down the shaft. She’s now trilling her tongue under the tip of his cock head, tickling that little sensitive spot all men have. Mmmm, he’s loving it. He’s encouraging her.”

“Her lips have locked around his head, and she sucks in and out repeatedly, like a pulsing vacuum or perhaps a milking machine. She’s moved her hands to his balls and is running her tongue along the side of his shaft – down to the cubical wall and his big black balls and back. Up over the head and down the other side.”

“She smacks her face with his monster cock, multiple times and moans and laughs at the wall and her anonymous benefactor, telling him she loves his cock.”


My guide moved her hand into my lap while I was speaking. “Too many ‘she this’ and ‘she that’ in your dialog.” She rubbed my leg, careful not to touch my cock. “Pretend you’re the woman. Tell me what you’re doing to that cock.”

I hesitated, and she ran her fingernails across my chest – a little harder this time. Not enough to raise marks, just enough so the sensation made me want to scream from the pleasure. I shuddered visibly.

“Tell me what you’re doing. Pleaseeee. I need this.” She scraped my chest again, and I began to talk.


“I’m stroking his cock with one hand, and my other hand is playing with his balls. My mouth is open as wide as I can, and I’m lowering my face over his cock.”


“Good, good. Get more descriptive.” Her nails continued to scrape my chest and now down my sides and across my stomach.


“His cock is the color of mahogany, a bit translucent and almost glowing with heat. I’ve covered it with so much spit it’s hanging to the floor in viscous gooey trails. I run my mouth along one side and back up the other, suctioning the spit back into my mouth, only to spit it back on his red-hot man-meat. The scent is pungent and intoxicating. I inhale sharply and ram over half his cock straight into my mouth. I gag and back off, laughing and moaning with delight and anticipation.”


“Oh, god, yes. More!”

She pinched one of my nipples and massaged her own breast. Her enthusiasm and apparent intoxication from my dialog fueled my own frenzy of emotions. I was becoming the woman in the video – describing my own actions…


“I’m stroking his cock with both hands now. Rapidly. Bobbing my head up and down on his obsidian shaft, tickling his cock head, and gagging myself. I know I can get his whole cock in my mouth – I decide to force it.”

“I stop stroking, take a huge breath and ram my face onto his cock. I hold it as deep as it will go in my mouth and start driving it deeper into my throat. My gag reflex triggers, but I keep going. My throat is stretching from the girth of his cock, and I try swallowing to get it in deeper. My nose is about 2 inches from the wall, but I can’t go further.”

“I pull back and gasp for air. ‘Wow! Your cock is fucking huge!’ I tell him. He gives me encouragement, and I murmur my thanks, then ram my throat back down on his cock. I try bouncing my head up and down to get it deeper, but he’s pulled his cock out of my mouth and back through the wall. I go crazy. ‘Give it back. I need your cock! Give it to me! Give it! Please, mister, I really need it! Please!’ I continue pleading, and he tells me he wants to fuck me. I don’t have a condom, so I resist.”

“He puts his cock back through the hole, and I gobble it up. He immediately pulls it back through the wall. I go crazy again. He gives it back, only to withdraw when my lips touch it. We play this dance for a few minutes, but we both know I’ll give up my pussy or maybe my ass.”


My guide – I still don’t know her name – interrupts my narration, rubs my chest, and tweaks my nipples. “Oh, god, yes, that’s it. Standup so you can give him your ass.” And she starts prodding me to stand.

I don’t understand her motives, but I stand. I’m completely under her spell.

She undoes my belt and then the top button of my jeans. I try to stop her in a panic. I’m wearing panties and stockings. I don’t want her to see. She slaps my hand away.

“Stop it. I know you’re wearing panties. Don’t be such a pussy, and let me get our pants off. You’ve enjoyed everything we’ve done so far, so go with it.”

I let my hands fall to my side, and she yanked my pants to the floor. She admired my turquoise-blue lace patterned stockings and matching booty shorts. Running a hand up and down my thin, toned legs, then cupping my tight little ass. A sigh of pure pleasure stuttered from my mouth – I held perfectly still – afraid of what she might do – terrified I might flee. I looked at her, and I swear her smile curled in the corners of her mouth like the Grinch in the Dr. Seuss cartoon. Rapacious, carnivorous lust distorted her beautiful face. I got goosebumps, and the fine hair on my forearms stood on end.

“Very nice color choice, little dove. They compliment your pale complexion and blond hair. And you even put the panties on after the garter. Excellent!” She reached out and pulled my booty shorts down before I could react. My small cock popped out and nearly smacked the top of her head.

She extracted my legs from my pants and panties and then handed them to me. I placed them on the shelf with the other clothing and turned back to the screen. The actress was getting ready to give up her ass.

“Continue your story. What are you doing now?”

“I’m lubing my ass with spit from my mouth, using my middle finger.”

“Show me.” She interrupted.

I moved a bit, thinking I was blocking the screen, but she slapped my ass. “No, silly, lube your ass with your fingers, like she’s doing. Show me what she’s doing.”

I turned and looked at her. Her eyes were glazed over and feral. Her nostrils were flared, and she was breathing so hard she was nearly panting. I smiled. This was awesome. She’s awesome. She said nothing about my small penis and wanted me to play with my ass. It was like a fantasy.

I turned back towards the screen, spread my legs, and bent at the waist. I put my left middle finger in my mouth and used my right hand to balance against my leg. The woman on screen now had 2 fingers in her ass, so I added my index finger to my mouth, allowing gobs of spit to run over my knuckles and down my hand.

I reached between my legs, inserted my index finger in my waiting pucker hole, moved it around quickly to lube my sphincter, and added my middle finger. I moaned and continued narrating both the onscreen action and my own actions.


“I’m fingering my ass. I’ve got two fingers in, but I need a 3rd and maybe even a 4th. I need to really stretch my ass if I’m going to take his cock. I pull my fingers from my ass and lick and suck them into my mouth, savoring the flavor of my ass juice. I slobber all over my hand and work 4 fingers into my ass.”


I began doing what I’d just described – sucking my own ass juice and slobbering all over my hand. As I continued and worked my 3rd finger into my ass, my guide prompted me again.

“Call it your pussy. You’re fingering your pussy. You’re gonna fuck your pussy. Can you do that for me?” She coos.

I nearly cheered in delight. I call my ass my pussy or cunt all the time when I’m playing at home. To call it that for her was nearly too much. I almost said it a couple times already but stopped myself for fear of freaking her out. Now she was asking me to do it for her.

“Okay, I stammered.” Quaking with delight. I started my narration again.


“I’ve got 4 fingers in my pussy. It feels so good. But I need his cock. Hold still – I call to the wall – while I slide my pussy onto your big fucking black cock. I’m gonna bury your entire cock deep in my cunt. That’s it. Keep it right there. Whoa, oh yeah, that feels good!”


And I moaned.

Not just because of what was on screen but because my mystery woman was now caressing my ass as I fingered my pussy. She brought her fingers to mine and slowly inserted a finger into my ass-pussy. I removed one of my fingers. We continued this game until I had removed all my fingers, and she had her 4 fingers in my man-cunt, and was starting to work her thumb in as well. She was gonna try and fist me. I was in heaven. My narration became a conglomerate of the action on screen and the ministrations of this incredible woman sharing the booth with me.

“Oh, yeah. Your cock is soooo… fucking… big…” I moaned as her thumb and knuckles crowned in my pucker hole. “Hold it there. Don’t move. Just hold your cock there so I can fuck myself on it.”

Her hand stopped moving, and I backed further onto her fist. She braced her arm, and with some bouncing and twerking, her hand popped into my pussy, and my sphincter lips wrapped around her wrist. She immediately made a proper fist inside my cunt, so I couldn’t easily pull it out.

“Oh, fuck yes! Yes! Fuck yes!” I nearly screamed as my sphincter slammed around her wrist. This was incredible. So much better than anything I’d ever done at home.

“Fuck me. I’m bottomed out, and my pussy is up against the wall. Fuck me, you big black stud. Fuck my cunt. Rape my sissy hole. Breed me like the sissy bitch I am. Fuck me!” I wailed, not realizing I’d just told her and anyone within 20 feet that I was a sissy fuck slut.

My guide purred, “Oh, my pretty little sissy, that’s what I’ve been waiting to hear.” She started fucking my cunt with her fist.

Slow, deliberate strokes at first, but quickly building to a speed equal to that happening on screen. I watched in fascination as the woman on screen got fucked to the same rhythm as me. Every move and nuance on screen was happening to me. I don’t know if my guide was watching the screen or my ass, but she definitely knew the moves.

The woman on screen lifted her leg and braced it on something outside the camera frame – she was in a standing 3/4 split. I looked at our booth’s sidewall and decided to try it. I leaned to the right, placed both hands on my right quad, squatted on my right leg, then shot my left leg out onto the left wall as high as possible.

I nearly fell, but my guide helped steady me. I worked my left leg up the wall and managed a respectable 2/3 standing split. “You salacious little cunt. I’d clap for that performance if my hand wasn’t buried in your cunt.” Praised my guide.

Now that I was stable, her knuckles were massaging my prostrate, and my tiny cock was leaking and flopping like crazy. I was moaning and keening, making all kinds of inarticulate noises as she continued to fuck my pussy. I was building toward orgasm.

The girl on screen dropped her leg back to the floor, and I followed suit. She spun in place and rammed the BBC deep into her mouth, sucking up her pussy juice and stroking his magnificent cock.

My guide applied pressure to the inside of my anal cavity, forcing me to turn away from the screen and towards the right side of the booth. And there it was…

A big black cock hanging through the right side wall of our booth. It was magnificent. Not nearly as big as the cock in the movie, but blacker and definitely big enough for me. I stared at it, wanting it desperately.

Now that I had seen the cock, she steered me past the end of the bench so I was behind it, and she was now sitting where I had been sitting. Her right hand was still fucking my pussy, a slow, steady rhythm, edging me. With her left hand, she reached out and grasped the flaccid member hanging through the wall of our booth.

“Oh, it’s so fucking warm. It’s amazing. Here, feel.” And she wiggled it at me.

I reached out as if in a dream and placed my hand around the shaft above hers. The stranger’s cock pulsed in my hand – it felt like lightning had just struck me. My brain exploded, and so did I. Cum rocketed up my semi-flaccid member, my pussy clamped around her wrist, and I shuddered and groaned as my hips bucked. She was pressing against my prostate, restricting the flow of cum, so the first pulse popped out of the end of my dick – landing on my stockings – but the remainder just oozed out the tip and down my shaft. My guide released the black cock and started gathering the cum from my cock. I was so sensitive from cumming, that I nearly danced as her hand stroked up my cock.

I tried to turn away from her towards the booth’s back wall, my overly sensitive shaft screaming for respite. She released my cock, and using her hand in my pussy like a ventriloquist, she shuffled me closer to the wall.

“Bend over and smell it.” She directed. Applying pressure inside my ass-cunt to force me to comply.

I bent at the waist, loving her control over me, and inhaled the pungent musk of the anonymous cock before me. It smelled of sweat, piss, and the unmistakable yet unique scent of the male penis. I sighed in rapture.

The fingers of her left hand touched my lips. They were covered in my own cum. I inhaled the scent, sucked her fingers into my mouth, and used my tongue to clean my cum from her fingers. I was delirious with lust.

“Mmmm. Yes. God, that’s fucking delicious. Feed me my cum, Mistress. Rape my sissy cunt with your fist.”

I’d called her Mistress. I froze, unsure if I had crossed a line or freaked her out. I looked back at her face; it glowed with pure unadulterated bliss and a hint of wickedness.

“Stop slobbering on my hand slut. There’s a huge fucking cock in front of you – hurry up and service it before it disappears!” She commanded.

“Yes, Mistress!”

I grabbed the cock and started stroking it and spitting on it to get it all lubed and juicy. I was beaming. She was gonna be my Mistress! Well, at least while we’re playing. Earlier, I wasn’t even sure I’d be brave enough to get booth tokens. Now, I was, getting my ass fisted by a mystery woman willing to play my Mistress, and I was about to suck my first cock. If it wasn’t for the fist in my cunt, I’d have probably done a happy dance.

I licked up and down the sides of the cock; swirled my head around the tip, and teased the underside and piss slit with my tongue. The heat – it was nothing like I expected. It felt so foreign, not at all like my own cock. It was hard, yet the outer layer of skin was rubbery and a bit spongy. It was now fully erect, about 7 inches long, and not quite 1.5 inches in diameter. It had a noticeable curve to the left about halfway up the shaft and pointed straight at the ceiling.

I tried bending the shaft down, and he groaned in protest. Obviously, Peyronie’s disease. His cock was a steel bar, and nothing was gonna straighten it or change the angle presented to me. Fuck it! I didn’t care. This was my first cock, and I would make sweet love to it.

“Gimme your balls! Can you get them through the wall? I wanna worship your magnificent cock properly. Gimme your balls! Please!”

What the fuck was happening to me. I was becoming a crazed cock whore. Thirty minutes ago, I was too afraid to nod or shake my head to answer my Mistress. And now I was demanding a stranger feed his balls through a wall so I could suck them.

He withdrew a bit and then fed his balls through the hole. It was a tight fit; they were huge. They hung nearly 3 inches below his shaft, each the size of a golf ball. I moaned and trailed a line of spit from his cock head, down the underside of his cock, and then sucked his left ball into my eager mouth.

I worshiped it. Moaning, my pleasure. Running my tongue around and over the ball in my mouth – careful not to suck too hard.

“I love your big sweaty balls. They taste fucking awesome.” I garbled around the ball in my mouth. My Mistress chucked – almost a snort – at my attempt to talk while sucking.

“Suck harder!” He begged through the wall.

I sucked as hard as I could, and the cock owner slammed his palm on the wall and wailed that he loved it.

“Oh, fuck, yes! Just like that! God, yes! Now the other one! Suck the other one just like that!”.

Surprised, I complied. I popped the left ball from my mouth and sucked the other one. I then played vacuum cleaner and tried to suck the skin off it. If someone did this to me, I’d be on the floor in tears. I got a blowjob once where the woman sucked on my balls too hard. It felt like someone kicked me in the sack. I guess everyone’s different…

“Yes. Yes! Yes! Now suck my cock, you sissy bitch.” And he bucked against the wall.

I released his ball and kissed and drooled up and down his shaft, getting it sloppy and wet for my next trick.

“Suck his cock, sissy. Get those puffy, fish lips around his cock head and show him how good my sissy slave can suck cock.” My Mistress was now directing and degrading me. The day keeps getting better.

I wrapped my lips around his head and sucked for all I was worth. Then I pulled back hard and fast. Making a resounding ‘pop’ as his head snapped from my lips. I repeated this a few times cuz it was fun, and I enjoyed the feeling. However, I’m not sure he was thrilled with the maneuver.

“Stop playing and suck my cock bitch!”

“You heard him, sissy. Suck his cock. Get your head moving up and down on his shaft. Stop looking at me, and suck, damn it!” And she thrust her fist, which was still in my pussy, back and forth a couple times to make her point.

I wrapped my lips around his shaft once more and started bobbing and sucking and licking and drooling as I worked his cock. My right hand was on my right thigh for balance. My left hand furiously stroked the bottom of his shaft, using it to gauge how deep to thrust into my mouth.

“That’s it, sissy. Suck that cock. Work it like a two-bit whore. You’re a sissy cum slut. A cumdump. A cheap slut, willing to suck any cock just to get your reward. You want his jizz. You want him to dump a huge load down your throat. You want to slurp and gargle that fresh cum in your mouth. To luxuriate in its salty, gooey richness before you swallow it to slake your thirst.”

Admit it, sissy. You’re a cock whore. A cum slut. Admit it. Say it!” She barked.

I pulled off his cock momentarily, not really happy to be interrupted.

“I’m a cum slut. I’m your cock whore. I’m a cum addicted, jizz junkie. I love spunk, Mistress. I love cock. I need cock. I crave cock. I crave cum. I’m a cum dumpster. A cock sleeve. A receptacle for man meat. I’m a meat puppet. Just a couple of holes in need of cock. Please let me keep sucking, Mistress! I need his cock! I need him to cum for me! I need him to cum in my mouth.”

“Suck, baby. Suck til you get your sissy reward.”

I wrapped my lips around the head of his cock again and started to give him the best blow job I could. Worshipping his cock and balls. Teasing all the sensitive spots that I love to be touched. Licking, sucking, slobbering, drooling, and gagging on his cock. With intermittent dialog telling him how much I loved his cock. How good it felt in my mouth.

My Mistress added color commentary at times to further degrade me. Pumping her fist slowly in and out of my sissy pussy, but never touching my sissy clitty. Just fucking my other hole, so I could fulfill my purpose as a two-hole meat puppet.

My new friend banged on the wall. The signal that he was about to cum. I released his cock momentarily to let him know what I wanted.

“Cum in my mouth. Give it to me. Fill me with your seed. Fuck my face til you blow.”

I slammed my face back on his cock and started sucking like I was siphoning gas. I kept my lips locked around his shaft and held still, allowing him to set the pace. His balls pulled back through the wall, and he thrust rapidly, almost violently, against the wall and into my mouth. I had my fist around the base of his shaft, keeping him out of my throat – I wanted to taste his sperm – I didn’t want it going down my throat.

And then it happened. He erupted. I didn’t feel his cock swell or anything; he just started shooting into my mouth. The first shot hit the back of my mouth and almost caused me to gag and back off, but I held firm and coughed a bit around his cock. A bit of cum went into my sinuses and burned – like too much Wasabi on your Sushi. But the smell it provided was tantalizing and potent. I was in a crazed lust and sucked even harder. I wanted more.

He was slowing down and bucked into my mouth twice more and then withdrew his cock from the hole and my mouth.

“Wait. I want more. I wanna clean all the cum from your cock. Please give it back.” I whined.

“Fuck, dude. You really are a sissy faggot. Don’t you worry. They’ll be another cock for you to suck before long.” And I heard him laugh as he did up his pants and exited his booth.

I was still bent over, facing the wall. My Mistress was stroking her fist in my pussy lazily.

“So, my little sissy faggot. How was your first real cock?”

I answered in a daze, barely aware of my current situation or location. “It was amazing, Mistress. Thank you! Thank you so much! I can’t tell you how incredible it felt. To have his warm, hard cock sliding in and out of my mouth pussy. The skin was so delicate and pliant, and the taste was heavenly. Musky, salty, and sweaty, with that sharp, pungent odor of man-meat. I could taste it and feel it invading my sinuses. I loved every minute of it.”

“And when he came! The taste. Oh my god, the taste!” I twisted and looked back towards her, her fist keeping my ass firmly in place.

“It was the most amazing thing ever. It didn’t taste like my cum. It was completely different and… and… and well… just amazing.”

“So, do you want more, pet?” She purred, bumping her fist into my prostrate a few times in rapid succession to fuel my lust.

“Yes! Oh god, yes! I want more! I need more!” I ranted.

“Well…” she drawled. “I can get you more. Much more. But I’m not sure you’re ready for what that requires…” She trailed off, a Machiavellian smile radiating back at me.


More to cum


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