Bottom's Heat Ch. 02

A gay story: Bottom's Heat Ch. 02 Friday: 7:29 A.M.

8th day of the 28-day cycle.

Twelve seconds left until the alarm goes off. I know this because I can see the second hand of the clock moving at a snail’s pace. Three… two… one…

I turn it off before the bell rings. I’ve been awake since around four in the morning. Woke up right in the middle of a wet dream and couldn’t fall back asleep. Not even a bit. Too hot. Too horny.

I sit on the edge of the bed and rub my neck. I see the sheets scattered on the floor from when I felt a heatwave in the middle of the night. I still have my hair stuck to my forehead due to sweat, a damn muscle cramp, and an erection threatening to escape from my briefs.

When I finally get up, I feel a trickle of liquid running down the back of my thigh. It’s transparent and viscous, but it’s not water. It’s thicker. I check my underwear. At the front, I have a wet spot right where the fabric meets the tip of my boner. Pre-cum, no doubt. But what just dripped down my leg didn’t come from there. In the back, the entire fabric of my briefs is wet. I slide my hand in and feel that sticky fluid with a sweet vanilla scent. It’s prostatic fluid and (obviously) it’s coming out of my ass. The same ass that grew all night until it tore my briefs apart.

I stand in front of the mirror. A single ray of sunlight seeps through the window, reflecting off my chiseled abs. Normally, at this hour, I would waste time admiring my muscles, but this time I’m mesmerized by the size of my glutes. In just one week of crescent heat, they doubled in size. Like a pair of handball balls.

My sphincter contracts without me ordering it. Another viscous and transparent trickle snakes down my leg. Then I realize that this is my first day of full heat.


Down in the kitchen, I feel extremely uncomfortable. My erection hasn’t completely gone away, the leak in my ass is still there, and now I have my nipples poking through my shirt. It’s more than evident, but neither of my fathers has the audacity to mention it. At least not until I finish breakfast.

One of my fathers clears his throat.

“You know, Andi, in this house we talk about things no matter how uncomfortable they may be…”

Oh god, not again.

“…and well, since it’s quite obvious, son, we want to congratulate you on reaching your second maturity.”

“Now you’re a grown man,” adds my other father.

My cheeks burn. I bring the empty cup to my lips.

“Haha, well, thanks.”

“You know your son looks at his feet every time he feels uncomfortable, don’t you?” I guess they’re talking among themselves. I’m not looking at them.

“As if he hasn’t seen us in heat before.”

I choke on air.

“Well. We are way past uncomfortable, but I don’t think it can be worse than the conversation the other day.”

“Yes, and that’s where we wanted to get to. Have you taken your pill today?”

“I was just about to.”

I take a blister pack of bright blue pills out of my pocket. I tear open the plastic and put one in my mouth. My fathers seem satisfied. One of them clears his throat again.

“I understand that in this phase of the cycle, your libido can get out of control,” (and here we go again), “but it’s crucial that you control yourself. The pill doesn’t…”

“…doesn’t take effect until the fifth day after you start taking it. I know.”

“And you have to keep taking it every day. Without fail.”

“I know.”

Since Wednesday morning, they’ve been telling me so every time they see me. Without fail.

“We love you very much, Andi. But having a child is a serious matter. It’s the last thing you need at this stage of your life.”

“And don’t even think about having unprotected sex!”

Earth please swallow me and spit me out anywhere but here.

“I’m running late. Can I go now?”

I take a bite of my last toast, grab my backpack, and say goodbye as I cross the threshold of the front door. I exhale all the air from my lungs, but that doesn’t help to untie the knot in my stomach. I guess I’m somewhat anxious about going to school. Ah, school. Another viscous trickle runs down my leg as I start thinking about my friends waiting for me…


School is only a couple of blocks away, so it doesn’t take me long to get there. The weather is pleasant. There isn’t a single cloud in the sky and the spring sun shines directly above my shoulders. I feel sweaty as I bend down to tie up my bike.

As I walk through the school campus towards the main building, I notice three things. First, my new cotton pants are very comfortable (my butt won’t fit in my jeans anymore). Second, I’m the only one in short sleeves. Third, people are checking out my rear.

As I walk on, I hear some guys whispering behind me. Others stare at me with wide eyes. By the time I reach the hallway where the lockers are, I feel like a model on a runway. Well, I guess going from a medium to an extra-large pants size in less than a week doesn’t go unnoticed. On the other hand… I don’t know why but this newfound attention lifts my self-esteem. And it also turns me on…

“Damn, Andi. You ass got huge!” Pablo exclaims.

I smile with closed lips as I turn to my friends.

“And we said that last Tuesday,” Nico obvers.

“You can even see the bulge,” Luca looks me up and down. “And your nipples. Are you…?”

“I am. I’ve been in full heat since this morning. I couldn’t sleep due to my horniness.”

They exchange glances. I can see the excitement in their eyes.

“So, you haven’t touched yourself yet?”

“Well, no.”

“You’re going to explode if you don’t sneak away for a bit…”

“How are you feeling?”

I bite my lower lip.

“Well, since I arrived, I’ve wanted to fuck half the school.”

The first period bell rings.

“We have a great weekend ahead,” I smile mischievously. “I want to see all three of you at lunchtime, so we can make plans. I already have an idea in mind.”

In the meantime, I survive math class.

Equations were never my thing, especially when it comes to finding an unknown hidden under the yoke of an x. The teacher scrapes the blackboard with a piece of chalk while calling for a volunteer to come to the front.

No one responds. Least of all me. The class started about thirty minutes ago, and since then, my ass hasn’t stopped self-lubricating. By the time the recess starts, I’ll be sitting in a puddle of my own lubricating fluids. Just thinking about it makes my sphincter contract.

“Come on, guys,” the teacher urges. “It’s easy. Take a good look at the equation.”

2x + [(5x + 3) ÷ (__º__)²] — 2³

I blink. Something is not right. I just saw an ass and a penis among the numbers. I rub my eyes with the back of my arm.

2x + [(5x + 3) ÷ (2 + 10)²] — 2³ = 3x + √9

Yeah, right. I must be hornier than expected if I mix up numbers with penises. In my defense, I haven’t cum since our stroll through the chemistry lab. Also, I’ve been horny since I woke early in the morning. The feeling is rather strange. Its not my penis that requires the attention, but something deeper within me. Behind the testicles. Inside my butthole. There is no doubt that my prostate stretching my anal walls so that I can reach it.

“Well, if no one volunteers. Andrés, do you want to save the rest of the class?” the teacher asks.

It couldn’t have been in any other way.

“Well… actually…”

“It was a rhetorical question. Come on. Come to the front.”

I roll my eyes and start to stand up with great parsimony. A cacophony of murmurs follows my every move. I glance back at my classmates. Yes, they all wish they had this ass. I smile with closed lips.

The teacher looks up.

“Well, what’s happening now?”

“I can go to the front if you wouldn’t mind, sir” Pablo says.

“Doesn’t matter who! Just… come on, already!”

As he walks to the front of the class, he turns and winks at me. He grabs a piece of chalk. His arm muscles flex as he writes. Ah, Pablo. I love his caramel skin, like a café au lait. And his height too. When we were kids, he was a bit lanky. Then he got into calisthenics and got the physique of a basketball player. He may not be the sharpest toll in the shed, but he does well in math. Today, he effortlessly solves the equation.

I already said it last Tuesday. Pablo is a feast for the eyes.

“Finished,” he declares.

I bite my inner lip as sweat drips down my forehead. I feel another contraction coming from my prostate… demanding my attention. At this rate, I don’t know how much longer I can hold it in.

A few minutes later… the bell rings. Everyone gathers their belongings, and we evacuate the classroom like firefighters in a drill. I need to masturbate.

Now. The question is, where? I walk quickly through the hallways. I feel like a ticking time bomb. At this hour, I should be in physical education, but given my condition, I have a medical excuse to skip the class.

The most logical option would be to use a restroom. However, I can’t use the main ones because they’re too crowded. Although the one on the second floor is out of service and is never locked. I climb the stairs, turn right, and open the restroom door. First, I see the smoke, and then I smell the cigarette. Someone coughs from inside a stall, and someone else laughs. They beat me to it.

I walk out quickly. Another contraction hits me. The ring of my sphincter opens up more with each passing minute. What other place do I have? The gym locker rooms… no, there got to be people in it at this time. The last hallway in the library… no way. The rooftop… risky…

“Andi!” I turn around.


“How are you doing?”

“I can’t hold on any longer.”

“Ha-ha, I figured. That’s why I went through the trouble of getting this for you…” he holds a key in his hand.

“…with this, you’ll be able to enter the broom closet in the auditorium”.

I’m saved.

“Uh, thank you, thank you, thank you. I owe you one, Nico. I have to go now…”

I walk as fast as I can and enter the auditorium. I turn the key in the lock of the door and step into the tiny closet where the brooms are kept. It smells like cleaning solution. And soap. There isn’t much space, and the only light comes from a small square window high up in the room.

Not exactly a 5-star hotel, but I got to masturbate right away. The hole of my butt is so stretched that is eating my underwear. My nipples are sore from rubbing my shirt and my erection forms a tent in my pants.

I lock the door…

…pants down. Butt ready. Fingers on their marks. Everything set. And here I go. My index enters fully and without any resistance until my knuckles stop it. The sensation is as exhilarating as taking the first sip after a day without water.

I empty my lungs and squint my eyes. I’ve never felt the walls of my ass so loose. Nor so wet. Nor so slippery. But there’s more than enough space for a second finger. I remove the index and come back in with twice the horsepower.

The contraction hits me hard in the groin. It feels like a mini orgasm that sucks my fingers inward. Deeper than humanly possible. A grunt escapes me as I touch that fleshy bulge that is my prostate.

I try to adjust myself, but I bump into the cleaning products shelf. Broom handles clatter against the floor, making as much noise as a rocket launch. But I don’t stop.

I twist my fingers. I slide them out and then back in up to the knuckles…

…I’m so wet and dilated that it’s like sticking my fingers into a jar of jelly. It’s because of the prostatic fluids oozing from between my buttocks. There’s so much that I feel a splashing sound every time I push inward. So much that a stream trickles down my groin.

With my free hand I rub my dick (harder than ever), but the feeling is nowhere near what I feel when I touch myself in the rear. My butt is eating my fingers (now three) as a lion to its prey.

I’m close already. Pressure builds up in my pelvis and intensifies as I add a fourth finger. I arch my back and hold my breath. I’m about to cum. I’m about to cum. I reach my boiling point. But the sensation is strange. Instead of exploding forward (and from the penis), I explode inward (and from the prostate)…

…the orgasm hits me with full force, and my insides implode. The walls of my anus contract, and a stream of fluids seeps outward, soaking my calves. The orgasm expands and reverberates throughout my body for way longer than I’m used to. I arch my back and slowly come back to myself.

I lean against a shelf to my right…

…I remove my fingers and catch my breath.

From all the moaning, my throat feels dry. Damn, it was so intense that now I have a slight headache. But other than that, I feel like I just woke up from a restful sleep. I sit on the floor for a while until the ceiling stops spinning. I can still feel a tingling throughout my body…


Exactly at 13:10, the bell rings and it’s lunchtime. On Fridays, they serve milanesa sandwiches, so I have to elbow my way through to get a place in the cafeteria line.

“Hey! Andi! Over here!” Nico signals me from a table.

I smile a half-smile as I sit on the bench.

“How was physical education?” I ask.

“You didn’t miss anything.”

“Well, Luca doesn’t enjoy strength and muscle exercises.”

“It’s not that I don’t like them, but I prefer weightlifting. We spent the whole class doing warm-up exercises.”

Pablo takes a sip from his soda. Luca struggles to chew a sandwich that’s too big for his mouth, and Nico picks apart his, removing the lettuce and tomato. The three of them know very well what I’ve been doing for the past hour and a half, but none of them dares to ask…

“…a few minutes ago, I had my first anal ejaculation.”

They don’t even wait to swallow their food before bombarding me with questions.

“And? How was it?”

“Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!”

“Did stuff come out from both ends?”

I roll my eyes.

“From my cock the only thing that came out was precum.”

“Oh! And that’s alright?”

“Of course its alright, Pablo,” Luca affirms. “During full-heat there are no penile ejaculations. How come you don’t know that?”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Luca. That question wasn’t in my exam.”

Nico also rolls his eyes.

“Anyway, who fucking cares? Andi, come on, tell us. How does it feel?

“Is not as intense as when you cum with your dick. But is still quite strong and it last way (way) longer…”

Luca and Nico switch glances. Pablo bits his lower lip.

“…which brings us to planning ahead. As you should already know, my libido is only going to continue growing until it reaches its peak in the middle of the 28-day cycle. It hasn’t even been twelve hours since I entered full-heat, and I couldn’t contain the need to touch myself. Instead of numbers, all I could see on the blackboard were penises and asses…”

“Oh, my.”

“…so I suppose I’ll be out of my mind by the time I reach the peak.”

“The peak falls between days 14 and 15 of the 28-day cycle,” Nico points out.

“And if today is your day 8, the peak will be on Thursday and Friday of next week. Right in time for the long weekend,” Luca calculates.

“I understand that this peak is quite important,” Pablo remarks. “I’ve already heard it mentioned four times. But shouldn’t we plan for this weekend? It’s (like) tomorrow.”

“My parents won’t let me leave the house until the pills take effect. That won’t be until Monday. So, let’s forget about this weekend and plan for the next one. As Luca said, that Friday is also a holiday.”

Luca clears his throat.

“We’re going to need a place with enough privacy.”

“Exactly. And it just occurred to me: what could be more private than a weekend-house in a gated community by a lake?”

“I thought so,” Luca says. “I’ll see if my parents will let us use the house for the weekend.”

Thumbs up.

“Nico,” I look at him. “You can get anything, right? Is transportation within your capabilities?”

“Hmmm… It won’t be easy, but I’m almost sure I can.”

I smile with closed lips.

“And what about me?”

“Well, let’s see… Pablo. You can bring condoms.”

“Oh, well fine. I was expecting something more exciting. And what will you bring?”

“I’ll bring my presence. Not to mention that I’m the intellectual author behind this plan. I’m already doing enough for the team. So, are we all in agreement?”

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