Bottom's Heat Ch. 02


A gay story: Bottom's Heat Ch. 02 Friday: 7:29 A.M. 8th day of the 28-day cycle. Twelve seconds left until the alarm goes off. I know this because I can see the second hand of the clock moving at a snail’s pace. Three… two… one… I turn it off before the bell rings. I’ve been … Read more


Bottom's Heat Ch. 04


A gay story: Bottom's Heat Ch. 04 Chapter IV _______ Friday: 10:17 A.M. 15th day of the 28-day cycle. The wind tousles my hair as I pedal. It’s not cold at all. Around twenty degrees with a sky dotted with sheep-shaped clouds. The perfect conditions for a long weekend at the peak of my 28-day … Read more


Bottom's Heat Ch. 03


A gay story: Bottom's Heat Ch. 03 Chapter III _______ Monday: 8:54 A.M. 11th day of the 28-day cycle. The car jumps over the bump on 76th Street. “Ah, I always forget about that damn pothole.” Well, I couldn’t agree more. I’ve been attending to the same high school for five years and my dad … Read more