The One-Way Voyage (Day 17)

A gay story: The One-Way Voyage (Day 17) DAY SEVENTEEN The rhythm of my new life. Pleasure and pain. Master told me they were the two basic facts of a slave’s life, and he wasn’t kidding. I gradually learned to endure the pain when I had to and accept the pleasure where I could find … Read more

Jack Pt. 10: Niagara Getaway 02

A gay story: Jack Pt. 10: Niagara Getaway 02 They finished their drinks, sitting naked and cuddling on the sofa, they turned the TV on but not really to watch anything. And although it wasn’t that late, they were both feeling tired and decided that early to bed was the thing to do. Doug, leaned … Read more

Cross Country Trip – Day 05

A gay story: Cross Country Trip, Day 05 I hit some bad weather before getting into Denver and finally stop for the night here. I quickly find a cheap motel I like and stop there. Once in my room I take a shower and clean myself out. I am becoming a true cum slut ever … Read more

The Long Road Ch. 01

A gay story: The Long Road Ch. 01 To all of my friends and fans, I apologize for being absent so long, but I’ve been in the process of completely re-writing The Long Road, implementing a number of suggestions I received via feedback from you. There is more background story and character development as you … Read more

On The Road (P IV): Cruising West

A gay story: On The Road (P IV): Cruising West This is the fourth installment of my On The Road Series. You can find the first three installments and my other stories by looking under “Joe Lewin” on the “Prolific Authors Directory.” This is a work of fiction between consenting adults. If you enjoy this … Read more