Caught in the Act


A gay sex stories: Caught in the Act SLAM!!!!

I damn near fell out of the lazyboy that, until a second ago, I was comfortably passed out on. I saw the back of Lisa as she made a B-line from Nick’s room towards the front door. She was yelling about something that I was unable to focus on due to my just being woken up.

As Lisa opened the front door, she stopped, turned around and in a loud but extremely intelligible voice yelled, “I mean seriously, what fucken guy passes out while getting a blowjob, and on top of that, he was the one who insisted on it? If he wakes up, tell him that if he wants a blowjob, it’ll have to be you, ‘cus I am done and over it. I hope he enjoys the gift I left him.”


Six hours earlier, Nick and I had the girlfriends over for an evening in. My girlfriend, Michele, showed up at around 9 with Nick’s girlfriend, Lisa, following fifteen minutes later. I had already known but with everyone there, Michele announced that she wasn’t going to be able to stay too late as she had to work in the morning.

For the first hour, we played poker while sipping our drinks. We then moved into drinking games. Nick and I were drinking whiskey while the girls were drinking beer. With Michele, she rotated drinks so as to not be unable to leave later. She would shoot the beer and then the next two drinks would be water. She was also not taking part in the bong that was circulating around the table.

It was around midnight and both Nick and myself were pretty hammered. As Michele needed to leave soon, we broke off and retired to my room for a little private time before she had to go. We laid on the bed and talked, made out, talked, made out some more. and then a little groping. At that time, with all the whiskey I had already drank, I wouldn’t have been able to do much more than we did, anyway.

With Michele leaving at 1am, I joined Nick and Lisa in the living room where they were cuddled up on the couch. I sat on my lazy-boy and began watching the movie that they were about twenty minutes into. The last time that I remember seeing on the clock was a quarter to two, before my eyes fell closed.

With the second door slamming shut within fifteen seconds of the first, I was wide awake again. I was still buzzed but decided that since I was awake and had a freshly rolled joint next to me, that I would go ahead and top off my high.

Looking at the clock on the wall, “3:20am”, and realizing that they must have gone to bed after the movie, I was actually half expecting Nick to come out and join me. I thought that there was no way that anyone, in this apartment, or any other, could have stayed passed out after the concussion of the two doors being slammed.

The thought of what just happened quickly faded as the refreshed THC made its way through my system. It had been about a half hour and I had smoked half of the joint, before I realized that Nick had still not come out of his room.

At first, I called for him. After another ten minutes or so, of no response, I decided to check on him. I knocked on his door and then lazily put my ear to it to see if I could hear any stirring. Again, nothing.

Wanting to make sure that he was ok, I turned the door handle and pushed the door open. What I found was Nick laying on his back buck ass naked. I quickly took notice of his skin tone and the fact that his chest was slowly rising and falling with every breath.

My gaze quickly fell to his manhood, which was lying against his belly on full display. I, of course, have seen other men naked but only in places where studying is not practical, i.e. gym showers.

I have never been with another man before, hell, I’ve never even thought about being with another man, yet here I was, burning my glare through the head of his cock. I found myself mesmerized by the sight. I will blame it on the THC but at that moment I wanted nothing more than to touch it.

I reached over his completely hairless body, grabbed his shoulder and shook while calling his name. Again, absolutely no response. At this point, I was pretty confident that it was just me and his cock in the room at that time. With that being said, I was still nervous that he would wake up with his cock in my hand.

He had about five inches of flaccid circumcised cock resting on his belly as his hairless testicles fell into the Y of his closed crotch. I knelt over his cock to get as close of a view as I could. I couldn’t believe that I was thinking about how marvelous that piece of flesh looked. I am obviously used to the look of my own cock and have been told by several of the girls that I have been with that I have a beautiful dick. I have seen ugly, unattractive dicks in porno’s but was happy that that was not the case for Nick.

As I raised my hand to finally make contact with him, I first put him through one final test. Before touching anything, I cocked my finger and violently flicked one of his balls. Unbelievable, the only response that incited was that his balls quickly contracted before slowly relaxing back into the Y. Not a twitch or grunt was heard.

Believing now that I would be left on my own without any unexpected interruptions, I started at the base and with the back side of my fingers, slowly rubbed the soft flesh up to the soft crown at the end.

After a minute of petting the soft skin, I slid my fingers under his shaft before closing them around it. His shaft was very warm and I could feel a slight pulse as his blood flowed through his veins. Before I knew it, I was pulling and stroking his flaccid member.

Something primal finally kicked in and now I find myself in full strokes, jacking Nick’s cock. Even though his flaccid cock was still a handful, it was difficult to stroke his dry skin. Leaning my face to within a few inches of his meat, I let a large drop of saliva fall from between my lips, sloshing across the smoothness of the head. Quickly, I scooped it up and began to distribute it over the entirety of his tool.

As I massaged his wet noodle, I began to feel the first stirrings of my own cock coming to life. This triggered me to momentarily snap back from where my mind had gone and to realize that this is actually turning me on. It was only a few seconds of that before I was back down, spitting on the flesh that I valiantly had a hold of.

I continued pulling on his shaft as blood was now being forced up his shaft to the head. Once I felt the head of his cock begin to swell, I said fuck it, dropped his cock and began to remove my own clothes. My seven inch cock sprung free as I lowered my boxers from my waist.

With my hand still wet from the assault of Nick’s cock, I wrapped it around my own shaft where I stroked it a few times before going back to Nick’s.

Never before in my life have I ever thought about it or would normally be ok with it, but what happened next will still fascinate me forever. Remembering what Lisa had said, The thought momentarily crossed my mind, and apparently, the uncontrollable part of my brain found it to be a tempting proposition.

I again knelt forward to spit onto his cock, but as the saliva drop stretched from my lips, connecting with the crown of his cock, I followed it down until my nose smashed onto his hip bone.

I held there with my face against his skin for a few seconds as I reconciled with the fact that I was now holding another man’s cock in my mouth. With it still being somewhat flaccid, it easily snaked its way around my mouth as I pushed and slid my tongue on and around the soft flesh that now occupied the same cavity.

As I started to add suction to the limp noodle, I felt my mouth slowly beginning to fill up with meat as it began to grow. Sensing this change and a slight grunt, I quickly pulled my head up to see if Nick was coming around.

“Fuck, Lisa, don’t stop!” Nick slurred before clumsily raising his head and slightly opened an eye.

Even though I wasn’t actually sucking his dick at that moment, I felt that I had just been caught. Nick, who I have known for a long time about his bi preference, has often joked that one day either he was going to suck my dick or me his.

“Oh, hey Ryan”, he slurred before his head crashed back down on the pillow.

Even though he has expressed that given the chance, he would sleep with me, I don’t think that he fully understood that I was indeed, the one who was just polishing his shaft. Once his head hit the pillow, it was nighty night time again.

After a frozen minute, I looked back down at his sloppy wet cock and noticed that it had grown to about seven inches. Everything was now becoming a little more defined with the growth, the head, the ridges, the veins. It was beginning to look like a proper cock.

With Nick back in lala land, and his apparent acceptance of my touch, I again hefted his meat and lowered my face back to his hip bone, inhaling every inch that he had to offer. Although a lot more rigid than before, his shaft was still flexible enough that it snaked its entirety back into my mouth.

As I continued with the suction, I could feel his cock now twitching every time I pulled. With the head of his cock pressing against my throat, my muscles fought back. With every jump of his cock, the pressure on my throat grew.

I continued with the suction as the head of his cock was now inflating and stretching the entrance to my throat. Feeling that I was right on the edge of having his cock down my throat and the fact that his cock was growing in my mouth, my lips were about an inch from the base now.

Taking a deep breath, I forcefully pushed my face back to his hip. I had almost heard a pop as his cock stretched and slid right into my throat. while I fought the discomfort of the invasion. With the head of his cock wedged into my throat I could still feel him growing inside my mouth..

As I was running out of breath, my throat finally relaxed to a comfortable level. I slowly began to pull him out to take another breath. I could feel every ridge and bump of his shaft as I slowly withdrew it from my throat. With the pressure from my throat now gone, the slit of his cock deposited a large amount of precum onto my tongue as it slid out of my mouth. It quickly coated the inside of my mouth with a super slick sheen.

Seeing his monster for the first time since going down on him, I was now staring at a fully erect nine inch cock. My eyes opened wide as the realization that I just had that whole thing down my throat hit me. I have a thick seven inch cock and I have only had a few girlfriends who could manage it, yet here I am, never before having a cock in my mouth and now inhaling nine large inches of one.

With both of us naked, I repositioned myself on his bed in almost a sixty-nine position. My feet were towards his head and my head was towards his feet, only I did not straddle his face.

I again hefted his large member upward where I immediately dropped my face down on him. With this new angle, unlike the first time, the head of his cock and about four inches of his shaft effortlessly pushed its way into my throat as I now had my nose buried in his hairless scrotum.

I held him there as I felt for every little twitch and jump of his shaft as my throat muscles tightly massaged his dick. I again held him there until I ran out of breath and had to come up for air. This time I kept the head in my mouth and began scooping the precum from the slit with my tongue. Not only did I surprisingly enjoy the taste of his cock lube but it also coated my throat to the point that when I pushed his cock back down my throat, it slid in without any resistance at all.

With the ease of my throat being fucked, I began to slowly pump my face up and down on his hard cock. At the speed that I was bobbing, I could feel the ridge of his crown rubbing up and down the walls of my throat in great detail. I could distinctly make out the veins on his shaft as it slid over my tongue.

Laying there with nine inches of man stuffed in my face, I first had the thought of how underwhelmingly difficult this was. I mean, it didn’t slide in like a warm knife in butter, but never did I feel like I was dying or anything. Nick’s cock was massive compared to mine. So why was it that so many women couldn’t handle swallowing a dick the size of mine?. Next, I thought, if I kept doing this, would he still orgasm considering his current state? Do I even want to make him orgasm?

Until fifteen minutes ago, I would have thought you to be crazy for even suggesting that I would, at some point in the near future, be determining where or how another man empties his sack. Yet, here I am, stroking and sucking his pipe, as if milking his monster was the primary goal.

Remembering the last thing that Lisa said as she was leaving was, “if he wants a blowjob, it’ll have to be you”, and the fact that I had now been feasting on his dick for a good long minute now, I was fairly convinced that I wouldn’t have to worry about him orgasming anytime soon.

Oh how my judgment would be so wrong on this one. It had barely been a minute since the thought, and I was happily stabbing my throat on his shaft. As I was finishing on an up stroke and beginning back down, the head of Nick’s cock seemed to almost jam up as it was trying to make its way back into my throat. Without missing a beat, I used a little more force and pushed his cock through the resistance until my nose was once again buried in his scrotum.

“Dick, fat, gonna, soon, cum! Nick stuttered.

Being that the first time he woke up, I was head up and looking at him, and now, his monster cock was buried in my throat. There would be no question for who was inducing the orgasm that he drunkenly announced that he was going to have.

But was he really still asleep, or was he pretending? He said that he was going to cum, which I was expecting at some point, but not this soon. It was the “dick, fat” part that had me confused. I thought that he must still be out and having a gay wet dream.

I held for a split second before his testicles jumped at my nose. With that, I felt what could only be his nut sauce quickly racing the length of his shaft. I felt it as it first passed my lips, over my tongue and into my throat, which was stretched just a bit wider. Finally with the ballooning of the head, instant warmth as the hot ropes began coating the depths of my throat.

To say that his sudden eruption was unexpected would be an understatement. As his cock continued to release very strong pulses into my milking throat, I now returned to the question of what to do with it. Apparently, I was going to swallow it.

I have never tasted another man’s semen before and as of this second, I still hadn’t. I had made the decision to go ahead and finish him, as I was, and to let him empty into my stomach. I am sure I will get plenty of taste from the little dribble that will be left as I pull him out. That was at least the plan, until the unthinkable happened.

With his cock pumping its seed into me and my nose buried in his tight balls, something completely unexpected appeared from between his legs. Its sudden appearance coincided with a strong contraction of his orgasm. It looked as if it was glass. With the next contraction, it had shot up and almost hit me in the face.

In a reflex reaction, I pulled my head back which allowed Nick’s still spasming cock to coat the inside of mouth before falling to his belly. I turned to look at Nick’s face, and other than an almost painfully contorted look on his face, he was riding it out peacefully.

He continued to line his chest with ropes of jizz before it all settled into a pool at his sternum. I didn’t watch any of that happen as I sat there, completely weirded out by the fact that I am looking at the bottom half of a beer bottle poking out from between Nick’s leg’s.

It had been about a minute of pure bewilderment before I made any kind of movement. Finally, more out of curiosity than anything, I gently lifted his now deflated scrotum up and over only to find that, yep, Nick had a beer bottle shoved in his ass. This must have been Lisa’s “gift” that she left him.

I began to laugh out loud as I looked at the bottle, and then his ignorant face, and then the bottle again. This may also be what he was referring to when he said something about a fat dick.

As I laughed, my own hard cock was bouncing off my thigh. It was flowing with its own precum and making a slick spot on the smooth skin that my crown was sliding on. With Nick’s sperm running down my cheek, I realized how horny I now was and had thought of a way to remedy this situation. I was going to fuck his asshole.

I knew that he would probably prefer to be fully conscious if I was to give him something that he has joked about wanting for as long as I have known him. But hey, I also just blew the guy off. Neither of which he would remember beyond a fantastic wet dream anyway.

Moving around to the foot of the bed, I reached between Nick’s thighs and pushed them apart. I once again began to laugh, as I was now looking at this beer bottle that was bound up by the sheets. This was what was also keeping the neck of the bottle comfortably lodged in his anus.

Climbing up the bed, between his legs, I scooped my arms under his knees and hefted his legs upward. As I did this, the bottle broke free of its restraint, swung up and lightly grazed my balls. It was a lucky thing, but just as I lifted his legs, releasing the bottle, I had lifted one leg faster than the other. After grazing my testicles, the bottle flung from his ass, narrowly missing his head.

I should have figured as much but as I looked down at his crotch, I took note of how his ass was just as smooth as his scrotum. The picture in front of me was not unlike any of the girls that I have had in this position before, other than the flaccid cock and balls where a pussy would normally be.

Reaching out, I scooped up some of Nick’s cum from his chest, and rubbed it all over his asshole, before turning on myself and slathering my cock. Aligning the head of my cock at his inviting rose, I pushed into his ass. I quickly and effortlessly sank my shaft, balls deep without the slightest flinch from him.

That didn’t stop me though. I began slamming my cock into his embracing ass with no concern other than to get my nut. I wasn’t trying to make it last or make love, I was just wanting to get my nut. Sucking his cock was for me, and only interrupted when he unexpectedly blew his load in my throat. Fucking his ass was a different story. I’ve had, and enjoy having anal sex with women, Nick’s ass was no different.

I was pistoning my cock so hard and fast that my orgasm snuck up on me. My balls, which had been so violently slapping the crack of his ass, had now twisted up like a pretzel. This caused me to let out a primal roar as my cock began spraying hot semen deep within his bowels.

Stabbing my cock as deep as I could force it, I held it there as I felt every pulse of my nut run through my length. Apparently, my arousal was much higher than I had realized as I continued to unload, unarguably, the largest load that I have pumped out in a long time.

I looked up at Nick, and to my surprise, he was wide eyed and grinning as I filled him with my sauce. Even though I had been “caught”, I still could not cover up the contorted expression presently on my face.

“Feel’s good, doesn’t it?” Nick spoke as my jaw was frozen open.

There was nothing that I could say, but what my cock and balls were doing, said enough.

As the pumping began to weaken, Nick started to flex his sphincter around my sensitive shaft. When I again looked at him, he winked as he continued to milk my now spent dick, with his ass.

As my dick began to lose its rigidity, his clenching ass muscle forced me out. He quickly drove a hand under his ass, in preparation for the imminent flood of my white cream. It was only a moment after some minor coaxing, did his rectum let loose, sending a steady stream of my semen into his awaiting fingers.

I watched in complete awe, as I guess figuring that he had enough, pulled his fingers from below his ass, and immediately hung them over his mouth. I watched a large glob of my jizz roll from his fingers, into his mouth, with his fingers following between his lips.

He must have enjoyed it, because he swallowed the load in his mouth, before taking care to clean every finger of my seed.

With the smacking sound of his lips sucking the last finger, Nick suggested “that was tasty. Maybe next time we can switch, and I can suck you off.”

Having really no expression other than that of ecstasy and dismay since my orgasm started, it was a very sudden thing that I bursted out laughing at the idea. Of course, him sucking me off would be like me fucking his asshole, my cock wouldn’t know the difference. But, if the word “switch” also meant that he gets to do what my shriveling dick just finished doing, it is laughable to think that I would let that nine inch monster anywhere near my ass.

Being that this was Nick’s first encounter with me, and my first encounter ever, we decided to not mention anything to the girlfriends about this experience. Lisa did know, and approved of his bisexuality, but I wanted time to think about how and if I wanted to proceed down this road.

Until then, this was just a forgettable drunken frat night…


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