Prison Bitch Ch. 05


A gay sex stories: Prison Bitch Ch. 05 Dylan couldn’t stop smiling as he stood side by side with Riley for the morning call. Lockdown was over, which made everyone feel a bit restless, after spending so much time caged. Everyone but him. Riley had fucked him several times every night since that big announcement that Dylan was going to be his exclusive bitch. His body ached in many places, but none unpleasant. Cobra was a guy who liked to give it hard to the partner in his bed. Dylan knew he must have lived up to expectations when Riley offered him his smug grin as the prison guard moved past them and gave them clearance to hit the cafeteria for breakfast.

Riley’s acolytes were all there when they arrived. They immediately made room for their boss and Dylan, without giving them any suspicious glares. Right away, Sean started talking business, while Dylan paid half-attention. When was Riley going to tell them that his ass was no longer the village bicycle? Was he even going to do it? Now, that they were out of lockdown, and Riley had fucked his fill, maybe that promise was forgotten.

Dylan stared at his plate, trying to convince himself that he wasn’t going to feel depressed about it. At least, he wasn’t at the Niners’ mercy, like before, a free for all piñata to get kicked about whenever anyone felt like taking it on someone weaker than them.

That should be enough.

“Hey, are you going to eat that or what?”

Riley’s whisper, right in his ear, startled him.

“You’re a bit thin, and I need you to keep that ass,” Riley continued and put his mini jam on Dylan’s plate. “What?” he asked roughly when Dylan stared at him. “I don’t like this sweet stuff anyway.”

“You look good, Dylan,” Sean intervened with a smirk. “Real pretty this morning.”

Riley turned toward his lieutenant. “Keep that thought to yourself. Now, a little announcement for all your ears. This pretty bitch here,” he said and took Dylan by the shoulders, “he belongs to me and me only from now on.”

Sean’s face fell. “Boss, is that a joke?”

“No joke. This is how it’s going to be from now on. If any of you got ideas about touching my woman, we’re going to have a problem.”

Everyone at the table was silent. Eyes were moving from Riley to Dylan, and back to the man in charge. Dylan didn’t dare to stare, but he could tell the guys weren’t happy. Maybe it hadn’t been that good an idea. Yeah, Riley was their boss and all, but these were convicts. The word ‘loyalty’ probably meant squat to them. They could turn on Riley just like that, and then they would both be in danger. Dylan turned to say something, but Riley was so focused, looking straight at Sean, that he didn’t dare to interrupt.

Sean eventually looked away first. “All clear, boss. We won’t give you any trouble.”

“Good. Now, let’s see about that business. I’ll go talk to the warden today.”

“Moving high up,” Sean said with a smirk. “That’s good for you, boss.”

“And for the rest of your lot,” Riley replied.

Dylan held his breath until everyone was up and leaving. Was that all? Were they going to be happy with not fucking him? Dylan preferred that he wasn’t seen as some prize, but it didn’t matter what he preferred anyway.

Riley was looking at him so intensely that he had to ask. “What?”

Riley smirked at him. “Eat your fucking jelly, wuss.”

Dylan gasped in outrage. “Wuss? What’s that for?”

Riley ruffled his hair. “You were pouting and thinking that I’d let the boys have a nice long round with your ass.”

“No,” Dylan denied.

“You were totally thinking I’d ditch you. But I won’t let them put their cocks in you anymore. I promised. That’s for you, too. Don’t go wiggle your ass around. If I find you giving that boy pussy to some dude, I’ll beat the shit out of him.”

Dylan swallowed hard. “What about me?”

“Told ya. I don’t hit women, let alone my women. But I’ll tie you to the bed and give enough dick to you to last you a lifetime.”

Dylan grinned. “That’s hardly punishment, Riley. You know I love your dick.”

“Don’t try me,” Riley warned him.

A small shiver moved down his spine. There was a reason why they called the guy Cobra. He could look pretty damn menacing when he wanted. Dylan had good reason to believe that he wasn’t exactly joking. “I won’t,” he promise.

Riley smiled at him and pushed a strand of hair behind his ear, making Dylan tremble at the touch. Fuck, he was falling for this man, and that wasn’t good. Love complicated things unnecessarily. So, he moved his head away. “Let me give you back a piece of advice, boss,” he said in a strained voice. “Make sure the others don’t think you have a soft spot for me, even if you fuck me. Weakness is not a good look in a place like this. Take it from someone who knows what that means.”

“Duly noted,” Riley said and moved his hand away. “So,” he leaned closer, “should I push your head in my crotch right now to show the others I mean business with you?”

“Are you asking?” Dylan looked straight in the sinner’s blue eyes. “That’s a sign of weakness, too.”

“O’Connor, move it,” a guard warned. “And take the missus with you.”

Dylan obeyed right away, but Riley took his time, moving lazily like a big predator. The smirk he gave the guard told everything about the guy’s standing in the place. He brushed by the man, and Dylan almost missed how Riley pushed something into the man’s hand.

“Come,” Riley said and didn’t look at him to see if he was following.

Dylan hurried after him and didn’t dare to look at the guard. However, he heard the man chuckling under his breath. There was something nasty in that; something Dylan didn’t like at all.


Riley stood while the warden did his play of showing off his power by ignoring him for a couple of minutes, although he had been the one to summon him. “O’Connor,” the warden finally said and linked his hands, resting them on the desk, while taking him in with the look of someone who was used to weigh people all day long. “The mover and shaker himself.”

Riley smiled. “I wouldn’t call myself that, warden.”

“Mr. Richardson, and you can call me ‘sir’.”

Riley kept his plastic smile on, hoping he wouldn’t get a cramp in his face muscles. “Alright, sir.” He could play the deferential dog when needed. And now, he needed that this fucker didn’t cut in on his business, at least not by much.

“You’re probably wondering why I summoned you here,” the warden said and stared at Riley with his water-like eyes. No wonder the guy had chosen to work in a prison. He looked halfway dead.

“It crossed my mind.”

The warden chuckled and turned his head. “You’re running a profitable business, I hear.”

“Anything to make pass the time.”

“Oh, is that what all is about? Passing time?”

“Men do that when locked away. Passing time, that is,” Riley repeated. Now, he truly was wondering what the warden was all about. “It’s all a matter of what you do to make it pass faster.”

The warden chuckled, finding something amusing in Riley’s words. Riley wasn’t amused at all.

“It’s understandable. The practicing of your business acumen, I mean. What I don’t understand is the bitch.” Richardson turned his head brusquely and stared him in the eye.

Riley frowned. “What about him?”

“You’re a ladies’ man, O’Connor. So people say. And I heard it through the grapevine that you made the whore your missus.”

How the fuck had the warden hear about that? It couldn’t be from his guys. They had all been in lockdown, and Riley had just broken the news to them that very morning. The only explanation was that one of the guards he was paying to keep quiet had gotten a little too verbose with the big man.

“How does that work?” The warden tried to pin him down with his watery eyes. Riley couldn’t tell the man’s age. It could be 40 or 60. Richardson was caught between ages and stuck there, and not in any pretty spot.

“How does what work?” he asked.

“Don’t play the thick, O’Connor. You’re fucking pussy by the ton, and then you suddenly switch to some used man’s ass.”

Riley had a mind to tell Richardson to shove it when the sun don’t shine, but he had been in business for a long time. This guy played the enemy, and he had yet to understand why. “It is what it is, sir. I like having sex too much to settle for my own hand for weeks on end.”

“Ah, yes. You have the right to conjugals, although you’re not married to that lady that keeps on visiting you. Quite the enterprising man, I’d say.”

“You are free to cut me off them,” Riley said.

Richardson scoffed. “Of course I am free to do whatever the hell I want. You know, convicts are not allowed to fuck. The point of having your freedom taken away from you is to make you repent and develop a strong desire to be back out in the world, never to return again.”

Riley smirked. “I was wondering how there are no repeat offenders around here. They must have all learned that valuable lesson.”

The warden burst into an ugly laughter, and then stopped just as abruptly. “You’re a big shot, out in the world, O’Connor. But here, you’re not. It’s my prison.”

“Of course it is,” Riley replied.

“All the power you think you have here, it’s an illusion. I can make it go away as easy as I can snuff out the light of a candle.”

“That’s true, sir.” Riley kept his face as neutral as he could. He had expected the warden to want a nice fat cut, not whatever this was. All men wanted something. So, he had to be patient and wait to hear whatever this one wanted.

“Hmm.” The warden got off his chair and walked round the desk. He stopped and leaned against it.

Riley observed him. Under the conservative suit, he could guess the strong body. It wasn’t by whim that Richardson was letting him see that. That was a man looking for a bone to pick. Riley needed to use his cunning ways not to let himself baited into it.

“What are willing to give to maintain your business? In here?”

Finally, they were making headway.

“30?” he asked directly. 20 was the ongoing rate, Sean had assured him, but this man wanted something extra, and Riley didn’t care about haggling, especially since he wasn’t counting on the money made inside. He was rich on the outside; this was for fun and status.

Richardson waved. “You’re a rich man, O’Connor. Don’t insult me.”

“I have men under me. They need to earn their bread, sir,” Riley pointed out.

“To make it clear. I don’t want a cut.”

“You don’t?”

The warden paced the room slowly. “That club of yours. Angel’s Wish.”

Riley stared at the man. He didn’t like his move. “What about it?”

“Give up on it.”

“Give it to you, you mean?” Riley asked.

Richardson shook his head and stared Riley down. At least, he tried. Riley didn’t look away.

“You’re smarter than this, O’Connor. I’m talking about instructing your manager about selling it and making a generous donation to a charity I’m sure you’ll get behind the moment you hear about it.”

Riley had serious doubts about that. “Angel’s Wish,” he said slowly. “I’ll have to think about it, sir.”

“Your love child. Your first, right?” Richardson examined him carefully.

“It looks like you did your homework, sir.”

“I never leave things to chance. Don’t take too much time with your thinking, O’Connor.”

“Duly noted, sir.”

“And here’s an extra piece of advice. Get rid of the little whore.”

Riley remained impassive, but he was starting to get pretty pissed on the inside. “Why would I do that?”

“Because he makes you look weak,” the warden said. “Consider it a friendly warning.”

“From you? It sounds to me more like a threat.”

The warden quirked an eyebrow. “I’m not threatening you, convict. The others are going to notice. They’ll go for your underbelly, be sure of that. If the little whore is your underbelly, that is.”

Dylan had practically warned him of the same thing. But Riley was starting to get pretty riled up of all that shit. No one told him who to fuck. “I’ll keep it in mind, sir,” he lied through his teeth.

Richardson nodded. “I think you’re a man worthy of doing business with. Don’t let pussy make you blind to what’s important. Especially since it’s not even real pussy. You know that, don’t you, son?”

“I think I can tell the difference,” Riley replied. “Let that be my worry, sir.”

“Well, as long as you know it,” Richardson said with an ugly smile. “And think fast. It’s for charity.”

Riley didn’t think there was anything charitable in that fucking douchebag. There was no way he’d sell Angel’s Wish. It wasn’t his biggest earner anymore, but it had sentimental value, for fuck’s sake.


Dylan felt eyes on him. It had become a special sense for him since he had understood he was in a place full of predators, and he was the prey. He hung close to Sean and the others, while waiting for Riley, but he didn’t know how to interact with them.

“The fuck did you do to get the boss to turn you into his little princess?” one guy asked him directly.

Sean gave the guy a dirty look but said nothing. He was working his jaw and looked pissed, too.

“I didn’t do anything,” Dylan said defensively.

“Bullshit,” the guy said again. “You did some of that porn stuff of yours. Cobra doesn’t fuck dudes.”

“He’s not fucking me. He just doesn’t want people to mess with me, is all,” Dylan hurried to say.

The guys exchanged knowing looks between them. Sean continued to stay silent.

“The entire prison heard you two fucking through the lockdown like fucking rabbits,” the same guy continued.

There was no way that was true. They had been careful, right?

“Giving everyone a fucking huge hard-on. Are you guys okay with it? We all want to fuck this bitch,” the convict said. “And that was the deal. Riley said–”

“That’s boss for you, not Riley,” Sean finally intervened. “If he wants to fuck, he fucks. If he wants us not to mess with what’s his, we do it.”

“Or else?” the other challenged him.

Sean got to his feet and towered over the guy. “Do you like keeping those pockets nicely lined up, eh? ‘Cause without Cobra, we’re back to playing errand boys for everyone else. Lower than Fag Army, that’s what we are without him.”

“No shit. Does he give you his bitch to fuck? Is that it, Sean?”

That was enough for Sean to grab the man by the collar and make him fly over a couple of chairs, while everyone moved out of the way. “Stay down if you don’t want to piss me off more,” Sean warned the guy. The other got the message because he held his mouth shut and didn’t get up from the floor, either.

They all began spreading, each one heading to their working places. Dylan hurried after Sean. “Thanks, man, for standing up for me.”

“I didn’t do it for you,” Sean said, barely putting the words through his teeth.

“Alright. Whatever you say.” Dylan didn’t care about looking a gift horse in the mouth.

“What did you do to the boss, anyway?” Sean asked.

“Nothing,” Dylan replied.

They were alone on that hallway, and Dylan became aware of how close and in his face Sean was. “That pussy of yours, huh? You gave him plenty of that. The guards are talking.”

“They’re blowing things out of proportions. Cobra fucks women,” Dylan said.

Sean shook his head. “You’re a fucking doll, not a man. That’s the problem. You spread your legs, and guys go nuts.”

“That’s bullshit,” Dylan protested.

Sean moved closer, his hot breath on Dylan’s face. “I fucked you, princess. I know well your ass is fucking it. I just don’t know how you got the boss into this mess. ‘Cause they’re going to think they can hurt him through you.”

“You’re thinking kind of little of your boss, Sean,” Dylan said and set his chin high.

Sean was close enough to kiss him.

“He’s used to fucking every night, and conjugals aren’t enough,” he continued. “That’s why he’s using me. But that’s all. He doesn’t want you to fuck me, because he worries I’d get loose. Do you even have any idea how much like a woman I have to act for him to fuck me?” He was talking fast, hoping to convince Sean. “Yeah, he only fucks me from behind, and I have to moan and speak like his fucking precious Lola.”

Sean pushed away from him, finally. “Is that how it is? Him missing that Lola chick, with her big melons?”

Dylan nodded. “Yeah, obviously. And I can’t give him tits. You have no idea how pissed he is. He could give you all hell if I don’t put out properly and the way he wants it. Trust me, I’d take you and the gang fucking me any day over what he does to me.”

Sean grinned. “What? He’s like fucking kinky or something?”

Dylan rolled his eyes. “You have no idea.”

“Dylan,” someone called out for him.

Sean took a step back. “Boss,” he said and stood up straight, military-style.

Riley came over. “All good here?”

“Yeah,” Sean replied. “What did the warden want?”

“A big steaming pile of shit,” Riley replied.

“It might be hard to get it for him, but we’ll try,” Sean said.

Riley grinned and patted his lieutenant on the back. “That’s what I call a positive attitude. Don’t tell the others anything. I’ll work something out. The warden is not a problem.”

Sean saluted and walked away. Dylan felt relieved until he saw Riley’s face close to his. “What?” he stammered.

“The fuck he wanted, all in your face like that? Wanted to kiss you or something?”

Dylan huffed. “Seriously? No one wants to kiss a dude in this place.”

“I do,” Riley said and winked at him.

“We’re supposed to go to work,” Dylan reminded him.

“I don’t think so.”

Dylan didn’t say a thing as Riley grabbed his hand and pulled him along.


The cramped janitor’s room was barely adequate for what he had in mind, but Riley was too pissed to care about details. No one told him who to fuck. Dylan looked at him with his big green eyes and didn’t protest as he was pushed to his knees. Riley was rough as he pushed his cock down the guy’s throat, making him moan and choke.

He could take it. He was a high class bitch, and Riley fucking liked to give it to him. No douchebag warden could tell him what to do, let alone who to fuck. “Make it real wet, sweetie,” he told Dylan. “I have a deposit to make in your ass.”

Dylan got harder at work. Riley was so hard he could split rocks with his cock. Dylan was fast to push down his pants and present his ass. Riley spit in his hand and soon he was in. Dylan’s ass was hot and throbbing around his cock like it had a life of its own. That was some serious pussy he was fucking there, even if it was a guy’s pussy.

He groaned as he bottomed inside Dylan’s ass. “It’s going to be a little fast and furious this time, darling. Hope you can live with it.”

Dylan’s only response was to pull at his ass cheeks and get even more of Riley’s cock inside him. Fuck, that was good. Riley grabbed him by the hips and began hammering his ass. Fuck the warden. Fuck the gang. Fuck the whole prison.

There was only one Riley wanted to fuck right now. And boy, he knew how to present nicely, moan and beg to be fucked harder and faster. Even if he was playacting, it was good playacting. Riley groaned louder and pushed one final time.

The sight of his own cum pouring out was just so fucking lovely. Dylan had red finger marks on his hips and he staggered as he pulled his pants up. Riley noticed the wince and then the erection when the guy turned. He grabbed Dylan by his cock and began rubbing it fast.

“Riley,” Dylan breathed out.

“Hush, just let it all out,” Riley replied.

Dylan grabbed him by the shoulders and began keening softly until he cursed as he came all over Riley’s hand.

“All good?” Riley asked. “Does your ass hurt?”

Dylan kissed his cheek. “Yeah, but I don’t care.”

Riley grabbed him by the hair at the back of his head and rubbed his lips against Dylan’s mouth. “Very good. Now, we should get to work.”

He looked around once they were back in the hallway. No soul in sight. Good. Now, that his balls were empty, he could think of the problem presented by the warden.

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