Danny Darling Ch. 04

I became light-headed; my prick began to stir inside my drenched panties.

The position I was in enabled Danny to stroke my bare shoulders and back. His hand felt wonderful. When he began rubbing my panty-encased buttocks, I moaned.

I lost all track of time. I lay there with his penis in my mouth, inhaling his intoxicating aroma, and loving the sensations of his hand massaging my buttocks. My mind was floating in the clouds; my prick was hard as a rock.

For the first time, I was no longer scared, or even concerned about obeying him over the weekend.

“Sweetie,” he said with a chuckle. “We’re home.”

“Huh? Oh…okay…” I said dreamily.

Somewhere in my head I knew he had parked the car and shut-off the engine, but I didn’t want to move from my position.

I allowed his now semi-erect penis to slip from my mouth, but not before I licked the pre-cum from his slit. I hesitated before I sat upright. I fought the urge to kiss, lick and fondle him to a full erection.

Danny leaned over the seat, retrieved my bathrobe and gave it to me.

“We’ll leave your clothes in the car for now,” he said. “Here, put this on.”

He fixed his clothing, and as he opened the car door he said, “Bring your panties.”

I cinched the robe tight, grabbed the paper bag and climbed out of the car. I awakened from my reverie. All my old fears and hang-ups returned.

Oh my God, I thought. I’m walking from the parking lot to the building in bare feet and wearing a bathrobe! What will people think if they see me?

To my relief, Danny was a fast walker; I could barely keep up with him.

So far—so good, I told myself when Danny opened the door of the building. We’re going to make it without being seen by anyone!

I was grateful he lived on the first floor. I followed closely behind him.

We’re almost there! I thought.

Suddenly, my heart sunk and the hairs on the back of my neck stood straight. The unmistakable sound of a door opening jarred my senses then ten-feet before us Jennifer and her roommate stepped into the hallway.

Danny and I had to stop so as not to walk into them. I began to tremble as my face burned red.

Jennifer’s roommate Katy saw Danny, took a long glance at me then turned back to Danny and smiled.

“Hi boys,” she said. “Jen-Jen and I are going to a party-care to join us?”

Danny smiled and said, “No, thanks, we have our own plans…perhaps we can get together in the near future?”

“Ooooo, that would be oodles of fun!” she cried out.

My focus was on Jennifer, waiting for her to make a sarcastic comment about my bath robe; she didn’t say a word-she took one furtive glance at me and the bag I was carrying then lowered her eyes. Her face was as red as mine.

What the hell is she wearing? I wondered. Her dress was as short as I’ve ever seen a dress; I couldn’t help but picture her wearing those sexy panties from the other night.

Oh my-what kind of necklace is that she has on? Very strange! Good God-it looks like a dog collar!

“Have fun!” Danny said to Katy.

Katy stopped beside me and stared down at my face. A chill ran up my spine; I’d always thought her to be a little scary. She placed two fingers on my cheek then slowly ran them down to my chin.

I guess it was the first time I’d really looked at her closely, because now I could clearly see she was at least ten-fifteen years older than Jennifer.

“Ohhh, Johnny, that’s a good look for you!” she said then winked at Danny.

What did she mean by that? I wondered, and instantly remembered how disheveled my hair had become in the car.

“Enjoy your long weekend, boys!” she called out.

When she turned from me to leave, I could have sworn she told Jennifer, “Let’s go, bitch!”

There was something unsettling about the way Jennifer’s roommate had acted in the hallway, but I didn’t have much time to dwell upon it.

“Hang your robe on the first hook,” Danny said the moment his door closed behind us.

I saw where he’d pointed and was mildly surprised I hadn’t noticed before the row of hooks on the wall beside the front door.

Once I’d hung the robe, I turned to face him. His eyes were intently staring at me. I became self-conscious and blushed-it was the first time anyone had ever seen me wearing nothing but panties.

My prick began acting-up again and I moved my hands in front of me to shield it from his intense scrutiny of my body.

“Move your arms to the side-never cover yourself like that!” he said.

Oh my God, this is embarrassing! Is that a smile or smirk on his face?

“I wasn’t sure before, but now I am…” he said.

I had no idea what he was talking about.

“I generally find the sight of pretty boys wearing women’s things ridiculous, but on you, they seem natural-you don’t look silly, at all…they enhance your beauty, not take away from it…yes, from now on you will be wearing panties!”

I didn’t know if he’d just complimented, or insulted me, and who the hell is he to tell me what I’ll be wearing?

He led me by the hand to a large mirror on one side of the living room. He positioned me so I was facing it. He stood close behind me, his hands reached around and caressed and stroked my chest; he paid special attention to my breasts and nipples.

When my nipples became erect, he began fondling my panty-encased buttocks. Soon my prick was tenting-out the sheer material of my still-damp panties.

“Look at yourself,” he said softly. “You’re the prettiest boy I’ve ever seen…take pride in your appearance-relax and accept who you are…”

I watched in the mirror as he undressed. My heart pounded; a slight thrill ran thru me when his naked, hard cock sprang from his shorts and bobbed before him.

He stood behind me again, pulling me close to him. He pressed his cock against my panties. He moved it up-and-down the crack of my ass.

“Look at how pretty you are…” he whispered in my ear.

I stared at myself in the mirror. I didn’t know what he was talking about-it was just me I was looking at. Something on my cheek caught my attention.

What is that? I wondered. It appeared to be white flakes, hardly noticeable but definitely there.

Oh no, I thought. That’s dried cum. Danny’s semen had dried on my face.

OH MY GOD!! That must have been what Jennifer’s roommate, Katy, was referring to when she said, “…that’s a good look for you!”

SHE KNEW-SHE KNEW I HAD DANNY’S CUM ON MY FACE!! Oh my God…the shame of it all!

Danny positioned us so we were facing each other, our sides to the mirror. As he kissed me, I felt the fingers of his hands take the waistband of my panties and push them off my hips. They fell to the floor.

His hand found my prick and he drew me to him in such a way as to enable him to hold both his cock and my prick together. He rubbed our erections together. I’d never experienced such an exquisite sensation in my life. I moaned into his mouth.

He broke our kiss and smiled down at me.

“Sweetie,” he said, “…get on your knees.”

He saw me blush and flinch.

He added: “Yes, in private I will say many crude things to you-get used to it…”

He kissed me. It was a short kiss, but I felt his passion. Then he whispered in my ear.

“Before the weekend is over, kneeling between my legs will be as natural to you as breathing…do it for me now, Sweetie-get on your knees and suck my cock!”

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