Dumb Jock Roommate Ch. 07 by SluttyNaughtyJock

“He is studying at the library and asked us to meet him in front of it, buddy. It’s on the way to the pizza parlor, so he will meet us there as soon as we leave. Go catch your shower” Jon said with a slap on one of my cheeks from him, and I jumped my way to the locker rooms.


After my shower, I got ready quickly and met the guys outside the pool, where we took off by foot to the library to get Adam. We were talking excitedly about some new fantasy TV show we were all watching, with me trying my best to steer the conversation away from anything football-related, so the boys wouldn’t get even more tense and stressed.

I was succeeding so far. I was a little worried that adding another member of the football team, their captain at that, would maybe disturb the careful conversation dynamic I had put in place, so I had a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach about bringing this Adam guy with us.

“Hey, Adam! We’re here, bro!” Jon shouted, waving his arms excitedly at a figure in the distance.

And then I saw him.

I was surrounded by maybe the four hottest, most hung, most muscular jocks in a university that seemed filled with hot studs. On top of that, coincidentally or not, said hot studs all seemed to have the same degree of dumbness and talent for getting into accidental erotic situations, but even with that taken into consideration, it did not prep me for meeting him.

When I looked at Adam for the first time, the only thing I could think of was that I had never, ever met a more beautiful man in my entire life, and again, that was saying something given the company I had, since all the guys seemed to have stepped straight out of an Abercrombie & Fitch catalog, including myself. Even still, my mind was screaming with questions “How can anyone be this painfully beautiful?”

The guy approaching us was tall, a little more than Jon but less than Hyo-un, and rivaled Teddy in the muscle department, and that was also saying something. He had a black tee that spectacularly hugged his lean, muscular form, and one could almost see the shape of his eight-pack through it. His chest was large and perfectly proportionate, his big nipples stiff and very visible. His shoulders were incredibly developed and continued into deliciously muscular arms, smooth and veiny, the blue risks of his veins against his white skin an ode itself to the gods of fitness. But what shook me to the core was his face and the dazzling smile he sported after he noticed Jon waving at him, which stayed on his face and widened as he approached us.

As he got closer, I could see his face in more detail – his smooth, sharp jaw that looked like it could cut glass, and yes, again, that smile – so masculine and boyish at once, as if he had stopped in time. He had dimples – and I have always been a sucker for dimples – with thick, black eyebrows that framed a pair of sapphire eyes. His hunter eyes were strikingly blue but had a pink tint that sometimes made you think they were purple, giving him an ethereal beauty.

His hair was dark like a crow’s plumage, thick and wavy, dropping over his forehead on each side of his face in a classic way. He would bring his hand up to his head and push his hair back down to his nape, only for his thick curls to fall back again to frame his face even more beautifully than before. He screamed bad boy.

My hole clenched immediately, my knees weakened, and I suddenly was afraid I wouldn’t be able to utter a word to this guy – I had never lost my voice to a man in my entire life. Never. The situation got even worse for me when he finally reached us, going to Jon first to give him a bro hug, and then I noticed his thick, muscular legs in a pair of light blue jeans, with a seriously packed bulge in front. Fuck, could this guy get any more perfect?

“Hey, man! Did we make you wait too long?” Jon asked as he patted Adam on his back.

“If you made me wait one more minute I would’ve eaten that tree, Jonny,” Adam said in a teasing tone. “Nah, I just got here. I had some studying to do so I figured I’d go to the library and try to get my mind off the game tomorrow” he said, brushing his hair back once more with his right hand. The motion of his arm made his tee shirt rise on his torso, exposing a great expanse of perfect, rock-hard abs for what felt like ages. I was transfixed.

“Dude, we all know how hard you worked to get the team where we are now, so don’t worry. Now let’s stuff our faces with pizza and maybe dance with some girls” Teddy said as he approached Adam and gave him a bro-ish handshake, followed by Axel and Hyo-un, all of them giggling about some stupid joke I didn’t pay attention to because I couldn’t take my eyes off Adam.

“Theo, Theo! I SAID, this is Adam, bro, our team captain!” I suddenly blinked and came back to myself, just to find Jon introducing Adam to me.

“Hey, Theo, nice to see you. Jon can’t shut his trap about you” Adam said and suddenly he took my entire view, smiling right in front of me so warmly I felt like I would start letting steam out of my pores. But there was something else there, underneath his almost purple eyes – some hint of mischief, maybe? I couldn’t be sure, but I needed to sort myself out, or otherwise, I would look like an idiot in front of my jock friends.

“Oh, hey, Adam, nice to see you too,” I said, going for his outstretched hand. His handshake was firm, as anyone could expect from a guy as jacked as him, and I shivered when he disentangled his fingers from mine – was that his middle finger lingering on my palm and pressing against it as we ended the handshake? I felt a small shiver on my spine, my hole spasming again, but I quickly dismissed it. It must’ve been just my imagination. “I hope Jonny here isn’t saying I’m an awful roommate to the football team, ’cause I wouldn’t want to get jumped by you brutes tomorrow at the game” I attempted to joke, still a little shaken by Adam’s presence.

Adam resumed his step by my side, laughing warmly and smiling while turning his face to me. “Oh, he would never. Only… good things, for sure” he said in an enigmatic tone, and his pause made me pause too, the grin spreading on his face. “You’re his ‘smart friend’, as he says”, he added, noticing my confused expression, but his tone had a strange teasing undercurrent that I couldn’t immediately figure out. Fortunately, Jon jumped in fast, oblivious to our interaction.

“Are you kidding, bro? Theo is not only the best roommate and friend a jock could ask for, I don’t think I would’ve survived college without him! He is the smartest and sweetest guy I know! I’m learning new stuff from him every day” Jon said as he wrapped one muscular arm around my shoulders, bringing me close to him.

“Yeah, what would us dumb jocks do if it weren’t for our book-smart friends? I tell you, man, I’ve been for two hours in that library today and I couldn’t tell you what I had learned there to save my life” Adam said, him and Jon laughing about how bad they were at their studies. I sighed, feeling something akin to relief as I absorbed the fact that Adam was just like my boys: a dumb jock. This made him a little less threatening, I thought. A dumb jock was something I could manage, no matter how perfect he was.

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