Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 6 Re-Issued by gregorthegrant

Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 6 Re-Issued by gregorthegrant

Explore the excitement of 'Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 6' by gregorthegrant—a steamy gay erotic story that pushes boundaries and ignites passion. Join the adventure as family dynamics take an unexpected turn on a sun-soaked beach. Perfect for lovers of provocative storytelling and sizzling encounters!<br/>

continuing story about Geg and his wife Sandra

Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 6. Re-Issued xnxx by gregorthegrant

True Story, Cheating

Author’s infos

Gender: male Age: N/A Location: N/A

Continuation of Family Beach Party Turned X Rated

Please read Parts 1-5 before reading this part

Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 6. Re-Issued by [email protected]

I went to the washroom and took my usual morning shit. I looked in the toilet bowl and saw the usual thick white globs of white shit. I wiped my ass and went to the sink and washed my hands. I looked in the mirror at my face and took the shaving cream out and pumped it out and put it on my face. I had the usual salty taste in my mouth. I examined my face in the mirror and noticed how red my bottom lip was. My bottom lip was always red in the morning for some reason. I finished shaving rinsed my face clean and went back in the bedroom and got dressed in jean shorts, T-shirt and sandals.

“Good morning Sandra, Matt, Chuck. How did everyone sleep?” I asked walking in the kitchen.

“Good morning dad, I slept like a log dad.” Chuck answered.

“I had a great sleep.” Steve answered. Thank you Mr. Thomas for letting me go hiking with you and your family and letting me spend the night.”

“Yes, Mr. Thomas, thank you for the great hike, barbeque and spending the night.” Len answered.

“I slept good dad.” Matt also answered.

“You were asleep as soon as your head was on the pillow honey but I had trouble getting to sleep. You must have had some strange dreams. You did a lot of talking in your sleep but I couldn’t understand what you were saying. That’s all I remember. I must have fallen asleep a little while later. The next thing I remember was waking up this morning.” Sandra answered and smiled.

“I am glad Steve and your brother Len enjoyed the hike yesterday and spending the night but please call me Greg.” I said. “I’ll drop you both off in town on our way home boys. I want to get on the road as soon as possible it’s a long drive home and I have a lot of work I want to catch up on tomorrow. Is everyone packed up ready to go?” I asked.

“Yes dad.” Chuck and Len said the same time.

“I’m all packed. I didn’t bring very much because the cabin had everything we needed. I just brought our clothes and they are packed. I have the suit cases by the side door ready to taken to the car.” Sandra said.

The six of us ate breakfast talking about how we enjoyed our hiking the day before. Chuck and Len helped me pack the car. We all got in the car and I drove into town and asked Steve and his brother Len where I should let them off. They told me in front of the general store would be the best place.

It was a good eight hour drive home. I didn’t have to drive the entire way thank goodness Sandra, Matt and Chuck each drove part of the way. As soon as we got home Sandra told me she had to call someone and for me to relax in the living room and she would bring in my hot chocolate as soon as she was off the phone. She told me she wouldn’t be very long. Chuck and Matt went to their rooms. They told me they wanted to call their friends to plan for tomorrow. I had put in three different phone lines my sons had their own phone lines in their room and Sandra and I had a separate phone lines in the den. I went in the living room and sat in my favorite chair. I knew tomorrow would be hectic because I had a meeting scheduled first thing in the morning.

I told the boys I probably wouldn’t see them until the next day because they would probably still be sleeping when I left for work. It was summer break so the boys had no reason to get up early. I knew they both had jobs at the gym cleaning up but they didn’t start work until around ten in the morning.

I picked up the TV remote and turned it on to watch the late night news. I thought it would be something to do while I waited for Sandra to finish her phone calls. I watched the national news, the weather when Sandra walked in the living room. “Here’s your hot chocolate dear. It’s not as strong as usual because I’m almost out of secret recipe that helps you sleep. I’m going to buy more tomorrow Greg.” Sandra said putting it on the table beside my chair. She sat down on the couch across from me.

She said. “I hope it will be enough to put me to sleep. I always have trouble falling asleep after a trip. I know most people get tired after driving all day but it’s the opposite with me. I hope the hot chocolate will be strong enough to put me to sleep because I have an early appointment in the morning.” I said taking a sip of the hot chocolate Sandra had put on the table beside my chair.

“I see you’re watching the sports scores Greg. How did our team do today? Our team played an out of town game so I wouldn’t have been able to go to the game. I only get free tickets when our sports teams play home games.” Sandra answered.

“The sports news announced our team lost the game. I guess the football players are going to be upset about the losing.” I said.

“You’re right about that Greg. I have seen the players stomping off the field after they have lost a game. They sure looked angry.” Sandra answered. “I see it was an early game in New York so they’ll be back in town and will probably need consoling.”

“Yes I guess they’ll be back home by now. I have heard rumors’ about our team players. The rumors I’ve heard our team players behave differently than the players in other cities especially after home games. I heard our city team players stay out all night after their games and no one knows where they go. I heard they always show up for practice a couple days after the game. I’ve even heard sometimes our team players have disappeared as soon as they get off the plane when they have returned from out of city games. They only show up days later at practice. I have heard even their wives don’t even know where they go. The wives I heard say they are glad their husbands don’t come home after they lose a game because they are so angry and aggressive. So they are actually happy they don’t come home.”

I took another sip of my hot chocolate and put the cup on the table beside me. I never understood football but Sandra liked football. I don’t know how she did it but she got free tickets to our football home games. She also gets free basketball home games, home soccer games, baseball home games and hockey games. She really supports our teams. She never told me how she manages to get home team tickets. The tickets must cost a mint, especially the NHL hockey games. She never offers to tell me how she gets the tickets so I never ask. She’s upset because the NHL is on strike. “The players of our team I’ve heard disappear for days. Not even the players’ wives know where they go so I’ve heard.” If our team players are disappearing it hasn’t been leaked to the press. That’s why I think what I’ve heard is a bunch of crap. Sorry dear for saying that word. I can’t think of another word to describe how stupid the rumors.

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