Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 6 Re-Issued by gregorthegrant

That’s when I realized I had a couple of pillows under my stomach and I was on my hands and knees also. I felt some ones big hand on each of my ass cheeks and his big cock pushing into me hard. His big balls slapped my own balls. “Pay attention faggot.” I heard and realized my head was being held two big hands and a big white cock head was in my mouth. “Fuck this fag is waking up. Damn I’m surprised at least a dozen of us fucked his ass and mouth while he was out cold. Damn you did give him strong knock out medication slut.”

I didn’t hear Sandra answer him I only heard her moaning loudly. The guy who had his cock head in my mouth while I was on my hands and knees rammed his long thick cock down my throat and once more everything went black as he held his big cock down my throat. I felt I had blacked out again falling even deeper into sleep.

I have no idea how long I was sound asleep this time but when I half woke up I saw the big black and white men getting dressed in their football gear. Sandra was on her back again with her legs spread as yet another black guy rammed his big cock in her pussy. I was amazed she was covered in thick white stuff that looked like the shit I took every morning. Behind Sandra a big, muscular white man was pushing his thick long cock down her throat. It was so big I could see the outline of his cock in her neck.

“Fuck I needed this you fucking homo bitch.” That’s when I realized my legs were once more over my head and a big black man was leaning over my face with his big cock deep in my ass. I also saw a white muscular man holding my head and pushing his cock deep into my mouth. He rammed it down my throat holding my head in both his big hands. He kept his cock buried down my throat with his big balls pressing against my nose and I felt my head going into blackness again.

I have no idea how long I was in deep sleep this time. I felt myself in a dream again. Then realized I had finally woken up. I pushed aching body on my elbows and looked around the room. I was lying on the bare mattresses. My bowels felt stuffed with shit. I had to go real bad. Also my throat felt clogged up, my lips puffy, my asshole puffy and sore. Even my nose felt sore. For some reason I felt like I had eaten a huge meal. My stomach felt full.

However it wasn’t anything unusual. I had felt like this many times since Sandra and I got married. Sandra wasn’t beside me. She must have pulled the sheets off and under me when I was asleep. “Good morning dear.” Sandra said as she entered from the bathroom with her long white terry cloth house coat wrapped around her. She looked fresh ready to start a new day. She must have just come from the shower. “Get up sleepy head. You did a lot of tossing and turning all night. Did you have those strange dreams again? I always notice when I am running low and have to use less of the secret ingredient you have weird dreams.”

“Yes, your right about that Sandra. I did have weird dreams.” I said sitting up and putting my legs over the side of the bed. I felt like my body had been scrubbed while I was asleep. My body was slightly red.

“You did a lot of moving around in your sleep causing the sheet to rub over you. You’re all red from the irritation of the sheet. You better get a move on and take your shower. You said you had an early morning appointment. “Sandra said walking toward the bedroom closet.

I went to the washroom. My bowels felt fuller than they had when I had been at the cabin. I kept grunting and pooping and pooping. Finally I thought I had pooped out as much as I could for then. I knew I’d have to poop again later in the day. I went to the mirror and noticed how red my nose was and my lips puffy. I swirled my tongue around my mouth. It had that familiar taste every morning since my wedding night with Sandra. I had to admit I liked the taste and licked my lips. Even my lips tasted like the inside of my mouth. Reluctantly I brushed my teeth gargled, shaved and took a quick shower. I went back to the bedroom. Sandra had already dressed and gone down the hall to the kitchen. I put on a pair of dress pants and light blue shirt. I was ready for my day and all the meetings I had planned.

End of Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 6. Re-Issued

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