Dumb Jock Roommate Ch. 07 by SluttyNaughtyJock


The pizza parlor I had chosen for us to go to was a fifteen-minute walk from campus, and it was famous around town for being a sort of pizza joint, bar, and clubhouse at the same time. The place had an 80s pop vibe that I liked, with a dark ambiance lit by neon lights everywhere. It was a favorite among college kids wanting to eat something and party, as there was a large dance floor on the other side of the hall where the tables were, and the dance floor was always packed with students having a good time.

I planned to not only have some pizza with the boys but to also take them over to the dance floor after, so we would blow off some steam and they could keep their minds away from the game. Since they needed to be well rested the day after, I had settled on a 9 pm curfew and no alcohol – which earned me annoyed and pouting faces from Teddy and Axel and an approving thumbs up from Hyo-un, who looked at me with a huge smile framing his handsome, K-pop star face.

We ended up in one of the more distant booths, right beside the dark dance floor. I was sitting with Hyo-un on one side and Adam on the other, and it only took us sitting down for those five huge jocks to start talking about their gym routines, weight lifting, and daily protein intake. As an athlete myself, I was more than used to that kind of conversation, but what I was not used to was how much these five straight jocks were touching each other as they talked.

Hands were going to shoulders and arms, to pecs and abs, as these super macho, dumb jocks competed to see which one of them had the biggest muscle, the stronger arm or the most define tricep, leaving me gagged as I watched the scene in front of me. From the looks of it, it seemed as if this was an ongoing conversation for them as if they came to the same subject every time and never got to settle on who had the most muscle or the best body. It was the same thing as with the competition to see who had the biggest dick.

I sat there in fascination as Teddy had one arm over Jon’s shoulders, feeling his pecs with his other hand, which Jon was proudly flexing as Teddy presented it like it was a show to our table, laughing; Hyo-un was flexing an enormous bicep that seemed as large as my face as Axel groped it and said it felt pudgy, earning him a “fuck off” and a laugh from Hyon-un.

Adam lifted Teddy’s green tee shirt to the big jock’s neck, exposing Teddy’s entire ripped torso to the room, his massive, lean pecs curving over his washboard abs and his large pink nipples becoming stiffer from exposure. Adam’s other hand was tracing every ridge of Teddy’s abs and congratulating him on his insane muscular torso.

I was at the same time fascinated and anxious, feeling my stomach churn, my hole tingle, and my cock lengthening quickly up in my pants at the amazing scene unfolding in front of my eyes. Was this really how super straight, super macho jocks spent their time together? They must be so confident in their sexualities that they think it’s fine to feel their bro’s up like this and admire their hard-earned bodies.

Their play started to get even more rowdy, their laughter and voices becoming louder, but we were in a distant booth in a darker area of the pizza parlor, and the place was filled with students having fun and being loud, many of them groups of rowdy jocks like us so we remained unnoticed.

It didn’t take long for me to gasp at what they were doing: Jon, Teddy, and Adam all took their tee shirts off so they could flex and show off as if they were professional bodybuilders, while Axel opened all the buttons of the flowery shirt he was wearing, revealing his amazing physique and golden, tanned torso. Only Hyo-un and I were modest enough to keep our shirts on. Hyo-un was blushing a little, although he was keeping up fine with the banter from the other jocks.

Firstly I was worried that the jocks taking off their shirts was going to be a problem, but a quick look around the club showed me that jocks going rowdy and taking their shirts off was far from being a problem here: there were lots of sexy jocks shirtless on the dance floor, and some even had their shirts off while sitting at their booths having a drink and eating something after a dance session, so I chilled.

We ordered and just before the food came Adam started doing something that made my body heat up in my seat: he started to feel his awesome body up, almost as if he was pleasuring himself sexually. Worst of all was that he started paying attention to me once he noticed I wasn’t participating in the conversation about who was the most jacked on the table, only admiring them, so he made a point of including me at each talking point and turning his perfect smile and eyes towards me as he asked me something or questioned my input.

That’s when I found out how friendly and nice Adam was, making me genuinely start to like him, not only for his perfect looks. He was incredibly chatty, engaging, and attentive, asking me questions about my life and my interests, which was nice. He was a charismatic guy, which explained his position as captain of the football team.

I noticed that Adam’s outgoing nature and natural charm had also a strong dose of cockiness and arrogance, but not in a douchey way – he never diminished anyone nor made cruel remarks, but made jokes that included everyone in on the laugh and left plenty of space for some nice back and forth and healthy banter. I started to relax and let loose as I engaged more and more with him, but as he started to touch and grope himself in front of everyone, I became nervous – and horny – again.

Adam’s body was awesome: so muscular and lean that I had to remember every 2 seconds not to lower my head and just suck on his dime-sized nipples, a nice tan over his white skin that was the hallmark of a boy that spent a lot of time in the sun doing athletic activities. His large, hard pecs were perfectly defined and leaned down to a cobblestone abdomen, almost entirely smooth like his pecs but with a light dusting of soft, dark hair at the beginning of his navel.

He had a deep-cut v-line that made me want to get down on my knees and worship him, and both his shoulders and arms were very well-developed, adding to his strong, masculine appearance. His arms were not only big and defined but veiny too, making me want to map all of those protruding veins with my tongue.

He was just fucking delicious and my eyes were going up and down following his hands as they traced those ridges and curves, only to stop at a stiff nipple, which Adam would feel up, twist, and turn with his long fingers, almost as if he was priming his own jacked body for fucking. He was doing this as he looked at me and asked me questions or answered mine, but nothing in his eyes made it seem that he knew the effect he was having on me.

Fortunately, the pizza came before I could come in my pants as Adam touched himself, which was a relief. That gave me enough pause to concentrate again on the conversation with Adam, and I learned a little about him: he came from a wealthy town, only his hometown was in western Pennsylvania; he had three older sisters and both his parents came from generations of farmers.

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