Dumb Jock Roommate Ch. 07 by SluttyNaughtyJock

His family seemed well off financially and the fact he had older sisters, two of which were fierce sharks who loved farm work and wanted to take upon the family business, cleared Adam from any paternal expectations for his future and left him free to pursue his passion, football.

Their similar backgrounds had made Adam bond quicker and more deeply with Jon, while their cocky, alpha personalities made him and Teddy great friends as well, even though Teddy came from a very different world from theirs, more like mine – we were both from very affluent families, but mine was from New York and Teddy’s was from California.

As we were eating, Adam asked Hyo-un about a video the Korean jock had promised to show him, which made Hyo-un’s eyes bulge in recognition, but he was on the precipice of starting a disgusting competition with Axel on who could stuff the largest amount of pizza in their mouths at once.

Hyo-un’s hands were holding a huge slice of pizza as they prepared to start, so he elbowed me and asked me to take his phone from his pocket and give it to Adam so he could check out the video he had saved on his Instagram. Since Hyo-un was right by my side and I was still eating (politely, I may say), I didn’t bother to look down and just lowered my right hand towards Hyo-un’s leg, and started feeling him up around his pocket for his phone.

For a while, I only felt the hard muscle on Hyo-un’s thick leg, and then, A-HA, there was his phone! Once I felt it, I groped his large phone with my entire hand and started pushing it upwards so it would pop out of the opening of his jeans pocket, but for whatever reason, the phone wasn’t moving.

The phone’s bulge felt incredibly warm, and it sort of had a weird, cylindrical shape – at the same time thick and long, but some parts of it were strangely soft. I kept groping it and squeezing it harder and harder with my hand, trying to push it upwards and fish it out of his pocket, but this big-ass phone was fucking resisting me. No, it was getting warmer as I groped and squeezed it, and – no, what the hell? Hyo-un’s phone was getting bigger. How is that possible…

Oh, oh.

I felt instantly mortified, but at the same time, a torrent of lust spread all over my body as I contemplated what was happening. The thought of it only made me grope the bulge harder and feel all of its details on my fingers – it was not soft anymore but getting harder than steel as it grew to massive proportions.

Once I felt it had reached its maximum size, I finally looked down to Hyo-un’s lap for confirmation: yeah, instead of going for his phone, I had accidentally groped and squeezed Hyo-uns huge jock cock, which was snaking down the left leg of his tight, light jeans and almost reaching his knee.

The K-pop lookalike jock’s meat was so fucking massive it did appear like a third leg, and it was throbbing against the tight fabric of his jeans as I kept groping it. Fuck, this fucking huge jock dick must’ve even escaped Hyoun’s underwear to snake down his leg like this, I thought.

I looked up at Hyo-un to see his red, blushing, face, his fist inside his mouth as he panted as I groped and squeezed his huge, hard cock. He kept trying to make conversation with Axel normally as if nothing was going on, and I could tell from his face that the big Korean jock was correctly thinking I had groped his big cock by accident on the look for his phone.

He was just too polite and too sweet to let me know and potentially embarrass me, so he preferred to suffer through a massive, obscene erection and maybe risk cumming on his pants from my groping than alerting me about what was happening.

Hyo-un was so fucking cute. And beautiful. And jacked. And fucking hung. Fuck!

I slowly took my hand away from Hyo-un’s throbbing cock, not wanting to stop this contact, but rather jerk the big Korean stud off over his pants while all of his friends sat around us talking excitedly not having a clue about how I was getting his hot, dumb jock off right beneath their noses, but as I took my hand away from his magnificent cock, my eyes lowered to the table and right there, in front of Hyo-un, was his iPhone, right beside his plate.

Wait. Has it been there the entire time?

“Ahn, huh, oh, ah, Hyo-un, there is your phone! And here I was looking for it in your pocket! You’re so silly you didn’t even know where your phone was!” I lightly chastised him, reaching for his phone and turning towards Adam to give it to him. “Ah, huh, yeah, thanks bro,” Hyo-un said, still panting a little and trying to pay attention to what Axel was telling him, his cheeks tinted pink from horniness.

report Turning towards Adam, my spine chilled when I noticed what I can only describe as a Cheshire cat kind of smile on his beautiful, masculine face. It was deeply mischievous and teasing, almost as if he was letting me know we were now sharing a secret. Fuck, did he see what had happened? Did he see me groping the hell out of Hyo-un? And… fuck. Those were maybe the wrong questions. Did he know that Hyo’s phone was right there at the table this entire time and didn’t say anything?

As I handed him Hyo-un’s phone, Adam blinked at me, still smiling and looking like the cat who ate the canary.


After we were all done finishing eating, the guys stood up from our booth and started talking to each other standing up, and the rough-housing about who was more muscular than who started all over again, but now regarding the lower body; who had the thickest thighs, the strongest calves, the best glutes, the bigger feet – saying that old joke “you know what they say about big feet” – and I almost rolled my eyes in amusement at how these dumb jocks could behave in such a predictable way, but it was fun to watch.

We were standing now because our booth opened up towards the dance floor, so we could talk, dance, and move freely while still keeping an eye on our possessions – mostly the boys’ shirts, all thrown around over our seats.

That all ended pretty quickly when Adam turned towards me and said pretty loudly to the guys, with an evil look in his eyes: “Bros, Theo is the only one who didn’t participate in our discussion earlier and I don’t think that’s fair. No, I don’t think that’s fair at all. I think we should all assess his body now so he doesn’t feel excluded” he said while grinning at me like mischief was his second name. “And Theo has the best ass here!” Jon shouted in agreement, to which all the boys’ voices joined.

In a second, I was surrounded by a wall of muscle on every side, with hands reaching for my body and feeling me up everywhere: shoulders, arms, pecs, nipples, abs, back, thighs, and ass – the most groped and squeezed body part.

As I felt the jock’s large hands feeling me up everywhere, I could hear a cacophony of comments on my muscular development – “He’s slimmer than us, but he has broad shoulders, pretty well developed, it’s all that swimming”, “Nice back as well”, “Never noticed before but Theo’s pecs are not that bad, guys, look at those pink jock tits”, “There’s no way an ass like this belongs to a guy, it’s bigger than my ex-girlfriend”, “Smooth all over, I told you, those swim jocks manscape everything” and with all that groping, touching, squeezing and commenting while being surrounded by the hottest guys ever could only lead to one thing.

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