Tim the Teenager Part XV by batnut515

Tim the Teenager Part XV by batnut515

Discover the thrilling adventures of Tim in "Tim, the Teenager Part XV" by batnut515. Dive into this captivating gay erotic sex story that explores intimacy, desire, and youthful exploration. Join Tim on his journey of self-discovery and passion. Read now for an unforgettable experience!<br/>

Adventures of a very powerful young man and his friends.

Note: ——I am NOT the author! There are several authors actually, I’m not so certain that any one of them is the creator, but I know it’s not me. I am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on here. Now originally it was all going to be 9 parts, but… Someone said the first one was too long, so I’ve decided to split all of these up into smaller posts. I thought I’d try a different look and sentence structure for this chapter, please let me know how you guys like it. ENJOY———

Tim, the Teenage Part Fifteen By: Rass Senip

+++ Chapter V: 9th Grade, Spring 1986 – The North Mansion Part 2 – Are You Free This Evening? (Or A Slave?) (fff, mm foreplay)

“Wow!” Joey exclaimed as we entered the room my father had selected for us.

“Look at THAT!” Suzi exclaimed, pointing up on the wall.

“Holy Shit! How did he get that?” I said amazed.

“Heh. I guess the same place as that one,” Joey said pointing behind us.

“Shit,” was I could say.

We were looking at life size paintings of the moments I lost my virginities. The first one was of me entering Suzi, and the one behind us was of Joey entering me. I couldn’t believe it. I had felt no minds near us watching, and I was positive no one had peaked into our heads.

“But how did he do that? Look! The pillows are even under me. There must have been someone watching us..” I said, almost getting angry. “But I would have felt them! How did he DO that?”

“Well, he didn’t get it from one of us.. It looks like the person was standing around the bed. You can even see all our faces in that one, so it couldn’t have been from one of us,” Suzi analyzed.

“I think I know..” Joey said. “And it would explain why you didn’t feel anyone.”

“Why? You think someone could shield themselves somehow?” I asked looking at him.

“Nope. I think your dad got it from Mission Impossible or something.. You know. Hidden TV cameras.”

I blinked several times, trying to imagine where they would have been in the room nearly two weeks before. I couldn’t.

Joey continued. “Tim, you got a strange family. Most people only take pictures of you and your date to a dance or something, not your first sex. Heh, I can’t wait to see your family portrait. And I bet your family album is so pornographic, you could start your own magazine company and make Penthouse and Playboy go out of print…. Hey Suz, did I really make a face like that?”

“Yes you did. Am I really that fat? I think I’m gonna have to go back on that diet…”

“Na. I think it is just the way you’re laying or something. Besides, your tits aren’t that big either.”

“Oh thanks. Well I wasn’t going to say anything, but they gave you a bigger thingy too. And Tims…”

“GOT it!” I suddenly exclaimed. I walked over to a mirror on the wall, and said, “Here’s the camera for this room.” I made faces at myself for my hidden audience.

“How do you know?” Suzi said, walking up beside me.

“I’m watching myself through the painter’s eyes. No wonder he made you look a little bigger. The screen isn’t all that big. I guess he had to improvise a bit. So, do you want our peeping tom to go to sleep?”

“Hey… The one of you and me is at a different angle than yours with Suzi. There probably will be more cameras, and more painters,” Joey said, thinking out loud.

“Hmmm. Yep. five toms. Okay, but that still doesn’t answer my question. Do we want our love immortalized? Yea, or nae”

“I don’t really want strangers watching us like that. It’s embarrassing,” Suzi said.

“Well, that’s one vote yea. Joey?” I asked as Suzi blushed.

“Hmm. I wouldn’t mind seeing one with the twins…” he said, blushing towards Joy.

“Joy? …. Honey? …. Okay. I’ll leave our peeping toms alone then. Let’s check out the rest of the room.”

Joey and I took the twin’s leashes off and tossed them on a table while Suzi checked out the bed.

“Yep. It’s a water bed,” Suzi announced. “And there’s a huge mirror above it! Wow. I never thought about watching yourself make love..”

“Awe!, I like that idea,” Joey said, hurrying up beside Suzi.

“Hey, go check out the bathroom and see if there’s a jet bath or something. I gotta ask the twins something,” I said.

“Uhm. Okay, I guess,” Joey said a little suspicious.

“Oh, don’t worry Joey. He’s not gonna pull any more tricks,” Suzi said giving me a warning glare. Then they went into the bathroom, and immediately started their ewws and awes.

“Hey,” I said softly to the twins. “You two right now are free, remember? You don’t have to be so… uhm… willing or servant like. What I mean is, Joey and Suzi won’t be comfortable if you two wait to be told to do something, you know? Just do what you feel like doing, and don’t worry about how you could be pleasing us. The best way you could please us is to let us please you, okay? Try to act a little more…. uhm…. well, like us. Do what you want, you know?”

The girls stood there, looking at each other. Then they looked at me, and I understood. “Yeah! That would be great! I know we all would like that. But, you only have to do it if you want too, you got that? Good. Oh, man. This will be so cool. See? You’re getting what you want, and I am too. Works better this way.”

“Oh, hey Joy? Joey really likes you… Maybe because your name and his are so much alike. I don’t know. But if you want.. and only if you want.. do you want him to take yours instead of me? I could do your back door, while Honey…

“No, nothing like that. I could never choose between you two. It’s just that… well, Joey really does like you a lot, and I kinda feel that you should have special feelings for the person who takes your virginity. And I know he has them for you. But if I do both of you, I have to do someone first, and then the second one wouldn’t be… as special, you know? Yeah, he’s a good lover. I know that first hand. And like I said, I really couldn’t choose between you two. If you two want, Honey could let Joey do her instead, or we could just flip a coin..

“Cool. Okay. You sure, right? I didn’t mean to talk you into something you didn’t want to do… Okay… Cool.”

“Oh, and Joy?” I said taking a step up to her so my face was in front of hers. “I love you, you sweet and lovable thing you.” And then I kissed her like the woman she was. “Now, Honey… You’ll get plenty of that later, so don’t be pu.. MMPHH” I said as Honey forced herself on my lips and gave me the same kiss I had just given Joy.

“Okay, okay. You’re right. Free women for the night. You don’t have to do a thing I say,” I said, looking into her sparkling eyes. “But we better get the others before we do anything else, otherwise we might not be able to stop ourselves. Let’s go find out what they were ewwing about.”

We found Joey and Suzi in the largest bath tub I had ever seen, taking a bubble bath. Suzi was sitting with her back against the side of the tub, and Joey was kissing her, pressing his body over hers. It was a very tender and loving embrace, and very inspirational. When the twins started to get into the tub ahead of me, Joey disengaged, and sat down next to Suzi.

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