Tim the Teenager Part XV by batnut515

“Sorry,” he said. “But we figured you three were gonna get started and…”

“What, without you two? Never.”

“Hey, what’s going on?” Joey said as Joy sat down next to him, draping herself against him. Honey sat down next to Suzi, and gave Suz a warm smile.

“Joey? Joy would like you to take hers instead of me. But first they want to give Suz a little female attention so she doesn’t feel left out.”

“Huh?” Joey said, almost squeaking.

“Tim,” Suzi began. “I know you’re trying to make me feel more comfortable, but I don’t want you making them do…”

“Guys, they are free right now. They are only doing what they want, not what I want them too. I admit I suggested that Joy had hers taken by Joey. But what they want to do with you, Suz, was entirely their idea.”

“But I… They? You?…” Suzi said, torn.

Honey made up Suzi’s mind for her by placing her smiling face in front of Suzi’s, then gave her a gentle kiss. My already hard dick went to full attention, seeing the two girls kiss.

“Shit. No wonder Suzi gets so wet when she thinks of us doing it,” Joey said before I could.

“Yeah,” was all I could say as Honey assumed the position that Joey had been in when we had entered the bathroom.

When Joy went over to join them, I said, “I wish the damn bubbles weren’t in the way! You can’t really see much.”

I finally climbed into the tub, not taking my eyes off the wiggling mass of skin. Then I felt Joey’s eyes on me, so I looked back at him. He motioned with his eyes towards the girls, indicating for us to launch an attack. I smiled and nodded, and instead of me sitting down, Joey got up.

“GRRRRRRR,” we both exclaimed as we each grabbed a twin.

We managed to stay on our feet, as we carried the two giggling and struggling girls to the other side of the tub. I nearly dropped Joy when I realized her giggles were the first sound I had ever heard them make. (Although I realized later that I had heard them whimpering, so I should have realized they did have vocal cords.)

Suzi wasn’t so happy. “What did you do that for? You guys just can’t stand not being apart of all the fun all the time, can you. I was enjoying that!”

“Come on Suz. You watched everything Joey and I did. Let’s get out and get on the water bed. I promise Joey and I won’t stop you or anything unless we’re asked too.”

“Men! Joy and Honey? Just remember this. Men are….. PRICKS!” she spatted.

Joy and Honey just looked at Suzi with blank faces.

Suzi sighed, then said, “No, I know they have pricks. I just meant.. Oh, never mind. You’ll figure it out sooner or later. Now, I want you two pricks to lift me out, dry me off, and carry me to the bed. Otherwise, I’m staying right here.” Suzi said with a satisfied look.

“Come on, Tim. She means it,” Joey said, letting Honey go.

Not only did we have to lift out, dry, and carry Suzi, but the twins too. I thought they were carrying this free woman stuff a bit too far, with me and Joey playing the slaves, but I wasn’t going to spoil their fun. Besides, Joey and I really didn’t mind all the skin contact. As we carried the limp Honey out, Suzi was already on top of Joy, sucking on her left breast. Joey and my dicks swung up so fast that mine slapped against the bottom of Honey’s bare thigh. Honey took no notice, however. Once she was on the bed, she scampered over to the two, crawled under Suzi between the two to begin suckling at her nipple. Joey just stood there, dick in hand, hypnotized by the lesbian action in front of us.

I was also just as interested, but wanted to have some kind of action myself. So, with my eyes fixed on the sucking and wiggling mass, I walked over behind Joey, and ran my hand down his left butt cheek, just barely brushing his crack. He pushed back, but I held him forward. My hand pushed in between his thighs, and he parted them for me. I inserted my dick between his legs, then he clamped them around it. I was reaching around to grab his, but he stopped my hand before it got there. He didn’t want me to miss the show, and just used his own hand. I put my arms around him loosely, began slowly humping him while I licked and kissed his bare shoulder.

The entire time, our eyes never left the action on the bed. Suzi and Honey were busily frenching each other madly. Joy was on her back, working on Suzi’s slit with her tongue, while using her left hand on her sister’s. Suzi began a rhythmic humping, which stimulated Honey to do the same. It was obvious that Joy craved to hump something herself, but her right hand was busy keeping Suzi from suffocating her. I was strongly tempted to assist her, but knew better than to interfere. Soon the girls began to change in positions, giving Suzi a glance at what Joey and I were doing. The burst of horniness from what she saw launched Suzi into Joy’s sopping cunt, bringing a squeal from both the twins. I just then realized that they shared some sort of link beyond their empathic one.

The girls formed a twisting circle, each in between the legs of another. The tongues and lips worked slowly and gently at first, building up speed and energy until they were frantic and desperate. They began to wiggle under each other’s attempts to bring themselves to a climax, gasps and even a few moans escaping from their otherwise occupied mouths. I realized that I would probably orgasm with them if I didn’t stop, and as I slipped my hand down to Joey’s legs to indicate I wished to be released, the motions on the bed escalated. Hands grasped wiggling buttockses while muffled cries of release came from Suzi.

My dick fell free of Joey’s thighs, but not due to my signal. Joey’s legs had buckled as he spurted his load onto the bed. I managed to keep our balance while supporting Joey during his shutters and jerks. It had been a pity the mass of struggling flesh on the bed had been out of range, otherwise the cum might have not been such a waste, soaking into the bedspread like that. I eased Joey down to the floor so he could enjoy his buzz. I laid his shoulders and head against my tummy and chest, and realized I was holding him like Sandra had held me, and found his heartbeat to be very comforting.

“Well I’ll be a monkey’s Uncle.” I said to myself.

Joey replied, “Yeah…. Uncle…. Monkey….. Yeah….”, then looked up at me grinning.

“Yeah….” I just grinned back, comprehending his own little joke on Suzi earlier, and then gave him a peck on the forehead. He hadn’t actually been that close to coming when I made my bet with Suzi.

After resting a few minutes, Joey looked back up at me and asked, “Hey. Didn’t Sherman say something about food and entertainment while we where in the .. uhm, what’s it called?”

“The North Study. And don’t ask me why it is called that. I don’t have a clue. Yeah, there was food and entertainment waiting, but I didn’t think anyone was hungry, and I knew Suzi wasn’t ready for that kind of entertainment. So, I just never called them in. I was thinking about just having dinner in there, because the entertainment is the food. Well, sorta.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“Trust me. You’ll like it. But not after cumming like that. For this kind of entertainment, you have to be horny to like it.”

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