Tim the Teenager Part XV by batnut515

Joey’s dick perked up, and he said, “Hey, you know I’m always horny.”

“Yeah, I know. Hey, come to think of it, I’m getting kind of hor… hungry. Heh. But we need to get Suzi in the mood. How about we…” I said as I flashed him a few mental pictures.

“Yeah, Okay. But wait. Do you think we’ll be able to stop her from getting some for herself? She just might lay into the twins again with it.”

“Hmm. Good point. What about we don’t actually do it, just look like we are about to..”

“Yeah….. Okay….. Yeah…..” he said, grinning evilly.

We got up, and almost canceled our plan when we found the girls were holding each other, slurping each others faces happily. Joey and I looked at each other, then Joey bent his head towards the fridge. I nodded, and we went to get our supplies. Joey and I had done a little research. We had gone through all of his skin magazines, looking for ideas to try. That’s how we figured out why there was a fridge in the room with a strange assortment of food goods. As we walked back over to the bed with our weapons of lust, we decided it would be safer if we did it to Joey instead of me since he had just cum. The bed was even larger than the last one, but we wanted to make sure we got Suzi’s undivided attention.

“Excuse us,” Joey said, climbing over their legs to get to the bigger side of the bed. I tossed him the can of whip cream, then the chocolate syrup and followed his path.

“What are you two going to do with that?” Suzi asked, unimaginatively.

“I’m going to make myself a hot dog sundae,” I said, taking the whip cream cap off. I stalled a bit by reading the directions, then started shaking the can. “Hey Joey, what does this remind you of?” I said, as I shook the can.

“Duh.. kinda looks like you’re jerkin’ me off, Tim. Hey, should I put the chocolate syrup on before or after the whip cream?”

“Well,” I paused appearing to think it over, “how about both. I think a layer of chocolate syrup, followed my whip cream, then another layer of chocolate would go very nicely with your hot dog. Unless you want some of those cherries also.”

“Hey yeah, but only one. I only have one cherry left. I wonder if…”

“Guuuuuhhh!” Suzi said as she scrabbled towards us.

Luckily we were prepared, and launched ourselves off the waterbed and ran like the wind. She chased us naked all the way to the study, and by the time we reached our spots, she had forgotten what she had been chasing us for. But she quickly remembered after Joey and I started using the chocolate and whip cream on each other, smearing it all over our bodies.

“Shit Joey, you’re really starting to turn me on. This is really turning out hot!”

“Yeah,” Joey said before he licked my left nipple that he had just covered with the whip cream and chocolate mixture.

“Shit Joey. Remember what we’re doing this for,” I said, spotting Suzi coming in the entrance. “Here she comes. Shit, Fuck, Damn, Joey, are you listening to me?”

He let his tongue travel up my chocolate covered chest and neck, then looked in my eyes and said, “Gotcha.”

“Heh. Yeah…… Gotcha….. Yeah…..” I said grinning.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Suzi getting on the cushions farther down from us. I said, “Hook, line, and sinker, Joe.”

I called for Sandra and the others, and then called for the entertainment and food. As people started to get very busy below us, Suzi decided that our show was over, but the real one was about to begin. So she crawled over and sat on the other side of Joey from me.

“I take it you two were getting tired of boy talk?” She said as she laid back against the man’s smooth chest. She ran her fingers across his chest, and smiled warmly to him.

Joey replied, “Nah. Couldn’t you tell? We got hungry.”

“Yeah, but hungry for what,” Suzi said, grinning.

She had recovered from her horniness, and as I spotted our first course walking up, I knew I had to act fast.

“Hungry for this,” I said as I crawled over to Joey. I began licking the bronze coating off his tummy, while I took hold of his bronze dick and stroked it a few times. I heard them both gasp, and then Joey’s hands came up to help. I checked Suzi’s progress, and saw that her oven was almost finished preheating. In a single motion, my tongue traveled up from top of this tummy, through the valley of his chest, and rested my sucking lips on his neck. My body was lying on top of his, his hardon pulsing against my tummy. I couldn’t help but to sloppily clean his neck before I stopped and got back to my seat before either of them knew what happened.

“Okay, you two, snap out of it. The grub is here. And I don’t want to hear any complaints about the china, because these people have been preparing since last week.”

“Huh?” Joey asked, looking around.

There were five women and a man waiting to join us on the cushions. I signaled them to proceed, while below us the cooking carts and servants filed in like a circus. The first three women who joined us on the cushions each sat down beside one of us. They were shockingly overweight compared with the rest of the women seen, their jugs even more so. We were automatically laid down a bit more, and the heavy women took a position slightly behind us and swung one of their heavy breasts across the shoulder of our ‘seats’.

“No way!” Joey exclaimed in delight.

“Timmy, I am not going to do this!” Suzi said harshly.

“Suz, like I said. These people have been preparing for a week. Someone has to, otherwise they will be in pain tomorrow. I didn’t have anything to do with this. I only learned of it when I check to see what the entertainment was. I promise, if you don’t like it, I will make sure my father doesn’t do this again. I know how it seems to you, but everything these people are doing gives them pleasure. Do you want to keep that from them?”

“Don’t try and make it sound like I’m the one doing something wrong! This isn’t right and you know it!”

“Suz, talk to Tanya, the woman who is offering you her breast. Yes, all these people have had their lives taken away from them by my father. That’s what’s wrong, and I despise him for that. But these people are innocent. They only can be happy by doing what my father wants, and right now Tanya would be emotionally devastated if you didn’t accept her breast. The damage is done, Suzi. You can only make it worse by not going through with it.

“My father has set all of this up to corrupt us. We can’t let him do that, but we can’t hurt these people either. Please, trust me, Suzi. Just accept what they offer you. The only way we can beat my father is by getting to know each one of these poor people he throws at us. As long as we see them as the people they are, and not some…. possession, we will be doing what is best. All right?”

Suzi was quite for a moment, then asked Tanya about it. After several minutes of chatting with not just Tanya, but with Terry whose chest she was laying against, and Chris, the man who had also joined us on the cushions to serve Suzi her food, she sighed.

“All right, Tim,” she said a moment later. “But I wish you would explain these things BEFORE you shock us with this kind of stuff.”

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