Earth: Tentacle Breeding Ground – Chapter 2 by worldender

The mixture of semen and girl-juice constantly flowed down his bulging balls, which were being individually sucked on by tentacles. The liquid mixure fell into a bowl-shaped appendage below their squirming bodies that absorbed the fluids into the creature’s fleshy form.

Diana suddenly gasped and screamed again as small tendrils found her erect, exposed clitty, which was now almost the size of a pinky finger. One of them morphed into a transparent sucker and swallowed the top half of her twitching bud, aggressively sucking and squeezing on the sensitive flesh. Two more tendrils started to vibrate and began to rapidly stroke the bottom half of her clit, coating it with slime as they scoured up and down the length.

“NGHHHHHHHNNNN!” Diana’s eyes rolled up into her head as she clenched her teeth. Her whole body shivered uncontrollably, went rigid, and then slack, save for the bouncing of her milky titties and distended belly from the force of the boy continuing to mindlessly plow her.

His own body was enraptured in orgasm as a thick, slippery tentacle thrust deep into his asshole, while a vibrating tendril was busy sliding around the inches of his cock that weren’t currently inside Diana’s overflowing pussy.

“Diana! Stay with me! D-did you say, ‘Arlo’!?” Sarah slowed down a bit as she tried to get a better look at the two of them. She blushed deeply while doing so and felt a sudden flow of moisture between her legs as the familiar heat of arousal filled her core. She thought she had gotten desensitized to all this, but seeing it… hearing it… FEELING it in person was a whole different world from watching it over a small screen. She gulped.

She couldn’t see the face of the boy underneath Diana’s writhing nude body, as he was positioned directly behind her, with only his genitals exposed between his obscenely spread legs. Arlo was one of her other students and she remembered seeing him with Diana in the nest months ago. If it really was him, she knew she HAD to find a way to save them both. But what could she do? She had to think.

Sarah had been lost in thought a moment too long. She leapt out of the way of an incoming tentacle but was slow to notice the second appendage that shot out towards her. She attempted to juke it… but she was too late. The wet tentacle coiled around her ankle and made her trip to the ground.

“D-damn it!” She frantically looked around for anything to help her, but there was nothing. Unless a few blades of grass would be of assistance, but she highly doubted it. Steven and A’luhr were still focused completely on their task down the road, but, luckily, the Taker seemed likewise completely focused on Sarah’s squirming limbs. She realized she was on her own. She knew that from the beginning, of course, but had hoped her companions would be far enough along by now to render some aid – but that didn’t yet seem to be the case. She knew what would come next.

“I… I can do this…” She clenched her eyes and shakily whispered to herself. “Just don’t give iiiNNNNN?” She yelped suddenly as she was lifted bodily into the air by the tentacle around her leg.

Strong tentacles flew out of the Taker and wound around her arms, pinning them to her midsection and leaving her legs to kick wildly in the air behind her. She jerked her shoulders around in an effort to break free, but it was useless. She let her head drop and took labored breaths. The tentacles binding her still allowed her to breathe, but they were extremely tight.

Things were progressing as she had anticipated, but it still didn’t stop them from being any less unnerving. She felt a slimy tentacle begin to worm its way down the back of her pants, sliding underneath her panties and between her tight ass cheeks. She shivered as it wrapped around to the front of her crotch and began to gently rub directly against her already dripping mound.

Her head became extremely hot and she could feel her pulse in her ears. She was both completely terrified and aroused as the exploring tentacle continued to slide between her legs and up under her shirt to stroke her quivering stomach. The tentacles binding her loosened slightly to allow it passage, but she didn’t even bother to struggle.

Another tentacle suddenly grabbed onto the front of her waistband and began to pull. The button popped off and the zipper tore away as the appendage slid the garment off of her shapely legs. Her plain, cotton white panties were revealed, tightly hugging her wiggling ass. Her underwear might as well have been transparent given how wet it already was. The thick fleshy tentacle could clearly be seen beneath the soaked fabric, separating her delicate pink lips on either side as it brushed between them and over her sensitive clit.

Sarah bit her trembling lip in anticipation. However, after almost a minute of this, she realized that the tentacles had stopped stripping her and instead seemed content with just gently gliding against her wet folds and twitching little bean. It wasn’t quite enough to push her over the edge, but it was making her more and more horny as the aching between her legs begged for release.

“Mhnnnn…” She moaned. “Wh-why are you teasing me like this…?” She didn’t expect an answer, of course, but as if in response, she was suddenly swung through the air with her body parallel to the ground. Her gently panting mouth was positioned inches away from where the two teenager’s genitals were messily slapping into each other with gooey, wet sounds. Sarah attempted to look away from the lewd sight, but another tentacle wound its way around her head and forced her to witness the intense fucking happening right in front of her eyes.

“N-no!” She panted. “Why do you want me to see this!? How is it helping you at all? This makes no seAAAAHH!” Her words were cut off as more tendrils wormed their way into her open mouth and forcefully pried it open, leaving her moist tongue lolling out.

“Uht har hoo doig?” She tried to speak, but her mouth was no longer hers to control. This somehow almost felt more violating to her than the ribbed tentacle that continued to teasingly caress her dripping slit.

“Ehehehe…” Diana giggled drunkenly. “Mmm you’re joining us, Cassidy…? It’s good for teachers to spend time with their students, right?”

“Hiana!” Sarah shouted up at the girl. “Yoo eed ooh geh-!” But whatever she was trying to say suddenly melted away, along with her thoughts, as some of the juices gushing out from the teens’ holes in front of her splattered into her mouth. “Hhhhnnn?” She groaned.

Her vision began to gently swim a little and her head felt like it was full of fluff. The only things she were able to focus on any more were the tentacle cruelly edging her and the delicious-looking cunt and dick that were nearly touching her nose. She took a deep breath through her nose to enjoy the rich, erotic sent of their sex and it made her stomach tremble with butterflies.

The tentacle restraining her head suddenly loosened its grip and Sarah didn’t hesitate a moment to spring into action now that she had the chance. But instead of attempting to bite at the tentacles or otherwise try to escape, she lustfully began to use her warm, wet tongue to lap at the thrusting cock in front of her. She ran long, tender licks up and down the glistening shaft like a lollipop as her gaping mouth curled into a contented smile.

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