Earth: Tentacle Breeding Ground – Chapter 2 by worldender

“No…!” Zoey gasped, covering her mouth and jumping to her feet before Adam quickly grabbed her in a bear hug to immobilize her.

The Taker that had initially knocked the woman away was already nearly reassembled and heading in their direction, with the two men still choking down each other’s cocks absorbed back into its abdomen. But with the sudden sound of Steven’s collapse, the other three Takers, who had previously just been investigating the area, also pivoted towards the two of them and began to trudge dangerously close to where they lay.

Steven hastily got to his feet, using the pool cue as a support while fumbling with his phone. Suddenly, the closest of the four hybrids lashed out at him with its stretchy tentacle limbs. Steven made little effort to dodge it. It wasn’t clear if this was because he physically couldn’t, knew it would be futile, or because it would otherwise strike the woman behind him, who was starting to stir. Regardless of what he was thinking, he was quickly subdued by the tentacles and pulled up into the air by his legs.

Steven began to stab at the tendrils binding him, using the now broken pool cue as a spear. It did little other than annoy the creature, which began to bind his thrashing limbs with strong tentacles. Just before he was completely restrained, however, Steven held up his smart phone to the creature and a bright flash suddenly blanketed the tentacles around him.

“…He took a picture of it…?” Zoey asked, incredulously, suddenly losing the strength to fight against Adam’s sturdy arms.

“That fool…” Sarah groaned, massaging her eyes. “It told him it was only a theory!”

“What are you talking about?” Adam asked, finally being able to relax a little now that the struggling girl in his arms had calmed down.

“It was one of my ideas I shared with him on the Taker’s weaknesses…” Sarah explained. “That flare gun – the one I used on the first day – remember how it melted the tentacles? Well, I assumed it either had to do with the heat or the bright light… but I wasn’t sure…” She sighed heavily. “I guess we can rule out the latter…”

Sure enough, the tentacles holding Steven seemed unperturbed by the light. A look of shock and frustration came over his face as the phone got knocked from his hand. The Taker had him hanging upside down and now completely bound in tentacles. His blonde hair fell from his face and tickled the jiggling breasts of the woman inside the creature’s chest, which were being milked by two tentacle suckers. Her glazed eyes locked onto his and she seemed to lazily smile at him through the thick tentacle she was sucking on.

She opened her mouth wide as if to try and say something but all she could muster was to cough up drool and orange alien cum that gushed down her chin and onto her bound tits. The Taker suddenly thrust Steven’s face in between her slime-covered boobs and he began to jerk in his bonds, clearly struggling for breath. The erratic movements did little to deter the tentacles that quickly began to explore Steven’s body under his hoodie and work to remove his uncannily tight jeans.

“They’re gonna kill him! We need to help! We need to do SOMETHING!” Zoey yelled, rocking her body back and forth in Adam’s tight grip in an attempt to worm her way out.

“There’s nothing we can do! I’m sorry, Zoey, but your brother is…” Adam’s voice trailed off. His eyes, like Sarah’s, were staring at the screen. Just as the tentacles had ripped open his hoodie, something glinted off the light next to him and suddenly all four of the Takers reeled back, crumbling into individual tentacles and sending all the captive humans falling to the ground.

The helmeted woman had regained her senses. She was clutching a heavily bleeding wound on her side, but she was up on her feet. Just as one of the other creatures had started to wind its tentacles up her well-toned thighs, she had suddenly sprung into action, hurling another of her silver orbs into the midst of the monsters.

She didn’t have long to celebrate, however, as she stumbled forward weakly and collapsed to her knees, holding her wound. Her subsequent attempts to stand were only met with failure as she slid on the mucus-covered street.

Fortunately, Steven was having better luck. He grabbed the nearby pool cue and used it to shakily make his way over to the woman, ignoring the orgy going on behind him, made up of the freed human captives who had almost immediately started wildly fucking each other in the squirming mass of tentacles and slime.

There were five men and one woman total. The woman was happily riding two of the giant cocks in an impressive display of double penetration, while hungrily sucking down the stiff rod of another man next to her. Both her hands were occupied on the two-foot-long monster dick on her opposite side, frantically stroking the man’s throbbing shaft and massaging his balls. The final man had attempted to slide his engorged penis between her breasts, which still dribbled milk from the nipples, but the thrashing of the entire group made it too difficult. He instead began to squeeze and nurse on her tits as another of the men started to fiddle with his unused manhood.

It was too late to save them, is what Steven probably assumed, as he hurriedly made his way to his struggling savior. After several tense seconds of maneuvering past flailing tentacles, he finally made it to her. He attempted to lift her up while speaking to her, but she knocked his hands away, leaving him shocked. He stood there unmoving for a moment before snapping out of whatever was in his mind as the woman suddenly fell back to the ground. Her hand left her injured side, revealing the gash to still be freely bleeding out.

The woman seemed to be losing consciousness again as her head lolled to the side. With the power of the adrenaline no doubt pumping through his veins, Steven wasted no time in scooping her up and onto his back. She had a very athletic and curvy body, but her frame was still a bit smaller than his. With visible effort, Steven got to his feet and managed to break out into a light jog, not even stealing a look behind him at the Takers that were just now starting to reform. After that, he left the camera’s field of vision, heading in the direction of the bunker.

Sarah, Adam, and Zoey all stared at the monitors without a word for several seconds before all of them simultaneously started to scramble towards the entrance.

‘You ladies stay put; I’ve got this!” Adam shouted as he began to climb up the ladder to the hatch.

“Zoey, go prepare a bed! I’ll get first aid supplies!” Sarah instructed. Both women dashed off to complete their respective tasks. Sarah ran to the bathroom and shakily grabbed some disinfectant and gauze from the medical cabinet, along with a thread, scissors, and a needle for stitching wounds.

“Quick! Lower her down, slowly!” She heard Adam saying up above.

“That doesn’t make sense!” Steven’s wheezing voice replied.

The sounds of grunting and sliding objects echoed down the hallway as Sarah returned with the supplies in hand. Adam and Steven had already managed to move the woman down into the bunker, with the older man carrying her towards the sleeping area while Steven closed the hatch behind them.

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