Explore “Groundhog Day Ch. 07” Gay Story: Thrilling and Sensual Encounters

A gay story: Groundhog Day Ch. 07

The booming sound of thunder woke me. I could hear the violent storm right outside the window. My eye opened just barely enough to register the glowing numbers from the bedside alarm clock. 5:03AM was way too early to be getting up.

I looked at my phone more out of habit then necessity. Of course it was Tuesday again, or is it still? Getting the verbiage correct was annoying, even if only in my own head. Since it was just for my reference I guess I could use any phrase I wanted. Nobody else would care. It’s not like I told anybody what was going on. I figured they’d wrap me up in a white coat with extra long sleeves that fastened in the back and throw me in the loony bin. I would only be there for a few hours at most, until I woke up the next Tuesday at 5:03AM from the sound of the storm…again. I had thought about seeing a psychiatrist, or maybe just a therapist to talk it all out and try to find long term acceptance in this never ending series of Tuesdays.

One of my current issues was that I no longer knew how many times I had repeated this day. I had lost count long ago, but I thought it was somewhere around the three or four month mark. I kept flip flopping on whether I cared to know or not. Yesterday…or the last Tuesday yesterday I had spent the whole day in the park. I had just wandered around from bench to bench the entire day, looking at the scenery. That was something I never did when life was zooming by before. There were always places to be, things that had to be done, and I was always going to work. That was one thing that had stopped. It was my day off anyway, so I wasn’t skipping out.

I slipped out of her bed and quickly dressed and left so as not to disturb her. I always started Tuesday at the same time in the same place. It was always 5:03AM at Gabriela’s apartment. Depending on how I felt or what I had planned, I would either enjoy a little early morning attention from Gabriela, or skip that and slip away to start my morning.

There were days I had a specific agenda, other days I simply wanted to wander around and just let things come as they may. Today I felt like having some breakfast. I didn’t want to go to a truck stop or fast food joint. There were still options like Denny’s or IHOP, but in the end I hopped on my Harley and headed home. There was a little diner right across the street from my apartment building. I had never been there before, but diner’s are usually the places with the best food. I had meant to try it in the past, but never got around to it. I guess there was no time like the everlasting present. I parked my bike in the spot for my apartment, crossed the street, and went into the diner. This was not the type of place where they would seat you so I grabbed a booth away from the door.

There was a guy at another booth facing in my direction. As I looked around the diner’s decor I saw him watching me while at the same time seemingly trying not to stare. I sat still in my booth looking directly at him. He looked uncomfortable at my gaze, and kept glancing over to see it was still fixed on him. I hadn’t moved. He looked somewhat familiar, but I couldn’t quite place him. Finally he levered himself out from behind his table and came over to where I sat. While he crossed the distance, I thought I kind of recognized him. I thought he was one of my neighbors. I didn’t go out of my way to meet any of them, so I would typically only see them in passing and maybe exchange a word or two of greeting.

What was his name? Ray, Rex, Randy? I thought it was something that began with a ‘R’, but I couldn’t remember it. If it was the same neighbor, I would see his name on his mailbox at the building entrance near my own, but I suck with names. He stood in front of my booth for a moment before opening his mouth to speak.

“Sorry to bother you, but you are my neighbor Brad, right? I didn’t mean to interrupt you in here but I lost my keys down a sewer grate and I’ve been trying to get in touch with my roommate, but he’s at work and not answering his phone and the locksmith I called said it would be hours before he could get to me, so I came over here to wait and I just need a break!” my neighbor said in a rush. He was clearly flustered and the whole one sided conversation left him breathless.

“Sure thing, have a seat.” I said.

“By the way, I’m Ricky. I see you in the hall sometimes, but I don’t think we’ve actually ever met. I only moved in a few months ago, so I still don’t know that many people in the building, or the city for that matter. I moved here from California for work, and also because the cost of living out there is just out of control. But then my job downsized and now I’m currently unemployed and looking for just about anything to keep me afloat until I find something more suited to me and my talents.”

Ricky settled on the opposite side of my booth. He kept talking and talking, and soon I knew where he grew up, his dog’s name that still lived with his parents, what kind of car he drove, that he had seen my bike and always wanted to ride, but wasn’t sure if he could handle it since he hardly ever rode his old bicycle back when he had a bicycle, and he had broken up with his last boyfriend when he caught the boyfriend cheating with his boss, which he suspected was why he was ‘downsized’ shortly after.

“I think I’ve said too much. I talk when I’m nervous, and I can’t seem to shut up even when I know I should.”

“Don’t worry about it. You can cancel the locksmith and just wait in my apartment until your roommate comes home. That service would cost you an arm and a leg, and it sounds like something you don’t want to have to worry about right now.” I said.

Relief clearly showed on his face when I made the offer. Since I hadn’t ordered anything yet, there was nothing I had to stick around for. Ricky settled his bill and back across the street we went. I unlocked my own door and led him inside. I indicated that he could settle on my couch and turned on the TV for him, handing him the remote as I headed into my kitchen. Since I now had time, I went ahead with my household chores. I started the full dishwasher and started a load of laundry. I started cleaning up the kitchen when I heard my unlucky guest speak up.

“Do you need any help?” Ricky asked. “I feel kinda useless and intrusive just sitting here watching you do all that stuff. I can put away the dishes, fold the laundry, clear up some clutter, or take out the trash.”

“I’m good, just a little behind on some things around here. Besides, I don’t really think you wanna handle my underwear.”

“I’ll handle what’s in them for you.” Ricky said.

I think Ricky thought the TV was louder or that his voice didn’t carry very far, but he was wrong on both counts. I turned to look at him and he realized I may have actually heard him. He suddenly became very interested in what was on TV while side eyeing me.

“Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that.” I said.

“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean for you to hear that! I would never…well, not never, but not, I mean…do you go that way?”


“I’m so sorry! Maybe I should leave.” he said as he looked around him as if gathering his thoughts in order to go.

“And where are you going to go?” I asked. “You’re still locked out of your apartment. You can still wait here. I’m not offended or anything, I just don’t go that way.”

“I bet I could change your mind about that.” Ricky said, as if to himself.

His eyes got really wide as he realized he said the quiet part out loud again. I was a little embarrassed at his words but it was kinda funny. His foot seemed to have a permanent home in his mouth.

“I’ll let you know if I change my mind.” I assured him.

He relaxed once he discerned that I was not going to throw him out. But that knowledge along with the comment I had just made seemed to open the floodgates of information again. A little time passed with me fiddling around my apartment as my neighbor talked. Soon enough it seemed like I knew his entire life story.

I didn’t mind helping my neighbor out, but I needed a break from him for a few minutes. I excused myself from my guest and went into my bedroom. It was as good a time as any to shower and change, as I was still wearing the clothes I had put back on before I left Gabriela’s apartment. I called out to Ricky that I’d be back in a few minutes and jumped into my shower. The hot water relaxed me a little, as I tend to be a little uncomfortable when someone is in my personal space for too long. Ricky seemed to be a good guy, but he was starting to get on my nerves. I turned off the water and stepped out onto the bare tile floor. My foot slipped causing me to knock over a rickety shelf of odds and ends bathroom stuff. The items scattered, causing a noisy racket in the enclosed space. I quickly picked everything up and put it all back in place. That near miss reminded me that my shower mat was still in the laundry. It was one of those things on my list of things to do.

The steamy shower made the room kind of hazy and I had to wipe the mirror off to see my reflection. As I did I thought I saw Ricky in the mirror standing at the doorway. I turned around to look but he was not there. I wrapped a towel around my waist and exited the partially open door into my bedroom. Had that door been open before? I usually close it, even when alone. I couldn’t recall if I had shut the door fully or not. I threw on a shirt and went back into the living room. My doorway opened behind where the couch was positioned, and when I came out I saw that Ricky was still watching the TV. I was about to dismiss the thoughts when I noticed the obvious tent in his pants that he thought he was hiding.

“Were you just in my bedroom?” I asked.

“Sorry about that.” he answered sheepishly, craning his head around to talk to me as I remained behind the furniture. “I heard a crash and asked if you were okay, but you didn’t answer. It would have been rude for me to leave you for dead while I just sat here on your couch. Once I saw you were fine I came back out here.”

“And did you get a good look while you were checking on me?” I asked.

“Yep.” he admitted.

I don’t know what came over me, but I suddenly decided to have a little fun at his expense. Ricky had turned back to the TV after answering. I had planned on putting on some shorts, but now decided to just stay in the towel that was wrapped around my waist. I went around the couch and sat on the far end from my neighbor. I simply sat there watching TV with him and making conversation. I shifted seemingly at random in my seat, but each time loosened the towel a little more and let it fall open incrementally. I saw Ricky notice but not say anything, and stare while trying not to show it.

“Did your roommate ever answer you?” I asked.

“What? Roommate? Oh, no not yet. I know he will eventually check his phone and then he’ll call me back.”

“And have you changed his mind about going that way?” I asked, referring to Ricky’s earlier comment.

“”Going what way? Oh! That way. He already goes that way so no convincing was necessary.”

“So you play around with your roommate? That can get complicated if things go wrong.”

“Well, it’s only once in a while, so it’s nothing serious.” he said.

“Ahhh, a friends with benefits type thing then.” I confirmed.

“Yeah, exactly. Not often enough though, but when is it ever?”

I turned slightly towards him on the seat. I felt the towel open farther and expose my groin to his gaze. As he stared without staring, my member woke to his attention. The more he watched, the bigger it got. Whereas he seemed a little flustered before when nothing was happening, he calmed more once I was exposed. That seemed a little odd to me. Shouldn’t it be just the opposite?

“Brad,” he started. “Would you like me to suck your cock? I know you know it’s out and on display. Is that your way of trying to get me on my knees in front of you?”

Ricky had seemed to do a complete turn around. Whereas before he seemed nervous and uncertain, now he was calm and self assured. I was guessing it was his circumstances that had affected his demeanor. Now that the immediate crisis was more or less over, his normal personality was emerging. Now I was the one who was uncertain. While trying to act innocent I tried to casually cover up.

“Don’t put it away on my account Brad. I was enjoying the show. I’ll admit to being a little embarrassed when I thought it was accidental, but now that I know better, I’m all for you letting it out to breathe.”

“Sorry about that. Maybe I should go put something on.” I said as I moved to get up.

My towel had come completely undone now and started falling open as I tried to get up and cover up at the same time. In trying to do both, I was accomplishing neither. While I fumbled with my towel, Ricky had slid across the couch to sit right next to me. Occupied as I was, I didn’t even notice until his hand wrapped around my tool. It had deflated some from the sudden change in the situation but started growing again once it was in his grasp. I froze, not knowing what to do. Ricky just sat there like there was nothing out of the ordinary going on. His fingers released their grip, but continued to trail up and down the underside and down over my scrotum. I just barely whined in response, but he heard it, and I saw a slight smile of approval.

“Have you changed your mind yet Brad?”

“Well I uh…well, you…uh, well.” I stuttered and stumbled over my words as his barely grazing touch continued.

Ricky wrapped his hand around my shaft again and started a slow, light caress on my fully awakened pole.

“How about now?” he asked.

“I think you should probably stop.” I said.

I probably shouldn’t have said “probably”, as that indicated indecision. Ricky was not indecisive though, and as I was about to move to get up again he made another decision. His head quickly dropped into my lap and he engulfed half of my cock into his warm, wet mouth in less than a second.

“Oh fuck!” I exclaimed.

I hadn’t been ready for that but my body automatically responded. My hands abandoned fumbling with my now forgotten towel and grabbed my neighbor’s head. I meant to pull him off, but found myself encouraging his movements. Ricky continued to bob up and down, going deeper with each stroke. One of his hands kept in contact with my balls, ensuring they didn’t feel left out of the action. He stopped long enough to address me again.

“Change your mind yet Brad?”

My mouth opened to answer as his mouth reengaged with my tool. As he bobbed downward I was struck speechless once more. I’ll say that I’ve had quite a few blowjobs, especially recently on a number of the repeated Tuesdays, but nothing like this. Between his wet mouth, his flicking tongue, and his wandering fingers, I was at the edge in record time. Even though I enjoyed the buildup, I had never had it start and end so quickly. Apparently that thought was a little premature, as Ricky backed off before the fireworks could begin. It was intentional, of course. He knew he had me right at the peak, but refused to let it end.

“How about now Brad? Have I changed your mind?”

Even though it was not my intention, I felt myself nod as he looked at me. A self satisfied smirk appeared on his face.

“Well that was a little too easy. If you think I’ll get you off just because you agreed, think again. You know in the movies how drug dealers get a guy hooked, right? The first one’s free, then they start paying. Well Brad, it’s time for you to start paying.”

Ricky stood up and I watched as he very deliberately unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned the button, and lowered his zipper. He hooked his thumbs in his waistband and pushed his jeans off his waist and down his legs. Everything came down in that one movement, jeans and underwear. He kicked off his shoes and kicked his garments aside, getting them out of his way. He then sat back down next to me, extended both of his arms along the back of the couch, and sat back relaxed and waiting, just watching me. My neighbor, naked from the waist down, just sat on my couch expecting me to satisfy him. I didn’t move.

“What’s wrong Brad? Haven’t you ever had a cock in your mouth?”

My mind flashed back to my mother’s house and the experiences I had that particular day. My hesitation was not lost on Ricky. He expressed a look of surprise across his face.

“You have? I can’t wait to hear about that one.” he said.

“It was actually my mother. She…well, she kinda has this harness…” I said, my voice trailing off.

“Your own mother took your mouth and then she took your ass with her strap on, didn’t she?” Ricky had a grin on his face. “I don’t think she would have stopped with just your mouth.”

“She’s actually my stepmother.” I corrected.

“Now it makes more sense how we ended up here. Your mother gave you some, and now you want some more. Why don’t you go back to your mother?”

“Stepmother…and it’s complicated.” I said defensively.

“It always is. Well, let’s see if you learned anything.”

He grabbed my wrist, pulling me off the couch, and placed me on my knees on the floor in front of where he sat waiting and watching.

What the hell was happening? How did I end up here? My day started out simply enough. I just wanted some breakfast. Now here I was on my knees in front of this stranger who lives next door. He had already had me about to shoot in record time, and now expected the same type of treatment.

“Here, let me help you get started.” Ricky said as he took my hand again and placed it on his own rod.

It was like an alien tentacle. I had handled my own often enough, but handling someone else’s equipment was a whole different experience. It was soft, warm, and responsive. It was fascinating to handle it as it grew in my hand. Once it was at full staff it was like velvet covered steel. It jumped at my touch and started drooling in anticipation as I slowly fondled it. Ricky groaned as I continued to molest him. My other hand moved to his shaven scrotum, caressing and gently squeezing. I knew better then to be rough with that area.

“Don’t be shy, take a closer look,” he urged.

He put his hand around the back of my head and drew me forward. I wasn’t hesitating now. It was almost as if I was dreaming this whole thing. He drew me closer to his groin, spreading his legs wide in invitation. The tip, followed by the rest of his tool’s head parted my lips. He was slick with precum which coated my skin as it passed. Ricky was controlling my descent, slowly and a little at a time. I was hypnotized by the long shaft stretched out in front of me. It looked like a cannon from this angle, a long, veiny, flesh colored cannon, ready and willing to obliterate anything in its path. My neighbor was giving me little pieces of advice as I went.

“Slow and easy. Take your time. Make sure to keep breathing. Watch your teeth.”

I coughed more than once trying to take all of him in, but he did not hurry me. He was urging but not forceful.

“Don’t worry if you can’t take it all. That’ll come in time. Just enjoy yourself.”

Enjoy myself? I’m pretty sure he was the joyful one in this position. I was beginning to feel a small sense of pride at the noises I was making him utter. Low sighs of pleasure and slight moans signaled that I was doing something right. Ricky took his hands away from holding my head and sat back to relax and watch as I worked him over. I didn’t stop when he did that. I kept going on my own. Much to my surprise, I found myself enjoying this as much as when I would go down on a woman. I absolutely loved making a woman squirm and moan and scream using my tongue.

“That’s right. You’ve turned that corner.” he said, as if he could read my mind. “You’re liking this whole thing. Be careful, guys always want sex as opposed to women always making excuses not to. You’ll turn into a little slut if you don’t control yourself.”

I flashed back to my mother calling me that very thing multiple times during the last incident at her house. Is that what these people thought? The more relevant question was, is it true?

A phone alert interrupted my train of thought. Ricky leaned over and grabbed his pants off the floor, briefly dislodging me from his unit. He fished the cellphone from his pocket and leaned back with it. As he settled back into place, his hand went behind my head and guided me back into position. As I took him between my lips once more, he sighed in satisfaction. Once I was back on track, he tapped and swiped and typed on his phone, finally updating me on what was happening after a minute.

“Well, it looks like my roommate finally checked his messages. He’s on his way back to unlock the door. I told him there’s no hurry.”

Ricky dropped the cellphone down on the cushion beside him and leaned back again, enjoying the attention he was receiving. He guided me to keep the pace slow, clearly not in a hurry for this to be over. After a few minutes he brought his knees together, which backed me off of his cock. He got up and headed for my bedroom. Not knowing what else to do, I followed. Ricky was sitting on the edge of my bed, bouncing up and down a little as if to test it. He motioned for me to sit down as well and as I did he got back up.

“I’d better get my phone, just in case.” he said.

He left me waiting for a couple of minutes, finally coming back in just as I was about to go looking. As he approached he held out his hand with a pair of handcuffs dangling from side to side off his finger.

“Are these yours?”

“You got them off my gun belt, so I’m sure you know they are.”

My gun was in my gun safe, but the belt with ammo, flashlight, keys, and cuffs was hanging off the chair in my dining area. That’s where he had to have gotten them from. He tossed them on the bed and sat back down on the edge. He took my arm and pulled me off the bed and put me on my knees again in front of him. Ricky guided his cock back to my mouth and held my head so he could be in control. He still kept the pace slow and easy, relishing his position. After a bit, my jaw was tiring and I was shifting my position on the floor. My neighbor brought me to my feet and onto the bed, having my lay on my back. He sat next to where I lay, his head lowered to my tool, and BOOM! It was off to the races again! I couldn’t catch my breath as he expertly swallowed my entire rod and jacked my shaft each time it reappeared from out of his mouth. I seemed like only seconds before I was about to explode. As abruptly as he had started, he stopped.

“Mind if I try these on?” he asked, dangling the cuffs in front of my face.

I wasn’t sure where this was going, but I nodded my acquiescence. What I didn’t expect was for him to put one on my wrist, bring my arm up around the bars of my headboard, and attach the other to my opposite wrist. The way he had said it, I thought he would be the one wearing them. I must have looked shocked, because he chuckled at my reaction.

“I bet I know what you were thinking,”

Ricky straddled my head, feeding me his cock, as I was powerless to do anything myself. He gladly took the lead though, thrusting long and slow, making him moan a little more.

“I could unload just like this, but I have other plans.” he said.

Ricky’s phone alerted again, and he stopped moving above me with his cock half inside my mouth. He dismounted and walked out of the room. I heard my front door and voices before Ricky returned with another man trailing behind. If I had been shocked before about the handcuffs, I was absolutely dumbstruck now about my neighbor having a guest, not just in my apartment, but in my bedroom. And not just in my bedroom, but with me bare from the waist down and hands cuffed around my headboard. I tested just how sturdy the cuffs and headboard were, but nothing was giving way. Both men watched me struggle for a moment until I realized it was useless. I lay there helpless and watching them watch me. As though everything happening was completely normal, Ricky started speaking.

“Brad, this is my roommate Jeff. Jeff came home from work to let me into our apartment, which I truly appreciate. He’s gonna leave me his key so I can get in when I’m ready. Jeff, this is Brad. Brad was kind enough to let me stay here after I was freaking out about my losing my keys and having no way to get into the apartment. As you can tell, Brad has been extremely generous with his neighborly hospitality.” Ricky introduced.

“Brad, if you don’t mind, I’d like you to thank Jeff for leaving work to help me out.”

As Ricky was voicing the introductions, I just now noticed that Jeff was as half clothed as Ricky and I were. Jeff got onto the bed and before I could protest Jeff took Ricky’s place straddling my head and feeding me his member. Jeff was smiling above me as his tool disappeared between my lips.

“I’m glad I got your message. This is worth taking an early lunch for.” Jeff said.

Jeff’s weapon was not as large as Ricky’s and I was able to handle it much easier. Jeff definitely appreciated it as he slid his entire length into my helpless orifice. He pumped in and out, slowly at first to gauge my ability, then with increased vigor. Jeff gripped the headboard as he thrust his cock while Ricky watched from the bedside.

“Slow down there Jeff, I don’t want you to wear him out.” Ricky cautioned. “Besides, I figured that you could break him in for me before you head back to work.”

Jeff’s grin suddenly got way bigger as we both understood what Ricky meant. Jeff slowed his face fucking of me as I heard Ricky go into my bathroom and rummage around before returning.

“Nothing in there…where else would it be?” Ricky wondered aloud.

Jeff watched Ricky rummage some more through my nightstands, triumphantly bringing out a bottle of lube.

“I figured he had some of this somewhere.” Ricky said as he popped the top. “Ohh, strawberry…nice.”

Jeff removed himself from straddling my head and shuffled down the bed. Ricky squeezed some lube into Jeff’s outstretched hand. Jeff put on a show as he slathered it all over his weapon, making sure I saw him doing it.

“Guys, I think we should talk about this. Why don’t you let me up so we can discuss this like good neighbors.” I tried to reason.

I knew that shouting or struggling would do me no good. I was trying to stay calm in the face of my impending sodomy.

“Is he a virgin?” Jeff asked.

“Not exactly,” Ricky volunteered. “There was a situation involving a strap on and an authority figure. So he’s taken it before, just not a real one.”

“Authority figure?” Jeff questioned.

“Mother.” Ricky answered.

“Wow!” Jeff exclaimed, looking at me.

“Stepmother!” I forcefully corrected.

“Don’t worry Brad, we won’t hurt you. We’re just gonna turn you a little slutty.” Jeff promised.

As Jeff said that, Ricky turned his attention towards me. He leaned over, taking my forgotten pole into his mouth. I immediately moaned from the feeling, and Jeff lifted my legs and placed them over his shoulders. I wasn’t sure what to concentrate on. Ricky was an expert at sucking cock, but Jeff was intent on impaling me with his. I moaned but also tried to protest. Jeff’s battering ram was knocking at my back door as Ricky bobbed over my front.

“Noooooo.” I weakly said, my voice trailing off.

“You heard him Ricky, he wants you to stop.” Jeff stated.

Ricky ignored Jeff’s comment and doubled his efforts, and I was soon a unintelligible mess. I wanted to cum…was ready to cum, and just as I was about to, Ricky pulled away.

“Fuck!” I said loudly in exasperation. “Please don’t stop!”

“You heard him Jeff, go ahead.” Ricky instructed.

Jeff’s lubed up tool pressed a little harder against my ass and the mushroom shaped head pushed past my resistance with a surprising suddenness into me. I gasped at the intrusion and tried to pull away, but there was nowhere to go. Ricky distracted me with his mouth again as Jeff moved forward more, slipping another couple inches into me before I could find my voice.

“Stop!” I called out as pain from this new experience hit me.

Ricky squeezed my balls as he took my entire length down his throat. I groaned loud and long.

“You heard him, stop that Ricky.” Jeff said.

Ricky raised up off of me and I emitted loud sounds of displeasure at the sudden lack of attention. Jeff’s tool invaded me even further as I tried to make my mind work properly. The pain I had encountered had been brief from the initial penetration. It had quickly eased to mere discomfort which was also already subsiding into something else.

“If you want us to stop, just say so. If you want us to keep going, we will. Stop or go, it’s up to you.” Ricky advised.

Ricky descended in my meat again, as if to make his point. I wanted to cum so badly, and Ricky was willing to give me that release.

“Go!” I pleaded.

Ricky took me into his throat again as Jeff leaned forward and slid the remainder of himself into my hole. Ricky worked to keep me on edge as Jeff pumped into me. The discomfort from behind lessened as the pleasure built from the front. The longer we went, the more I moaned and groaned. I was beyond ready, but they were not. Like the Energizer bunny, they kept going and going.

“Damn, he’s tight.” Jeff groaned. “Are you sure he’s done this before?”

“Mmm hmm.” Ricky hummed around his mouthful.

“I’m close Ricky, I’m really close.” Jeff whispered loudly.

Ricky took that as his cue and stopped trying to delay my finish. He bobbed quickly along my shaft as his tongue ran along the underside. I groaned loudly and arched my back as I was thrown over the edge into orgasmic bliss. My cock erupted inside Ricky’s mouth and he stayed latched onto me as I lost everything I had. Jeff moaned loudly above me, my ankles over his shoulders as his cock plunged deep and then he held still as I came. Ricky swallowed everything I gave and once I was spent, he finally came up for air.

“Damn!” Jeff blurted. “His ass is clenching onto my dick! It feels like he’s trying to pull me in. Oh damn, I can’t hold off!”

“Give it to him, he’ll take it.” Ricky urged.

Jeff growled loudly as he drilled deeply in one final push. I felt his cock pulse deep in my ass. I could feel his hot liquid erupt from his buried tool, each pulse ending in another stream being released into me. Jeff was breathing hard as he thrust slowly several more times, making sure I received everything he had given. He straightened up to tower above me, holding my ankles far apart in order to slide back into me in one final slow, long stroke. His head was rolled back and he stayed in that position for a minute before he was able to move again. Jeff lowered my legs back down to the bed and moved to sit at the side. He was trying to catch his breath before making an attempt to get up. Jeff finally rose to his feet and stumbled slightly, trying to get his knees to work properly. He disappeared back into my living room.

“Thanks neighbor. I’ll visit you some other time to give you some more of that cream you asked for.” Jeff joked as he departed.

I heard my front door close behind him a minute later. I assumed he must have put his pants back on before going into the hallway, but you never know. Ricky used my keys to uncuff my hands, tossing the hardware to the bedroom floor with a thud. I just lay there in the same position until my remaining neighbor moved in between my still open legs. I heard the bottle top pop open and smelled the scent of strawberries. The sounds of squishing made me open my eyes to see Ricky stroking his full cock which was now shiny and slick with my lube.

“Almost done Brad.”

“Almost?” I asked weakly.

“I made you cum, are you really gonna deny me the same?” he asked.

Ricky didn’t wait for an answer as he picked up my legs. Pushing my knees towards my chest, he leaned against me, taking Jeff’s former position. Ricky held his cock against my ass and he slowly pressed against me. Jeff’s previous intrusion primed me for Ricky’s arrival, but Ricky was still the bigger of the two. My resistance crumbled with the help of the lube, and he was allowed inside. I groaned at his initial victory, and he slowly but surely continued to penetrate me as I lay there limply taking it. As he drilled deeper, he took my spent member in his hand and lightly jacked me in time with his strokes. I stirred beneath him, which seemed to be his plan.

“I don’t have anything left.” I muttered.

He bent over me to get closer and I heard him whisper, “Let’s find out.”

Ricky pressed forward until he was tight against my ass. We groaned in unison at the complete engulfment of his thick cock, and he immediately settled into an easygoing and comfortable pace. He jacked my member until I wasn’t sure if I had begged him to suck me or fuck me earlier. His intrusion had become an invitation as more time passed. Before, I had only tolerated his impalement, but now I was craving it. He seemed to recognize the difference as he fucked his helpful neighbor.

“Are you enjoying this Brad?”

“Uh huh.” I groaned in response.

“Do you want some more?” he asked.


“Did I change your mind?” he persisted.


“Did…I…change…your…mind?” Each word was accompanied by a thrust of his hips, driving his member deeply into me.

“Uuuhh…what?” I moaned as he repeatedly filled me.

“You said you didn’t go that way, and I said I bet I could change your mind. Did I change your mind Brad.”

“Uh huh.” I agreed.

“Do you like being fucked like a little slut?”

“Uh huh.”

“Do you want me to cum?” he asked.

“Uh huh.”

“Are you sure?”

“Uh huh.”

Ricky was taking longer, faster, and deeper strokes. I could tell he was getting close. I don’t think he would have cared how I responded, but there was no reason to lie. I did want him to cum. He was still stroking my cock as well, and I could feel myself getting closer.

“I’m almost there. I haven’t cum in a couple weeks, so I really needed this.”

He was groaning heavily and constantly now. He let go of his grip on my tool and grabbed both my ankles, spreading them wide. He pounded me hard as he stared at me. His lust filled eyes told me he was about to explode.

“Ooooohhh YES! Here it comes! Here it is!!”

I had felt it when Jeff delivered his cum, but Ricky’s cock felt like a fire hose. He sent powerful shots into my wanting depths. He grunted loudly with each stream and he kept plunging in and out as he let loose his ejaculate. Even as the volume diminished, Ricky still fucked me. His cock was still hard, but his balls had finished dumping everything that they had stored up. He was breathing hard, but continued to slowly slide in and out, drawing out his finish. He burrowed his cock as deeply as he could before he stopped thrusting. Refusing to relinquish his newly conquered orifice, Ricky closed my knees and rolled me over to lay on my side. He remained buried deeply as he lay behind me. His hand returned to my neglected tool and started making up for it. He now masturbated me with skill and practice. As he was no longer splitting his focus, he had me ready to cum in no time. I grabbed his wrist to slow him down, wanting it to last longer, but he was not to be denied. His fingers glided over my shaft, aided by the lube covering his hand that he had applied to himself earlier. I was right there, and he didn’t slow or hesitate.

“Go on, let it go.” he urged.

I growled deeply as my own weak stream of cum erupted from my tip. Ricky milked me fast and hard, making sure I really had nothing left this time.

“Oh wow! Your ass feels amazing, clamping down on my cock as you cum.” he moaned.

We were both hardly able to move. We heard a phone alert from the other room. Ricky was the first to recover. He had energy enough to extricate his member from my body, roll over to the side, and get off the bed. He then went to go check his phone. He returned holding my phone in his hand.

“Were you supposed to go to your mother’s today to help your sister?” he asked.

Damn, I always forgot when that text came in. The times I had gone over there, I was there long before she texted me. I nodded in confirmation, not trusting myself to speak yet.

“And this is the mother with the strap on?”

I hesitantly nodded again but still said, “Stepmother.”

Seeing that, he typed away on my phone before I heard the tone indicating he had sent her back a message.

“I told her that you had already had your ass fucked twice today and didn’t have the strength to take her strap on right now, but to try again tomorrow. I also told her to say “hi” to your sister.” he said as he tossed my phone onto the bed.

He slid into his pants and was putting on his shoes when my phone rang. It was my mother. I was not taking that call, and he was damn lucky that when tomorrow was Tuesday again she wouldn’t remember that text.

“Hope to see you around. Next time, how about you and I fuck Jeff?” Ricky asked before he ducked out of my room to go back to his own apartment.

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