In It for Life Ch. 27


A gay story: In It for Life Ch. 27 In It For Life


Mouse’s voice was crystal clear in his ear. The fucking miracles of technology. Francesco wanted so much to have the redhead here, close to him, so that he could confide in someone without feeling so fucked up and confused. Morgan was out of the question. There was something going on between the bodyguard and Karl, and that meant secrets. And Morgan most probably set his priorities according to which one was closer to his skin. Francesco feared to think the bodyguard could be playing them both and work for Don; that was what he thought when Morgan wasn’t in the same room. Confusions ended when he looked into those dark eyes. After that fucked up dinner, Morgan hadn’t made any move for physical contact or even talking to him, keeping a respectful distance, as if, suddenly, Francesco’s and Karl’s stupid marriage vows meant something.

“How’s it going, Kekko?” Mouse drawled slowly.

“I wish you were here,” Francesco said under his breath.

“Something wrong?” Mouse’s voice went from playful to serious in an instant. “I thought Karl finally came to terms that he cannot live without you, which means that he shouldn’t be a fucked up fucker.”

Francesco released a long drawn out sigh. “He’s how he is. I’m not going to complain. The problem is dear daddy-in-law thought it would be a good idea to spill the beans and tell Karl everything.”

“He did? Fuck, Kekko, where are you now? Did Karl kick you out?”

“No, nothing like that. It’s really fucked up around here. Can you believe he asked Morgan if he fucked me?”

The stunned silence at the other end needed no explanation.

“And before you ask, Morgan admitted it, just like that.”

“And yet, you’re neither homeless, nor in a hospital after Karl beat the shit out of you. I suppose even fuckers like him can grow up,” Mouse commented. “Which only means that he really does love you, the asshole. Makes me so fucking jealous.”

“Why would that make you jealous?”

Mouse sighed audibly. “Because I can never prove how much I love you the way he does. I can’t even give you a daddy-in-law to fall hard for your ass.”

Only Mouse could make him smile, given the circs. “That doesn’t mean a thing. You know I love you, asshole,” Francesco said. “Sorry I called you out of the blue like that. I didn’t even know you’d be able to talk. I just needed to hear your voice.”

“I’m here, Kekko,” Mouse said gently. “As little as that means. I wish I could do more. What can I do to help you? By the way, I’m about to dig some real dirt around here.” His voice dropped to a whisper. “But I won’t tell you about it over the phone.”

Francesco’s internal alarm system went into full alert. “Mouse, what the fuck do you think you’re doing? I told you to stay put.”

“Hey, hey, easy. I’m not called Mouse for nothing. In and out, no one could tell I was there. They’ll see the damage, but it’s going to be too late.”

Francesco didn’t doubt Mouse’s abilities to survive, but he wasn’t living in the jungle anymore. The beasts around him were far more dangerous than wild animals and whatnot. “Mouse, be careful. Don’t fuck yourself up. And it’s better if we do the digging, on this part of the world. We’re closer, anyway. You know what? Just stop whatever you’re doing.”

“But I’m sucking the most delicious daddy cock I sucked in ages,” Mouse drawled.

“What? Whose cock is that?”

“I won’t tell you. Guess.”

“Your… commander?” Francesco said the words slowly and whispered as if that helped if anyone listened to their conversation right now. They were doing a very stupid thing.

“Awesome cock, Kekko, you’d love it. All ribbed and veiny, fuck. And you wouldn’t believe how thick his man juice is. I’m starting to have a thing for older men.”

“Good for you,” Francesco said dryly. “I won’t ask how that happened. But I will still tell you to be fucking careful. And we don’t know if someone isn’t listening.”

“They try,” Mouse said airily. “But I have my methods to protect what we have. Let’s say that this number on which you call me is not that easy to trace.”

“Are you a fucking hacker now? What the hell? Don’t play the fucking smartass.”

“Have a little faith, Kekko.” Mouse chuckled, much to his annoyance. “I’m uber good at what I do.”

“If you’re so sure no one listens in, why do you whisper and give me just vague deets?”

“Because sometimes, people might eavesdrop. And I’m yet to find what I’m looking for. Just protecting your feels here, honey,” Mouse joked. “There’s plenty of cock to suck until I get there, okay?”

“Well, happy sucking, what can I tell you?” Francesco mumbled.

“Now, tell me, babe,” Mouse said, “what’s your household situation? If you tell me you share the same bed with Karl and his daddy, I’m gonna fall of the chair and break my ass.”

“Your ass is in no danger. No, nothing like that, but Karl waits for his dad to make some move. When Don showed Karl that footage, he hoped to break us apart. But it looks like Karl has no intention to do that. So, we’re basically waiting, and it’s driving me nuts.”

“He’ll probably want to fuck you again, your daddy-in-law. I hope his dick is not too disgusting because I need you to hang on for a while, Kekko.”

“It’s not disgusting. It’s just another dick. I’m more concerned about what happens in Karl’s head, is all.”

“You know, if Karl’s dad wasn’t such a fucked up asshole, the whole thing would be pretty hot. I mean, you got both son and dad, right? Kinky as fuck.”

“Only you’d see some silver lining in this fucked up shit,” Francesco murmured, but he knew that, on some level, Mouse was right. He couldn’t stop his dick from twitching as he imagined how it would be if it was good. But Don was just a fucker bent on destroying them, and not the kind of daddy-in-law who wanted a bit of sweet action for the fun of it. Too bad, he was a handsome fucker. It was clear who Karl took after.

Francesco ran a hand over his face. “You’re making me imagine the strangest shit, I swear,” he added.

Mouse laughed, the sound of it soothing in his ear. “Give daddy-in-law a kiss on the tip of his dick from me. Push the tongue in that tiny slit, how I like it.”

Francesco groaned. “I hate you. How can you be so chill?”

“I just am. And hey, you feel a bit more chill now, too, right?”

“Yeah,” Francesco agreed. “I knew I would if I talked to you, that’s why I called.”

“Kekko,” Mouse called for him gently, “in the end, it’s all about cocks and fucking. Never mind anything else. I know you can do it. I don’t know your daddy-in-law, but if he had wanted to do something really bad to you, he would have done it by now. My gut tells me he likes to play. He thinks he’s capable of making you and Karl break up. Prove him wrong, but don’t rub it in. Just hang on, okay?”

“I promise,” Francesco said. “You be careful, too, okay?”

“I always do that. Don’t worry about me. Bye, babe. Kiss Karl from me.”

“Kiss him on the dick?”

Mouse snickered. “No, his balls. Or better, his asshole. Nah, just kidding. Just tongue his mouth for a minute and tell him I miss his ugly ass face. He’ll get the message.”

“Without a doubt. Love you, fucker. Stay safe.”

“Told you already. Don’t worry about a thing.”

Francesco couldn’t do that. If anything, he didn’t recall a time when he hadn’t been worried.


“Where are you going?” Francesco walked into the master bedroom only to witness Karl putting on a suit and fixing his tie in the mirror.

“We’re going,” Karl said curtly. “Dinner, with my dad.”

“Oh, shit. That’s going to be so fucking awkward. What about your mom?” Francesco hadn’t seen someone more invisible than that woman in his life. Throughout everything, from the get-go, with the wedding and all, she had acted like a cardboard character, seemingly manipulated by hidden strings. Maybe that wasn’t far from the truth. She always smiled like a senator’s wife, and she hadn’t exchanged a single word directly with Francesco. Except for the so-called family pics taken at the wedding, she hadn’t beared even to spend one minute in his company, always treating him like he didn’t even exist.

Karl shrugged. “She’s doing charity somewhere.”

Francesco knew that Karl was completely indifferent toward his mom. Apparently, that woman had the uncanny ability of sliding through life like no one and nothing could bother her. Francesco couldn’t even imagine the kind of childhood Karl must have had. Probably one spent with babysitters, rather than in the presence of his mom. They didn’t talk about stuff like that. They didn’t wallow in self-pity.

“What am I supposed to wear? A cock ring?” Francesco asked.

Karl gave him a weird look. “It might look good on you,” he said as he returned to adjusting his tie in the mirror.

“No way,” Francesco replied. “Let me just put on a suit.” He walked over to the closet. Karl’s stuff was on the right, his on the left. He had never had so many clothes in his life. “I have no idea what I should choose. Black? It’s kind of like our funeral, right, if he summons us like this?”

Karl was dressed in a dark blue suit and looked fucking impeccable. “Choose whatever. It’s not like he cares.”

“He should if we’re seen in public. Is it going to be one of those restaurants, with lobsters and weird disgusting food?”

“It’s dinner at his place,” Karl said curtly. Francesco noticed how he didn’t say it was his parents’ home, just Don’s. That said a lot.

He kept his mouth shut and reached for a black suit and a black shirt. At least, he’d look the part for the little play Don was going to put on for them.

“Really?” Karl threw him a bored look.

“They say black is a good color if you’re dealing with blood stains. They’re as good as invisible.”

Karl snorted. “You’ve got one fucked up sense of humor, Cesco. Cum stains are gonna be a bitch, though,” he added once Francesco was fully dressed.

“Fuck. For real? Is that what you think it’s gonna happen?”

Karl smirked. “One possibility. Although dear dad should consider black, too. I have a feeling I might feel very tempted to punch his nose in once he starts putting the moves on you.”

“Maybe I should change into something more fitting.”

“No time. And the only fitting thing would be you on a leash and collar, wearing nothing else. Maybe a cock ring,” Karl said and his smile turned crooked.

Francesco shivered slightly.

“Come here,” Karl said, and he moved without wondering what would happen next.

“That reminds me,” he said, as Karl wrapped one hand around the back of his neck and pulled him close. “Here’s something from Mouse.” He gave Karl a sloppy kiss, making sure to push his tongue in as far as he could.

Karl was breathing hard when he released him. Then, all of a sudden, he pushed Francesco to his knees. “I want you smelling of my cum,” he said as he whipped out his cock.

Francesco didn’t question it for a moment. It was maybe little to get back at Don for all that fucked up shit, but it wasn’t nothing. He wrapped his lips around Karl’s half-hard cock, taking him down his throat.

“Yes, Cesco, like this, swallow my cock,” Karl urged him, holding his head with both hands.

It was going to be a rough, hurried, skull-fuck. But Francesco wanted to go over to Don’s house, sit across from him, and lick his bruised lips while still feeling the taste of Karl’s cock at the back of his throat. Yeah, he’d do that, he thought, as Karl shot deep, holding him with his nose buried in the blond bush above his sex, until there wasn’t a drop left.

Then, he pulled Francesco to his knees, straightened his suit jacket and kissed him on the lips. “No matter what he does, he’s never gonna take you away from me.”



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