In It for Life Ch. 27


A gay story: In It for Life Ch. 27 In It For Life 27. Mouse’s voice was crystal clear in his ear. The fucking miracles of technology. Francesco wanted so much to have the redhead here, close to him, so that he could confide in someone without feeling so fucked up and confused. Morgan was … Read more


Balls of Blue in ’62


A gay story: Balls of Blue in ’62 1962. The air is hot and heavy– a typical day in mid-summer New York City. A man walks down the street, two heavy-set men trailing behind him at a distance just a bit further than friends would walk. Thin but muscular, the man hides clever eyes underneath … Read more


Roommates on a Dry Spell Pt. 07


A gay story: Roommates on a Dry Spell Pt. 07 I got back to the house around seven. As I walked towards the door, I felt like I should be searching for an alibi but I didn’t know why. It’s not like I was cheating or anything. This was actually our agreement. And truth be … Read more


My Male Wife and His Wife


A gay story: My Male Wife and His Wife Author’s Note: The story below is entirely fictional. — * * * — Both my parents came from Irish families. In his youth, my father was a member of one of Philadelphia’s gangs, but after meeting my mother he left the life of crime and they … Read more