Innocence Lost Paradise Found Ch. 01 by Brunosden


Finally, dessert had been served, and Andre and his three sisters could ask to be excused. Andre went immediately to his room, stripped and stretched out on his bed, cooled by the fan. His mind was still on Finn. And, he decided that if Finn decided to invade his sanctuary again, he was going to be ready to reciprocate. It was only a few more weeks before he returned to school. He’d probably never see Finn again. So a tad of anonymity was added to the mystery of the beautiful Irish boy. He was hard and sleep would be difficult. But, he dared not masturbate. There was no lock on his door, and both Yvonne and Ray still looked in on their adult children before turning in. He couldn’t take the risk.


Monotonous farm work continued for the next few days, but absence of afternoon thunder showers kept Andre (and Finn) from the pond as farm work went late into the day. This had the effect for both of fantasizing the earlier interaction and horning up both.

Finally, it was Thursday–and Andre knew he was expected at the FC event on Friday. All afternoon he watched the skies, but the clouds did not arrive. However, Raymond decided they could skip a day of irrigation. By the end of the day, Andre was hot and so excited that he didn’t even run by the house for food before he walked to the pond. So he arrived a little earlier than normal. As he arrived, he saw one matron leaving with two small boys. He looked around and it was deserted. He stripped and entered the shimmering coolness, swam to the rock, showered and stretched out on the ledge.

Even as he dozed with eyes closed, he heard the entry splash and knew he would soon have company–and likely it would be Finn. He listened to the laps for a few minutes; then he felt the warmth of presence next to him on the ledge. His eyelids fluttered open, and his eyes were filled with the Irish spirit leaning over him, lips only a few inches apart, the heat from his ripped, but thin, chest radiating despite the cool droplets on the surface. Andre smiled and Finn accepted the invitation. Lips met as Finn’s tongue forced entry. He swept Andre’s mouth, instantly obliterating any caution that Andre might have felt. Andre’s arms went up and around Finn and pulled him down into his chest. They kissed, murmured and slammed bodies together. Andre felt Finn’s hardness in his gut. Never before had his own nakedness been matched by someone attached to him. Andre spread his legs wide; Finn dropped into the void; and, Andre’s long muscular legs surrounded and trapped Finn to him. Their cocks began to duel in their concave guts, neatly matched, dripping with pre-cum.

Andre’s hands moved up and down Finn’s back muscles, caressing and kneading, but going lower with each pass, until finally, his hands gripped the cheeks of Finn’s ass and pulled him close. Never before had either guy gone this far. This was nothing like a standing chaste kiss (of a girl) or the feeling of another guy’s hand on your dick–or in Finn’s case, the furtive stroking of a dick in an alley. This was one hot naked guy writhing into another. Two rock hard cocks stroking together on rippled abs. Two lips sucking and tongues dueling. Andre’s grip on Finn’s ass cheeks was being used to draw Finn up and down on their washboard abs, stimulating both. This was passion, animal passion.

After only a few minutes of this intense connection, both guys erupted, almost simultaneously and without touching a cock. Each could feel the exerted spasms of both, the strained lengthening, and the wet emission. Gooey spunk spilled into their chest cavities providing the lube as they writhed together in the heat, totally joined. Finn’s hands went behind Andre’s neck as his head fell into the hollow of Andre’s shoulder, breathing heavily and enjoying the contact. Andre squeezed him even tighter. Andre had never felt more alive–and more in touch with another human being. He was content to maintain the contact with Finn on top and his hands on the supple globes as his fingers gently massaged. But, finally their breathing slowed and the tightness loosened. It wasn’t long before the cool mist of the waterfall chilled them. Each looked into the other’s eyes, and almost together they spoke, “Wow. That was terrific. Again, please.”

Finn rolled off and dove into the pond, and Andre followed immediately. Andre was the better swimmer and caught up, pulling Finn into him before they reached the shore. His cock, still hard, bounced into Finn’s crack. Andre reached around and fisted Finn’s dick–the first time he had touched the silky-skinned pole. Finn slipped around, kissed Andre, and whispered as he started to move ashore, “Tomorrow, boy. Wait until next time. I’m late.”

Neither had any regrets, it turned out.

But Andre was committed Friday night. Fortunately, everyday in farm country was like any other–except maybe for a few hours on Sunday mornings. Farming was 24/7. And then when Andre arrived on Saturday for a rendezvous, a large group of the town’s teens had gathered for an impromptu pool party–chaperoned by at least four sets of parents. Skinny dipping and more was going to be impossible. Neither guy had brought a swimsuit, and even if they had, they really hadn’t come to the pond to swim. So they parted and agreed to meet on Sunday. As he started to walk away, Finn spun around and whispered, “I’m saving up, Andre. I hope you are too.”


Andre went to First Congregational with the family on Sunday morning. His mother was basking in compliments she was receiving over her skillful management of the social which had been fun–and had raised nearly one hundred dollars for the Poor Fund. Andre and his father were anxious to return to the crops. No rain for three days meant that they would spend the afternoon opening and closing irrigation gates–or the crop could be lost. Yvonne complained that if they missed the pot luck lunch, she had nothing prepared. But, work called. They worked late, very late. And Andre didn’t have time to visit the pond before dinner.

It was then that he realized he knew nothing about Finn. He didn’t know where he worked, where he lived, where he ate. He had no way of getting word to him that Sunday was off. He vowed to correct that situation at their next meeting–although communicating in Noubois was not going to be easy.

It was Monday before Andre returned to the pond. He assumed that Finn had probably given up on him, but he nevertheless wanted to enjoy the cooling waters for an hour after a long day. He followed previous patterns: walked to the pond, found it deserted, stripped, and started to swim laps. But after the second lap, he realized he had company. There was another swimmer. Andre looked over and noted the astonishing mop of red and breathed in relief. Finn was in the pond. After a few more laps, which he swam at record speed, Andre headed for the falls and the rocky ledge. He hoisted himself out and stood under the falls to complete his routine. But there was a surprise. Finn came up behind him and began to massage fragrant soap into Andre’s pecs, squeezing the nipples. Andre moaned and melted. Finn pushed him into a bend and continued massaging his ass (which Andre pushed back into Finn’s hand) and finishing and with a stroke or two to Andre’s now rampant cock. Finn was now pretty sure he had him.


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