Innocence Lost Paradise Found Ch. 01 by Brunosden


Andre grabbed the slippery bar and repeated the process with Finn, although somewhat more tentatively, enjoying running his fingers through the fiery hair. Then both moved to the mossy soft ledge to recline and talk. Andre was obviously distracted, but he did manage to learn that Finn and his brother were working the same farm, perhaps a half mile from his family’s. The other farm had a bunkhouse where the two young men were housed–at a fee of course. All meals were taken there as well. Except for the pond visits which Finn had just begun a few weeks ago, he and his brother never left the place. They were sending as much as possible back to the family in Boston. Finn’s last name was O’Brien; he was Catholic, although neither he nor his brother went to St Anne’s–they didn’t have any clothes but those they worked in.

“Enough,” Finn finally spurted out. “I’ve only got a few more minutes, and I’m nearly exploding with my bottled up spunk. I need some relief.” He spread Andre’s legs, moved into the vee and buried his face in Andre’s crotch. His fingers rolled the hood down and he plunged forward to take the dark bulb into his mouth. Andre was aghast. It was a first for him. His cock was in a guy’s mouth! But the feeling of pleasure spread quickly through his entire body. He was melting. Finn’s hand began to stroke as his tongue swirled around the head and into the slit. It didn’t take long. Andre was experiencing one of the most exciting moments of his life.

Andre knew he was about to spurt, and he had had no experience of someone taking his cum. That was also true for Finn–but somehow Finn knew this was a necessary part of his seduction. So he renewed his efforts. His lips clamped down as the tongue swirled and Finn’s fingers reached farther under and ringed the rim. Andre didn’t pull back or protest. Instead, his hips rose from the rock to permit easier access. Finn felt the first pulse and tasted the first pre-cum. Instinct took over. It was time. He pushed one finger knuckle deep into the anus. Andre’s eyes rolled, and he began to shoot, gob after gob of his manhood seed into Finn’s hot receptive mouth. It was without any question the best orgasm he had ever experienced. He was in love!

Seconds later Finn came up for air, Andre’s cum dribbling from the sides of his lips. He crawled into Andre’s lap, pushed him back against the sloped rock, looped his arms around Andre’s neck, and proceeded to give

Andre a taste of his own cum. Then he pressed into Andre. Andre was spent, but felt incredibly protective and affectionate toward the guy who had just given him such a gift. He enjoyed having Finn in his lap and wound his arms around to bring him closer.

Finn took Andre’s hand and placed it firmly around his shaft. “Stroke me off, Andre. It’s my turn.” Andre did as he was told. And so as they continued to kiss, Andre stroked slowly, feeling the hardness just under the slippery outer skin; holding someone’s else’s dick in the palm of your hand was one of the great discoveries of young manhood. Then he picked up the pace as Finn began to writhe in his lap. For the first time in his life, he had a man’s cock in his fist. It throbbed with a life of its own, emitting drops of precum from the slit at regular intervals. Fingers reached up to smooth the precum down the shaft as lube. Andre felt an overwhelming sense of power. Within seconds, Andre felt the shaft grow even harder and saw the head darken and inflate. And then, Finn spasmed over and over and shot into Andre’s fist and farther into the cool pond waters. Andre marveled at his power–but also at the feelings he had toward Finn. Andre continued to hold Finn tight to his chest while the fingers of his other hand gripped the pole which remained mostly hard and pulsing.

They remained joined for some time–until they realized that darkness was falling, and that there would be questions about their absence from the farms. Realizing the afternoon was over, both dove into the pond, swam to shore, dressed and left for home.

Neither said a word. Actions had said it all. But, deep down Finn knew he had Andre–and Andre suspected that he had more to learn from Finn. And then it hit him like a thunderclap: he really liked Finn–not just what they had done. It was going to be a whole new summer.



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