It Feels So Good, In A Bad Way (Chapter 1) by YurInHevinWithDevin


A gay adult stories: It Feels So Good, In A Bad Way (Chapter 1) by YurInHevinWithDevin ,

It Feels So Good, In A Bad Way (Chapter 1)
by YurInHevinWithDevin

Diary, Boy / Boy, Cheating, Gay, Teen Male / Teen Male, Young

Author’s infos
Gender: N/A   
Age: N/A   
Location: N/A

Posted Mon 10th of December 2012

Hi. I’m Devin. Devin Miller. I’m 18. Turning 19 soon. I am bisexual. Yes, I am emo. I love the way I’m dressed. I’m pretty much the hottest emo in this state. Well, that’s what everyone says, soo…but anyway. I have a girlfriend. She’s annoying. She’s a girl you don’t want to mess with. But I don’t want to be with her anymore. I enjoy sex. So much. But the problem is..I lost sexual interest in women. So now I’m interested in men. I want to have sex with boys. Not girls. So welcome to my world. Doing bad things is a sexual habit.

It all started when I joined college. Tough kids. Sex addicted guys and girls. Parties in dorm rooms. Sex parties that is. High school to me was just like college. Except the parties were in clubs or houses when parents were outta town. I spent my days in a dorm room. Yes, with a roomate. His name is Trent. He’s just like me . He’s emo. I usually just hang out with emo’s or scene’s. Sometimes gothic. Trent is a very hot boy. Bu tthe thing is, he hates me. For what reason? I don’t know. He says he hates me, and doesn’t want to live with me in sucha small dorm room. Everytime I walk in our room, I heard blasting music. He loves Blood On The Dance Floor. Just like I do. It’s crazy how we have so many things in common. The crazy things about this is, Trent never hit me or anything before. He just says things to me. And he’s gay. While I’m bisexual. Atleast 1 difference. I have a higher pitched voice than he does. My voice is somewhat feminine. By that I mean, the gay-ish voice. But not totally gay. Going off topic with things, I have a girlfriend. Her name is Carly. She’s annoying. Very annoying. She lives in a different dorm room with her best friend Kamora. Everyone calls her Kam. I’ve been with Carly since sophomore year. Why I put up with her? Cause she makes me. Know why? Because she said if I ever break up with her, she will tell everyone how I love boys and stare at their asses. It’s true, but I don’t want everyone teasing me about it. Especially in a new college year.—-

I look into the mirror in the boy’s bathroom. I look pretty good today. I turn around and walk out the door. Off to my dorm room. When I walk to the door, I can already hear the dirty music from Blood On The Dance Floor that Trent is blasting. I unlocked the door, then walked in. Hmm. Crazy. He wasn’t in sight. I felt a vibration in my pocket and took out my phone. Text from Carly. “Babe, I’m horny 😉 Come over my room? Kam is out till 9.” I read. Ugh not again. She’s always horny. We only had sex once. That was when I was drunk. Ever since that time, she’s been obsessing over my dick. It’s annoying. I licked my lips thinking. Then just put my phone away. I felt tired from school. So I decided to go to the bathroom to wash my face. I slowly opened the door. I then saw Trent in the shower. I saw his naked body in the water. Watching the water drip off of his body. I had a bad problem of getting horny, very fast. Only by boys though. I gasped quietly. He wouldn’t hear me anyway over the music. I watched him clean off for a while. Staying there in shock. I never seen him naked before. I looked down through the clear glass on the shower door, and saw Trent’s dick. It was perfect size. It got me horny. After a few seconds, he stopped washing, and looked at me. His face had an angry expression. That’s when I thought. “uh oh”. He turned off the shower and got out. “Why the fuck are you in here!” He screamed at me. He looked so hot when he’s mad. Oh my god. He angrily walked towards me as I was speechless. He picked me up which made me make a noise. He was taller and stronger than me. I was somewhat sweet and innocent. He wasn’t. He threw me on his single bed, and left the music on , on his playlist of dirty music. “Wh-what do you want from me!” I screamed as it looked like he was about to smack me. He glared and grabbed my shirt and roughly took it off. I began to get a bit scared. He then said nothing and tore down my pants. “You want to fucking look at my body while I’m showering? You’ll fucking get what you want. My way.” he said angrily as he stripped me completely. I then was naked on his bed. He then sat me up and stuck his dick in my mouth. I closed my eyes and gagged. I coughed a bit on his dick. I then had no option but to suck. He grabbed my hair and made me suck deeply. I gagged again. Then after a while he through me back. He then made me go in doggystyle on the bed, facing the wall. I felt his hands on my hips and felt his long dick move right in my ass. It hurt, but it felt good. I bursted out a loud weak moan when he thrusted in me. He then gradually thrusted into me fast and deep. I moaned continuously. He was too quick. He rushed into it. I bit my lip hardly trying not to moan anymore. I couldn’t help it. He kept thrusting into me. Then he grabbed my hair which made me make a moan scream. He tugged my hair and pulled me back. I made the weakest moan yet. I’m in the worst position yet. It’s horrible, but then it’s grand. The thought came to me. I’m getting fucked by a hot guy. Damn. That made me enjoy this moment a bit more. Carly wasn’t in my mind, and I was getting fucked. Heaven.

After about an hour of getting fucked, my ass hurt. Real bad. He cummed on my chest, after I lay back on the bed. He then went back to the bathroom without saying a word. I scooped the cum on my fingers and licked it up. It was weird how I wanted more. I then got a text from Carly. “I’m out your door. Open up now!” The text said. Uh oh.



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