The Human Bearer Ch. 05


A gay sex stories: The Human Bearer Ch. 05 The Human Bearer


It was amazing to feel his belly and have it returned to normal within just in the span of a few hours. How could his body adapt like this? Maybe his DNA was changing, too. What an ignorant he had been to just land on a planet about which he knew nothing. At least Xana was accommodating, and Kyle was good enough company. And Tasha was a friend. He already had more than he used to have, at least if he was to look over his shoulder at the last years of his life on earth. He managed to get out of bed without disturbing Xana. Maybe it was going to be a problem if he was to spend all his time on his back, like this. His master was extremely affectionate, but that didn’t mean that he wasn’t a bit fearful of what the future held.

It was not like he had been some kind of badass all his life. Yeah, he liked putting on a cool demeanor, and pretend he didn’t care, but the truth was he felt like he was always on the run. Never enough money, never enough time for growing roots, never enough love or even friendship in his life. He would have settled for the latter and forget all about the rest, but he had been used way too many times to harbor any thoughts of things to change for the better.

And now he was in the bed of an alien, ten years younger, if what Xana said was true, and it felt like something strange and exciting, and he had no idea what to make of it. The sex part was amazing. But he could not afford to lull himself into a sense of security. He had almost got raped and he was nothing but a sex toy. Yet, Xana’s possessive nature was making him all tingly inside. And that was something new, or at least unfamiliar.

By all means, he should have felt demeaned, humiliated. His master had paraded his belly full of seth and cum in front of his would be rapists. But Riordan knew what that was. It was claiming, pure and simple. And that made him feel a little proud. Special.

“Kyle?” he called for the bot.

“Yes, master Rio,” the bot promptly replied.

“I’m the mood for something with a lot of whip cream,” he said as he crossed his legs on a surface that looked like a long bench. At least, it was a different room than the one he and Xana used for fucking. He preferred eating in another room.

“Right away, master Rio.”

“Kyle, where do you take all this food from?”

“I am identifying the ingredients required and I synthetize them,” Kyle replied.

“Ugh, that doesn’t sound terribly appetizing.” Riordan grimaced.

“I can place an order for Earth. But it would take at least two days for the food to arrive.”

“Then give me what you got. You know, not synthesized.”

“Of course, master Xana had me stock up on Earth foods. But I didn’t know your preferences, or I would have suggested other varieties.”

“Don’t worry, Kyle. You’re doing an awesome job, mate.” Riordan laughed.

“Thank you, master Rio.”

“Great! Now hit me with your best shot… I mean give me some of that delicious food you have stashed away, because I think I can eat a horse.”

“Is horse meat one of your preferences, master Rio?” the bot inquired.

“No!” Riordan made a horrified face. “I will tell you, so you’ll know exactly what to order the next time you have to resupply. By the way, what does Xana eat?”

“Xenos’ regular diet consists of insects and small animals.”

“Forget I asked.” Riordan winced.

“However, lately, they have developed a taste for other intergalactic cuisines. Earthian is particularly preferred. Master Xana, in particular, prefers such foods. On most days, I don’t have to resupply on what used to be his diet a few years ago.”

“That definitely gives me peace of mind,” Riordan said. “Ugh, I’m starving. Just give me what you have right now.”

It took Kyle little time to return with a plate filled with an assortment of Earthian foods. Riordan attacked the egg salad with mucho gusto.

“Kyle, I wish you could taste this. It’s heaven,” Riordan commented with his mouth full.

“I know it is good for your body, and that it is also pleasant for you. It is enough to make me happy.”

“Do you know what happy is, Kyle?” Riordan asked as he admired the perfect color of what he knew to be orange juice.

“It is a sensation of fulfilment in my case. When master Rio laughs and feels happy, I know my purpose was achieved.”

“So selfless.” Riordan shook his head.

“I am coded like this,” Kyle supplied.

“You might be, but I have a sensation that deep inside your circuits, you’re still a good guy,” Riordan said with a small smile.

“Thank you, master Rio. Never before have I been treated like this by any Xeno or human for that matter.”

“Besides Xana, have you had another master?”

“I was run through a few different households until I managed to get a hold of all the protocols. As you might well know by now, master Rio, master Xana is an important Xeno, being the first counselor to the High Chancellor, Marn Saver.”

“I heard he got up the ranks rather fast. How did it happen?”

“I believe that the Earthian term would be prodigy. Master Xana managed to master intergalactic strategies and xeno languages better than his entire generation and a few before him. The High Chancellor was impressed with his abilities.”

“So he’s a nerd.” Riordan snickered.

“What does nerd mean?”

“Someone who’s spending all their waking hours studying and stuff.”

“Master Xana was not studying all the time.”

Riordan felt his ears twitching. “What other things did he use to do?”

“He much preferred the company of humans when he became initiated in sexual activities.”

“Kyle, gossiping with you is the real deal,” Riordan joked.

“Another turn of phrase?”

“Yeah. Now, c’mon, tell me about Xana’s sex escapades.”

“They weren’t escapades. Master Xana just went there. It happened that his sex drive was superior, just like his intellect.”

“You’re telling me.” Riordan touched his belly tenderly, although it was nothing there to worry about. “Go on.”

“It happened somewhat by accident that master Xana had intercourse with a human sex worker. The brothels offer a broad range of species, so that anyone can choose what they prefer. When the master’s preferred sex worker was out of commission that night, he was offered a male human. After that, master Xana expressed his preference towards Earthians. Also, he let the High Chancellor know he would like to earn the right of having a human bearer as soon as possible. And he studied to receive that particular right.”

“Wow. Talking about determined,” Riordan mumbled. “Do you know why he picked me?”

“I would much appreciate if you asked me everything directly, instead of questioning Kyle like this,” Xana’s amused voice interrupted him, and Riordan almost jumped from his place.

“Master Xana, would you like something to eat, as well?” the bot immediately asked.

“Whatever Rio here has,” Xana said. “And Kyle, if Rio ever asks for more personal questions about me, direct him to me.”

“Certainly, master Xana. And thank you.”

“What for?” Xana quirked an eyebrow.

“For calling me Kyle.”

Xana was now looking at Riordan with a mix of pride and appreciation.

“Thank Riordan. He was the one to name you.”

“Thank you, master Rio.”

“You’re welcome, Kyle,” Riordan replied.

He could not pretend he wasn’t a bit pissed about Xana ruining his fun. His master picked a perfect morsel off the plate offered by the bot and looked at him with satisfaction.

“Care to take a bath together?” Xana began caressing Riordan naked calf with his tail.

“Yeah,” Riordan agreed. “I’m getting too used to be slimy all the time with you around. Are you sure you don’t have to go back to work?”

“Positive.” Xana smiled and grabbing him and throwing him over his shoulder, he began marching towards what qualified as a bathroom in the household.

This was different from the bathroom he had visited when Kyle had prepared him for the party. It resembled the accommodations where Xana had inflated his belly the first time. It was clear that the Xeno felt best in that kind of environment, frolicking in the water happily and dragging Riordan with him.

“So.” Xana resurfaced from the water and embraced him, pulling him close. “What is it that you want to know? I thought I staved your natural curiosity just earlier.”

“Xana, why do you like… having sex with male humans so much?”

“Why don’t you ask me directly why I like you?”

“Fine,” Riordan agreed. “Why do you like me?”

“I cannot explain it,” Xana said simply.

“Why?” Riordan pressed and looked the Xeno into his hypnotic eyes.

“I am used to facts. There is no fact here. I saw your file and I just thought I want you.”

“Just like that?”

“Yes. I saw your eyes. I don’t know if I noticed anything else. The selector tried to entice me with other files, but I only wanted you. I wanted to see your eyes, up close, like this.” Xana circled him slowly, all the while not breaking eye contact.

Riordan felt a little taken aback and his skin began to warm but pretended not to notice. “That’s a bit different from what you told me earlier.”

“I have a sudden urge to hide things like these from you. But you’re persistent. And I didn’t lie to you. I like that you’re dark. I like that you’re old, although I don’t believe that you’re old. I like your imperfections. I like your uncouth manner of talking. I feel like I could spend my days in bed with you, filling you gradually over and over again. I would put my egg inside you this instant if I didn’t know I could not do that without hurting you.”

“Wow.” Riordan smirked. “And you say you’re not crushing on me?”

“Maybe I am.” Xana smiled slyly.

“C’mon, snake boy, you don’t have to lie to me to get me to bend over. I’m yours anyway.”

“Mine,” Xana whispered and he dragged Riordan closer for a kiss.

“How do we know when the perfect match is achieved?” he inquired as soon as he was allowed to breathe.

“Eager to have my egg inside you?” Xana licked one side of his face making him snicker.

“More like eager to get stuff done and see about the rest of my life,” Riordan replied.

Again, the air turned cold, and Riordan felt his teeth starting to clutter uncontrollably.

“Stop it with this shit,” he murmured.

“With what?” Xana asked, his voice cool as the freezing air.

“You won’t be getting any egg inside me if I die of cold,” he spat, the tremble in his lips growing stronger.

Xana seemed to get a hold of himself. Gradually, the temperature returned to normal. Riordan let out a breath.

“How do you do that? And why?” he lashed out at his owner, the moment he felt some of the blood returning to his limbs.

“It’s a natural reaction. It happens when I experience a change in my brain chemistry.”

“Brain chemistry? Bullshit. You’re pissed and suddenly, everyone around must die freezing.” Riordan swam towards the edge of the gigantic pool and pulled himself out of the water.

He shouldn’t have been surprised to feel the tail coiling around his waist and dragging him back. Again, he was facing that mercurial being, and the green eyes were darker now, filled with passion.

“In Earth terms, I’m supposed to be a cold-blooded creature.”

“You’re not. Your body is warm.” Riordan struggled to remain composed as the tail continued to squeeze him tightly.

“It gets hotter around you,” Xana admitted, his eyes never leaving his bearer’s face.

“What happened earlier is the exact opposite. Stop squeezing me, you ass,” Riordan finally let out. “You’re exasperating.”

“I must make sure you don’t slip away,” Xana relaxed his hold but only for a tiny bit.

“It’s not like I could go anywhere. Stop being irrational.”

“You barely wait to leave my side.” Xana seemed miffed now.

“It’s you planet, your laws. At the end of this bargain, I need to find myself a safety blanket. You just dance around the subject. I don’t know what kind of humans you met until now, but I value security. You give me nothing. I only try to find out whether I’ll be forced to work in a whorehouse or learn how not to die of boredom filling forms all day long.”

“You got everything wrong,” Xana said through his teeth.

“Why don’t you enlighten me? It’s not my fault I’m being kept in the dark. You just make things hard.”

“I don’t want you to leave.”

“I know. I got you. First the egg, then the rest. I understand priorities. I’m not a monkey. But give me something to hold on to. It’s just something humans do.”

“I don’t want you to leave. Ever.”

Riordan opened his mouth and then closed it. That was something that needed proper pondering over.

“You know that’s not possible,” he said. “I’m not the one making the rules.”

“You won’t leave,” Xana said stubbornly.

“Alright, mister I’m so cold blooded I can turn the house into a fridge. You’re a bit head over heels here. Have you never been infatuated? After fucking so many humans-”

“I told you such rules don’t apply to us,” Xana said sternly.

“Why don’t you want me gone then? Explain,” Riordan demanded.

“I need you here.”

“To fuck. This is all we do. We fuck.”

“I enjoy fucking you.”

“Oh, and that’s news,” Riordan said wryly. “Come on, there’s plenty of human booty around. You’ll find a lot of ways to entertain yourself. And you fucked like hundreds of dudes from Earth. How am I special?”

“You are,” Xana snapped.

“Oh, yeah? Maybe just because I didn’t worship you the second I saw you.”


“What are other bearers like?” he asked, all of a sudden.

“Definitely more versed in the proper etiquette than you. They don’t jump to offer a hot orifice the moment they come through the door.”

“My bad.” Riordan shrugged. “But aren’t you the horny ones? Why shouldn’t bearers be trained to act like absolute sluts the moment, as you say, they come through the door?”

“Because bearers are supposed to have more decorum than brothel sluts.”

“That sounds like a self-defeating purpose. You drown your bearers in cum and slime, making them addicts.”

“It’s not my species’ fault you fall so easily to addiction.”

“So everyone’s a whore anyway.” Riordan shrugged. “Your kind is a strange lot. What do you want exactly?”

“What I want,” Xana began talking slowly, making Riordan’s mind suddenly drowsy, “is my whore of a bearer to be with me always. To fill you up, until you’re almost bursting, then tease you and fill you again. I want to push egg after egg inside you until you’re nothing but an extension of my being. I want to see you with all my offspring around you, telling them strange stories about Earth. I want every day to come back to you and be inside you until the sun is up again.”

Riordan stared at his owner, jaw-slacked.

“I’ll be damned,” he whispered. “You are infatuated.”

“Nonsense. Everything I want is clear. Not whatever your mushy Earthian brains tell you love is. I want you in my house, in my bed, impaled on my cock and tail.”

“There’s no point in fighting you. So what are you going to do once I deliver the egg, and Social Services, or whatever the substitute is here, come to get me?”

“No one will come and get you.” Xana frowned. “And I know exactly what I’ll do. See? No irrational emotions here.”

“Ah, let’s hear it. Your big plan.”

“I will let your body recover and then I will put another egg inside you.”

“So you want to destroy my body with multiple pregnancies?” Riordan stared at his owner in disbelief. “I’m not sure if my body can handle one.”

“You’re strong. You will.”

“Has any other bearer gone through this kind of thing?” Riordan watched Xana carefully.

“No. But I see no reason why you would not be able to carry another egg. The seth will heal your body and make it as good as new.”

“And you didn’t think about asking me if I agree to this stuff.” Riordan felt his anger rising.

“What say have you on the matter? You’re my bearer and you handed yourself over to me until I tire of you.”

“Oh, so this is how it goes. It’s not enough that you’re a weird alien, you’re an asshole, too.”

There was bitterness in his voice.

“Insult me all you want. It’s music to my ears.”

“Oh yeah? So about this? You’re a piece of shit, Xana! Do you want to fuck me senseless and use me like a breeding mare? What if I say no? What if I don’t want to?”

The tail uncoiled from his lower body and this time Xana was the one to get out of the water. The alien loomed over the edge of the pool.

“You don’t have a choice. If you leave, I’ll make sure there’s only death for you on the other side of the door. Do you think I’ll allow others to copulate with you?”

This time, the water was getting too warm. Riordan hurried out of the water.

“So you’re bent on killing me if I don’t do what you say?” he spat as he looked up at the snakeman.

“Without a doubt. As any human, your coward nature compels you to yield.”

Riordan began walking away.

“My bad for thinking you could be a half decent alien,” he murmured on his way out.


“Kyle, not now,” Riordan pushed the bot away from his path, without force, but firmly.

It seemed, for a second, that the bot wanted to say something, but it just wheeled away.

Riordan threw himself on one of the plushy surfaces that could count as a bed. Looking around, it hit him. Except for the giant bathroom and its smaller siblings, the entire house had beds, beds, and beds again. It was like the environment had to accommodate the master’s desire to push down his bearer and mount him.

That was what he was. Nothing but a recipient for the snakeman’s slime, cum, and that damn egg. He wanted to grab something and break it and make it crush against the walls. All his life, he had been used and discarded.

He jumped to his feet and began pacing around. What was he going to do? And why was he so surprised? He had come here to be used. A painful migraine was clenching his temples in its claws and he groaned in frustration. The worst part was that he had let his proud nature overcome his need to survive and now that alien was pissed at him. He needed to make nice to him now. That, if such things worked on him.

It dawned on him. He was all alone, in a strange world, surrounded by lies and deceit. And now he was in danger. He felt his stomach clenching painfully. He knelt on the floor and began retching.

His arms were tautly stretched and trembling, as he was trying to get a hold of himself.

“Master Rio.” The bot hurried by his side and its robotic arm pushed a glass of water under his nose.

“Thanks, Kyle,” he murmured.

Funny how that creature of metal and wires had more common sense and empathy than the abhorrent alien he had to serve in bed, despite his beautiful and half human like appearance.

The water had a pleasant taste and calmed his troubled stomach. Quietly, Kyle began vacuuming the mess around him. He buried his head into the crook of his elbows and contained the shaking there.

“What happened?” Xana’s musical voice made him jolt.

“Master Rio felt ill to the stomach,” the bot promptly supplied the information.

“Is he sick?”

“No. Health assessment is perfect,” the bot said again.

“Then what happened?” Xana pressed.

“A temporary discomfort. Nothing that would lead to consequences.”

“Please, leave us,” Xana ordered the bot.

There was something so heavy and dark in the room as the silence stretched.

“Strange,” the alien spoke first.

Riordan kept his eyes cast down, willing himself not to look at his owner.

“I constantly feel the need to have you. But not at this moment.”

“Maybe because I just puked,” Riordan said slowly.

“No, that’s not it.”

The level of misunderstanding in this being was on par with Kyle’s and that guy was a bot, Riordan thought. He chose to remain silent. By the shift in the air, the alien was coiling himself on one of the generous beds.

“You’re rejecting me,” Xana spoke. “I no longer desire you.”

“Well, that’s a relief,” Riordan mumbled. “So I’m free to go or something?”

“No,” the alien said airily. “Despite my lack of sexual desire, I still demand your presence on Xeno. Nothing changes.”

Riordan pushed himself to his feet. He was so used to be naked that he was barely registering he was completely exposed to the alien’s gaze.

“If you don’t want me, then why do you still keep me?”

It was wrong, a mistake somehow, because there was no way it could be so simple.

“For the egg, of course,” Xana answered.

“Of course. So we’ll just fuck, as usual.” Riordan grimaced.

“No.” Xana shook his head. “I’ll have you injected with my seth and semen regularly.”

“You freak,” Riordan mumbled. “So you could do that from the start, without ripping my ass?”

“You will address me properly from now on,” Xana said and his cool stare made Riordan shift from one foot to another. “Master Xana Lei.”

“Alright, master Xana Lei.” Riordan stood tall and looked the alien straight in the eyes. “Please order whatever you have to order me.”

“Watch your tongue, bearer,” Xana said, pouring ice into Riordan’s veins.

Riordan cast his eyes down. There was no point in antagonizing the alien any further.

“You will be placed in another compound. I don’t want to see you anymore.”

Riordan knew he had to feel relieved. But instead a pang the consistence of a crystal shard went through him in the fraction of a second.

The bot wheeled into the room and his robotic arm caught Riordan’s elbow. So this was it. He almost shook the bot off, but refrained at the very last moment. He spared Xana not a single glance as he let himself guided out.

He had no power to joke with Kyle. Yeah, right. That was nothing but a bunch of software and hardware, not a human being. So wrong of him to feel so lax.

“I will ask master Xana to let me serve you in your new home,” the bot suddenly spoke.

Riordan’s head shot up. “No need to, mister robot. Sorry for messing up your programming. Your real master will take care of it for you. So you don’t end up suffering from some infinite loops or something.”

“Kyle for you, master Rio. Not mister robot,” the piece of machinery said.

Riordan chuckled softly. “By all means, ask Xana, ah, sorry, master Xana Lei, to assign you to me. I bet he’ll say no, but do try, nonetheless.”

To his surprise, the bot wheeled away and disappeared for a few seconds. When it returned, Riordan looked at him, trying to make sense of the sensor flickering.

“Well?” he asked impatiently.

“Let’s get you settled in, master Rio. I am assigned to you and your new home from this point forward.”

“You son of a… Never mind, you did it.” He grinned like an idiot. “Alright, so let’s ditch this joint.”

“Meaning, master Rio?” the bot asked.

“Let’s go to this new home, okay?”

“Okay,” the bot replied.

Walking outside, in the open air, made his chest expand and fill with relief. He didn’t look back. There was no point. Whatever the can of worms opened in the pit of his stomach was trying to tell him, he had to ignore it. There was no way out but forward.

He almost jolted when Kyle carefully placed a cape on his shoulders that quickly wrapped his body.

“Oh, thanks. I forgot I was naked,” he said more cheerfully than what he felt.

“It will take us little to reach our destination, but, still, I know master Rio is much aware of being stared at.”

“You’re the coolest robot in the galaxy, Kyle,” Riordan joked.

The words felt like clay in his mouth, but he knew he had to work with the hand he had been dealt. At least, he was not going to live under the same roof with that dangerous creature. As lousy as his life was, he still wanted to hold on to it. Xana Lei was nothing but an alien whose thoughts and emotions he could not, as a human, understand.



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