Jay’s Life Ch. 01

“OK, well I’m pissed. You aren’t better than me. How about we put some pressure on so I can perform my best?” Jay said.

“OK, I don’t mind winning something from your ass! What do you have in mind.” Ben responded.

“How about Truth or Dare pool. Every time you make a shot you get to give the other person a truth question or a mild dare. Then the winner gets to give a big dare.” Jay suggested.

“OK, sounds like a plan. You better get ready to do some dares and answer some hard questions.” Ben said, in a playful but competitive manner. Ben went to break the balls and made two solids. He turned to Jay and said “Truth or dare?”

“I’ll go one of each since you made two.” Jay responded.

“OK, well first the truth. Hmm, how often do you jerk-off?” Ben asked.

“Well, I guess an average would be once a day,” Jay said, matter of factually.

“OK, well for your dare, I dare you to send Ced a text saying you want to suck his dick.”

“What the fuck! Getting intense aren’t we? OK, fine. I guess I have to do it.” Jay pulled out his phone and typed the text ‘I wanna suck your dick’ and showed it to Ben for approval before hitting send. There was no immediate answer, so the game carried on. Jay made hit next 3 shots, leaving him with only 4 balls on the table. “OK, I’ve got 3 to give. What do you take for your first one? Truth or Dare?”

“I’ll take truth.” Ben said, nervously. Ben was a very private person. He didn’t like the thought of being asked anything.

“OK. What did Sara’s tits look like?” Jay asked. Sara was Ben’s ex and Jay’s best friend Chris’s current girlfriend. Their break up and Chris and Sara’s new relationship caused a riff in the group. Jay was still friends with all four but Sara and Ben and Chris weren’t with each other.

“Interested in my ex?” Ben said, half surprised and half intrigued.

“I’ve always thought she was cute. I’m just curious as to what her boobs look like.”

“Well, they were pretty nice. When she started gaining the little bit of weight they got bigger. A nice handful, not that she let me touch them much. She wasn’t exactly sex craved. Her nipples where the little cute ones. Not like drop gum, but medium size I guess.”

“Nice, she’s a bitch but I’d still like to hit that” Jay said with a chuckle.

“Even though she’s with Chris and used to be with me?” Ben asked with curiosity, not anger.

“Yeah sure. Not like I’d cheat with her, but I’d still like to fuck her. Anyway, what’s next? Truth or dare?”

“Hmm, I guess I’ll take dare.” Ben said, with nervousness.

“OK, I’ll be easy on you, not like you were on me. I dare you to take 5 shots of vodka in a row.” Jay said.

“Wow, 5 shots in a row is a lot. I usually only do 3. OK fine. Let’s go upstairs and do this.” Ben said in a tough guy type of attitude. The boys headed up stairs and Ben got out the Vodka and set up 5 shots in front of him. “Here goes nothing.” Ben said and a moment later he downed all 5 shots in succession. “I’ll take truth for my next one, by the way.”

“Pussy!” Jay said with a grin on his face. “OK. I got a good one. Have you ever had a gay dream?”

“What the fuck? Well, I don’t guess that’s any worse than me making you tell Ced you wanna suck his cock.” Ben said.

“You didn’t answer the question.”

“OK fine. Yes, I had one, one time.”

“What was it about.”

“Nope, that wasn’t part of the question. I answered your truth question, truthfully.” Ben said with a sense of accomplishment. “Time to get back to the game.”

The boys went back down stairs. Ben’s parents had already went to bed so they knew they needed to be politely quiet. The game carried on and Ben made one ball before he missed.

“Truth or dare.” Ben asked, feeling a little tipsy from the 5 shots of vodka.


“OK, well I’m starting to feel a little drunk and I don’t wanna be the only one with a disadvantage so I dare you to take 5 shots of vodka too!”

“Damn, you know I”m a lightweight! That will get me totally drunk.”

“Exactly.” Ben said as he started walking upstairs. Jay followed and Ben was already setting up his shots. Before Jay knew it, there were 5 overflowing shots of Vodka sitting in front of him. He nutted up and choked down all 5 shots. They went back down stairs and the game resumed. Jay missed he next shot and Ben made one ball. “Truth or dare?”

“Truth” Jay said, feeling tipsy, and knowing it was gonna get worse quickly.

“If a hot girl you were about to sleep with had a dick, would you still sleep with her?”

“Wow, what a question. I think my honest answer would be ‘it depends'”

“Bullshit, answer the question. Let’s say she looks just like Kristen Bell”

“Oh hell yeah then.” Jay said, something he never would have admitted if he were sober.

“Fag” Ben joked as Jay went to take his next shot. The alcohol was really kicking in but he did manage to sink one ball. “Truth” Ben said before even having to be asked.

“How big is your cock, fully hard?”

“That’s so gay.” Ben said, not wanting to answer the question. He knew he had to though so after stalling for about 30 seconds he answered “about 3 inches.”

“Wow, no wonder Sara dumped your ass!” Jay laughed, jokingly.

“Asshole. You better hope I don’t make any balls.” Ben went and he did actually make 2 balls., leaving him with just one and the 8.

“Truth or Dare, bitch”


“OK, I dare you to take off your shorts and keep them off for the next 24 hours.” Ben said, knowing this would be difficult because he would have to go home eventually.

“Damn, that’s a good one.” Jay said, feeling defeated. Jay was sporting a semi as he slid down his shorts and tossed them aside. His underwear was kinda tight so you could clearly see the outline of his cock. Ben’s eyes lingered a little and Jay noticed but didn’t say anything. He just grinned to himself and went on with the game. He was pretty drunk by this point but still managed to get 2 balls in. this left Jay with just 2 balls and the 8 and left Ben with 1 ball and the 8. “Truth or dare?”


“Man, what’s with you and all these truths! You pussy!”

“I’ll pick dare next. Just know the pay back is gonna be a bitch.”

“OK, hmm let’s see. What was that gay dream you told me about earlier about?” Jay asked, betting Ben had thought he’d forgotten.

Indeed Ben did think he’d forgotten. Fuck, he thought. He had to tell him the truth. “It was when me and Sara were together. I dreamed that Me and her asked you and Chris to join in on sex with us.”

“Dude, that’s a gang bang, not gay.”

“Well, Sara wanted to see us three do stuff, so we did.”

“What the hell is going on in your head! What did we do?”

“No, sir. That’s classified.”

“Whatever. Now you have a dare. I dare you to strip down to your underwear and run down to your mailbox and back. And then leave your clothes off.”

“That’s so gay, but whatever, dares’ a dare.” Ben replied to Jay’s dare. He secretly loved the idea of being nude in public, but this was about as close as he would have ever been. Ben took his shirt off and tossed it aside, then started up the stairs. Jay followed to make sure he did the dare in full. Ben was beginning to get turned on as he thought about what he was about to do. His 1 inch penis began to grow about before long it was at it’s full 3 inch length as hard as a rock. The problem is he was wearing some tight underwear because all his boxers were dirty. As the boys go to the front door, Ben began to lower his pants and his small cock sprung out pressing against his underwear.

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