Jersey Number 69


A gay story: Jersey Number 69 Nate sat in the air-conditioned courtesy bus, tapping at his phone trying to get a signal. After a long flight to Florida and the heatwave, he was starting to think the honor of being on this all-star team wasn’t exactly the honor it was supposed to be. He was ready to get to the hotel; he just wanted to get some food and some sleep. He had picked a seat as far away from the others as possible and was not in a mood to socialize.

“Okay, players…and staff, we are officially off-schedule by thirty minutes. I’ve contacted the hotel and informed them of our unforeseen delay. We’re just waiting on another player whose plane was delayed. Once we get him in here, you’ll go straight to the hotel. Thank you,” a officious older guy with a clipboard announced before slipping outside.

The guy came quickly back on-board and whispered something to the driver. He turned back to the passengers, counting heads and looking at his clipboard, before trotting down the steps and disappearing outside. He returned a few minutes later. Nate didn’t even take his earbuds out this time. He pulled his ball cap low and hunched down in his seat, closing his eyes.

He heard some garbled speech, some noise near him. He opened his eyes and raised up to see some guy standing beside his seat. He was saying something, Nate pulled out one of his earbuds.

“Do you mind if I sit here?”

“Uhm, not at all. Help yourself,” Nate lied. But he was sort of surprised by the dude. He was a stunner — straight longish black hair, dark eyes, big white smile. He looked like some exotic olive-skinned male model, ready for his close-up, Nate thought.

Nate motioned towards the seat and started to reinsert his earbud.

“I’m Stedman Rasmussen, everyone calls me ‘Sted’,” the guy said, holding out his hand to Nate.

“I’m Nathaniel Rodgers. Everyone just calls me ‘Nate’.”

They shook hands, and there were a few awkward seconds of quiet.

“I’m from California…UCDavis…it’s near Sacramento…the capital.” Sted told his seatmate, pulling his long hair back into a ponytail and securing it with an elastic band.

“South Carolina here. Little quiet town, small university.”

“Cool,” replied Sted, nodding his head

“Yeah, I reckon,” Nate nodded his head in response and started to hunker down in his seat.

“‘I reckon’,” Sted repeated Nate’s accent with a little grin.

“What?” Nate asked.

“Is it always this hot in the South?” Sted wondered.

Nate threw his earbuds in his bag.

“No, I just think it’s Florida,” Nate grumbled. Turning to look at his seatmate, he smiled.

Sted laughed. Nate got a good look at Sted. He looked more like a soccer player than an American footballer; heck, he really did look more like a model than an athlete. Nate himself had the stereotypical football physique — square head, stocky thick muscle build –but this guy was not that at all.

“I bet you’re a quarterback,” Nate ventured.

“Yeah,” Sted laughed. “Have you been looking at my bio or something?”

“No, you’ve just got that look,” Nate replied.

“I bet you’re a bulldozer,” Sted teased, pushing a bit of stray hair behind his ear

“What do you mean?”

“You’ve just got that look. I bet you can really plow through a line,” Sted joked. “Oh, I bet you could plow through a herd of cows with that big build. I’d hate to get in a fight against you.”

“Well, I have that reputation,” Nate said, laughing. He hunched over and put up his fists, pretending to knockout some invisible adversaries before falling back in the seat.

“Oh, you like Bonaventure Blue?” Sted pointed at Nate’s t-shirt.

“What?” Nate looked down at his shirt, pulling at it. “Oh, yeah, definitely, I downloaded their new album before my flight. The song Half-Moon Bend is fire. Love them!”

“Dude, this might be the beginning of something beautiful,” Sted laughed as the bus pulled away and they headed to the hotel.

The two discussed the new album and then got onto the subject of the old lead singer leaving and how the new guy brought a grittier edge to the group’s sound. They discovered they shared a lot in common beyond just a favorite band by the time the bus finally grinded to a stop at the hotel.

The clipboard guy appeared again as the bus sat idling.

“Okay, okay, guys, listen up! There’s a problem here at the hotel. They texted me to say that there’s a problem with the cooling system. Okay, there’s nowhere else to get another set of rooms, so we’ll just have to make do with what we’ve got.” The bus door opened and someone handed a box to the clipboard guy. “Everything’s been processed and here are your room keys and assignments. As I call your name, come up and get your keys and disembark from the bus.” He shifted through some papers. He started calling pairs of names alphabetically. “Rasmussen and Rodgers,” he finally called out.

“Glad we’re sharing a room,” Nate said, and Sted nodded in agreement as they grabbed their stuff and got off the bus.

The hotel wasn’t really much cooler than it was outside. Hot air from their room hit them when they opened the door. They debated whether to open the patio doors to let the air circulate. They figured being so high up and it was getting dark, opening them would be less stuffy and probably a whole lot cooler. But there were two problems. The first problem was the outside lights, and a big full moon, pretty much lit the entire room up. The other problem was the fact there was just one big queen-sized bed and not two singles.

Nate took off his cap, fanning himself a few times with it before setting it on the table in the corner of the room.

“How in the heck are the both of us going to fit on that?” Nate asked. He ran his hand through his dark blond hair. “Sleeping that close I guess it means we’re married,” he joked. “It’s too hot for all that.”

“We’re not going to be able to get another room, so we’ll just have to make do,” Sted reassured Nate. He skimmed through the information sheet and schedule they had been given. “We’re basically free until late tomorrow morning. How about we shower and change? Then maybe grab something to eat?” he suggested.

“Yeah, that sounds great. You wanna go first in the shower,” Nate offered.

“Oh hell yes! I’m so ready to get naked and under that shower!”

Sted headed eagerly to the bathroom, pulling his shirt off as he disappeared into the bathroom. Nate noticed his muscled back and broad shoulders angling down to his tight waist. It was nothing like his broad thick build.

Nate pulled off his own t-shirt and kicked off his shoes. A cool breeze wafted through from the balcony and sent a chill of pleasure over Nate’s hairy chest, cooling him down a bit. He dropped his shorts before plopping down in one of the room’s big club chairs. He stretched and ran a hand over his muscled chest. He casually scratched at a nip before sliding a finger over it. The connection caused an electric spark that traveled to his groin. He hadn’t jerked off for days. Maybe it was the heat, maybe it was that casual touch. He started to wonder if Sted was stroking his cock in the shower, he himself would be. He wondered how big Sted was down there. Nate’s groin twitched and his hand pinched one of his nips in response. He thought he might be able to just jack it quickly while Sted was in the shower, maybe shoot a load in his jockstrap. He could rinse them out in the sink and clean up any jizz in the shower. Or maybe he could just cum in his hand and lap it up. Fuck, he was horned up. He slipped a hand under the waistband of his jock. His finger dipped into the drop of precum forming on the head of his cock. His finger slipped over and around the head of his cock, causing it to start to get hard. He pulled out his hand, licking his slick fingertip and savoring his sweet, slightly salty taste. He grabbed his cock with his other hand and squeezed it through the material, feeling it expand inside the pouch.

Suddenly, the bathroom door opened and Sted walked out wearing just a towel. Nate pulled his hand away from his jock quickly and rubbed his hands together. Sted probably didn’t notice him. But Nate did notice Sted.

Sted’s dark olive-tanned torso was tight and lean, completely smooth except for a thick treasure trail running from his belly button before disappearing underneath the low-hanging towel. The towel hung loosely on him and framed the two V-shaped muscular grooves alongside his small hips. Water droplets streamed down those cum gutters until they hit the towel when he bent over. Water dripped off his tight body as he dug into his suitcase. He turned quickly and his towel slipped off, exposing a fleshy dark uncut cock. Sted laughed in shocking surprise. He wasn’t embarrassed as he continued to look for something in his case.

Nate couldn’t get a good look at the uncut cock before Sted moved as he fished around for something intently before finally giving up. He grabbed his towel and ran it over his crotch, turning away. Nate got a good view of his new friend’s smooth round ass before Sted turned back toward him.

“I’m finished if you wanna go ahead.”

Sted threw his towel on the bed, and ran a hand through his damp hair. His other hand ran over his cock mindlessly; he didn’t seem shy, Nate thought.

“It feels so fucking good, dude. I feel so much better now…and cooler,” Sted said, turning to grab a comb from his bag.

Nate grabbed at his t-shirt and used it to obscure his flaccid cock and the precum stain on his jock.

As Nate walked past him, Sted reached out and roughly patted his hairy muscular chest.

“You’re no bulldozer… you’re a freakin’ grizzly bear. No, probably a big cuddly daddy bear.”

Nated growled at him and jokingly made a mean expression by baring his teeth. Sted laughed as Nate disappeared into the bathroom.

Nate pushed his head under a stream of cold water and let out a deep sigh. He enjoyed the water, but quickly washed. He didn’t jerk off. He jumped out and grabbed a towel, before heading out of the bathroom.

Sted was facing away from him with his round ass in full view, stepping into some khaki shorts. He turned his head to Nate.

“That was quick.”

“I’m just needing some food.”

“I usually go commando. Well, obviously not on the field, of course,” Sted explained, noticing Nate’s eyes on him.

“I’ve started wearing jockstraps all the time myself. Well, not to bed. I like how they make my ass look good,” Nate shared unashamedly, before his towel dropped. He spanked one of his bare cheeks. “One of my best assets.”

“Uhm, are you sure about that?” Sted quickly responded, pointing at Nate’s crotch.

Always being in locker rooms, Nate hadn’t ever thought about his own nakedness. Even after being in the cool water, he was still hanging pretty fully.

“That’s a D.O.D, bro. Damn.”

“What are you talking about?” Nate asked.

“A ‘dick of death'”, Sted laughed, “and if it was mine, I’d never cover up that freakin’ work of art. I bet the chicks love you!”

Nate blushed a bit and dropped his hand to his groin as he grabbed at the fresh jockstrap in his bag. He looked over at Sted who was still watching him as he pulled the strap up his thick hairy thighs. Sted turned away and adjusted himself before grabbing a shirt.

“I’m hungry for a big burger. I really need some meat,” Sted pulled his shirt over his head, then ran a comb through his long hair, slicking it back. “What about you, Nate?”

“Yeah, I’m so ready for a big burger,” Nate answered, buttoning his shorts.

“I know. I’m right there with you, dude,” Sted nodded, slipping into his shoes. “I’m ready to get myself completely filled up,” Sted said, patting his belly as he walked to the door. “After you, big man,” Sted laughed, giving Nate a wink. “Big ol’ monster dick.”

“Oh, hush it,” Nate laughed.

The two stopped at the first burger joint they came upon. They had a long meal in a cool environment and talked until they figured the night breezes from the beach had cooled down the room.

On the way back to the hotel, they passed a convenience store.

“Hey, I want to run in and get a few things, like some snacks and shit,” Sted mentioned.

“Yeah, okay, cool, whatever.”

Sted walked in and grabbed a basket. He wandered toward the back. Nate grabbed a couple bags of chips and seltzer water. They were the only ones in the store, so he sat his items on the counter and told the cashier he wasn’t quite ready. He walked over to the magazine rack and looked through one of the muscle magazines.

“I love their builds…but don’t you think waxing your whole body is pretty unattractive,” Sted commented, looking over Nate’s shoulder. “I understand bodybuilders need to optimally display every muscle, but that dude’s just a model…I’ve seen him online and he is so much hotter with his naturally hairy chest.” Sted reached around Nate and patted his chest. As he pulled away, he grabbed Nate’s shoulder and gave it a few quick massages. “Don’t ever shave or wax your chest, buddy.”

“Uhm, yeah, sure, I’m never doing that,” Nate laughed, as he put the magazine back.

Back at the room, Sted started pulling off his shirt as soon as he dropped his grocery bags beside his suitcase. He fished around in one of the bags and pulled out a bottle of baby lotion.

“I go through a lot of lotion. I use the baby stuff because my skin is so sensitive to most stuff…and, of course, it has other uses too,” he explained with a wink as he slathered lotion over his torso. “So…uhm…I don’t know how to say this, but I usually sleep naked.”

“Okay, man, you didn’t need to tell me that,” Nate laughed as he flicked through channels on the television. “I just wear boxers myself,” he said, pulling them out of his bag and waving them in the air.

“Ok, I’ve got a pair like that. I’ll just wear them. I know guys get a little freaked out and all. I forget. My father’s from Denmark, and he’s very liberal about sex and nudity. None of that stuff was ever an issue in our house, it was all just natural.”

“Man, I’m from rural South Carolina. When we went swimming we wore a t-shirt and swimming trunks,” Nate flicked off the TV. “I’m really exhausted. You want to just go to bed.”

“Yeah, I’m pretty tired myself. Which side do you want?”

“It really doesn’t matter. But I have to warn you, I tend to move around a lot.”

Sted chuckled as he started to brush his teeth.

They finally climbed into bed. Once the lamps were turned off it seemed a bit darker, but their eyes adjusted to the darkness. You could still basically see everything in the room, as the full moon shone brightly through the open balcony door.


“Yeah, I don’t think I can do this.”


“No matter what direction I turn I feel like you’re watching me.”

“Nate, my eyes are closed.”

“I know, but I’m still not comfortable.”

“Well, I always sleep on my left side.”

Nate raised himself up.

“Well, we could swap sides,” Sted suggested.

“I dunno if that’s going to help.” Nate scratched his chest and started moving. “I know what I’m going to do.”

“What are you doing?” asked Sted, lifting his head up from the pillow.

“I’m changing directions. I’ll put my head here at the foot of the bed. It doesn’t bother me if you look at my feet. They are another one of my best features,” he said, wiggling his toes.

“So, now we’re up to three best features?”

Nate pretended to kick him.

So we’re basically sleeping sixty-nine.”

“What? Uhm, yeah, so I guess we are,” laughed Nate. “Good night.”

“Good night.”

Nate woke up with Sted’s knees in his chest. He had moved in the night and was lying slightly diagonally on the bed, as was Nate. He gently nudged Sted’s knees away and repositioned himself. Then he stopped when he saw it. The fleshy head of Sted’s cock was hanging out of his unbuttoned fly. At first Nate didn’t know what it was; he’d never really seen an uncut cock up close before, except in porn online. Sted’s cock was pretty long, so a good portion of it was hanging out. Nate sat up on his forearms and got a bit closer. Skin hung over the head with a good bit of skin dangling off the tip. He actually wanted to touch it and see what the fleshy tip felt like. The hanging foreskin looked like a big wad of old chewing gum, Nate thought. He wondered if felt like it. His hand reached toward it. He looked at Sted’s sleeping face and pulled his hand back quickly.

No, he thought to himself. He laid back and closed his eyes. He laid there for a second and wondered about Sted. He said he was open about sex and all; Nate wondered if maybe he had done things with other guys. It wasn’t exactly something Nate was opposed to himself. He had come close a few times, but it never panned out. He had never really done much of anything with anyone, girl or guy. Everything was about football, bodybuilding, and all those things involved with them. The only sex he got was with his hand. He had fantasies about sex…not with women…sex with other guys. This was the closest his fantasies had ever come to being real. He reached down and felt his own cock, his thumb running over the tip. He wondered if the sensation felt the same for Sted. He continued to look at the fleshy cock as he played with his own. Before long, he had drifted back to sleep.

Nate woke back up with his cock aching. It was hard as a rock. The head was pushing roughly against the cotton material as it was trapped down one leg of his boxers with his balls. Nate turned himself to free his cock and balls. He moved as gently as he could but the sheet was wrapped around his leg and he almost fell out of the bed trying to extricate himself. He settled back and found himself head to head with Sted’s cock. Sted was sorta half on his side and half on his back, his cock jutting out hard into the air toward Nate’s face. Carefully and cautiously, Nate worked his own cock out of his fly and compared the two. He gently pinched the flesh behind the head of his own cock and there wasn’t much to pinch on his hard member. He lifted his hand and moved it to Sted’s dick, the flesh now looked tighter over the head. Sted’s cock was so much bigger than before, so long and thick for such a lean guy. He got very close, but pulled his hand back.

“Go ahead and touch it, dude…if you want to,” Sted whispered. “I’m cool with it. I know you want to…”

Nate’s heart almost leapt from his chest and he felt a bit of a panic.

“Relax, Nate. Calm down, buddy,” Sted whispered, noticing his friend looked like a deer in headlights. “We’re just two curious buddies…nothing to be ashamed about. Look, we’ve both got hardons.” Sted pushed his boxers down and lifted his legs, pulling them completely off. He ran a hand over his cock, exposing some of the head which seemed to glisten in the twilight. “Grab it and look at it,” he urged as his hand left his own cock and tentatively slid across the sheets toward Nate’s. “Can I touch yours?”

Nate didn’t say a word. He just gave a little quick nod as his hand moved to Sted’s belly. He could feel the hard muscle beneath his tight skin. He nervously moved his hand further down following the trail of hair. Nate felt his own cock twitch as his hand felt the soft patch of hair. He suddenly let out a groan as Sted encircled his shaft. Sted shifted and Nate could feel the heat of his breath on his dick, slow steady wisps on his cock.

Nate brushed his fingertips over Sted’s shaft. The skin had a velvety soft feeling but also with a muscular hardness. It was different from his own, very different. He slid his hand up the length and finally let his fingertips run over his head. Sted sucked in a deep breath and then let out a slight sigh.

“Can I do something?” Sted asked. “You’re going to like it. I promise.”

“Sure,” Nate responded very softly.

Sted pushed his hair behind his ears before leaning over and taking Nate’s cock between his lips. Nate’s free hand grabbed at the sheets, as his head tilted backwards. He groaned as Sted’s tongue twisted around the head of his cock. Sted sunk further down Nate’s shaft before finally pulling off his cock.

“Was it good?”

“Oh, fuck, yes,” Nate said in a hoarse broken whisper. “I can’t believe my big cock was in your mouth.”

Nate moved closer to Sted’s prick and looked over at him.

“Go ahead if you want. Just remember it’s ultra-sensitive.”

Nate ran the tip of his tongue over the slightly exposed head, causing Sted’s body to jerk a bit. Nate encircled the head with his lips and moved down onto the cock. He darted his tongue cautiously over and around the member as he took in as much as he could before he gagged.

“Go slow. It’s not a race.” Sted licked the underside of Nate’s shaft before lapping at his balls.

Nate sank down on the long cock as far as he could without gagging. He wondered if it felt as good for Sted as he was feeling. Sted was bobbing up and down on his big cock and the electricity was lightening through Nate’s body, causing him groan with Sted’s cock in his mouth.

“Fuck, man, your cock is so damn big!”

Sted sank his mouth on the big cock again. Nate could feel Sted’s face in his pubes and a tightness around his cock before Sted pulled off, grasping for a breath.

“I could feel you stretching my throat, bro.” Sted pointed at a place on his throat. “It felt like you were here. Right here.” He wiped tears from his eyes. “Fuck.”

Nate bobbed a few times on Sted’s cock. Sted grabbed his hand and pulled on it.

“Get up for a sec. And get those off,” he told Nate, gesturing to his boxers. He laid on the bed on his back. “Get those off and get on top of me.” He made a motion with his hand. “Sixty-nine. Your cock in my face.”

Nate complied, feeling his big cock dragging across Sted’s face.

“Suck my cock while you fuck my face,” Sted told him before putting the horsecock into his mouth.

“Fuck your mouth?” Nate asked, his hand grabbing Sted’s cock.

Sted put his two hands on Nate’s round ass, pulling it down and causing the big cock to slip down his throat. Nate understood. He rested his elbows on the bed and took the uncut cock into his mouth while thrusting his hips slowly. The feeling of stretching his new buddy’s throat made him work hard to give Sted the same pleasure that he was getting. He pretended the cock was a lollipop; his tongue licking up, down, and around the uncut member. He figured that Sted was liking it from the reverberating groans and moans he was making with every move.

Nate felt Sted pushing on his groin and moved off him.

“Damn, I can’t stand it. You’ve got to fuck me.”

“But, I’ve never…” Nate paused. He felt his heart flutter inside himself and everything seemed to be hyperreal around him. “Okay, I’ll fuck you.”

Sted rolled off the bed and grabbed something from his bag.

“I’ll be right back,” he said before disappearing into the bathroom.

Nate sat on his knees in the middle of the bed naked. He reached over and grabbed his cap, putting it on turned back. He glimpsed himself in the mirror across the room. He didn’t think he looked like himself – it was like watching a porno on his computer. He could see his big cock jutting out, a drop of precum sparkled at the tip. He was going to fuck someone. His cock was literally going to be in someone else for real. He wasn’t going to be pretending with his hand, he thought to himself. He was going to fuck a dude and his cock was still hard as fuck.

The bathroom door opened and Sted came out. Nate admired the simple beauty of his lean body and long hair. Sted leaned over his bag, his ass in full view.

Yeah, my cock is going to be in that, Nate thought as his hand teased a nip while the other ran up and down on his fat hard cock.

Sted fell onto the bed, handing something to Nate.

“Lube.” Sted pushed a pillow under his ass. “Put a bit…well, a lot on your big dick.”

Nated lubed his cock. Instinctively, he reached out and smeared what was left on his hand into the crack of the ass that was now presented to him.

Sted had pulled his legs backward to his chest.

“Grab my ankles.”

Nate grabbed them as he moved into position. His heavy cock flared out. He reached down and placed the tip on the edge of the tight quivering hole. Sted relaxed and the head of the fat cock wedged slightly into his hole. Nate pushed forward a bit, causing Sted to gasp slightly. Nate moved his position a bit and his meat slipped easily into Sted.

“Oh, fuck,” Sted cried, before sucking a breath between clenched teeth. “Go slow. That enormous cock might just take my soul.” He gave a little nervous laugh.

“I’ll try,” Nate moaned as his cock felt the tightness around it. He wanted to just ram into the pleasure surrounding the head of his dick. “Damn,” he cried hoarsely, sinking a bit further gently and slowly. “Fuck, dude! You are so tight around me.” Nate’s hands went to his nips, pulling them to intensify the feeling in his groin.

“Your big cock feels so fuckin’ big.”

His hands were on Sted’s ankles again. It felt like they were joysticks guiding his big virginal prick into his friend’s ass. He pulled back at a bit of resistance. His breathing was heavy as he rested there for a second.

“Push that big cock into my ass, fucker. Don’t fuckin’ tease. Give me that big cock.” Sted let out a deep breath and sucked in another. “Just fuck me, big man.”

Nate lifted his ass slightly and with a growl, pushed his hips forward in one long deep thrust.

Sted cried out a long whining groan. Nate went lightheaded for a second from the feeling of his big prick sinking into his buddy’s warm tight ass.

“Oh, fuck, yes,” Sted hissed. “Fuck your big cock is opening up my ass! Feels so good, man.”

Nate could feel Sted tightening and relaxing around his invading meat. Nate had never felt anything like it.

“I can literally feel you massaging my cock with your ass,” Nate groaned.

“Practice makes perfect,” Sted joked before letting go of a big moan. “Biggest fuckin’ man ever in me! Best fuck ever taking your big cock!”

Nate started to think about other guys having their dicks inside his hot new friend. He started imagining guys on the bus to the hotel, the hot guy at the burger joint, his teammates back home. He thought about their cocks pushing into Sted’s tight, warm ass, just like he was doing right now. He could just see his buddy taking them all in a big orgy of cocks. He could feel his cum churning around in his nuts.

“Fuck, you’re going to make me nut talkin’ like that.”

“You going to breed my hole? Fuck, you going to give me that big man seed?”

Nate sucked in a deep breath and gave Sted a raised upper lip growl as he continued pumping his cock into him.

“Yeah, fuck a load into me, man. Put that nut in my hole. You gonna be a big man and cum deep inside me?”

“Fuck yeah, boy. Gonna cum in that chute. Gonna make you take this big nut jizz, fucker.” Nate parroted what he’d heard hot vocal guys shout in pornos.

Nate clenched his teeth as he felt himself getting close. He fucked Sted harder and faster, shaking his head to power through the tightness and trying not to think about the overwhelming buildup in his nuts getting ready to send him over the edge. He gripped his bud’s legs tightly, his knuckles going white. It was all too much. He felt his own ass go tight as his nuts shot their creamy load. Sweat dripped from his hair and the tip of his nose, his face red with sexual heat.

“Fuck it all to hell! Muthafuckin’ shit! Fuck, dammit. Damn, damn, damn! Ah, fuck!” Nate cursed as his cum spewed into Sted’s ass in rapid hard pulses. “Fuck!”

Sted could feel Nate’s cock expand inside him as he fired shot after shot of cum deep into him. He felt the hot jizz scalding his guts in high-pressure sprays. He arched his back and tightened his hold around Nate’s big dick, wanting to take in as much of the hot loads as he could. He could feel his guts convulsing with every delivery. He wanted every load of that cum inside him.

Nate shook his head, almost crying as his body jerked from the overstimulation on his cockhead as he pulled it backward. His eyes rolled back as he gave a few more shallow thrusts before falling back onto the bed, his cock popping out of the used ass like a cork in a champagne bottle. He rolled off the bed and walked around in a little circle, his arms stiff and his fists punching toward the floor.

“Muthafuckin’ YES, Fuckin’ fuck yes,” he roared as if he had just made a touchdown.

He made a last turn and slid into the bed next to Sted. He grabbed his chin, giving him a deep sensuous deep kiss. He pulled away from his partner’s lips with a smack.

“Fuck me,” Sted responded, with a chuckle.

“I think I just did. That was so fuckin’ good.” Nate slid down further into the bed. He repositioned one of State’s legs so it lay across his hairy chest. His hand rubbed across Sted’s thigh to where it met his ass, his fingertips running over balls, taint, and crack. He pushed the leg resting on his chest back a bit to fully expose Sted’s used hole.

Nate was amazed at the gaping hole his big cock had left. He ran his finger around the wet red edge before slipping inside. He could feel the warm liquifying cum he had left behind dripping out and the feverish residual heat of the fuck. Sted groaned as Nate manipulated his swollen, yet open ass. Nated wondered if pussies gaped open like this as his finger slipped into the hole, feeling the softness inside. Sted reached down, grabbing at Nate’s thick pecs as his buddy explored his worn ass.

Nate’s fingertips were covered in spent cum. He scooped some up as it ran out of the used ass and used it to lube Sted’s still erect member. He jerked the cock gently at first, then got faster.

“Cum for me, buddy.”

“Mmmmhm,” was the only thing Sted could say as he grabbed at Nate’s hairy muscles.

“Give me some juice from that fuckin’ uncut cock. Jizz on me, bro.”

It wasn’t long before long streams shot up into the air from the jacked cock and coated Nate’s hand and forearm as they fell back down. Sted’s torso tightened, his belly hardened as he shook in spasms of release. He cried out in deep gasps. Nate could smell the musky alkaline smell filling his nostrils as the volleys of cum coated his hand and arm. He noticed a bit had made it to his sweaty chest.

Sted finally got in a good deep breath. He twisted himself around until he was face to face with Nate and gave a little laugh of relief. He ran a hand over his new friend’s face, moving it down to Nate’s wet hairy chest. He patted it and grinned.

“Nate, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”


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