Jersey Number 69


A gay story: Jersey Number 69 Nate sat in the air-conditioned courtesy bus, tapping at his phone trying to get a signal. After a long flight to Florida and the heatwave, he was starting to think the honor of being on this all-star team wasn’t exactly the honor it was supposed to be. He was … Read more




A gay adult story: FOOTBALL TRAINING by bumboy , This is a work of fiction. All characters and events are entirely imaginary FOOTBALL TRAININGby bumboy 1. Steve and his son Jack liked to get to the training ground early as they knew Errol would be there then. Steve had been a pro-footballer in his younger … Read more


Soccer Practice


Soccer Practice: A Sensual Gay Sex Story A gay sex story: Soccer Practice There were only minutes left in the game and the score was tied – 3 to 3. Antonio knew that they’d have to keep the ball and then score in those final moments, for if the other team got the ball, they’d … Read more


Wrestling Rookie Ch. 02


A gay sex stories: Wrestling Rookie Ch. 02 In the locker room, Jackson took his time to wait until most of the other guys had left. He never enjoyed showering with the others, so he wasted some time sitting on the bench responding to texts and messages. After a few minutes when he was sure … Read more