Joshua’s Hikes into the Mist Pt. 03


A gay story: Joshua’s Hikes into the Mist Pt. 03 He stood at the trail head, the valley stretched out before him, a sea of trees that seemed to stretch on forever. He couldn’t see an open field, nor a large stream where he’d had such a momentous afternoon. Just trees. Looking down the path before him he could see it slope down into the green shaded bower that the valley represented. And he could feel the draw, the need to follow that path. The tug, stronger now that he was here, urging him onward, almost pulling him down the trail. He’d packed as he did for most of his hikes, a large collapsible tripod, selfie stick, coffee supplies, these were always in his go bag, along with clean socks and underwear, some snacks. The pack was heavy, but it was all that he’d need for his time in the woods.

He stood at the trail head, lost in his thoughts, he stared, unseeing, out across the valley. His focus, or lack of it, shifted and he stared down the path, without thinking, he took a step, then another. Unconsciously he proceeded down the path before him. He’d gone maybe a dozen steps and the trees were just beginning to close over his head when he came back to himself. He stopped. Looked back to where he’d started, looked ahead again. He turned back, took a step uphill, the pull to continue down the path intensified, and he stopped again. Turning, submitting to the need to follow that pull, he made his choice, as if he really had one, he thought, and, again, stepped forward on the path. Down. Down. Down his steps carried him into the woods.

He’d gone maybe a mile, when the mist started to build, it coalesced around him, blanking out the forest that he walked through. He could hear voices, was sure he felt hands brush him or a body brush against his. The voices continued, “it’s him,” “he’s returned”, “Feryn has gifted him”. His imagination? Was he dreaming again? Step by step he proceed, lost in the mist but sure he was on the right path.

The voices continued around him, but he saw no one, not even when he felt a touch, there was just no one there. He spun around several times but saw no one. Just the mist and the sound of the voices surrounded him. He was now sure that he was being driven insane, but he trudged on, camera gear forgotten, no pictures taken. He walked on. Deeper into the mist, deeper into the unknown, lost to everything except the pull which drew him onward.

Hands began to caress him. He felt them glide up his arms, across his chest, he felt them on his legs. Then the hands took action, they lifted his backpack off his shoulders, it just seemed to glide off of him. They took the clipped tripod off his waste, he walked on, not oblivious to the items lost but not caring. His jacket went next and then his shirt, both were taken from his body, he didn’t pause or miss a step, he walked on. One boot, then the other was removed, he simply seemed to step out of them as he walked on. His thick wool socks simply fell off his feet, as hands caressed him and urged him onward. He needed no urging, he walked on. His jeans slid down his legs and off his feet, his boxer briefs followed, the hands sliding along his nude body while he walked on. He hadn’t missed a step, he hadn’t needed to pause, he was simply stripped. A hand caressed his cock and he began to harden. “He’s ready” a voice said and was repeated by several others “He’s ready” they echoed.

Suddenly the mist cleared, and before him was a field with a small cascading river. It was just how he remembered it. He stepped out into the sun, and felt the warmth on his nude body and looked down to see his body, slight belly, furry chest, his hardening cock, and he wondered how he’d come to be naked. His hand drifted down to his cock, unconsciously, and gave it a few tugs as he stood, trying to collect his bearings and understand what had happened to him. He vaguely recalled his trek through the mist, the hands on him, the voices but it was all so unreal and yet here he was naked in the sun.

He noticed movement across the field, his eyes tracking the movement found a man standing there. Not a man, no something different. Feryn stood there, his long hair gleaming in the sunlight, his frame thin but strong and muscular. He was the beacon that had drawn him here, and now he drew Joshua across the field.

“You came, beloved,” Feryn said as he drew near.

“I..I..I don’t think I could have avoided coming.” Joshua stammered out.

“No, I don’t suppose that you could have,” Feryn replied, as he reached a hand up to caress Joshua’s belly and chest. Joshua’s cock was now fully hard. “When last you came here, we bonded and that is a powerful thing between a human and an elf, for both but much more so for the human, as they’re not used to the magic involved.”

“Magic?” Joshua asked.

“Magic. Elves are creatures of magic; we use it the way you use oxygen. If flows through us and binds us to nature, to each other, binds us in love and other things.” As he spoke, his hand continued to caress Joshua, moving up across his chest then down again to caress the hard cock waving in the sunlight.

“You’ve bewitched me? Is that why I can’t resist you,” asked Joshua.

“It’s not a spell or magic as you know it but a binding none the less, it’s not something I intended when I came across you as you slept, in our last encounter but I wasn’t careful and allowed a binding and now we are both caught.”

He stepped forward and he leaned his head down and allowed his lips to caress the side of Joshua’s neck. Joshua’s body shivered in reaction and his cock bounced. Slapping back down against Feryn’s hand. Feryn stepped back, away from Joshua. Joshua suddenly felt cold, alone, he stepped forward following Feryn and came back within arms reach and felt warm again, he reached for Feryn and held is shoulder, leaned in and kissed the elf.

“Are you sure you want this? It may strengthen the bond, which will make it hard for you to ever leave.” Feryn tried to step back again. “We can sever the bond, if you want that.”

In answer, Joshua again stepped close to Feryn and reached up to pull him down and into a long deep kiss. This was more than a kiss, the bond that Feryn has spoken off flared to life and it was as if he was kissing himself, he could feel Feryn’s lips on his own, but it was also as if he was on the other side of the kiss, he could feel his lips, his probing tongue. It shocked him and he stepped back.

Feryn pulled him close again and energy surged between them as they folded around each other, lips locking, he could feel Feryn’s touch everywhere on his body, but he could also feel his hand’s on Feryn’s body, the soft caress, the hard callous on his palms rough on Feryn’s skin. The duality of it left him reeling. The sensation of touching and of feeling his touches was overwhelming his senses.

He stepped away to catch is breath.

“Is that the bond?” He asked.

“It is a side effect of it, yes,” Feryn replied, as he reached for Joshua again.

Joshua stepped back. “It’s too much, I don’t think I can handle that, it’s just too much”

“You simply have to embrace the sensation, take it in and let it become another feeling, another sensation your body is feeling. During the bonding, our bodies will merge feelings and sensations and we’ll be able to feel what the other feels.”

“Yeah, “humans” don’t do that, Feryn,” Joshua offered and turned away, his back now to Feryn.

Feryn stepped up and wrapped his arms around Joshua, embracing him, pulling their bodies together and letting his hard cock rest in the small of Joshua’s back. Joshua could feel it against his skin but also feel from Feryn’s perspective the hard cock pressed into warm skin.

He sighed at the feeling and let go and accepted the sensations and in accepting he sank deeper into Feryn’s senses. Feryn feeling the connection deepen, spun Joshua around and took into his arms and kissed him again, tongue probing deeply into Joshua’s mouth. They both relished the feeling of experiencing the kiss from both sides. Two men now locked into a single sensation, a single erotic sensation.

Feryn pushed them down into the grass and began to kiss his way down Joshua’s body, nibbling on each nipple in turn, then down to tongue fuck Joshua’s deep belly button, the sensation nearly driving Joshua wild, before Feryn continue down and took Joshua’s hard cock into his mouth. He it was like he was sucking his own cock, such an odd and exciting feeling, he could feel every inch of his cock in Feryn’s mouth, could taste it as Feryn tasted it, could feel and taste the precum being licked off the tip. Salty but good. Feryn approved he could feel.

He lay back and closed his eyes and just let Feryn make love to him, and he made love to himself through Feryn. He couldn’t believe the sensations. He was turned on and he could feel his cum rising, his balls tighten and thru him Feryn could feel the reaction and responded by sucking harder, taking Joshua into his throat. As Joshua’s load rose, they both enjoyed the moment just before the cum exploded, the tenses sensation when you know you’re not going to be able to stop. And his cum filled Feryn’s throat. Joshua tasted himself on Feryn’s tongue and could feel Feryn’s enjoyment.

Pulling off Joshua, Feryn lifted up and kissed him again, sharing the physical load back with Joshua who now tasted himself firsthand. Then he lifted further up and slipped his hard cock into Joshua’s mouth and Joshua began to suck. Such an unreal sensation, feeling his own mouth around the cock, feeling Feryn’s pleasure. He drove his own need to please Feryn. They could both feel Feryn’s cum about to explode in his mouth and both encouraged it. When his cock was drained, Feryn moved back down to kiss Joshua again and they enjoyed the taste of each other.

Around them, Joshua heard whispers, a few oohs and aahs, and once or twice he felt he’d been touched, Feryn had looked up at each of those and the sensation abated quickly. But it left hard and Feryn sensing that, sat up and moved down Joshua’s body and lowered his ass down onto Joshua’s cock, riding him, milking him. Joshua felt the tight ass close around him, as he felt the thick cock invade “his” ass. The duality of the sensation left him ready to cum in minutes and he exploded into Feryn. They both rode the waves of his orgasm.

Now spent Joshua lay back for a moment and Feryn lay beside him, his hard cock pressing into Joshua’s side. Joshua could feel the need, as if it were his own, he could feel the hardness, the pulse of Feryn’s blood in his veins, filling the cock and demanding attention. He never thought about it, he just rolled Feryn onto his back and climbed up and lowered himself down on the Feryn’s erection. He could feel it pierce his ass but also feel the warmth close around Feryn. He was getting used the double sensation and it was no longer hard to deal with, in fact, he was learning to enjoy it.

Feryn rolled him over and pressed him onto his back and looked down into Joshua’s eyes and he began to slowly fuck into his ass. Around them a nimbus of fog formed, and Joshua could hear voices again, encouragement, to fuck harder, faster and he was echoing those comments.

“Fuck me Feryn” he cried out and the voices around them echoed, “Fuck him Feryn”

Long deep strokes filled Joshua’s ass, his cock rock hard again. He felt a hand brush it, but he knew it wasn’t his own and it wasn’t Feryn’s. Then he felt other hands on his body, the soft sigh of voices, a hand on his balls. The one on his cock stroking slowly.

He could feel through their link that Feryn was close and that he wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer. He felt the hand on his cock pump harder and his cock exploded across his belly. And then Feryn feeling the orgasm through the link exploded into his ass. As soon as the first pulse erupted into him the fog dissipated and the voices vanished.

Feryn collapsed down onto Joshua and Joshua could feel the need in him for rest. They were both spent. He wrapped his arm around Feryn and together they dozed.

He awoke fully dressed, on the ground beside his car, the back of the car was open, and his kitchenette had been unfolded and unpacked, coffee was brewing. His pack and camera gear lay on the ground beside where he lay.

Standing he tried to make sense of it all. He could still feel Feryn, somewhere off to the east, not far from him. He moved around and poured himself a coffee. Another note lay tucked under his coffee cup.

“We are one, beloved. Come to me again when the need rises. You will always feel me and know where to find me.”

Joshua folder the note and taking out his wallet, he placed the folded not there and returned the wallet to his pocket. His cock pulsed in his pants, hardening at the though. He swore he heard a laugh from far away, and he could sense that it was Feryn. Happy and relaxed. He packed up his gear and headed home, sipping his coffee as he drove off.


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