Posing Strap Trio Ch. 04


A gay story: Posing Strap Trio Ch. 04 Chapter Four

“Hell, yeah!” DJ called out, diving back in to give Juan’s cocksucker lips more sexy slurps.

Juan looked admiringly into DJ’s blue eyes, happy at his open bluntness before Tony’s testiness.

“When the cat’s away…..” DJ laughed. “Anyway—Juan’s no fuckin’ MOUSE,” he pushed his hot crotch rocket further against Juan’s hardness. “We’re LOVERS, Tone!”

“Shit,” Tony sat up, rubbing his eyes. “I love ya’, too, you know. Both’a you.”

“—an’ we love YOU,” Juan said over his shoulder.

“—Catholic bullshit and all,” DJ laughed, keeping hold of Juan’s little waist.

“You been talkin’ ’bout me,” Tony protested weakly, flexing his big arms, trying to wake up.

“We both agreed that you make us crazy,” DJ watched as Tony got up from the couch. “You hungry? We’ve got mac and cheese.”

Tony looked down at himself as though surprised he was so big in the crotch. “Hot dreams,” he wiped his eyes with his huge hand. “Full’a dude sex, ‘n shit.”

“Jeez,” DJ smiled broadly, dimples in his cheeks, “—now why would THAT be, I wonder?”

“I sucked your big dicks,” Tony said, more to himself than to them. “Now I’m not just queer—I’m a fuckin’ COCKSUCKER, thanks to you two fruits!”

Juan looked sort of stricken, his abs tightening up. He looked quickly at DJ— looking for him to say something.

“Yeah, well, tell me you didn’t like it, dude,” DJ gently nudged Juan away in order to confront the big Italian face-to-face.

“I thought it was US—like us three TOGETHER,” Tony mumbled, standing over DJ like a huge kid. He glanced with hurtful eyes at Juan.

“It IS,” DJ poked Tony’s bulging chest. “Buddies.” He thumped his shotput shoulder. “Pals….”

“Lovers?” Tony looked into DJ’s crystal eyes, his own not blinking.

“Lovers, too,” Juan said.

DJ suddenly wrapped his arms around Tony’s solid torso, his face rubbing into the deep, hairy valley of Tony’s open shirt. He reached out to grab Juan’s arm.

The three fell into a Tony-dominating, three-way embrace.

“I need you guys,” Tony husked. “You’re my big brothers, now.” He stood a full four inches taller.

“Wanna play around between our legs in the night?” DJ asked, groping Tony lewdly.

“Shit, yeah,” Tony rumbled, his mouth burying itself in each of their scalps. “I know I’m trouble’n all—got my shit to deal with…..”

Oh, Jesus,” Juan said out, “—three queer JOCKS?—it’s a fuckin’ recipe for getting shit to deal with.”

“—gotta keep it all quiet,” Tony nuzzled the tops of their heads, “—do our lovin’ when there’s a chance.”

DJ brought Juan’s face into Tony’s opened shirt, watching him nose-dive into the furry canyon. “Lots’a chances out HERE,” DJ said.

Tony leaned down to brush DJ’s lips. “Other times, too,” he licked. “I need you real bad….”

DJ kind of shoved everyone about till they were sitting back around the table, their lusty eyes checking one another out. He got up and went to the stove to dish Tony out some food.

“We gotta come clean,” DJ said, putting down Tony’s plate. “You dig us BOTH, or what?”

“Shit,” Tony smiled, squeezing ketchup all over the place. “With brothers, you don’t pick and CHOOSE,” he said. “I love ya’ both the same.”

“What if Juan and I get it on sometimes?”, DJ pressed further, watching Tony shovel in his macaroni.

Tony shrugged, then swallowed. “Do I make you BOTH nuts, or what?” he asked.

The two looked at one another, then raised their eyebrows and nodded. “You make us BOTH nuts,” Juan said. “Trust me. Just watchin you EAT is makin’ us nuts. Ever think about closing your mouth once in a while when you chew?”

“Then who cares?”, Tony shrugged again. “If I’m in the picture, I get you both— if I’m not, you only get each other.” He plowed in more food. “So what?—seems like I kind’a win, don’t it?”

“Fuck,” DJ raised his eyes to the ceiling. “That’s EXACTLY why you make us crazy.”

“I’d only get upset if you were includin’ me out’a pity, or some shit like that,” Tony said. He held his fork in his big fist and pointed it in their direction. “You sure I’m not just a big loser to you two?—everyone else seems to……”

“…..totally hot,” DJ said flatly. “TOTALLY.”

“You’re like a fuckin’ gladiator,” Juan said. “—makes us nuts just looking at your biceps when you pick up your fork.”

Tony accepted more Kraft dinner from DJ and squeezed ketchup completely over it. “I got feelings, too,” he said, his deep voice always sounding edgy and testy. “My heart’s good.”

“You love us, don’t you,” DJ said, his voice very quiet. “—alot, huh?”

Tony glanced at him, then at Juan. He pointed to his chest with his fork. He nodded. “Deep inside here,” he said. “You’re my true brothers now.” He dug the fork into his food. “You two don’t fuck around and then just pretend it never happened and leave me wondering why.”

The house became still, the silence filled with Tony’s plainspoken honesty. They watched him keep piling in the macaroni. “We got any milk?” he asked between chews, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

DJ was quick to go get the big man his milk. He and Juan felt their hearts beating.

“I know I should be all turned-on by chicks”, Tony glugged down some milk. “But I’m not.” He shook his head a little, then looked at them. “An’ it’s not like I hang out in the locker room tryin’ to check guys out an’ shit.” He shrugged. “Like, aside from you and my brothers, I’m not all that interested. It’s weird. I just don’t get it, I guess.”

“Um…what, exactly?” Juan wondered, his beautiful face curious.

“We got any more?” Tony lifted his empty glass.

DJ got up and then just handed Tony the entire quart.

“—why you two give me such boners every godamned minute we’re together,” he drank from the carton.

“Hmmm, I think I know.” DJ said in a low confidential tone, leaning in and looking deep into Tony’s brown eyes.

The room seemed to stand still, Tony pausing, Juan’s ears honing in.

“It’s the milk.”

They laughed like maniacs, Tony almost choking.

DJ looked out the window at the birch trees and green, green lawn—at the sparkling, inviting lake. “You know, I swear to God no one’s around but us.”

“We’re supposed to be fishing,” Tony said, nodding at the equipment by the door.

“Well, fuck that,” Juan said flatly.

“I say we make this our own little nudist colony,” DJ grinned. “—you know?….like, just go around friggin’ bareass!”

“With boners?” Tony looked down at himself. “I’ve got a rod as big as a fencepost right now.” He looked outside at the wide-open yard, completely visible from the lake. “When we’re out there, I feel like the whole friggin’ world is watchin’ me.”

“Me, too,” Juan said. “I don’t mind being in here all naked…..but hell, I keep expecting someone to paddle by in a canoe.”

“So?” DJ grinned, rubbing his crotch. “That’s the thrill, huh? I mean, shit….no one IS gonna paddle by, but still—it’s a fuckin’ turn-on showing off our big boners right out there in front of the whole fuckin’ world.”

He looked at Juan, then at Tony. “Don’t be so fuckin’ modest. Hell—anyone seein’ these muscles? They’d think they’d died and gone to heaven.”

Tony looked at Juan and kind of shrugged.

“Once we’re back in town, we’re gonna have to REALLY be careful,” DJ went on, pulling at his jeans. “—like use the baseball dugout at night…that kind of shit.”

“You got THAT part right,” Tony said. “All any of us needs is to get caught….”

“…..well, fuck,” DJ said. “We’re out HERE now! We can be bareassed in the middle of the fuckin’ DAY—swimmin’, walkin’, struttin’, checking each other out—the wind ticklin’ our balls—the sun warmin’ up our bigass COCKS.”

Tony looked out at the wind-tossed trees, at the hot sun reflecting off the water and began undoing his shirt.

DJ suddenly got up and raced outdoors, the screen door slamming. He reappeared right in front of the kitchen window, laughing at them. Juan and Tony watched through the glass, the whole scene like a movie.

“Crazy bastard,” Tony said, a smile on his big lips.

DJ kicked his shoes off and strutted around, peeling off his shirt while tugging open his jeans. The two could hear him singing, rocking to his own beat.

“What’a body he’s got,” Tony stared. “Check out those lats–those baseball-sized delts.”

“Gymnasts have it all,” Juan said, watching DJ’s triceps bunch and flex. He stared at his tanned pecs, the way they thickly bounced, then mounded in a solid flex.

DJ’s biceps were perfectly proportioned, while his triceps were incredibly ripped.

The two voyeurs followed the pronounced tapering of DJ’s torso—how his big chest and wide lats suddenly narrowed. His truly awesome abs rippled as he shoved his jeans over his big thighs.

“Fuck,” Tony said, rubbing his mounded crotch. “That’s so fuckin’ hot.” He looked at Juan. “I gotta see you too–gotta see your stud bod out there.”

“Me?” Juan looked nervous. “I’m not……..”

“….don’t give me that crap! You’re fuckin’ hotter than HE fuckin’ is!” Tony stared at Juan. “You think I’ve never checked you out when you’re wrestling?—Hell.”

Juan watched DJ shucking his jeans off his bare feet, his gorgeous Adonis Belt swooping down to perfectly display his posing pouch thudding against his fleecy tanned, bulging thighs. The next thing Tony heard was the screen door slamming a second time.

And then DJ was whooping it up, his hefty striped poser rubbing into Juan’s thigh as he reached out to help Juan take off his shirt.

“So fuckin’ hot,” Tony said, pulling his own shirt free of his big shoulders. He stared out the window. “Look at those dudes…fuck!….the hottest pair’a studs on the whole fuckin’ planet.” He watched DJ pull at Juan’s belt buckle—stared at the contrast of golden muscles beside Juan’s Latino physique. Juan’s body looked like cocoa butter, smooth and rippling and reflecting the sun.

Tony undid his jean buttons and stood up to shove them down over his huge, furry thighs. “And they say they’re nuts over ME?”

DJ and Juan bumped hips, arms flung over one another’s wide shoulders. They were each five-foot-eight—each weighing a hundred and sixty-five muscular pounds. Juan’s thighs, abs and ass were his best features, while DJ had lats, deltoids and triceps to brag about. Both of them had just the best tits two physique-blessed dudes could even dream of, plus lots going on between their legs, and they bounced their posing-strapped cocks around, giving Tony an eyeful.

“I’m the luckiest fuckin’ gorilla in the whole fuckin’ jungle,” Tony muttered, watching DJ feeling up Juan’s perfect, milk chocolate ass.


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