Judge Ordered Slavery

A gay story: Judge Ordered Slavery This story is based on several experiences in my life intertwined into one story..

All Characters are over 18

Please feel free to leave comments.

Editor’s Note: Story contains nonconsent themes.


The 17 runaway citations, the charge for stealing my parents car for joyrides in the middle of the night, the shoplifting charge, and the the charge for being possession of stolen bicycle parts were all about to be expunged from my record now that I was 18. Shitty thing was, I still had a whole year of school left. I had to see a judge about my record, and having it all swept under a rug. The Judge agreed, but under special circumstances. I would have to be supervised the whole of my senior year, and I would HAVE to graduate. If I quit school or ran off, a warrant would be issued for my arrest and I would have to serve one year in jail.

So when my parents and little brother up and moved to Florida, two weeks after school started, I had to move in with my aunt. I had thought I would be emancipated. The judge made that impossible. My aunt called the court two weeks later, to complain that I had been staying out all night, and she couldn’t keep track of me.

The court had a home for guys like me. They called it a “Home for misplaced youth.”

I’m Ryan, an 18 year old senior in high school. My 5-7 130 pound body never gets me a girlfriend, but it does get attention from another type. My biggest asset, or flaw, in this case was my very round bubble butt on a slight, hairless body.

They showed up after school. As soon as I walked out the doors of the school, two uniformed cops and my case officer walked up to me and then escorted me to a large state owned sedan. I sat in the back of the car with Mrs Grange, the case officer. She told me what was going to happen. She started to speak, but I was looking at the driver. He was a very tall man, with buzz cut, dark brown hair, and a bit of a beer gut. The uniforms wondered off as soon as they saw I was cooperative.

“…Since your aunt has decided you are too large of a burden Ryan, you are being placed in a home. Your possessions are in the trunk this sedan. This is Dan, and he is your new case officer. I have to drop your case. Dan will be your “guardian” as well. Your parents have already signed over Power of Attorney on you, to Dan. Dan has the responsibility over you until you graduate.” Mrs Grange said.

Mrs Grange’s words didn’t even hit my ears, I was already trying to figure a way out of wherever they were taking me. I remembered her monologue way later, when it wouldn’t do me any good. I was so deep in my planning, I barely noticed Dan dropping off Mrs. Grange. Dan had not said a word the whole 15 minutes while the hag, Grange was in the car. Now he suddenly had a lot to say, as he pulled away from the downtown offices.

“You will have a list of chores to do everyday. They will be done in a timely manner after your homeschooling.” He paused only briefly. Just enough time for me to question what he meant by “homeschooling”.

“As you may choose to run off during public school hours, and as you owe the state a diploma in order to get your record expunged for you can become a free man, I will also be your teacher. You will never allowed off of my property until you have a diploma.” He said blandly.

I shook my head violently. “I’ll be grounded for the entire school year???” I thought to myself.

“Ha! Never gonna happen old man!” I thought next. He was a bit older then my dad, so not that old, maybe 45.

I noticed the car speed up, as we were now on a county highway. He continued in a cold manner of speaking. It was the same tone of voice, that judges use as the give death penalty sentences.

“All of your cleaning chores must be done before dinner is to be prepared. You will be preparing all meals as well. You will have a part time job that you can do from inside my house. It has already been found for you, and you will start that job after you understand the house rules better, and have acclimated to your new life.” Dan said. I had questions. I opened my mouth to ask, but was interrupted by a quick right turn onto a gravel road. I regained my balance in the seat and asked.

“How can I do a job from inside your house, unless you mean E-work, or licking envelopes?” I asked mockingly.. He reaction was forceful.

“You will do what ever it is I tell you to do. I OWN you.” He slammed on the gas pedal making the tires loose traction briefly. The car began to fish-tail on the loose gravel. I laughed to myself under the roar of the car motor. I wasn’t scared of this power mongering state employee.

“I am an adult, you don’t own me.” I said in defiance.

“You have no idea what ‘Power of Attorney’ is, do you?” He smiled a genuine smile. The car came to a stop before I could answer. I looked around. This house was in the middle of no where surrounded by thick trees, and shrubs. A tall brick wall surrounded the entire property, with the exception of the driveway. Steven watched as a motorized gate closed behind the car.

He got out of the car, opened my door in the back, and pulled me out by my arm, dragging me. He was far stronger then I had suspected. The man was at least 6’2″ to my 5′ 8″. I felt a prick in the back of my neck.

I managed to complain with a “Hey!”.

I woke cold. I reached for my blanket and realized there wasn’t one. I wasn’t laying on a mattress either. I was on cold wet concrete, and for some reason I was naked. I tried to get up to get my bearings, and heard metal dragging and a tug at my neck.

In short order I realized I had been chained to something by a steel collar around my neck and chained to something else by a shackle around my right ankle. “Had I been thrown into some prison after I arrived at that man’s house?” I was disoriented, cold, and now somewhat scared. I heard heavy footsteps coming down wooden stairs. A light came on. It took a couple seconds for my eyes to adjust.

I was in a basement. I was still at that mans…Dan’s house. The footsteps grew closer, boots on concrete now. Fear crept into my very soul. This man wasn’t fucking around. He wasn’t a guy that liked to punch a kid on occasion like my dad. This guy was serious.

“Excellent! You are awake. From this point forward you will not speak unless I ask you a question. When I do, I will expect only two answers out of your worthless mouth. ‘Yes Master’, and ‘No Master’. Is that clear pig-boy?” He stood in between the hanging light bulb and over me, I could only see his silhouette. The question made no sense to me at all.

“I’m sorry, WHAT?” I squinted to see his face. I saw a boot coming at me. The leather and stitching scraped as the weight of the heel connected with my jaw. It wasn’t as hard as he could have kicked, that I was sure.

“Is that CLEAR pig-boy?!” I laid on my side and tried to sit back up. I nodded, and then remembered what he had said.

“Yes Master.” I kept my head down anticipating anything. He disconnected the chain from the collar, and took off the shackle.

“Follow me pig-boy.” He said, as he attached a thin chain leash to the collar on my neck. I shivered as I climbed the stairs behind him. The shivering could be from the cold, but I began to wonder if I was just that rattled by this new situation…whatever that would be, exactly. The basement stairs come up to the kitchen. As soon as he opened the door, the warmth of the room flowed out on to the staircase. It was little comfort.

He pulled the chain from the kitchen, through a dining room, and on to a living room. Each room was the size of my aunts entire apartment. I looked around at the immaculate house. Hard wood floors, polished and stained tables and chairs of oak. The living room featured a wrap around couch, two black leather recliners, and a massive entertainment center. The living room was where he stopped.

He instructed me to kneel on the floor in front of him. I reluctantly did so.

He sat in a recliner, and reached over to an end table next to it. He picked up a note book, opened it and glanced at the top. After he sat it back down he finally began to speak. At this point all I wanted was to know what was happening to me.

“If you don’t like the basement, I have good news for you. As long as you do exactly everything I say, and sign a couple papers for me, I will not keep you in the basement anymore.” He waved me over to the end table. I knee-walked the three feet and saw some papers. He handed me a pen. I looked over the first paper for a place to sign it. Dan pointed to the bottom. It didn’t look all that official so I figured I was safe. I signed it quickly, and he put his initials next to it.

The second paper had the state seal on it, so I assumed that it was about my deal with the judge. It also had a notary stamp next to the signature line. I signed that one as well. He flipped to a couple pages deeper in the document and had me sign on another line. He took the pen from my hand and smiled. He waved me back so I went to the spot I had been prior.

“The second paper you signed was the surrendering of your rights as a free man. It was to inform the judge that you had no wish to finish school and took your one year sentence to be served under house arrest in this house. You then signed power of attorney over to me for life. In effect you made it legal for me to keep you here as long as I want to.” He continued that smile as he spoke. I felt my heart sink into my stomach.

“The first paper you signed was the surrendering of your property, now and in the future, your body and person. You signed yourself over into slavery. You are forthwith to call me Master from now on, as you are my property.” Still that smile. I wanted to be sick. He could see the look on my face, it held confusion mixed with revulsion.

“I’ll clear this up for you as I can see you have questions. You are now here to please me in all forms. I own your mouth, your ass, your whole body. I intend on using all of it. I had initially thought to just teach you what needed to be taught so you could pass and graduate until I saw that sweet, round, plump ass of yours. While you slept I had these papers drawn up, and talked to a few Masters I knew. The state was way too easy to give me the paperwork for your surrender. The Master that lives a mile down the road helped me with the slave contract.” He stood up and unbuttoned his pants.

I couldn’t hold my tongue any longer.

“I’m not gay! This is bullshit, I’m not doing this, I’m going to the cops!” I stood and turned towards the front door. The leash dragging behind me. I turned the knob and pulled. It was locked. I looked to unlock it, and noticed that it was key locked on the inside. Someone knocked on the door.

“Help me! Call the police! I’m being held against my will!” I yelled to whomever knocked.

Dan laughed and grabbed the leash from the floor. He pulled it hard, choking me by the collar and sending me falling onto my back. He put a foot on my chest as he unlocked the door, and let a cop in. The fat officer walked in looking down at me and smiling.

“Hey John. What do you think?” Dan asked the cop.

“Glad I could help you with the paperwork. I understand why it was so important now. He’s a catch!” I had held it all back, all of the emotion. Now I couldn’t hold it back any more. I began to sob. The cops were helping him in this. I had no way out!

Dan kicked me so I rolled over onto my stomach.

“That ass is why I decided on this one. He’s going to be a real treat!. After I get him a bit more trained up, I’ll invite you and yours over.” Dan said proudly. I was listening to them talk about me like I wasn’t there. My body convulsed as I couldn’t stop crying.

“I’ll be looking forward to that. Training is a long process, unless you break their will right away. You may want to try the quick route with this one. I’ll be waiting for your call if you need anything.” John the cop said.

“I’m sure I have this well in hand. It’s not my first time.” Dan unlocked the door and shook the cops hand. After he left, Dan relocked the door.

“Slave, there is no escape. You must come to terms with that. Now you have two choices. Either you willingly serve me, or I do what my friend said and break your will.” Dan pulled me up to my knees again. I don’t know why my anger got the better of me. Even though I could barely see through the tears, I stood up again and took a swing at him. I saw him rear back with his right arm, and then saw a bright flash inside my head.

I awoke hanging by my arms in the basement. My feet could barely touch the cold wet floor. In between my ankles was a bar, connected by shackles. It spread my legs three feet at the ankles. It was very cold. The ball in my mouth prevented my teeth from chattering. My eyes felt swollen. I imagined that he must have blackened both of them with his punch.

“You are awake. Good! It’s time to begin.” Dan said. I couldn’t see him, his voice was coming from behind me. I felt a slippery finger go into my ass, and then a second one.

“I’m going to put something inside of your boi cunt, if it falls out of you at anytime, your punishments will start all over. Holding it inside of you is the only thing you must do.” He said quietly right next to my left ear. He slid something into my ass, slowly. It felt large. It hurt instantly. I fought the intrusion but he pushed harder. I felt a base of some sort touch my ass cheeks. My butt felt very full.

“Good pig. Now lets begin.” He said. I heard the whistle of whatever he hit me with cut through the air. The contact on my back hurt instantly. It felt as if my flesh had been cut wide open. I imagined it as a rod of some sort. Perhaps a cane. Before I could finish the scream behind the gag in my mouth the second strike hit. I writhed from the bonds swinging my body slightly. I felt the object in my ass slip. I clenched as hard as I could trying to keep what ever it was inside of me.

The third lash hit. This one at the top of my ass. The pain was overwhelming. My flesh was on fire. I felt the object shoot out of me. Dread filled my heart.

“Aw the boy lost his toy. Guess we have to start over. We had only begun. 25 lashes by cane starts all over. Now I hope you hold your toy inside of you.” Dan said with menace in his voice. He slid a new one in, this one larger. I couldn’t see the old one, so I had no idea how big this one was. My eyes got wide and I moaned in uncomfortable pain from the intruder.

“You think that is big???” Dan laughed. The cane hit mid back. I squeezed the object in me as hard as I could. It didn’t move. The next strike was on my legs. I focused hard, counting the lashes and holding onto my “toy”. Third, fourth, fifth, through the pain and tears I was stoic. The sixth was right where my ass met my legs, and I let go. The toy fell out of me.

I wish I could say I got it right on the third round, or the fourth round. It took eight rounds. I had taken almost 100 lashes from the cane. By the time I had finished my task, the toy felt impossibly huge, and my back, ass and legs must have had all the flesh stripped away. When he let me down, I simply collapsed. I saw the dildos on the ground that had been in me. They were not very big at all, the biggest might have been 5 inches.

“You ready to submit?” He asked me. My body and mind were completely defeated. He removed my gag so I could talk.

“Yes Master.” I said.

He picked me up and carried me over his shoulder all the way to the second floor of the house. He laid me down on a soft bed. I open my eyes and saw that my head was at the foot of the bed. He stood over me naked. His hard cock was right over my face. It was circumcised and had to be eight inches long, and quite thick. It made my penis look small.

“Do you accept that you are my property?” He asked quietly.

“Yes Master.” I said, resigned.

With no warning what-so-ever. My mouth was filled with his invasive cock! My eyes bulged with shock, but began to widen further as he forced his way down my throat. He pushed, a half inch at a time until the hair on his heavy walnut bag touched my nose. Never having done anything of the sort, my 130 pound body shook as my air quickly ran out. I wanted to smack him away, or push him off, but the weight of his hips holding my head in place, and his hands around my wrists kept me from fighting with anything but my legs. They kicked worthlessly at the air.

Slowly he pulled the monster out of my neck, leaving just the head in my mouth. I inhaled deeply, then began to pant.

“Inhale pig. This is going to take awhile.” My Master said. With that, he shoved all of himself back into my throat. He started raping my throat slowly, with long drawn out strokes. By the time he allowed me to have a breath, I could hear the blood rushing in my ears.

“Do not let my cock leave your pig mouth!” I wanted to gulp at the air when he allowed a break, but I had to use my nose alone. He seemed to sense when my heart rate and fear had abated slightly as he began again, this time with purpose. He slammed his meat into my neck, pounding his sack against my nose and eyes. I could feel the details of his shaft as the veins scraped at the sides of my throat. More time had passed then the previous rounds, and I felt I would lose consciousness soon.

“It’s been 18 hours since you ate last, get ready for your first of many hot meals.” Master said. I felt his leg muscles tighten around the sides of my head, his cock seemed to grow just a bit more and swell with every pulse of thick cum he injected into me.

I tasted nothing until he pulled out some, so just the head of it was in my mouth. The last few drops touched my tongue. It was not as unpleasant as I thought it would be. I sucked what was left instinctively, unaware of how greedily I was doing it, until he spoke.

“You were a hungry pig eh?” He stepped away from me so I could see more of him. As my head was tilted back over the edge of the bed, he appeared upside down to me, I didn’t dare move.

“Right here is where all the grade “A” slave chow is made.” He grabbed his low hanging balls, and laughed to himself.

“Now that I’ve given you the hospitality of orientation, and took you out to dinner, I believe it time we get some needed tasks done.” He again chuckled at his own joke. I was not amused. My throat was as raw as my back and legs were. The thought of his cum in me was making me nauseous. I wouldn’t have issues keeping my mouth shut, I was fairly certain I couldn’t talk at all.

He attached a leash to my collar and instructed me to follow him. I could see out of the window on the stairway down, and I longed to run from this place. I looked down at my feet as I walked down, and only then noticed the pre-cum that was about to drip from my cock. “Had I gotten a hard on while I was raped???” I thought as we reached the first floor.

We walked through the living room and then went through the series of rooms that lead to the basement. I began to ooze fear. It was quickly dashed as he had something a bit more embarrassing in mind. He opened the back door of the house and led me outside.

I frantically looked around in the late afternoon sunlight for anyone that could see us. It was only then I remembered the high brick wall, and thick shrubs and trees that surrounded this property. It was easily 5 acres. He walked me through the soft cool grass of the back yard area, to a fire pit and a large pile of things inside of it…which as I got closer resembled a lot of my clothing.

“As you are my property, and have no want to leave your new wonderful station and life, I figured it would be therapeutic for you to burn all of Ryan Casper’s belongings. He doesn’t exist anymore.” He handed me a box of matches. I could smell that the clothes had been soaked in gasoline.

Tears began to form in my eyes. It wasn’t just my clothes. My violin, my laptop, pictures of my girlfriends past and present, even a couple of my trophies were visible in the pile.

“What are you waiting for, slaves don’t have possessions. The Ryan you were 24 hours ago will be long forgotten soon. This will help you remember what you are now.” His voice was patient, but somehow still firm. I looked at the mans face, noticed the two day stubble and blue green eyes. His expression was one of encouragement at first. Then he noticed me looking at him.

“The pig does not make eye contact with it’s Master!” He back handed me. The slap wasn’t overly powerful, but I went to my knees anyway.

“Perhaps I should take the matches, and put you in the pile with that stuff…” He mused.

I quickly opened the sliding box of wooden kitchen matches and grabbed three. Something inside told me he was capable of murder, even a slow, loud murder as burning someone alive. I struck a match and threw it at the pile. I had done it too fast, the match had gone out. Master cleared his throat and reached for the box. I lit the second one, and waited for it to stay burning, then lightly tossed it onto the pile.

I was expecting a “whoosh!” but the gasoline had been sitting awhile. It caught, caught fast, but no fume explosion.

We sat outside as everything I had owned was burned to ash. It took almost two hours. Master kept stirring the fire so unburned things could get lit. All that was left when it was over was bits of metal from the laptop, and the warped nameplates from my trophies. I quietly cried on my knees next to Master’s camping chair. My old life was gone, just gone.

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