A gay story: Production Company Ch. 01 Chapter 1. Limo
I shifted uncomfortably in the new jacket — it was tighter than I was used to. I remembered grinning when Luke told me it looked sexy. I looked down at myself. Black suit jacket and trousers, a crisp white shirt that felt more expensive than anything I’d previously owned. It does look good, I thought, smiling.
Luke groaned next to me. ‘What the fuck is taking so long…’ he muttered, under his breath.
‘Sorry sir,’ the driver called from up front. ‘There’s been an accident.’
We were sitting in a limousine. An actual, honest to god limousine. One with a little side bar and everything. We each held a glass of champagne; me, Luke, Charlie, and Brett. Luke began drumming his fingers on the knee of his powder blue suit. We were at the back. Sitting along the side of the car, Charlie and Brett began to look a little uncomfortable at their host’s increasing displeasure.
I tried to be reassuring. ‘Don’t worry,’ I smiled. ‘We’ll get there. You’re the producer, right? They’ll just have to wait.’ I put my hand on his knee, on top of his own, stopping him drumming.
He stared down at my fingers for a second, and then up at my face. He did not look reassured. His annoyed grimace was slowly replaced, but not by the slow smile I hoped to inspire. His greying temples and ever so slightly wrinkled forehead relaxed, with a cold, almost predatory look I was familiar with slowly spreading to the corners of his mouth. I’d seen this look a lot, starting with that first night at the bar. I was not expecting it tonight. Or, at least, not this early.
I tried to power through, make things easy again. ‘Do these things ever start on time, anyway?’
‘That’s right,’ he said. ‘You wouldn’t know.’
Despite having done my best to avoid even looking at him, I could see Brett’s smirk before he looked away. Brett and Charles were like a warped mirror version of me and Luke. Charles was around fifty, like Luke, but hadn’t looked after himself the way Luke had. His paunch sidled over his belt as they sat together in the limo, his suit looked new but nowhere near as nice as the one Luke was wearing, or even the one Luke had bought for me. Brett was… Well, Brett was me. Another young piece of arm candy. At 21 I was maybe a year younger. When we’d first met I spent most of the evening trying to compare each of our body parts individually. He had those startling blue eyes but my green ones were a little less common, I hoped. His tousled blond hair was more suited to a beach boy look, not the expensive restaurants or exclusive parties I had had to bump into him at. My straight, dark hair was blessedly capable of a nice, precise side part once I’d finally learned to grow it out a little. We both, sadly, had an identical physique: one it was hard to imagine came from anywhere other than trying to put on some muscle after being made fun of as too skinny for too long as teenagers.
From what little I knew about Charles, Luke’s business partner at the production company, Brett had been around a little while. Around a year, from the sounds of things. Luke didn’t think too highly of him, which was reassuring. Either way, seeing Charlie, one of the few from Luke’s circle of friends I’d met more than once, also having a young boy on his arm made me a little uneasy. My gut had thought ‘sleazy’ looking at them, before I realised what that meant about people looking at me.
‘These things take a lot of preparation. Divas are tolerated when they’re actors, or maybe a director. Producers can’t make a public scene. Apart from anything else, it doesn’t send a good message for future projects.’ He shook my hand off, and squeezed my knee in return, or perhaps retaliation. Hard.
‘I… I’m sorry.’ I looked at the floor, not sure what to do. It was true, I knew absolutely nothing about this business.
‘If you’re serious about being an actor you should not be so blasé about being late. Certainly not at the start of your career.’ I wasn’t serious about being an actor, it hadn’t even entered my mind until Luke suggested it a few weeks ago, but these words seemed to sting. I’d disappointed him.
‘Sorry.’ I said again, looking up at him.
The grin I’d hoped to put on his face was back. But it was sly, tainted with that coldness I’d seen before.
‘That’s okay,’ he said, reaching up and stroking my cheek. ‘I’ll keep you right.’
Brett cleared his throat, and took a large swig from his champagne flute.
‘How far away are we…?’ Luke said, glancing out the window.
I wasn’t sure who the question was directed at, but once again the driver heard and answered. ‘Should be ten minutes once we get passed this stoppage, sir.’
‘Thanks.’. Luke said, then he pressed the button next to his seat, making the partition between us and the driver rise.
‘I’m sorry for being a terror, everyone. I’m just tense.’ Luke said.
‘It’s a big day, Luke, no problem.’ Charles chimed in. Brett didn’t say anything, but smiled over at my man.
‘I just realised, I forgot something before we left.’ Luke said, looking at me.
I thought back to the brief second I’d met Luke in his house in the hills before getting pushed into the limo. ‘What did you forget?’
Luke smiled wider. ‘Charlie, what did we agree was important before a big event like this?’
Charlie seemed to think for a moment, and then broke into a grin as well. ‘Oh, Luke, you not telling me you didn’t…?’ He laughed.
‘I know, I know,’ Luke said, shaking his head. ‘Amateur stuff.’
‘Hopefully not.’ Charlie said, giving me a strange look.
They both laughed for a second. Brett looked amused. I was uneasy all of a sudden. Their private jokes made me feel like even more of an outsider.
‘I’m afraid it’s all your fault, Josh.’ Luke said, shifting in his seat. ‘Before we left — you didn’t make me cum.’
I almost spat out some champagne. I laughed a little, trying to look like I was in on the joke.
Luke suddenly looked serious. Charlie was still grinning. Brett was looking straight ahead, at the scenery on the other side of the limo.
‘You want me at my best for this premiere, don’t you? You want me calm, level-headed?’
‘Ha, yeah, I-‘
Luke reached up and squeezed my cheeks between his thumb and his forefinger, forcing my mouth open.
‘Then why didn’t you let me fuck this pretty little mouth before I left?’
I did my best to avoid looking at Charlie, or Brett. I was vaguely aware I’d gotten harder and harder since he first started talking about making him cum. Luke looked angry, but then he often did when we were about to fuck. Or, when he was about to fuck.
‘I, I’ soh-we’ I tried to blurt out with his hand holding my mouth open.
‘That okay.’ He released me, then shifted in his seat, slouching. ‘You can make it up to me right now.’
I smiled weakly, hoping it was a joke. Charlie chuckled and topped up his glass. He gestured to Brett with the bottle. Brett offered his own glass without looking around.
Luke stared into my eyes for what felt like a long time. Then, without breaking eye contact, he reached around the back of my head, gripped my hair, and and pulled my head towards his crotch. I felt Charlie deftly lean forward and lift my glass out of my hand. Luke started a very familiar action, rubbing my face back and forth along the length of his hard cock, sliding my cheeks over the fabric that was stopping me from blowing him right there.
Suddenly, he released me. I leant back, hoping we could still pass it all off as a joke. I almost reached for my glass back from Charlie.
Luke pointed at the floor of the limo in between his legs, now spread across the back of the vehicle. ‘Get on your fucking knees, right now, and make it up to me.’
I paused while my whole body seemed to flush. Charlie drank deeply once again, not hiding his glee at the situation. Brett just looked embarrassed.
‘Stop looking at them. You’re not here for them. You’re here for me. Right?’
I nodded silently.
‘Then why the fuck aren’t you doing what I say? You wanna get out here?’ Luke gestured towards the street outside, which I realised was moving slowly past the car.
‘No, what?’
‘No… sir.’ I said, praying he’d let me away with it.
‘Uh uh. That’s not what you say. That’s not what got you so fucking horny the night we met.’
I looked at him, pleading. He looked right back, cold.
‘No, Daddy.’
‘Get the fuck to work or get out.’
I stood up, hunched under the car roof, and stepped between Luke’s legs. Then slid down to my knees, wondering briefly if this would ruin the new suit. I reached up to undo his pants. He slapped away my hands.
‘You took too long.’ For a brief, wonderful second, I thought he was about to laugh. We could pass all this off as a joke, albeit one that would stop me looking Charlie or Brett (especially Brett) in the eye, ever again. ‘I’m going to use that throat, but first you have to apologise for wasting my time.’ The thought flashed through my mind that at least he wasn’t going to make me beg to suck his cock, in front of his friend and his friend’s lover, like he does at his home.
He raised his foot to my right in the air. ‘Kiss it. Kiss it and say you’re sorry.’ I noticed choosing this foot meant Charlie could see what was about to happen clearly. Brett too, if he turned around.
I bit my lip, turned slightly towards his foot, and kissed the leather shoe. ‘I’m sorry.’ I said, smiling up at Luke.
‘No no no no no, c’mon. I’m sorry what?’
‘I’m sorry, Daddy.’
‘Lick it. Lick the length of it. Then say you’re sorry. Louder.’
I leaned forward again, reaching out with my tongue. The suit pants were tight too, constricting on my crotch while my cock strained against them. The moment I realised I’d been dreading happened just as my tongue hit the sharp taste of leather: I looked up, right into Charlie’s eyes. I couldn’t look away, dragging my tongue down the length of the shoe, while my lover’s friend grinned down at me, his hand sliding towards his groin.
‘I’m sorry, Daddy.’ I said, louder, eyes still fixed on Charlie’s. I saw Brett staring, eyes cold and defiant, over Charlie’s shoulder.
‘Are you going to let me cum down that throat now?’ Luke asked.
‘Yes, Daddy.’
No. No nonononono
‘C’mon. They already know.’
I closed my eyes. ‘Because I’m your faggot.’
‘That’s right.’
I heard Charlie breath out slowly. I could imagine him stroking his hard cock over his suit.
Luke unzipped his trousers.
‘Show them why you’re my faggot, Josh.’
I tried to ignore where I was and took him in my mouth. He started out letting me work at my own pace, but pretty quickly he was grabbing the back of my head and forcing me down, holding me in place. He always waited for me to gag a few times. I tried to ignore how hard I was, tried not to think about Charlie watching. And Brett. Brett who would now have no doubts about the intimate details of mine and Luke’s relationship.
Luke let me up to take a breath. Usually I would try and mix it up by sliding my tongue down his shaft, tickling his balls and smiling up at him. But today he was in a hurry. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and started pumping my mouth up and down on himself. I closed my eyes and moaned a little.
Sooner than I thought, he started to breath a little heavier.
‘Remember where we are, faggot. I don’t want to see any mess. You take it all.’
I risked a glance down at my new suit, suddenly conscious of stray saliva. But then Luke pushed my down again with a loud groan, and I felt his cock pulse, and the familiar taste of his cum flooding my mouth.
‘Good boy…’
I started sliding up and down again, trying to impress him. I think I’d forgotten about our audience for a second. After a few minutes he pushed my forehead so I sat back on my heels.
I opened my mouth wide, so he could inspect.
‘Good, all gone. What do you say?’
I could feel my face getting redder. ‘Thank you, Daddy.’
‘Uh…’ I faltered. ‘It was… good–‘
The slap hit me before I finished. His palm hit hard enough to shock, but I hoped it wouldn’t leave me cheek red.
Luke pointed his finger at me. ‘You got us into this mess, faggot. Apologise.’
I blinked back a tear. I was so hard it was painful.
‘I’m sorry for not making you cum earlier, Daddy.’
He nodded, I sat back up, beside Luke. He looked more relaxed, and nodded down at his crotch. I carefully zipped his pants back up. He looked down at me and grinned while I did, stroking my cheek with his finger before holding out the tip in front of me. A little bit of his seed was on it.
He looked at me expectantly. With a glance to the other passengers, I leant forward and sucked it clean.
‘What a good little faggot,’ Luke said. ‘I feel much better.’ He stretched on his seat. I kept my now burning red face directed at the floor in front of me.
To my horror, Charlie chuckled. He then made a show of shifting uncomfortably on his own seat, groaning a little. ‘You know, Luke..’ he began, ‘I think I’m feeling a little tense as well…’
I looked up at him, feeling sick. He was looking at Luke almost expectantly. My face went from red to white in record time when I saw Luke’s amused expression, like he was considering a fun game we could play. Brett was staring hard at me from over Charlie’s shoulder.
The driver knocked. Luke pressed the button for the partition to come down once more.
‘We’re here.’ the driver said simply.
‘Oh, well…’ Charlie grinned, looking mock-bashful.
Luke laughed. ‘Maybe next time, Charlie.’
Brett and I exchanged a glance as worried allies for a brief second, before he went back to clearly hating me.