Married Bull – The Straight Fucker


A gay story: Married Bull – The Straight Fucker

“I just got here now.” Callum said to his wife who he was on the phone with, as he entered the hotel.

“Good, what are you doing tonight?” Karen asked him.

“Probably just have something to eat then go to bed, got to get up early for the meeting.” Callum replied, “I need to check in, can I give you a call back later?”

“Yeah, no problem, love you.” Karen said.

“Love you too.” Callum told her and then hung up the phone.

He grabbed his bag and walked to the reception of the hotel his company had put him up in for the next two nights. He had to go on a lot of meetings around the country and his work usually got him in fairly cheap hotels, but this one wasn’t too bad, at least it had a restaurant and a bar.

“Hi sir, checking in?” The pretty 20 something year old girl behind the reception asked.

“Yes, Callum Sheesby.” He replied to her.

“No problem,” She said and typed onto her computer, “Room 24.” She said and handed him a key.

“Thanks.” Callum said whilst looking at the young girl. She had a tight buttoned shirt on that slightly opened where her tits were and Callum had a little glance at her.

What I’d do to her, Callum thought to himself before making his way to his room.

When he got in, he threw his bag onto the double bed. It was a few hours drive from his house and he felt a little sweaty so he decided to have a shower before going to get some food.

As he stepped out of his clothes, he admired his own body in the mirror. Considering he was 46, Callum was in great shape. He went to the gym nearly every day which showed in his muscles. He was a hairy man, most of his body covered in hair that made him look like a bear.

He stood at 6 foot 4 and he knew he was a beast of a man.

I need to shave this, Callum thought as he looked at the scruff on his face.

His meeting tomorrow was an important one so he took the time to trim his beard and to shave his neck and cheeks to make him look presentable with smart stubble.

As the hot water from the shower hit his body, Callum’s hand instinctively went down to his rock hard, 7 inch cock. He had only just shaved the night before in preparation for his trip away.

Looking at that slutty looking receptionist had Callum horny as fuck, he closed his eyes as the water hit him and imagined the young woman on her knees choking on his thick cock.

As he wanked his hard cock, he felt himself getting closer and closer to cumming in the shower.

“Fuck this.” He grunted to himself and pulled his hand away.

Callum quickly washed his entire body and stepped out of the shower, using one of the rough towels from the hotel to dry himself.

Let’s see what’s happening in the restaurant, He thought to himself.

He put on a pair of blue jeans and a white t-shirt before making his way down.

“Hello sir.” The man at the entrance to the hotel restaurant said, dressed in the same uniform as the receptionist woman, but it didn’t nearly look as good on him.

“Hi, table for one please.” Callum said to him.

“Please come with me.” He said and Callum followed him through the fairly empty restaurant.

He looked around as he walked, spotting a few different men sat eating on their own. Callum goes away at least once a month for work and he has come to learn that hotels, like this one, are cheap and used a lot for other people working away.

“Here you go.” The waiter said and pulled out a chair, “Can I get you a drink?”

“Just a water please?” Callum asked.

“No problem.” The waiter replied and then walked away.

Callum kept looking around the restaurant at all the people, seeing if there was anyone he had met previously when he’s stayed here for work. Yet, to his disappointment there wasn’t anyone.

His hard cock was poking into his jeans and Callum had to move it to get more comfortable.

“Here you go.” The waiter said and put a glass of water down.

“Thank you, I’ll just have the steak please.” Callum told him.

“I’ll get that for you now.” He replied and walked off.

As Callum kept looking around, he saw one man that was occasionally glancing back at him. He did it on a few occasions and Callum gave him a smile when he eventually made eye contact.

This other man looked to be in his 30s, he had short brown hair, slim build and was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt as well.

From when Callum was young, he realised he had a skill. He could never explain how or why but he could always see when a straight man was curious. Something about the looks they gave to him, the way they held themselves, he could almost smell it from them.

Also, something Callum learnt when he was a younger man was that he found it incredibly easy to turn curious men.

Before he was married Callum classed himself as a bull. He was a dominant lover and lover to fuck both men and women. He was much more attracted to women, however turning a straight man gave him a sense of accomplishment.

He was into all sorts of sexual kinks, on a few occasions he actually fucked couples, both the man and the woman.

Then he had a one night stand with Karen and she wound up pregnant. Wanting to do the right thing he stayed with her and eventually proposed. Unfortunately, they lost the child but Callum felt like he couldn’t call things off.

Nearly 20 years later they were still married but in a pretty sexless marriage.

Callum justified fucking these supposed “straight” men as not cheating because they weren’t women. He had never gone near another girl since he got married, not that the temptation wasn’t there.

“Here you go sir.” The waiter said and put the steak down at his table.

“Thank you.” Callum replied and started to tuck in to his meal.

As he ate, he kept looking up at this short brown haired man who would keep glancing back at him.

That’s him, Callum thought to himself, making the decision that this man was his prey for the evening.

About half way through his steak, the short brown haired man walked away from his table and into the bar area.

Callum kept eating, the whole time trying to focus on getting his cock to go soft, but it was no luck.

After he finished, Callum paid his bill and then slowly walked into the bar and saw his prey. He was sitting in a booth on his own whilst drinking a soft drink.

“Water please?” Callum asked the barman who quickly brought it to him.

Callum had one more look at his prey and walked over.

“Here for work?” Callum asked as he stood over the man.

“Erm, yeah, you?” He replied.

Callum was used to nervousness from these soon to be gay boys, especially from Callum’s size.

“Mind if I sit with you? I hate sitting on my own.” Callum said, although he made sure to use a forceful, dominant tone to get it instilled early.

“Sure.” He replied with a smile.

Callum then surprised the man by sitting next to him in the booth rather than opposite him. Callum knew it was best to keep his prey on their toes, which made for an easier turn.

“I’m Callum, what’s your name?” Callum asked.

“Patrick.” He replied.

Callum reached out to shake his hand, another way to show his dominance was by taking a firm grip of this man’s smaller hand.


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