Complexities Pt. 03


A gay sex story: Complexities Pt. 03

Abel had told, or was it ordered, me to just dress comfortably for where we were going and to come down to the car at five, sharp. Walking out of my apartment building the luxury car stood out to me right away. Sleek, sporty, and dark green. From where I stood it looked to only have one row of seats. My eyes lit up as I saw what was essentially a Hot Wheels I could ride in. Maybe even drive one day.

The butterfly door came up on the driver’s side and there he was, Abel Lewis, getting out of the coolest car I had ever seen. He didn’t have a driver, he was personally in charge for the night. He looked and smelt delicious, he was just so cool as he got out and walked around to let me into the passenger side. Holding the door open for me. At least I knew how he treated my Liv. He wore a designer t-shirt, one that was so expensive it was almost ugly, and a pair of tight blue jeans that squeezed his buttocks, with these really unique looking sneakers. I had never seen anything like them, but I also was not the type that paid attention to fashion. At the moment, I was really admiring it.

The car was so lowered on the suspension that it practically touched the ground. I felt like I fell into it, rather than got into it. There was a knack, and I didn’t have it. I took in the butterfly door above me. “Wow… this is insane,” I said far too loudly as I tucked my legs into the car so he could bring the door down. Abel got into the other side of the car, pulling on his seatbelt as he chuckled a little, tutting at me.

“Think so? I wondered if it would be too much, but I figured you would like it,” he said as he started the space ship up and it came to life.

“I do like it. It’s fucking amazing!” I panted excitedly. I wanted to be sure he knew I was already enjoying myself. I realized that I didn’t want to be treated exactly as he did Liv. I wanted to have my own fling with the celeb. Abel was already showing he wanted to give that impression to me. The place he took me to was a restaurant, bar, and arcade with a bowling alley, driving range, and skating rink. It was insane and I was for sure a little worried about getting on a pair of skates after more than a decade and then adding any amount of alcohol. Worried… but not reluctant in the least.

Going in, he led me over to the restaurant area to have some warm up drinks and a little food first. We decided on two big appetizers to share instead of meals while starting off with a couple beers. I was not looking to get too drunk, but I knew it would be a good idea to loosen up a little before getting my ass delightfully pounded by Abel. I was seriously looking forward to it.

“I was thinking we could chill here for a while. I’m just having one drink till we go back to your place and we can… watch a movie or something,” Abel smirked, “I was thinking something scary so we can have a good reason to cuddle and get close.” He teased, making me roll my eyes. He really had a way of putting things.

“Sounds fine to me. I have an alcohol cabinet with new bottles and I have other skills, I just don’t know how to make a good coffee.” I smiled, tilting my head to the side as the waitress brought over our drinks. Did I just flutter my eyelids at Abel? It was obvious we were on a date by how close I was leaning into him at the small round table. Abel wasn’t exactly giving me my space either with how he was crowding me, sitting close instead of across opposite the table from me. I could feel his energy and smell his aftershave.

“Don’t have to sweet talk me so much,” he teased, “You’re already gonna get in my pants tonight. No need in impressing me further,” Abel gave me that award winning smile and I felt like I could melt on the spot. Instead I rolled my eyes and took a long drink from my bottle. My heart fluttered with excitement, at that moment my eyes drifted looking past him and at the entrance to the arcade area.

“Gonna win me something?” I asked, pointing over to it with the bottle.

“I’m gonna try. If I cannot then I will just buy it. Ever asked the price of prizes at these places? Fucking ridiculous,” Abel laughed, shaking his head. “I’ve done it though. Just because I could so I guess I’ll do that for my date too,”

“No way! I don’t want something overpriced. I want something you won for me with your many, many impressive skills,”

“So now I’m the one needing to impress you?”

“Weren’t you always?”

I had him there. In this relationship I held more power than I knew because it didn’t really feel that way. If Abel and Damian wanted to be with Liv, they knew they had to keep me happy and that went double for the older man sitting with me at the tall table. Now that he wanted both Liv and I.

Abel moved his arm to rest on the back of my chair comfortably, smiling his bright white teeth at me with a playful edge to it. “Guess you got me. Been trying to make sure to keep you interested since the day we met,” he admitted, “I am not all that into guys normally, but there is just something about you, Aaron. I really like you and I wanna see where things go.” His arm shifted from the back of the chair to against my back as I began to heat up from his words alone. The contact only made me flair more. “And it’s not just because you’re Liv’s boyfriend. It’s because I wanna see if we could all… have something. The three of us. You’re so open minded and sweet, it’s really inspiring to me on a level I didn’t realize existed.”

My heart was thumping hard in my chest and my head was already swimming with dopamine. “So because I let you fuck my girlfriend you also wanna fuck me?”

“It also helps that you have a really nice ass too,” Abel chuckled low as he leaned in. Soon pressing a gentle kiss to my cheek as the waitress came over with a plate of nachos and a variety of chicken wings. When she placed the steaming plates in front of us, my date pulled away a little so we had the space to eat and just chat. We talked about all kinds of things while we ate. Things like my job, the different streams, and events Abel had coming up, all the things we both wanted to do over the summer, but his plans were a lot bigger than mine.

“Was thinking about going to Japan this year. Wanna join me? You and Liv?” He asked, he was already calling her Liv… Livia was my Liv… I stared on, watching him wiping his mouth with a napkin as he finished eating and the last of his one beer while I was on my second. Thoughts of Japan swirled around my head, the pink blossoms on the trees, the high speed trains, it sounded fun.

“You really want to take us somewhere like that? How long would we need to be gone? I mean… I know we can’t really afford for both of us to be gone too long and not working. But I’m sure Liv would love to go with you,” I answered, not wanting to answer for her or make my love miss out on something so exciting. Even though I would love to get to go as well.

“I can make a lot of things happen, Aaron,” he said, now running his hand over my arm slowly. It was warm and strong, bigger than my own as it came down my wrist and covered mine. “More than you think. So, if you wanna go, you’re coming with me. No reason for you to miss out on something because of money when I am here. I take care of the people I care about as long as they respect me throughout,” he explained. “You and Liv are really starting to climb that list,”


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