Filthy Man with a Pure Heart

A gay story: Filthy Man with a Pure Heart This is a true story, with some details (like names) being changed. It is about how I met my partner and about our relationship, it is sort of a memoir for me and it will probably have more chapters than this one. It isn’t that much … Read more

Complexities Pt. 03

A gay sex story: Complexities Pt. 03 Abel had told, or was it ordered, me to just dress comfortably for where we were going and to come down to the car at five, sharp. Walking out of my apartment building the luxury car stood out to me right away. Sleek, sporty, and dark green. From … Read more

The Good Son Ch. 06

A gay sex stories: The Good Son Ch. 06 PERSONAL NOTE: Since my last post, I’ve reached 100 followers, so I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart. It means the world to me, honestly. Thank you for your constant support and constructive criticism. I usually let my … Read more

Am I just using him – chapter 4 by Stannie Stories

A gay adult stories: Am I just using him – chapter 4 by Stannie Stories , Hey guys, I hope you enjoy this story. Let me know what you think! Not much happens in this chapter, so stay tuned for the next one If you enjoy this story, please consider taking a look at my … Read more