The Good Son Ch. 06

A gay sex stories: The Good Son Ch. 06

PERSONAL NOTE: Since my last post, I’ve reached 100 followers, so I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart. It means the world to me, honestly. Thank you for your constant support and constructive criticism.

I usually let my work speak for itself. But I’ve been aware since I started sharing on Literotica that my stories and creative decisions might be considered niche and… polarizing within the genre. Nonetheless, I’ve always tried contributing to the site’s landscape with memorable, poignant pieces that would also feature some scorching sex scenes.

Every single character I’ve written is part of me. And they exist in my mind as real people. So saying goodbye to them is never easy. But I’ve always been committed to telling meaningful stories that will, hopefully, take people with me on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.

Although tragic, Elliot’s death serves the narrative and the characters’ evolution moving forward, which, at its core, was always meant to be about the relationship between a father and a son.

I understand that my work and choices aren’t for everyone. And I respect and accept some readers’ decision to walk away. But, I will stay true to my vision of the story I want to tell. Regardless, I encourage even the more skeptical to push through.

Because ALL of my stories have hope and a silver lining. Even if the road to get there is painful.

Once again, thank you for supporting me.

And I’ll see you in Chapter 7…hopefully.]

Chapter 6 – “The Father, The Son, And The Spirit”

[1 year later]

“Stop trying to read my mind, dude.” Elliot stated, annoyed.

“I’m not.” Gabriel replied, chuckling. “I’m just looking at you.” He explained.

“Liar, you’re doing that thing.” Elliot commented.

“I just…” Gabriel stuttered.

“Gabe…” Elliot uttered, his blue eyes looking down on his friend.

“Why did you leave me?” Gabriel whispered, his voice becoming faint, weak. Elliot paused, his raven curls tumbling over Gabriel’s face. He smiled and kissed his best friend’s lips momentarily before pulling away.

“Hey Scarface, wake the fuck up.” Elliot’s voice whispered as a white light engulfed them both.

Gabriel’s body shot from the bed, his now grown hair bouncing forward, sweat drops shooting from it, his breath blasting, and his heart pounding ferociously.

“Fuck.” Gabriel groaned, his voice cracking. A hand came from behind him and landed gently on his shoulder.

“You were crying again.” Nathan stated, sitting on the bed, his left hand turning on the small lamp on their bedside table. “Do you have your water?” He asked.

“Yeah.” Gabriel replied, looking to his right, grabbing the bottle, and chugging it down his throat. He sat there, holding the small bottle between his legs, his eyes locked on the wall before them. They were vacant, lifeless. All the light that once roamed inside them was gone. “What time is it?” He questioned.

“Still early. Come here.” Nathan said, forcing Gabriel down back on the bed.

“I’m fine.” Gabriel stated, pulling himself up again.

“C’mon…let me make you feel better.” Nathan whispered, kissing his neck.

Suddenly, Gabriel’s arm lunged back and pushed Nathan violently.

“Don’t fucking touch me!” He hollered, his voice forceful and threatening. He immediately halted, conscious of his reaction. He looked back to find Nathan staring back at him, scared. “I’m sorry.” He apologized. “Get some sleep.” He suggested, rolling his legs to the side, getting up, and walking out of the bedroom as he closed the door behind him.

Gabriel and Nathan had been dating for a few months now. They shared a small apartment near Nathan’s college. Nathan suggested that Gabriel move in, following his progressively destructive behavior. The truth was Gabriel was a changed person. Elliot’s passing had impaired his soul irrevocably, it seemed. The once gentle, tender, vibrant, and luminous being had been replaced by a cold, silent, and uneasy person, deeply damaged by his loss. Following Elliot’s death, Gabriel eventually dropped out of college, unable to focus on his studies. Instead, he spent his days lying around the couch, smoking weed and waiting for Nathan to return from class. He eventually got a job at a local movie theatre, a crappy paycheck, enough to assist with the bills around the house.

Gabriel became a functioning mess. His body kept going, but his mind became stuck on the past, lingering on that fateful day when the police knocked on his father’s door. To this day, Gabriel would still wake in the middle of the night, startled by the sound of his father’s mournful cry.

Gabriel and Jonathan had only spoken a few times since then. Once Gabriel left for college, they became estranged. The tragedy took a toll on their bond, and Nathan had, on several occasions, tried to have Gabriel open up about the reasoning behind their fallout. But Gabriel’s mind was detached and often beyond reach. Instead, he would ignore the issue or act defensively, unleashing his increasingly uncharacteristic violent behavior on people. Where love and adoration for his father once resided, rage now lived, poisoning Gabriel’s heart. And their bond seemed certainly lost, making Gabriel’s source of pain twofold. Now, he grieved the loss of two people in his life.

He wandered in the dark around the small apartment, naked, his body only lit by the small streaks of moonlight creeping inside through the blinds. Despite him still being a beautiful young man, his body looked enfeebled. His back slanted forward, and his eyes were always puffy as he would either cry himself to sleep or wake up screaming most nights. Finally, Gabriel sat on the couch before a hardwood coffee table and opened a small box, taking a joint from inside and lighting it. He reclined back and puffed, the smoke loading the space around him. He tilted his head back and stared vacantly at the ceiling.

“If you ever leave me, I’ll kill you.” Gabriel’s memory echoed as Elliot’s blue eyes beamed back at him.

“Traitor…” Gabriel whispered aloud, taking the joint to his lips again and finally closing his eyes.

Later that day, Gabriel reluctantly left the house, strolling through their neighborhood after promising Nathan he would meet up with him and some of their friends for drinks after work. Nathan was always actively trying to get him to leave the house, so whenever Gabriel showered and put on some clean clothes would be considered a successful day in their household. He strode down the street, eventually reaching the busy part of town where all the pubs and restaurants lined up. Gabriel and Nathan always dined at the same place, an Italian restaurant owned by one of their friend’s parents. They’d sit amongst a large, intimate group of friends and get drunk before finally heading into their usual pub just three streets down.

Their usual table was established there, and nobody would now dare sit on it until they arrived. They walked down the steps to the pub and sat at the round booth, gradually filling the space as they squeezed inside. Gabriel always sat at the edge since he enjoyed the freedom to come and go as he pleased. They ordered the drinks and resumed chatting, laughing, and cracking jokes. For Gabriel, social gatherings had become taxing, having to sit there faking some enjoyment on his part, which couldn’t be further from the truth. As he gazed at all those young people around him, he couldn’t help but feel nauseated at the shallowness and emptiness of their conversations. Even from an academic standpoint, they seemed void of any real sense of identity or structure. At times, Gabriel would stare at Nathan’s friends and wonder if he was ever like that himself.

“Babe…BABE!” Nathan hollered from the other end of the booth. “Can you get some crackers from the bar?” He asked, snapping Gabriel out of his stupor.

“Sure.” Gabriel replied with an unbothered demeanor as he sluggishly squeezed out of his seat.

He walked to the bar and leaned over it, his ass sticking out. Despite his demeanor, Gabriel was still breathtakingly beautiful. And the fact that every guy and woman at the pub had their eyes on him as he walked up to the counter was proof of that. The bartender was busy, so it may have been a few minutes before he approached Gabriel. During that time, he noticed a cute guy checking him out. He sat on the far end of the bar, near the bathrooms.

“Hey, handsome.” The cute bartender uttered as he finally got around to Gabriel.

“Hey.” Gabriel replied with an alluring smile as he continued to side-eye the guy in the corner.

“I missed you the other night…” The bartender said with an eager tone. Gabriel chuckled, his eyes off to the side.

“Pass those honey-layered peanuts.” He said. The bartender stretched his arm backward and slid a small plastic basket over the counter but kept his hand on it. When Gabriel went to grab it, the guy slid his fingers over his hand. “The bathroom. Five minutes.” Gabriel whispered, his voice husky and lustful. He turned around and walked over to Nathan.

“My favorites. Thanks, babe!” Nathan said, pulling Gabriel’s shirt and kissing him.

“I gotta piss. I’ll be right back.” Gabriel informed, winking as he stepped away. Nathan frowned at him as he walked off, eventually swerving over to the table and resuming his chat.

Gabriel crossed the room, the sound of the band playing live at the pub’s small stage filling up the room. He locked eyes with the cute guy in the corner as he approached the bathroom.

“Follow me.” He uttered as he passed by him, flaring the bathroom door open, where the bartender was already waiting.

“I’ve got five minutes.” He declared.

“We’ve done it before.” Gabriel replied, already unbuckling his belt and pulling his zipper down as he grabbed the bartender’s shirt and pushed him inside one of the stools. He reached inside his pants and pulled his cock out.

“You’re so fucking sexy, Gabriel.” The guy moaned before his mouth dipped inside Gabriel’s throbbing shaft.

“Shut the fuck up and suck that dick…” Gabriel groaned, squinting as if he were trying to remember something.


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