Vortex Quest Bk. 01 Ch. 12


A gay sex stories: Vortex Quest Bk. 01 Ch. 12 == VORTEX QUEST 1-12 ==


Moving through the ceiling’s crawlway wasn’t too different but anytime the rock gave way to the outside, Xane got a dizzying dose of height.

A lake shone several skyscraper’s worth below them. They were above a maelstrom, a swirling maw where all the ectoplasm coming in was flushed back into the underground.

Luckily, Xane didn’t see much of the outside, or even the crawlway. Chay was trying a new method of travel — by cloud. Kidnapping a Kobold anytime they wanted to go somewhere wasn’t going to cut it.

A ring of black fog with threatening tendrils surrounded the pantheon, obscuring the men. Apparently this looked like a Cinereant — a creature most abyss dwellers avoided angering. One so rare Chay hadn’t been able to figure out what exactly it looked like, but most people probably didn’t either.

If a passer-by stared for too long, Xane added slow rumbling thunder or creeping rainbow lightning.

He was having fun. In fact, he felt better than he had all day. That his sore, tender hole was responsible went unmentioned.

Chay dismissed the cloud and Xane readied his three motes, torn from pleasurable thoughts.

They walked over a suspension bridge of bone and chain, adorned with rock skulls. Below then was a flock of Cranio-Jellon — massive airborne jellyfish-like things. Their heads were gnarled brains the size of a house, trailed by tentacles as long as a train.

“Nobody nearby,” Chay said and Xane relaxed.

Fno’Xhaan’s overcastle was ahead, a small, upside-down mountain, with platforms and windows, some closed off with stained glass.

“What’s the plan boss?” Xane asked, glancing into his fundoshi pouch where a nub shone gently. “The bitch is home.”

“Two prong. I see two obvious entrances and I think we should take both — meet at the throne room and take Fno by surprise. Yes, yes, I know, splitting up sounds like a terrible idea but the risk of detection is greater wh- Incoming! Look slave-y.”

Xane stepped in front of Goro and tried to look catatonic. His big, beefy, ever stone-faced friend had an easy time with that. Xane gave himself illusory baldness, matching his now smooth-headed gym buddy, and a drooping dick instead of his white thong.

A flock of Aeobolds landed up ahead and continued on foot. The Kobolds were the same man-sized reptiles the pantheon already knew but with wing-skin running between their four arms to allow flight. The ceiling was a different ecosystem.

The Aeobolds slipped into a chute without going near the pantheon.

“So,” Marcus said as the danger passed. “Who goes in what hole?”


Xane didn’t like abandoning two team members but he had to admit, he and Chay made a perfect infiltration unit.

They’d hopped in through an opening that lead into a rough stone corridor where bulky steampunk machines hummed, heating the air, powered by a massive garnet suspended in a tangle of wires.

Chay could become invisible in a light layer of his own fog. Xane didn’t but the mist served to obscure him still.

The thaum-mage clicked the door’s lock open with swipe. Luckily the locks here were so simple he only needed his mage-hand to pick them.

The antechamber was lit by a single tiki-torch. Five kneeling men were chained to the wall by the wrist. All physically fit and middle aged at most, no hair on their head older than a week, naked.

Four of them barely registered the demigod duo’s presence but one jolted and asked “Who are you? Where did you come from?”

He’d asked in… Javanese? Then tried again in broken English. Xane still felt creeped out be hearing humans in the abyss speak earthly tongues.

Chay only made a ‘silence’ gesture. The duo continued into the corridor.

“Fuck,” Chay whispered. “I don’t like it when they’re… conscious.”

“Bro, I was just thinking that. I got chills.” Xane shone a searchlight from his palm across the empty walls.

“Man, there wasn’t really anything they could do for these people but I’d love to start a slave revolt. I guess the Wretchers would just collect them, though.”

“Feel like this should’ve been in the briefing,” Xane mumbled. “And you books don’t say anything?”

“Haven’t had much time to read. They had lines around the neck, though, so they can be beheaded at a thought.”

“But if Dle’Shuul can free us from what’s essentially the same curse…”

Chay nodded. “Maybe we- *Cover*.”

They pressed themselves into the wall and crouched down. Xane drew Chay into a loose hug, ignoring the erotic charge of touching perfectly smooth skin, and covered them with an illusory outcropping.

Footsteps passed, clanking with bones and chains. The light tapping of Gnome feet followed.

Their aegises had gotten bright enough to cast their radiance through the white fabric. Chay let darkness pour from his hands. Black clouds covered the glow of their crotches like censor-marks.

“Hm,” Chay made and rose through the illusion once it was safe. “I wonder if the Gnome tunnels are big enough for us here, too. Keep going.”


Goro had an inkling that Chay thought he and Marcus matched well, being on opposite sides of the patience spectrum. He held off on judgement.

By the time Goro had bent the iron bars out of shape, Marcus had stuck a few fingers in his own ass.

“Do you have to do that now?” Goro asked.

Marcus shrugged with the shoulder not used for anal masturbation. “It’s starting to feel *real* good, man.”

Goro slipped into the overcastle first. He entered a dim corridor, lined with cells the size of toilet stalls. About half held a male human, a few held more. The densest held five, unable to even sit down. The cells were labeled with the names of Kobold clans and Greenskin tribes.

“Guess Wretchers don’t do delivery with their catches,” Marcus said, the free hand on Goro’s shoulder. “Wonder how long slaves have to wait before they get claimed.”

Goro had no answer so he didn’t respond. Their instructions amounted to ‘beat shit up until you’re in the throne room’, just with a lot more nuance and contingencies.

“Sucks we don’t have time to ride human dick, huh?” Marcus said and slapped the mania-warrior’s ass. “Not that I’d get a lot out of it. Maybe we can chat up a Drake. Up for it?”

Goro had nothing to say to that but realized Marcus wasn’t going to shut up unless redirected.

“We should go. The others rely on us.”

“Sure, big guy. Or am I supposed to say ‘yes sir’? I can keep the sarcasm on the inside. Military brat. Hey, you seem like the kind of guy who’d think about joining.”

Goro walked past a cell with a black guy praying in Arabic. He could do nothing for him so he banished the sight from his mind.

The berserker pulled the chamber’s door open, breaking the lock.

A Hellion and an Aeobold were chatting ten feet ahead in the corridor. Goro pushed himself off the ground and rushed in, the feeling of warm air on his shaved head unfamiliar but invigorating.

He rammed his elbow down on the Hellion’s skullhead before the guard had a chance to put his helmet back on. It wasn’t enough to kill the creature even though the skull cracked.


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